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em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
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O estudo caso apresentado neste artigo aborda a colaboração entre profissionais de múltiplas áreas disciplinares. Este estudo descreve como foi realizada a parceria entre a equipa de enfermagem e a equipa de psicologia clinica nas visitas domiciliárias com familias em risco. Igualmente, discute as dificuldades enfrentadas quando os profissionais não partilhavam os mesmos modelos de praticas colaborativas.
Purpose - The education and training of a nuclear medicine technologist (NMT) is not homogeneous among European countries, which leads to different scope of practices and, therefore, different technical skills are assigned. The goal of this research was to characterize the education and training of NMT in Europe. Materials and methods - This study was based on a literature research to characterize the education and training of NMT and support the historical evolution of this profession. It was divided into two different phases: the first phase included analysis of scientific articles and the second phase included research of curricula that allow health professionals to work as NMT in Europe. Results - The majority of the countries [N=31 (89%)] offer the NMT curriculum integrated into the high education system and only in four (11%) countries the education is provided by professional schools. The duration in each education system is not equal, varying in professional schools (2-3 years) and high education level system (2-4 years), which means that different European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, such as 240, 230, 222, 210 or 180 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, are attributed to the graduates. The professional title and scope of the practice of NMT are different in different countries in Europe. In most countries of Europe, nuclear medicine training is not specific and curriculum does not demonstrate the Nuclear Medicine competencies performed in clinical practice. Conclusion - The heterogeneity in education and training for NMT is an issue prevalent among European countries. For NMT professional development, there is a huge need to formalize and unify educational and training programmes in Europe.
The career of prosthetics and orthotics in Portugal have a recent formative path: need to investigate the employability and employment of the graduates in Prosthetic and Orthotics (P&O) in ESTeSL between the academic years of 2004/05 and 2012/13; approaching to socio-demographic data and also academic and professional path. The questionnaire was applied to the P&O professional population graduated in ESTeSL. The results had been important to observe the future perspectives trends for the profession.
Desde 1935 que tem sido demonstrada a relação entre a execução de um trabalho de perto prolongado e o aparecimento de queixas visuais astenópicas. Anomalias da VB encontram-se significativamente aumentadas ao fim de um dia de trabalho com fixação de perto. Diminuição significativa da amplitude de acomodação e convergência depois de quatro dias a realizar uma atividade de perto. Objectivo geral: avaliar o estado da visão binocular dos profissionais de Anatomia Patológica utilizadores de microscópio ótico. Objectivos específicos: identificar as queixas astenópicas mais frequentes dos profissionais durante o trabalho com o microscópio ótico; comparar o estado da VB no início e no final de uma semana de trabalho; correlacionar o estado da VB com as queixas astenópicas sentidas pelos profissionais; correlacionar as queixas astenópicas com as horas e o número de anos de trabalho com o microscópio.