67 resultados para Interaction Energy
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
The top velocity of high-speed trains is generally limited by the ability to supply the proper amount of energy through the pantograph-catenary interface. The deterioration of this interaction can lead to the loss of contact, which interrupts the energy supply and originates arcing between the pantograph and the catenary, or to excessive contact forces that promote wear between the contacting elements. Another important issue is assessing on how the front pantograph influences the dynamic performance of the rear one in trainsets with two pantographs. In this work, the track and environmental conditions influence on the pantograph-catenary is addressed, with particular emphasis in the multiple pantograph operations. These studies are performed for high speed trains running at 300 km/h with relation to the separation between pantographs. Such studies contribute to identify the service conditions and the external factors influencing the contact quality on the overhead system. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We use a simple model of associating fluids which consists of spherical particles having a hard-core repulsion, complemented by three short-ranged attractive sites on the surface (sticky spots). Two of the spots are of type A and one is of type B; the bonding interactions between each pair of spots have strengths epsilon(AA), epsilon(BB), and epsilon(AB). The theory is applied over the whole range of bonding strengths and the results are interpreted in terms of the equilibrium cluster structures of the phases. In addition to our numerical results, we derive asymptotic expansions for the free energy in the limits for which there is no liquid-vapor critical point: linear chains (epsilon(AA)not equal 0, epsilon(AB)=epsilon(BB)=0), hyperbranched polymers (epsilon(AB)not equal 0, epsilon(AA)=epsilon(BB)=0), and dimers (epsilon(BB)not equal 0, epsilon(AA)=epsilon(AB)=0). These expansions also allow us to calculate the structure of the critical fluid by perturbing around the above limits, yielding three different types of condensation: of linear chains (AA clusters connected by a few AB or BB bonds); of hyperbranched polymers (AB clusters connected by AA bonds); or of dimers (BB clusters connected by AA bonds). Interestingly, there is no critical point when epsilon(AA) vanishes despite the fact that AA bonds alone cannot drive condensation.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Energia
This paper presents a predictive optimal matrix converter controller for a flywheel energy storage system used as Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR). The flywheel energy storage device is based on a steel seamless tube mounted as a vertical axis flywheel to store kinetic energy. The motor/generator is a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine driven by the AC-AC Matrix Converter. The matrix control method uses a discrete-time model of the converter system to predict the expected values of the input and output currents for all the 27 possible vectors generated by the matrix converter. An optimal controller minimizes control errors using a weighted cost functional. The flywheel and control process was tested as a DVR to mitigate voltage sags and swells. Simulation results show that the DVR is able to compensate the critical load voltage without delays, voltage undershoots or overshoots, overcoming the input/output coupling of matrix converters.
We calculate the equilibrium thermodynamic properties, percolation threshold, and cluster distribution functions for a model of associating colloids, which consists of hard spherical particles having on their surfaces three short-ranged attractive sites (sticky spots) of two different types, A and B. The thermodynamic properties are calculated using Wertheim's perturbation theory of associating fluids. This also allows us to find the onset of self-assembly, which can be quantified by the maxima of the specific heat at constant volume. The percolation threshold is derived, under the no-loop assumption, for the correlated bond model: In all cases it is two percolated phases that become identical at a critical point, when one exists. Finally, the cluster size distributions are calculated by mapping the model onto an effective model, characterized by a-state-dependent-functionality (f) over bar and unique bonding probability (p) over bar. The mapping is based on the asymptotic limit of the cluster distributions functions of the generic model and the effective parameters are defined through the requirement that the equilibrium cluster distributions of the true and effective models have the same number-averaged and weight-averaged sizes at all densities and temperatures. We also study the model numerically in the case where BB interactions are missing. In this limit, AB bonds either provide branching between A-chains (Y-junctions) if epsilon(AB)/epsilon(AA) is small, or drive the formation of a hyperbranched polymer if epsilon(AB)/epsilon(AA) is large. We find that the theoretical predictions describe quite accurately the numerical data, especially in the region where Y-junctions are present. There is fairly good agreement between theoretical and numerical results both for the thermodynamic (number of bonds and phase coexistence) and the connectivity properties of the model (cluster size distributions and percolation locus).
