em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Foams are found everywhere: in nature, in technology, in our home. They are examples of cellular materials: assemblies or clusters of cells (from Latin cella: a small compartment or enclosed region) packed together so that they fill space without gaps. Foams come in different kinds. Ordinary liquid foam is an experimental system that solves some difficult geometry problems.
Philosophical Magazine Letters Volume 88, Issue 9-10, 2008 Special Issue: Solid and Liquid Foams. In commemoration of Manuel Amaral Fortes
Micronuclei (MN) in exfoliated epithelial cells are widely used as biomarkers of cancer risk in humans. MN are classified as biomarkers of the break age and loss of chromosomes. They are small, extra nuclear bodies that arise in dividing cells from centric chromosome/chromatid fragments or whole chromosomes/chromatids that lag behind in anaphase and are not included in the daughter nuclei in telophase. Buccal mucosa cells have been used in biomonitoring exposed populations because these cells are in the direct route of exposure to ingested pollutant, are capable of metabolizing proximate carcinogens to reactive chemicals, and are easily and rapidly collected by brushing the buccal mucosa. The objective of the present study was to further investigate if, and to what extent, different stains have an effect on the results of micronuclei studies in exfoliated cells. These techniques are: Papanicolaou (PAP), Modified Papanicolaou, May-Grünwald Giemsa (MGG), Giemsa, Harris’s Hematoxylin, Feulgen with Fast Green counterstain and Feulgen without counterstain.
n a recent paper we reported an experimental study of two N-alkylimidazolium salts. These ionic compounds exhibit liquid crystalline behaviour with melting points above 50 degrees C in bulk. However, if they are sheared, a (possibly non-equilibrium) lamellar phase forms at room temperature. Upon shearing a thin film of the material between microscope slides, textures were observed that are strikingly similar to liquid (wet) foams. The images obtained from polarising optical microscopy (POM) were found to share many of the known quantitative properties of a two-dimensional foam coarsening process. Here we report an experimental study of this foam using a shearing system coupled with POM. The structure and evolution of the foam are investigated through the image analysis of time sequences of micrographs obtained for well-controlled sets of physical parameters (sample thickness, shear rate and temperature). In particular, we find that there is a threshold shear rate below which no foam can form. Above this threshold, a steady-state foam pattern is obtained where the mean cell area generally decreases with increasing shear rate. Furthermore, the steady-state internal cell angles and distribution of the cell number of sides deviate from their equilibrium (i.e. zero-shear) values.
A realização do presente trabalho teve como principais objectivos o desenvolvimento de espumas de poliuretano de um componente com propriedades de resistência à chama superiores (B1 & B2), aplicadas por pistola ou por adaptador/tubo e a optimização de uma espuma de poliuretano de um componente de inverno aplicada por pistola. Todo o trabalho desenvolvido está dividido em dois projectos distintos: i. O primeiro projecto consistiu em desenvolver espumas de um componente com propriedades de resistência à chama (classificadas como B1 e B2 de acordo com a norma alemã DIN 4102), aplicadas por pistola (GWB1 e GWB2) ou por adaptador/tubo (AWB), utilizando polióis poliésteres aromáticos modificados e aditivos retardantes de chama halogenados. Estas espumas deveriam apresentar também propriedades aceitáveis a baixas temperaturas. Após realizar várias formulações foi possível desenvolver uma espuma AWB2 com apenas 3,3% de poliol poliéster no pré-polímero e com propriedades equivalentes às da melhor espuma comercial mesmo a 5/-10 (temperatura da lata/cura da espuma em °C) e também com uma altura de chama de apenas 11 cm. A partir de duas formulações (AWB2) que passaram o Teste B2, foram obtidas também, uma espuma GWB2 e outra GWB1 com propriedades equivalentes às da melhor espuma da concorrência a -10/-10 e a 23/5, respectivamente, embora não tenham sido submetidas ao teste B2 e B1 após as modificações efectuadas. ii. O segundo projecto consistiu em optimizar uma espuma de poliuretano de um componente de inverno aplicada por pistola (GWB3). A espuma inicial tinha problemas de glass bubbles quando esta era dispensada a partir de uma lata cheia, sendo necessário ultrapassar este problema. Este problema foi resolvido diminuindo a razão de GPL/DME através do aumento da percentagem em volume de DME no pré-polímero para 14% no entanto, a estabilidade dimensional piorou um pouco. O reagente FCA 400 foi removido da formulação anterior (6925) numa tentativa de diminuir o custo da espuma, obtendo-se uma espuma aceitável a 23/23 e a 5/5, com uma redução de 4% no custo da produção e com uma redução de 5,5% no custo por litro de espuma dispensada, quando comparada com a sua antecessora. Por último, foi avaliada a influência da concentração de diferentes surfactantes na formulação 6925, verificando-se o melhoramento da estrutura celular da espuma para concentrções mais elevadas de surfactante, sendo este efeito mais notório a temperaturas mais baixas (5/5). Dos surfactantes estudados, o B 8871 mostrou o melhor desempenho a 5/5 com a concentração mais baixa, sendo portanto o melhor surfactante, enquanto o Struksilon 8003 demonstrou ser o menos adequado para esta formulação específica, apresentando piores resultados globais. Pode-se ainda acrescentar que os surfactantes L-5351, L-5352 e B 8526 também não são adequados para esta formulação uma vez que as espumas resultantes apresentam cell collapse, especialmente a 5/5. No caso dos surfactantes L-5351 e L-5352, esta propriedade piora com concentrações mais elevadas. Em cada projecto foram também efectuados testes de benchmark em determinadas espumas comerciais com o principal objectivo de comparar todos os resultados das espumas desenvolvidas, em ambos os projectos, com espumas da concorrência.
