34 resultados para Label-free techniques

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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Human mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) have received considerable attention in the field of cell-based therapies due to their high differentiation potential and ability to modulate immune responses. However, since these cells can only be isolated in very low quantities, successful realization of these therapies requires MSCs ex-vivo expansion to achieve relevant cell doses. The metabolic activity is one of the parameters often monitored during MSCs cultivation by using expensive multi-analytical methods, some of them time-consuming. The present work evaluates the use of mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy, through rapid and economic high-throughput analyses associated to multivariate data analysis, to monitor three different MSCs cultivation runs conducted in spinner flasks, under xeno-free culture conditions, which differ in the type of microcarriers used and the culture feeding strategy applied. After evaluating diverse spectral preprocessing techniques, the optimized partial least square (PLS) regression models based on the MIR spectra to estimate the glucose, lactate and ammonia concentrations yielded high coefficients of determination (R2 ≥ 0.98, ≥0.98, and ≥0.94, respectively) and low prediction errors (RMSECV ≤ 4.7%, ≤4.4% and ≤5.7%, respectively). Besides PLS models valid for specific expansion protocols, a robust model simultaneously valid for the three processes was also built for predicting glucose, lactate and ammonia, yielding a R2 of 0.95, 0.97 and 0.86, and a RMSECV of 0.33, 0.57, and 0.09 mM, respectively. Therefore, MIR spectroscopy combined with multivariate data analysis represents a promising tool for both optimization and control of MSCs expansion processes.


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Micronuclei (MN) in exfoliated epithelial cells are widely used as biomarkers of cancer risk in humans. MN are classified as biomarkers of the break age and loss of chromosomes. They are small, extra nuclear bodies that arise in dividing cells from centric chromosome/chromatid fragments or whole chromosomes/chromatids that lag behind in anaphase and are not included in the daughter nuclei in telophase. Buccal mucosa cells have been used in biomonitoring exposed populations because these cells are in the direct route of exposure to ingested pollutant, are capable of metabolizing proximate carcinogens to reactive chemicals, and are easily and rapidly collected by brushing the buccal mucosa. The objective of the present study was to further investigate if, and to what extent, different stains have an effect on the results of micronuclei studies in exfoliated cells. These techniques are: Papanicolaou (PAP), Modified Papanicolaou, May-Grünwald Giemsa (MGG), Giemsa, Harris’s Hematoxylin, Feulgen with Fast Green counterstain and Feulgen without counterstain.


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Storm- and tsunami-deposits are generated by similar depositional mechanisms making their discrimination hard to establish using classic sedimentologic methods. Here we propose an original approach to identify tsunami-induced deposits by combining numerical simulation and rock magnetism. To test our method, we investigate the tsunami deposit of the Boca do Rio estuary generated by the 1755 earthquake in Lisbon which is well described in the literature. We first test the 1755 tsunami scenario using a numerical inundation model to provide physical parameters for the tsunami wave. Then we use concentration (MS. SIRM) and grain size (chi(ARM), ARM, B1/2, ARM/SIRM) sensitive magnetic proxies coupled with SEM microscopy to unravel the magnetic mineralogy of the tsunami-induced deposit and its associated depositional mechanisms. In order to study the connection between the tsunami deposit and the different sedimentologic units present in the estuary, magnetic data were processed by multivariate statistical analyses. Our numerical simulation show a large inundation of the estuary with flow depths varying from 0.5 to 6 m and run up of similar to 7 m. Magnetic data show a dominance of paramagnetic minerals (quartz) mixed with lesser amount of ferromagnetic minerals, namely titanomagnetite and titanohematite both of a detrital origin and reworked from the underlying units. Multivariate statistical analyses indicate a better connection between the tsunami-induced deposit and a mixture of Units C and D. All these results point to a scenario where the energy released by the tsunami wave was strong enough to overtop and erode important amount of sand from the littoral dune and mixed it with reworked materials from underlying layers at least 1 m in depth. The method tested here represents an original and promising tool to identify tsunami-induced deposits in similar embayed beach environments.


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We characterize the elastic contribution to the surface free energy of a nematic liquid crystal in the presence of a sawtooth substrate. Our findings are based on numerical minimization of the Landau-de Gennes model and analytical calculations on the Frank-Oseen theory. The nucleation of disclination lines (characterized by non-half-integer winding numbers) in the wedges and apexes of the substrate induces a leading order proportional to q ln q to the elastic contribution to the surface free-energy density, with q being the wave number associated with the substrate periodicity.