We characterize the elastic contribution to the surface free energy of a nematic liquid crystal in the presence of a sawtooth substrate. Our findings are based on numerical minimization of the Landau-de Gennes model and analytical calculations on the Frank-Oseen theory. The nucleation of disclination lines (characterized by non-half-integer winding numbers) in the wedges and apexes of the substrate induces a leading order proportional to q ln q to the elastic contribution to the surface free-energy density, with q being the wave number associated with the substrate periodicity.
Formaldehyde is classified by IARC as carcinogenic to humans (nasopharyngeal cancer). Tobacco smoke has been epidemiologically associated to a higher risk of development of cancer, especially in the oral cavity, larynx and lungs, as these are places of direct contact with many carcinogenic tobacco’s compounds. XRCC3 is involved in homologous recombination repair of cross-links and chromosomal double-strand breaks (Thr241Met polymorphism). The aim of the study is to determine whether there is an in vivo association between genetic polymorphism of the gene XRCC3 and the frequency of genotoxicity biomarkers in subjects exposed or not to formaldehyde and with or without tobacco consumption.
This paper presents new integrated model for variable-speed wind energy conversion systems, considering a more accurate dynamic of the wind turbine, rotor, generator, power converter and filter. Pulse width modulation by space vector modulation associated with sliding mode is used for controlling the power converters. Also, power factor control is introduced at the output of the power converters. Comprehensive performance simulation studies are carried out with matrix, two-level and multilevel power converter topologies in order to adequately assert the system performance. Conclusions are duly drawn.
We generalize the Flory-Stockmayer theory of percolation to a model of associating (patchy) colloids, which consists of hard spherical particles, having on their surfaces f short-ranged-attractive sites of m different types. These sites can form bonds between particles and thus promote self-assembly. It is shown that the percolation threshold is given in terms of the eigenvalues of a m x m matrix, which describes the recursive relations for the number of bonded particles on the ith level of a cluster with no loops; percolation occurs when the largest of these eigenvalues equals unity. Expressions for the probability that a particle is not bonded to the giant cluster, for the average cluster size and the average size of a cluster to which a randomly chosen particle belongs, are also derived. Explicit results for these quantities are computed for the case f = 3 and m = 2. We show how these structural properties are related to the thermodynamics of the associating system by regarding bond formation as a (equilibrium) chemical reaction. This solution of the percolation problem, combined with Wertheim's thermodynamic first-order perturbation theory, allows the investigation of the interplay between phase behavior and cluster formation for general models of patchy colloids.
Occupational exposure to formaldehyde (FA) has been shown to induce nasopharyngeal cancer and has been classified as carcinogenic to humans (group 1) on the basis of sufficient evidence in humans. Tobacco smoke has been associated to a higher risk of development of cancer, especially in the oral cavity, larynx and lungs, as these are places of direct contact with many carcinogenic tobacco’s compounds. Alcohol is a recognized agent that influence cells in a genotoxic form, been citied as a strong agent with potential in the development of carcinogenic lesions. Epidemiological evidence points to a strong synergistic effect between cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption in the induction of cancers in the oral cavity. Approximately 90% of human cancers originate from epithelial cells. Therefore, it could be argued that oral epithelial cells represent a preferred target site for early genotoxic events induced by carcinogenic agents entering the body via inhalation and ingestion. The MN assay in buccal cells was also used to study cancerous and precancerous lesions and to monitor the effects of a number of chemopreventive agents.