O principal objectivo desta tese é obter uma relação directa entre a composição dos gases liquefeitos de petróleo (GLP), propano, n-butano e isobutano, usados como aerossóis propulsores numa lata de poliuretano de um componente, com as propriedades das espumas produzidas por spray. As espumas obtidas, terão de ter como requisito principal, um bom desempenho a temperaturas baixas, -10ºC, sendo por isso designadas por espumas de Inverno. Uma espuma é considerada como tendo um bom desempenho se não apresentar a -10/-10ºC (temperatura lata/ spray) glass bubbles, base holes e cell collapse. As espumas deverão ainda ter densidades do spray no molde a +23/+23ºC abaixo dos 30 g/L, um rendimento superior a 30 L, boa estabilidade dimensional e um caudal de espuma a +5/+5ºC superior a 5 g/s. Os ensaios experimentais foram realizados a +23/+23ºC, +5/+5ºC e a -10/-10ºC. A cada temperatura, as espumas desenvolvidas, foram submetidas a testes que permitiram determinar a sua qualidade. Testes esses que incluem os designados por Quick Tests (QT): o spray no papel e no molde das espumas nas referidas temperaturas. As amostras do papel e no molde são especialmente analisadas, quanto, às glass bubbles, cell collapse, base holes, cell structur e, cutting shrinkage, para além de outras propriedades. Os QT também incluem a análise da densidade no molde (ODM) e o estudo do caudal de espumas. Além dos QT foram realizados os testes da estabilidade dimensional das espumas, testes físicos de compressão e adesão, testes de expansão das espumas após spray e do rendimento por lata de espuma. Em todos os ensaios foi utilizado um tubo adaptador colocado na válvula da lata como método de spray e ainda mantida constante a proporção das matérias-primas (excepto os gases, em estudo). As experiências iniciaram-se com o estudo de GLPs presentes no mercado de aerossóis. Estes resultaram que o GLP: propano/ n-butano/ isobutano: (30/ 0/ 70 w/w%), produz as melhores espumas de inverno a -10/-10ºC, reduzindo desta forma as glass bubbles, base holes e o cell collapse produzido pelos restantes GLP usados como aerossóis nas latas de poliuretano. Testes posteriores tiveram como objectivo estudar a influência directa de cada gás, propano, n-butano e isobutano nas espumas. Para tal, foram usadas duas referências do estudo com GLP comercializáveis, 7396 (30 /0 /70 w/w %) e 7442 (0/ 0/ 100 w/w %). Com estes resultados concluí-se que o n-butano produz más propriedades nas espumas a -10/- 10ºC, formando grandes quantidades de glass bubbles, base holes e cell collapse. Contudo, o uso de propano reduz essas glass bubbles, mas em contrapartida, forma cell collapse.Isobutano, porém diminui o cell collapse mas não as glass bubbles. Dos resultados experimentais podemos constatar que o caudal a +5/+5ºC e densidade das espumas a +23/+23ºC, são influenciados pela composição do GLP. O propano e n-butano aumentam o caudal de espuma das latas e a sua densidade, ao contrário com o que acontece com o isobutano. Todavia, pelos resultados obtidos, o isobutano proporciona os melhores rendimentos de espumas por lata. Podemos concluir que os GLPs que contivessem cerca de 30 w/w % de propano (bons caudais a +5/+5ºC e menos glass bubbles a -10/-10ºC), e cerca 70 w/w % de isobutano (bons rendimentos de espumas, bem como menos cell collapse a -10/-10ºC) produziam as melhores espumas. Também foram desenvolvidos testes sobre a influência da quantidade de gás GLP presente numa lata. A análise do volume de GLP usado, foi realizada com base na melhor espuma obtida nos estudos anteriores, 7396, com um GLP (30 / 0/ 70 w/w%), e foram feitas alterações ao seu volume gás GLP presente no pré-polímero. O estudo concluiu, que o aumento do volume pode diminuir a densidade das espumas, e o seu decréscimo, um aumento da densidade. Também indico u que um mau ajuste do volume poderá causar más propriedades nas espumas. A análise económica, concluiu que o custo das espumas com mais GLP nas suas formulações, reduz-se em cerca de 3%, a quando de um aumento do volume de GLP no pré-polímero de cerca de 8 %. Esta diminuição de custos deveu-se ao facto, de um aumento de volume de gás, implicar uma diminuição na quantidade das restantes matérias-primas, com custos superiores, já que o volume útil total da lata terá de ser sempre mantido nos 750 mL. Com o objectivo de melhorar a qualidade da espuma 7396 (30/0/70 w/w %) obtida nos ensaios anteriores adicionou-se à formulação 7396 o HFC-152a (1,1-di fluoroetano). Os resultados demonstram que se formam espumas com más propriedades, especialmente a -10/-10ºC, contudo proporcionou excelentes shaking rate da lata. Através de uma pequena análise de custos não é aconselhável o seu uso pelos resultados obtidos, não proporcionando um balanço custo/benefício favorável. As três melhores espumas obtidas de todos os estudos foram comparadas com uma espuma de inverno presente no mercado. 7396 e 7638 com um volume de 27 % no prépolímero e uma composição de GLP (30/ 0 / 70 w/w%) e (13,7/ 0/ 86,3 w/w%), respectivamente, e 7690, com 37 % de volume no pré-polímero e GLP (30/ 0 / 70 w/w%), apresentaram em geral melhores resultados, comparando com a espuma benchmark . Contudo, os seus shaking rate a -10/-10ºC, de cada espuma, apresentaram valores bastante inferiores à composição benchmarking.
We report on structural, electronic, and optical properties of boron-doped, hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) thin films deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) at a substrate temperature of 150 degrees C. Film properties were studied as a function of trimethylboron-to-silane ratio and film thickness. The absorption loss of 25% at a wavelength of 400 nm was measured for the 20 nm thick films on glass and glass/ZnO:Al substrates. By employing the p(+) nc-Si:H as a window layer, complete p-i-n structures were fabricated and characterized. Low leakage current and enhanced sensitivity in the UV/blue range were achieved by incorporating an a-SiC:H buffer between the p- and i-layers.
A large area colour imager optically addressed is presented. The colour imager consists of a thin wide band gap p-i-n a-SiC:H filtering element deposited on the top of a thick large area a-SiC:H(-p)/a-Si:H(-i)/a-SiC:H(-n) image sensor, which reveals itself an intrinsic colour filter. In order to tune the external applied voltage for full colour discrimination the photocurrent generated by a modulated red light is measured under different optical and electrical bias. Results reveal that the integrated device behaves itself as an imager and a filter giving information not only on the position where the optical image is absorbed but also on it wavelength and intensity. The amplitude and sign of the image signals are electrically tuneable. In a wide range of incident fluxes and under reverse bias, the red and blue image signals are opposite in sign and the green signal is suppressed allowing blue and red colour recognition. The green information is obtained under forward bias, where the blue signal goes down to zero and the red and green remain constant. Combining the information obtained at this two applied voltages a RGB colour image picture can be acquired without the need of the usual colour filters or pixel architecture. A numerical simulation supports the colour filter analysis.
Microcrystalline silicon is a two-phase material. Its composition can be interpreted as a series of grains of crystalline silicon imbedded in an amorphous silicon tissue, with a high concentration of dangling bonds in the transition regions. In this paper, results for the transport properties of a mu c-Si:H p-i-n junction obtained by means of two-dimensional numerical simulation are reported. The role played by the boundary regions between the crystalline grains and the amorphous matrix is taken into account and these regions are treated similar to a heterojunction interface. The device is analysed under AM1.5 illumination and the paper outlines the influence of the local electric field at the grain boundary transition regions on the internal electric configuration of the device and on the transport mechanism within the mu c-Si:H intrinsic layer.
This article reports on the structural, electronic, and optical properties of boron-doped hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si: H) thin films. The films were deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) at a substrate temperature of 150 degrees C. Crystalline volume fraction and dark conductivity of the films were determined as a function of trimethylboron-to-silane flow ratio. Optical constants of doped and undoped nc-Si: H were obtained from transmission and reflection spectra. By employing p(+) nc-Si: H as a window layer combined with a p' a-SiC buffer layer, a-Si: H-based p-p'-i-n solar cells on ZnO:Al-coated glass substrates were fabricated. Device characteristics were obtained from current-voltage and spectral-response measurements. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) is a risk factor for vascular disease, but the underlying mechanisms remain incompletely defined. Reduced bioavailability of nitric oxide (NO) is a principal manifestation of underlying endothelial dysfunction, which is an initial event in vascular disease. Inhibition of cellular methylation reactions by S-adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy), which accumulates during HHcy, has been suggested to contribute to vascular dysfunction. However, thus far, the effect of intracellular AdoHcy accumulation on NO bioavailability has not yet been fully substantiated by experimental evidence. The present study was carried out to evaluate whether disturbances in cellular methylation status affect NO production by cultured human endothelial cells. Here, we show that a hypomethylating environment, induced by the accumulation of AdoHcy, impairs NO production. Consistent with this finding, we observed decreased eNOS expression and activity, but, by contrast, enhanced NOS3 transcription. Taken together, our data support the existence of regulatory post-transcriptional mechanisms modulated by cellular methylation potential leading to impaired NO production by cultured human endothelial cells. As such, our conclusions may have implications for the HHcy-mediated reductions in NO bioavailability and endothelial dysfunction.
Intact cells from Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain L10 containing amidase were used as biocatalysts both free and immobilized in a reverse micellar system. The apparent kinetic constants for the transamidation reaction in hydroxamic acids synthesis, were determined using substrates such as aliphatic, amino acid and aromatic amides and esters, in both media. In reverse micelles, K-m values decreased 2-7 fold relatively to the free biocatalyst using as substrates acetamide, acrylamide, propionamide and glycinamide ethyl ester. We have concluded that overall the affinity of the biocatalyst to each substrate increases when reactions are performed in the reversed micellar system as opposed to the buffer system. The immobilized biocatalyst in general, exhibits higher stability and faster rates of reactions at lower substrates concentration relatively to the free form, which is advantageous. Additionally, the immobilization revealed to be suitable for obtaining the highest yields of hydroxamic acids derivatives, in some cases higher than 80%. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Microtubules are polymers of alpha/beta-tubulin participating in essential cell functions. A multistep process involving distinct molecular chaperones and cofactors produces new tubulin heterodimers competent to polymerise. In vitro cofactor A (TBCA) interacts with beta-tubulin in a quasi-native state behaving as a molecular chaperone. We have used siRNA to silence TBCA expression in HeLa and MCF-7 mammalian cell lines. TBCA is essential for cell viability and its knockdown produces a decrease in the amount of soluble tubulin, modifications in microtubules and G1 cell cycle arrest. In MCF-7 cells, cell death was preceded by a change in cell shape resembling differentiation.
Background: CDC25 phosphatases control cell cycle progression by activating cyclin dependent kinases. The three CDC25 isoforms encoding genes are submitted to alternative splicing events which generate at least two variants for CDC25A and five for both CDC25B and CDC25C. An over-expression of CDC25 was reported in several types of cancer, including breast cancer, and is often associated with a poor prognosis. Nevertheless, most of the previous studies did not address the expression of CDC25 splice variants. Here, we evaluated CDC25 spliced transcripts expression in anti-cancerous drug-sensitive and resistant breast cancer cell lines in order to identify potential breast cancer biomarkers. Methods: CDC25 splice variants mRNA levels were evaluated by semi-quantitative RT-PCR and by an original real-time RT-PCR assay. Results: CDC25 spliced transcripts are differentially expres-sed in the breast cancer cell lines studied. An up-regulation of CDC25A2 variant and an increase of the CDC25C5/C1 ratio are associated to the multidrug-resistance in VCREMS and DOXOR breast cancer cells, compared to their sensitive counterpart cell line MCF-7. Additionally, CDC25B2 tran-script is exclusively over-expressed in VCREMS resistant cells and could therefore be involved in the development of certain type of drug resistance. Conclusions: CDC25 splice variants could represent interesting potential breast cancer prognostic biomarkers.
The histone deacetylase inhibitors sodium butyrate (NaBu) and trichostatin A (TSA) exhibit anti-proliferative activity by causing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. The mechanisms by which NaBu and TSA cause apoptosis and cell cycle arrest are not yet completely clarified, although these agents are known to modulate the expression of several genes including cell-cycle- and apoptosis-related genes. The enzymes involved in the process of translation have important roles in controlling cell growth and apoptosis, and several of these translation factors have been described as having a causal role in the development of cancer. The expression patterns of the translation mechanism, namely of the elongation factors eEF1A1 and eEF1A2, and of the termination factors eRF1 and eRF3, were studied in the breast cancer cell line MCF-7 by real-time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction after a 24-h treatment with NaBu and TSA. NaBu induced inhibition of translation factors' transcription, whereas TSA caused an increase in mRNA levels. Thus, these two agents may modulate the expression of translation factors through different pathways. We propose that the inhibition caused by NaBu may, in part, be responsible for the cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induced by this agent in MCF-7 cells.