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A organização automática de mensagens de correio electrónico é um desafio actual na área da aprendizagem automática. O número excessivo de mensagens afecta cada vez mais utilizadores, especialmente os que usam o correio electrónico como ferramenta de comunicação e trabalho. Esta tese aborda o problema da organização automática de mensagens de correio electrónico propondo uma solução que tem como objectivo a etiquetagem automática de mensagens. A etiquetagem automática é feita com recurso às pastas de correio electrónico anteriormente criadas pelos utilizadores, tratando-as como etiquetas, e à sugestão de múltiplas etiquetas para cada mensagem (top-N). São estudadas várias técnicas de aprendizagem e os vários campos que compõe uma mensagem de correio electrónico são analisados de forma a determinar a sua adequação como elementos de classificação. O foco deste trabalho recai sobre os campos textuais (o assunto e o corpo das mensagens), estudando-se diferentes formas de representação, selecção de características e algoritmos de classificação. É ainda efectuada a avaliação dos campos de participantes através de algoritmos de classificação que os representam usando o modelo vectorial ou como um grafo. Os vários campos são combinados para classificação utilizando a técnica de combinação de classificadores Votação por Maioria. Os testes são efectuados com um subconjunto de mensagens de correio electrónico da Enron e um conjunto de dados privados disponibilizados pelo Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC). Estes conjuntos são analisados de forma a perceber as características dos dados. A avaliação do sistema é realizada através da percentagem de acerto dos classificadores. Os resultados obtidos apresentam melhorias significativas em comparação com os trabalhos relacionados.


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Storm- and tsunami-deposits are generated by similar depositional mechanisms making their discrimination hard to establish using classic sedimentologic methods. Here we propose an original approach to identify tsunami-induced deposits by combining numerical simulation and rock magnetism. To test our method, we investigate the tsunami deposit of the Boca do Rio estuary generated by the 1755 earthquake in Lisbon which is well described in the literature. We first test the 1755 tsunami scenario using a numerical inundation model to provide physical parameters for the tsunami wave. Then we use concentration (MS. SIRM) and grain size (chi(ARM), ARM, B1/2, ARM/SIRM) sensitive magnetic proxies coupled with SEM microscopy to unravel the magnetic mineralogy of the tsunami-induced deposit and its associated depositional mechanisms. In order to study the connection between the tsunami deposit and the different sedimentologic units present in the estuary, magnetic data were processed by multivariate statistical analyses. Our numerical simulation show a large inundation of the estuary with flow depths varying from 0.5 to 6 m and run up of similar to 7 m. Magnetic data show a dominance of paramagnetic minerals (quartz) mixed with lesser amount of ferromagnetic minerals, namely titanomagnetite and titanohematite both of a detrital origin and reworked from the underlying units. Multivariate statistical analyses indicate a better connection between the tsunami-induced deposit and a mixture of Units C and D. All these results point to a scenario where the energy released by the tsunami wave was strong enough to overtop and erode important amount of sand from the littoral dune and mixed it with reworked materials from underlying layers at least 1 m in depth. The method tested here represents an original and promising tool to identify tsunami-induced deposits in similar embayed beach environments.


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Recently, several distributed video coding (DVC) solutions based on the distributed source coding (DSC) paradigm have appeared in the literature. Wyner-Ziv (WZ) video coding, a particular case of DVC where side information is made available at the decoder, enable to achieve a flexible distribution of the computational complexity between the encoder and decoder, promising to fulfill novel requirements from applications such as video surveillance, sensor networks and mobile camera phones. The quality of the side information at the decoder has a critical role in determining the WZ video coding rate-distortion (RD) performance, notably to raise it to a level as close as possible to the RD performance of standard predictive video coding schemes. Towards this target, efficient motion search algorithms for powerful frame interpolation are much needed at the decoder. In this paper, the RD performance of a Wyner-Ziv video codec is improved by using novel, advanced motion compensated frame interpolation techniques to generate the side information. The development of these type of side information estimators is a difficult problem in WZ video coding, especially because the decoder only has available some reference, decoded frames. Based on the regularization of the motion field, novel side information creation techniques are proposed in this paper along with a new frame interpolation framework able to generate higher quality side information at the decoder. To illustrate the RD performance improvements, this novel side information creation framework has been integrated in a transform domain turbo coding based Wyner-Ziv video codec. Experimental results show that the novel side information creation solution leads to better RD performance than available state-of-the-art side information estimators, with improvements up to 2 dB: moreover, it allows outperforming H.264/AVC Intra by up to 3 dB with a lower encoding complexity.


