11 resultados para High Frequency HF
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
This article addresses the problem of obtaining reduced complexity models of multi-reach water delivery canals that are suitable for robust and linear parameter varying (LPV) control design. In the first stage, by applying a method known from the literature, a finite dimensional rational transfer function of a priori defined order is obtained for each canal reach by linearizing the Saint-Venant equations. Then, by using block diagrams algebra, these different models are combined with linearized gate models in order to obtain the overall canal model. In what concerns the control design objectives, this approach has the advantages of providing a model with prescribed order and to quantify the high frequency uncertainty due to model approximation. A case study with a 3-reach canal is presented, and the resulting model is compared with experimental data. © 2014 IEEE.
This article addresses the problem of obtaining reduced complexity models of multi-reach water delivery canals that are suitable for robust and linear parameter varying (LPV) control design. In the first stage, by applying a method known from the literature, a finite dimensional rational transfer function of a priori defined order is obtained for each canal reach by linearizing the Saint-Venant equations. Then, by using block diagrams algebra, these different models are combined with linearized gate models in order to obtain the overall canal model. In what concerns the control design objectives, this approach has the advantages of providing a model with prescribed order and to quantify the high frequency uncertainty due to model approximation. A case study with a 3-reach canal is presented, and the resulting model is compared with experimental data. © 2014 IEEE.
Neste trabalho pretende-se estudar, dimensionar e implementar experimentalmente de um sistema de alimentação para transformadores de alta tensão a alta frequência. Este sistema será constituído por dois elementos principais, um rectificador monofásico em ponte totalmente controlado e por um inversor de tensão. Inicialmente realizou-se um estudo sobre as diferentes topologias possíveis para o rectificador considerando diferentes tipos de carga. Realizou-se, também, um estudo sobre o circuito de geração dos impulsos de disparo dos tiristores, executado com base num circuito integrado TCA 785, dimensionou-se os elementos constituintes do circuito de disparo, e de um sistema de controlo da tensão de saída do rectificador. Posteriormente estudou-se o funcionamento do inversor de tensão, definindo-se os modos de operação e dimensionou-se um circuito ressonante tendo em conta os parâmetros construtivos do transformador que se pretende utilizar. Finalmente procedeu-se à implementação prática dos sistemas previamente dimensionados e simulados e à apresentação dos respectivos resultados.
This paper presents a direct power control (DPC) for three-phase matrix converters operating as unified power flow controllers (UPFCs). Matrix converters (MCs) allow the direct ac/ac power conversion without dc energy storage links; therefore, the MC-based UPFC (MC-UPFC) has reduced volume and cost, reduced capacitor power losses, together with higher reliability. Theoretical principles of direct power control (DPC) based on sliding mode control techniques are established for an MC-UPFC dynamic model including the input filter. As a result, line active and reactive power, together with ac supply reactive power, can be directly controlled by selecting an appropriate matrix converter switching state guaranteeing good steady-state and dynamic responses. Experimental results of DPC controllers for MC-UPFC show decoupled active and reactive power control, zero steady-state tracking error, and fast response times. Compared to an MC-UPFC using active and reactive power linear controllers based on a modified Venturini high-frequency PWM modulator, the experimental results of the advanced DPC-MC guarantee faster responses without overshoot and no steady-state error, presenting no cross-coupling in dynamic and steady-state responses.
o objeto deste artigo é analisar as respostas da escola ao fenômeno da violência em meio escolar e qual a influência das características dos contextos urbanos nesse processo. A identificação de escolas situadas em contextos urbanos fortemente degradados e com elevada conflitualidade e desigualdade social, mas que apresentavam níveis reduzidos de violência no seu interior e, inversamente, escolas com uma frequência elevada de ocorrências que se situavam em contextos urbanos mais estruturados e maioritariamente de classe média, levou- nos a questionar as concepções largamente aceitas e difundidas sobre o aparente contágio de conflitualidade em escolas situadas em meios sociais desfavorecidos. As evidências encontradas na análise dessa relação entre as escolas e o contexto social local permitiram- nos refutar o determinismo das características do meio social sobre as escolas, bem como a consequente incapacidade dessas na regulação e prevenção da violência. o centramento da pesquisa na dimensão organizacional, em concreto nas estratégias definidas e desenvolvidas pelas escolas no combate ao problema da violência, permitiu-nos compreender e demonstrar que as orientações, as práticas e os processos organizacionais têm um papel decisivo na pacificação dos quotidianos escolares.
Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Electrónica Industrial
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Electrónica Industrial
This paper presents the design and compares the performance of linear, decoupled and direct power controllers (DPC) for three-phase matrix converters operating as unified power flow controllers (UPFC). A simplified steady-state model of the matrix converter-based UPFC fitted with a modified Venturini high-frequency pulse width modulator is first used to design the linear controllers for the transmission line active (P) and reactive (Q) powers. In order to minimize the resulting cross coupling between P and Q power controllers, decoupled linear controllers (DLC) are synthesized using inverse dynamics linearization. DPC are then developed using sliding-mode control techniques, in order to guarantee both robustness and decoupled control. The designed P and Q power controllers are compared using simulations and experimental results. Linear controllers show acceptable steady-state behaviour but still exhibit coupling between P and Q powers in transient operation. DLC are free from cross coupling but are parameter sensitive. Results obtained by DPC show decoupled power control with zero error tracking and faster responses with no overshoot and no steady-state error. All the designed controllers were implemented using the same digital signal processing hardware.
This paper presents the design of low-cost, conformal UHF antennas and RFID tags on two types of cork substrates: 1) natural cork and 2) agglomerate cork. Such RFID tags find an application in wine bottle and barrel identification, and in addition, they are suitable for numerous antenna-based sensing applications. This paper includes the high-frequency characterization of the selected cork substrates considering the anisotropic behavior of such materials. In addition, the variation of their permittivity values as a function of the humidity is also verified. As a proof-of-concept demonstration, three conformal RFID tags have been implemented on cork, and their performance has been evaluated using both a commercial Alien ALR8800 reader and an in-house measurement setup. The reading of all tags has been checked, and a satisfactory performance has been verified, with reading ranges spanning from 0.3 to 6 m. In addition, this paper discusses how inkjet printing can be applied to cork surfaces, and an RFID tag printed on cork is used as a humidity sensor. Its performance is tested under different humidity conditions, and a good range in excess of 3 m has been achieved, allied to a good sensitivity obtained with a shift of >5 dB in threshold power of the tag for different humid conditions.
This paper presents the design and implementation of direct power controllers for three-phase matrix converters (MC) operating as Unified Power Flow Controllers (UPFC). Theoretical principles of the decoupled linear power controllers of the MC-UPFC to minimize the cross-coupling between active and reactive power control are established. From the matrix converter based UPFC model with a modified Venturini high frequency PWM modulator, decoupled controllers for the transmission line active (P) and reactive (Q) power direct control are synthesized. Simulation results, obtained from Matlab/Simulink, are presented in order to confirm the proposed approach. Results obtained show decoupled power control, zero error tracking, and fast responses with no overshoot and no steady-state error.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações