7 resultados para Lindahl-Raittila, Iris
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
The use of iris recognition for human authentication has been spreading in the past years. Daugman has proposed a method for iris recognition, composed by four stages: segmentation, normalization, feature extraction, and matching. In this paper we propose some modifications and extensions to Daugman's method to cope with noisy images. These modifications are proposed after a study of images of CASIA and UBIRIS databases. The major modification is on the computationally demanding segmentation stage, for which we propose a faster and equally accurate template matching approach. The extensions on the algorithm address the important issue of pre-processing that depends on the image database, being mandatory when we have a non infra-red camera, like a typical WebCam. For this scenario, we propose methods for reflection removal and pupil enhancement and isolation. The tests, carried out by our C# application on grayscale CASIA and UBIRIS images show that the template matching segmentation method is more accurate and faster than the previous one, for noisy images. The proposed algorithms are found to be efficient and necessary when we deal with non infra-red images and non uniform illumination.
Seismic recordings of IRIS/IDA/GSN station CMLA and of several temporary stations in the Azores archipelago are processed with P and S receiver function (PRF and SRF) techniques. Contrary to regional seismic tomography these methods provide estimates of the absolute velocities and of the Vp/Vs ratio up to a depth of similar to 300 km. Joint inversion of PRFs and SRFs for a few data sets consistently reveals a division of the subsurface medium into four zones with a distinctly different Vp/Vs ratio: the crust similar to 20 km thick with a ratio of similar to 1.9 in the lower crust, the high-Vs mantle lid with a strongly reduced VpNs velocity ratio relative to the standard 1.8, the low-velocity zone (LVZ) with a velocity ratio of similar to 2.0, and the underlying upper-mantle layer with a standard velocity ratio. Our estimates of crustal thickness greatly exceed previous estimates (similar to 10 km). The base of the high-Vs lid (the Gutenberg discontinuity) is at a depth of-SO km. The LVZ with a reduction of S velocity of similar to 15% relative to the standard (IASP91) model is terminated at a depth of similar to 200 km. The average thickness of the mantle transition zone (TZ) is evaluated from the time difference between the S410p and SKS660p, seismic phases that are robustly detected in the S and SKS receiver functions. This thickness is practically similar to the standard IASP91 value of 250 km. and is characteristic of a large region of the North Atlantic outside the Azores plateau. Our data are indicative of a reduction of the S-wave velocity of several percent relative to the standard velocity in a depth interval from 460 to 500 km. This reduction is found in the nearest vicinities of the Azores, in the region sampled by the PRFs, but, as evidenced by SRFs, it is missing at a distance of a few hundred kilometers from the islands. We speculate that this anomaly may correspond to the source of a plume which generated the Azores hotspot. Previously, a low S velocity in this depth range was found with SRF techniques beneath a few other hotspots.
Esta investigação teve como finalidade averiguar se o conjunto de atividades desenvolvidas com o intuito de promover o pensamento crítico, construído de acordo com a taxonomia proposta por Ennis (1985, 1987), pode constituir uma metodologia adequada para se desenvolver este mesmo tipo de pensamento nos alunos. O modelo de investigação é de caráter predominantemente quantitativo, recorrendo a algumas técnicas de análise de dados de natureza qualitativa, envolvendo alunos do 5.º ano de escolaridade em contexto de sala de aula. O grupo experimental (n=19) foi sujeito à implementação de atividades expressamente desenvolvidas para este estudo, as quais se inserem no âmbito da temática ―Importância da água para os seres vivos. Com igual durabilidade, no grupo de controlo (n=19) os conteúdos programáticos foram abordados recorrendo somente ao manual adotado na escola que, após a sua avaliação, se considerou não promover o pensamento crítico. O Teste de Pensamento Crítico de Cornell (Nível X) foi aplicado a ambos os grupos em dois momentos distintos, pré-teste e pós-teste, para medir o nível e os aspetos do pensamento crítico dos sujeitos da amostra. Considerou-se relevante a realização de observações guiadas e orientadas por grelhas de observação não exaustivas para verificação do desempenho dos alunos, durante a implementação das atividades. Após a aplicação do conjunto de atividades promotoras de pensamento crítico ao grupo experimental foi aplicado um questionário de avaliação das mesmas. As atividades desenvolvidas a partir da taxonomia de Ennis promoveram capacidades de pensamento crítico nos alunos, uma vez que, partindo de uma situação inicial semelhante entre os grupos experimental e de controlo, se verificaram para o grupo experimental ganhos estatisticamente significativos do pré-teste para o pós-teste no nível e nos aspetos de pensamento crítico analisados, não se tendo verificado o mesmo para o grupo de controlo. As atividades promotoras de pensamento crítico revelaram-se assim uma metodologia eficaz no desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico dos alunos, pelo que importa estimular a sua inclusão na prática pedagógica dos docentes
Thesis submitted in the fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master in Electronic and Telecomunications Engineering
Radio frequency (RF) energy harvesting is an emerging technology that will enable to drive the next generation of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) without the need of using batteries. In this paper, we present RF energy harvesting circuits specifically developed for GSM bands (900/1800) and a wearable dual-band antenna suitable for possible implementation within clothes for body worn applications. Besides, we address the development and experimental characterization of three different prototypes of a five-stage Dickson voltage multiplier (with match impedance circuit) responsible for harvesting the RF energy. Different printed circuit board (PCB) fabrication techniques to produce the prototypes result in different values of conversion efficiency. Therefore, we conclude that if the PCB fabrication is achieved by means of a rigorous control in the photo-positive method and chemical bath procedure applied to the PCB it allows for attaining better values for the conversion efficiency. All three prototypes (1, 2 and 3) can power supply the IRIS sensor node for RF received powers of -4 dBm, -6 dBm and -5 dBm, and conversion efficiencies of 20, 32 and 26%, respectively. © 2014 IEEE.
In research on Silent Speech Interfaces (SSI), different sources of information (modalities) have been combined, aiming at obtaining better performance than the individual modalities. However, when combining these modalities, the dimensionality of the feature space rapidly increases, yielding the well-known "curse of dimensionality". As a consequence, in order to extract useful information from this data, one has to resort to feature selection (FS) techniques to lower the dimensionality of the learning space. In this paper, we assess the impact of FS techniques for silent speech data, in a dataset with 4 non-invasive and promising modalities, namely: video, depth, ultrasonic Doppler sensing, and surface electromyography. We consider two supervised (mutual information and Fisher's ratio) and two unsupervised (meanmedian and arithmetic mean geometric mean) FS filters. The evaluation was made by assessing the classification accuracy (word recognition error) of three well-known classifiers (knearest neighbors, support vector machines, and dynamic time warping). The key results of this study show that both unsupervised and supervised FS techniques improve on the classification accuracy on both individual and combined modalities. For instance, on the video component, we attain relative performance gains of 36.2% in error rates. FS is also useful as pre-processing for feature fusion. Copyright © 2014 ISCA.
This work studies the effect of incorporating fine recycled aggregates on the rheology of self-compacting concrete over time (at 15,45 and 90 min). The fine fraction of the natural aggregates was replaced at 0%, 20%, 50% and 100% with recycled sand. The fresh-state properties were studied by empirical tests (slump-flow, J-Ring, L-Box) and fundamental ones in an ICAR rheometer. The mixes with 50% and 100% recycled sand lost their SCC characteristics at 90 min. Contrarily the mix with 20% replacement maintained suitable passing and filling ability. The causes of this trend were an initial increase of plastic viscosity and afterwards an increase of yield stress. The compressive strength of the 50% and 100% replacement mixes decreased significantly and that of the 20% replacement mix less than 10%. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.