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Recent literature has proved that many classical pricing models (Black and Scholes, Heston, etc.) and risk measures (V aR, CV aR, etc.) may lead to “pathological meaningless situations”, since traders can build sequences of portfolios whose risk leveltends to −infinity and whose expected return tends to +infinity, i.e., (risk = −infinity, return = +infinity). Such a sequence of strategies may be called “good deal”. This paper focuses on the risk measures V aR and CV aR and analyzes this caveat in a discrete time complete pricing model. Under quite general conditions the explicit expression of a good deal is given, and its sensitivity with respect to some possible measurement errors is provided too. We point out that a critical property is the absence of short sales. In such a case we first construct a “shadow riskless asset” (SRA) without short sales and then the good deal is given by borrowing more and more money so as to invest in the SRA. It is also shown that the SRA is interested by itself, even if there are short selling restrictions.


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We have performed Surface Evolver simulations of two-dimensional hexagonal bubble clusters consisting of a central bubble of area lambda surrounded by s shells or layers of bubbles of unit area. Clusters of up to twenty layers have been simulated, with lambda varying between 0.01 and 100. In monodisperse clusters (i.e., for lambda = 1) [M.A. Fortes, F Morgan, M. Fatima Vaz, Philos. Mag. Lett. 87 (2007) 561] both the average pressure of the entire Cluster and the pressure in the central bubble are decreasing functions of s and approach 0.9306 for very large s, which is the pressure in a bubble of an infinite monodisperse honeycomb foam. Here we address the effect of changing the central bubble area lambda. For small lambda the pressure in the central bubble and the average pressure were both found to decrease with s, as in monodisperse clusters. However, for large,, the pressure in the central bubble and the average pressure increase with s. The average pressure of large clusters was found to be independent of lambda and to approach 0.9306 asymptotically. We have also determined the cluster surface energies given by the equation of equilibrium for the total energy in terms of the area and the pressure in each bubble. When the pressures in the bubbles are not available, an approximate equation derived by Vaz et al. [M. Fatima Vaz, M.A. Fortes, F. Graner, Philos. Mag. Lett. 82 (2002) 575] was shown to provide good estimations for the cluster energy provided the bubble area distribution is narrow. This approach does not take cluster topology into account. Using this approximate equation, we find a good correlation between Surface Evolver Simulations and the estimated Values of energies and pressures. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In practical applications of optimization it is common to have several conflicting objective functions to optimize. Frequently, these functions are subject to noise or can be of black-box type, preventing the use of derivative-based techniques. We propose a novel multiobjective derivative-free methodology, calling it direct multisearch (DMS), which does not aggregate any of the objective functions. Our framework is inspired by the search/poll paradigm of direct-search methods of directional type and uses the concept of Pareto dominance to maintain a list of nondominated points (from which the new iterates or poll centers are chosen). The aim of our method is to generate as many points in the Pareto front as possible from the polling procedure itself, while keeping the whole framework general enough to accommodate other disseminating strategies, in particular, when using the (here also) optional search step. DMS generalizes to multiobjective optimization (MOO) all direct-search methods of directional type. We prove under the common assumptions used in direct search for single objective optimization that at least one limit point of the sequence of iterates generated by DMS lies in (a stationary form of) the Pareto front. However, extensive computational experience has shown that our methodology has an impressive capability of generating the whole Pareto front, even without using a search step. Two by-products of this paper are (i) the development of a collection of test problems for MOO and (ii) the extension of performance and data profiles to MOO, allowing a comparison of several solvers on a large set of test problems, in terms of their efficiency and robustness to determine Pareto fronts.


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A utilização de equipamentos de climatização é cada vez mais frequente, e surgem novas tecnologias para aumentar a eficiência do processo, e neste caso, a opção da instalação de um sistema de Unidade de Tratamento de Ar com Economizador é a fundamental temática deste trabalho de dissertação. O “Free-Cooling” baseia-se na utilização total ou parcial do ar exterior para proceder à climatização de um espaço, quando se verificam as condições ótimas para o processo, e quando o sistema apresenta um controlador que permita gerir a abertura dos registos face à temperatura exterior e interior medida. A análise das condições exteriores e interiores é fundamental para dimensionar um Economizador. É necessário determinar o tipo de clima do local para fazer a seleção do tipo de controlo do processo, e recolher também, o perfil de temperaturas exterior para justificar a utilização de “Free-Cooling” no local. A determinação das condições interiores como a quantificação da utilização da iluminação, ocupação e equipamentos, é necessária para determinar a potência das baterias de arrefecimento ou aquecimento, e no caso de ser utilizado “Free-Cooling”, determinar o caudal de ar exterior a insuflar. O balanço térmico das instalações explicita todas as cargas influentes no edifício, e permite quantificar a potência necessária para climatização. Depois, adicionando o Economizador no sistema e comparando os dois sistemas, verifica-se a redução dos custos de utilização da bateria de arrefecimento. O desenvolvimento de um algoritmo de controlo é fundamental para garantir a eficiência do Economizador, onde o controlo dos registos de admissão e retorno de ar é obrigatoriamente relacionado com a leitura dos sensores de temperatura exterior e interior. A quantidade de ar novo insuflado no espaço depende, por fim, da relação entre a carga sensível do local e a diferença de temperatura lida entre os dois sensores.