A liberalização do sector eléctrico, e a consequente criação de mercados de energia eléctrica regulados e liberalizados, mudou a forma de comercialização da electricidade. Em particular, permitiu a entrada de empresas nas actividades de produção e comercialização, aumentando a competitividade e assegurando a liberdade de escolha dos consumidores, para decidir o fornecedor de electricidade que pretenderem. A competitividade no sector eléctrico aumentou a necessidade das empresas que o integram a proporem preços mais aliciantes (do que os preços propostos pelos concorrentes), e contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de mercado que atraiam mais clientes e aumentem a eficiência energética e económica. A comercialização de electricidade pode ser realizada em mercados organizados ou através de contratação directa entre comercializadores e consumidores, utilizando os contratos bilaterais físicos. Estes contratos permitem a negociação dos preços de electricidade entre os comercializadores e os consumidores. Actualmente, existem várias ferramentas computacionais para fazer a simulação de mercados de energia eléctrica. Os simuladores existentes permitem simulações de transacções em bolsas de energia, negociação de preços através de contratos bilaterais, e análises técnicas a redes de energia. No entanto, devido à complexidade dos sistemas eléctricos, esses simuladores apresentam algumas limitações. Esta dissertação apresenta um simulador de contratos bilaterais em mercados de energia eléctrica, sendo dando ênfase a um protocolo de ofertas alternadas, desenvolvido através da tecnologia multi-agente. Em termos sucintos, um protocolo de ofertas alternadas é um protocolo de interacção que define as regras da negociação entre um agente vendedor (por exemplo um retalhista) e um agente comprador (por exemplo um consumidor final). Aplicou-se o simulador na resolução de um caso prático, baseado em dados reais. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que o simulador, apesar de simplificado, pode ser uma ferramenta importante na ajuda à tomada de decisões inerentes à negociação de contratos bilaterais em mercados de electricidade.
This paper presents a new integrated model for the simulation of wind energy systems. The proposed model is more realistic and accurate, considering a variable-speed wind turbine, two-mass rotor, permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG), different power converter topologies, and filters. Additionally, a new control strategy is proposed for the variable-speed operation of wind turbines with PMSG/full-power converter topology, based on fractional-order controllers. Comprehensive simulation studies are carried out with matrix and multilevel power converter topologies, in order to adequately assert the system performance in what regards the quality of the energy injected into the electric grid. Finally, conclusions are duly drawn.
The interaction of a variety of substrates with Pseudomonas aeruginosa native amidase (E.C., overproduced in an Escherichia coli strain, was investigated using difference FTIR spectroscopy. The amides used as substrates showed an increase in hydrogen bonding upon association in multimers, which was not seen with esters. Evidence for an overall reduction or weakening of hydrogen bonding while amide and ester substrates are interacting with the enzyme is presented. The results describe a spectroscopic approach for analysis of substrate-amidase interaction and in situ monitoring of the hydrolysis and transferase reaction when amides or esters are used as substrates.
In order to study the impact of premature birth and low income on mother–infant interaction, four Portuguese samples were gathered: full-term, middle-class (n=99); premature, middle-class (n=63); full-term, low income (n=22); and premature, low income (n=21). Infants were filmed in a free play situation with their mothers, and the results were scored using the CARE Index. By means of multinomial regression analysis, social economic status (SES) was found to be the best predictor of maternal sensitivity and infant cooperative behavior within a set of medical and social factors. Contrary to the expectations of the cumulative risk perspective, two factors of risk (premature birth together with low SES) were as negative for mother–infant interaction as low SES solely. In this study, as previous studies have shown, maternal sensitivity and infant cooperative behavior were highly correlated, as was maternal control with infant compliance. Our results further indicate that, when maternal lack of responsiveness is high, the infant displays passive behavior, whereas when the maternal lack of responsiveness is medium, the infant displays difficult behavior. Indeed, our findings suggest that, in these cases, the link between types of maternal and infant interactive behavior is more dependent on the degree of maternal lack of responsiveness than it is on birth status or SES. The results will be discussed under a developmental and evolutionary reasoning
Since industrialization and the formation of larger urban centers in the nineteenth century, pollution of the environment was always present in daily life in various ways, namely in the form of light. Light pollution can cause various consequences, both for humans and for their ecosystem, producing effects on environmental, social, economic and scientific level. In Portugal, the lighting is responsible for 3% of total electricity consumption, energy costs are in some cases more than 50% towards the costs incurred by municipalities with energy, checking-in recent years a trend similar to that improvement of illumination levels in the region (about 4 to 5% per year). Proper use of lighting brings many benefits both to the citizen and environment, since greater energy efficiency can contribute to reducing CO2 emissions, energy costs, as well as to decrease the use of resources not-renewable and/or contamination of renewable resources, which can occurs in the process of obtaining electricity. The present study has a main goal to analyze the illuminance levels associated to the public lighting of the village of Vialonga, Vila Franca de Xira (Portugal), to verify if it is efficient. The aim is also to relate the efficiency of street lighting with the existence of light pollution.