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Storm- and tsunami-deposits are generated by similar depositional mechanisms making their discrimination hard to establish using classic sedimentologic methods. Here we propose an original approach to identify tsunami-induced deposits by combining numerical simulation and rock magnetism. To test our method, we investigate the tsunami deposit of the Boca do Rio estuary generated by the 1755 earthquake in Lisbon which is well described in the literature. We first test the 1755 tsunami scenario using a numerical inundation model to provide physical parameters for the tsunami wave. Then we use concentration (MS. SIRM) and grain size (chi(ARM), ARM, B1/2, ARM/SIRM) sensitive magnetic proxies coupled with SEM microscopy to unravel the magnetic mineralogy of the tsunami-induced deposit and its associated depositional mechanisms. In order to study the connection between the tsunami deposit and the different sedimentologic units present in the estuary, magnetic data were processed by multivariate statistical analyses. Our numerical simulation show a large inundation of the estuary with flow depths varying from 0.5 to 6 m and run up of similar to 7 m. Magnetic data show a dominance of paramagnetic minerals (quartz) mixed with lesser amount of ferromagnetic minerals, namely titanomagnetite and titanohematite both of a detrital origin and reworked from the underlying units. Multivariate statistical analyses indicate a better connection between the tsunami-induced deposit and a mixture of Units C and D. All these results point to a scenario where the energy released by the tsunami wave was strong enough to overtop and erode important amount of sand from the littoral dune and mixed it with reworked materials from underlying layers at least 1 m in depth. The method tested here represents an original and promising tool to identify tsunami-induced deposits in similar embayed beach environments.


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Biodiesel is the main alternative to fossil diesel and it may be produced from different feedstocks such as semi-refined vegetable oils, waste frying oils or animal fats. However, these feedstocks usually contain significant amounts of free fatty acids (FFA) that make them inadequate for the direct base catalyzed transesterification reaction (where the FFA content should be lower than 4%). The present work describes a possible method for the pre-treatment of oils with a high content of FFA (20 to 50%) by esterification with glycerol. In order to reduce the FFA content, the reaction between these FFA and an esterification agent is carried out before the transesterification reaction. The reaction kinetics was studied in terms of its main factors such astemperature, % of glycerin excess, % of catalyst used, stirring velocity and type of catalyst used. The results showed that glycerolysis is a promising pretreatment to acidic oils or fats (> 20%) as they led to the production of an intermediary material with a low content of FFA that can be used directly in thetransesterification reaction for the production of biodiesel. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Five new silver(I) complexes of formulas [Ag(Tpms)] (1), [Ag(Tpms)-(PPh3)] (2), [Ag(Tpms)(PCy3)] (3), [Ag(PTA)][BF4] (4), and [Ag(Tpms)(PTA)] (5) {Tpms = tris(pyrazol-1-yl)methanesulfonate, PPh3 = triphenylphosphane, PCy3 = tricyclohexylphosphane, PTA = 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane) have been synthesized and fully characterized by elemental analyses, H-1, C-13, and P-31 NMR, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), and IR spectroscopic techniques. The single crystal X-ray diffraction study of 3 shows the Tpms ligand acting in the N-3-facially coordinating mode, while in 2 and 5 a N2O-coordination is found, with the SO3 group bonded to silver and a pendant free pyrazolyl ring. Features of the tilting in the coordinated pyrazolyl rings in these cases suggest that this inequivalence is related with the cone angles of the phosphanes. A detailed study of antimycobacterial and antiproliferative properties of all compounds has been carried out. They were screened for their in vitro antimicrobial activities against the standard strains Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 29922), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), Streptococcus pneumoniae (ATCC 49619), Streptococcus pyogenes (SF37), Streptococcus sanguinis (SK36), Streptococcus mutans (UA1S9), Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), and the fungus Candida albicans (ATCC 24443). Complexes 1-5 have been found to display effective antimicrobial activity against the series of bacteria and fungi, and some of them are potential candidates for antiseptic or disinfectant drugs. Interaction of Ag complexes with deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) has been studied by fluorescence spectroscopic techniques, using ethidium bromide (EB) as a fluorescence probe of DNA. The decrease in the fluorescence of DNA EB system on addition of Ag complexes shows that the fluorescence quenching of DNA EB complex occurs and compound 3 is particularly active. Complexes 1-5 exhibit pronounced antiproliferative activity against human malignant melanoma (A375) with an activity often higher than that of AgNO3, which has been used as a control, following the same order of activity inhibition on DNA, i.e., 3 > 2 > 1 > 5 > AgNO3 >> 4.


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Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde.