23 resultados para Geometrical Isomers

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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The reaction of the Schiff base (3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzylidene)-2-hydroxybenzohydrazide (H3L) with copper(II) nitrate, acetate or metaborate has led to the isomeric complexes [Cu-3(L)(2)(MeOH)(4)] (1), [Cu-3(L)(2)(MeOH)(2)]2MeOH (2) and [Cu-3(L)(2)(MeOH)(4)] (3), respectively, in which the ligand L exhibits dianionic (HL2-, in 1) or trianionic (L3-, in 2 and 3) pentadentate 1O,O,N:2N,O chelation modes. Complexes 1-3 were characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy, single-crystal X-ray crystallography, electrochemical methods and variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements, which indicated that the intratrimer antiferromagnetic coupling is strong in the three complexes and that there exists very weak ferromagnetic intermolecular interactions in 1 but weak antiferromagnetic intermolecular interactions in both 2 and 3. Electrochemical experiments showed that in complexes 1-3 the Cu-II ions can be reduced, in distinct steps, to Cu-I and Cu-0. All the complexes act as efficient catalyst precursors under mild conditions for the peroxidative oxidation of cyclohexane to cyclohexyl hydroperoxide, cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone, leading to overall yields (based on the alkane) of up to 31% (TON = 1.55x10(3)) after 6 h in the presence of pyrazinecarboxylic acid.


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A razão atribuída à escolha do tema do T.F.M. em Caminhos-de-ferro, tem a ver com o facto de ser uma via de comunicação específica. Contrariamente ao que acontece na execução de auto-estradas, no caminho-de-ferro, a gestora da infra-estrutura responsabiliza-se pela execução, exploração (sinalização e controlo de circulação), abastecimento de energia fornecida às vias que dispõem de catenária (tracção eléctrica), manutenção e conservação da via. O processo de análise e inspecção de geometria de via, é usado quando e necessário preservar a infra-estrutura. Este processo iniciou-se nos caminhos-de-ferro portugueses, há muitos anos, depois da inauguração do primeiro troco de linha férrea. A primeira viagem ocorre em Outubro de 1856, sendo o início do processo em 1968, com a dresina “Matisa PV-6”. Em 1991 a C.P. adquiriu outro veículo de inspecção de via, tendo sido escolhido o VIV02 EM 120 da marca Plasser & Theurer, para substituir “Matisa PV-6”. O tema Análise dos Métodos de Medição dos Parâmetros Geométricos de Via e Correlação entre os Dados Obtidos está directamente relacionado com a manutenção e conservação de via. Na Unidade Operacional Sul (hoje ROS – Região Operacional Sul), local onde desenvolvi o T.F.M., não existem obras de construção de caminhos-de-ferro que pudesse acompanhar e constituir tema para o meu trabalho. Na realidade, com a falta de investimento que se perspectiva no futuro próximo, a manutenção da infra-estrutura passa a ser a actividade principal desenvolvida pela REFER, de modo a assegurar a comodidade, segurança e rapidez na deslocação de cargas e pessoas. A Analise Geométrica de Via e actualmente uma das principais actividades no âmbito da manutenção, que é feita por diagnóstico, contrariamente ao que acontecia no passado em que a conservação metódica era realizada num determinado ano num troço seleccionado independentemente da necessidade ou não da mesma. Uma ajuda preciosa, no que se refere à decisão de se realizar um determinado trabalho de conservação, e a do veículo VIV02 EM 120 que faz inspeções ao longo de toda a rede ferroviária e permite recolher dados e classificar através do desvio padrão, troços com extensão de 200 metros, obtendo os dados relevantes sobre a necessidade de intervenção. Para além do referido veículo existem também equipamentos ligeiros de inspecção dos parâmetros geométricos de via. Um desses equipamentos designa-se por Trólei, não sendo motorizado, pois o mesmo é movido manualmente por um operador. Obviamente que este equipamento não faz a inspecção a toda a rede pois a operação de medição é morosa, sendo contudo utilizado para análise de defeitos geométricos em pequenos trocos, tornando-se assim uma mais-valia, evitando o deslocar de um equipamento “pesado” como o VIV 02 EM 120. Para atingir os objectivos deste trabalho realizaram-se testes de medição com ambos (veiculo e equipamento ligeiro), no mesmo espaço temporal e com as mesmas características físicas, como a temperatura, humidade etc. Os resultados, de acordo com os objectivos, são a comparação entre as medições de ambos, com vista a comprovar a sua utilidade e necessidade, de acordo com os vários tipos de superstruturas constituintes da rede ferroviária nacional.


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Knowledge on forced magma injection and magma flow in dykes is crucial for the understanding of how magmas migrate through the crust to the Earth's surface. Because many questions still persist, we used the long, thick, and deep-seated Foum Zguid dyke (Morocco) to investigate dyke emplacement and internal flow by means of magnetic methods, structural analysis, petrography, and scanning electron microscopy. We also investigated how the host rocks accommodated the intrusion. Regarding internal flow: 1. Important variations of the rock magnetic properties and magnetic fabric occur with distance from dyke wall; 2. anisotropy of anhysteretic remanent magnetization reveals that anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) results mainly from the superposition of subfabrics with distinct coercivities and that the imbrication between magnetic foliation and dyke plane is more reliable to deduce flow than the orientation of the AMS maximum principal axis; and 3. a dominant upward flow near the margins can be inferred. The magnetic fabric closest to the dyke wall likely records magma flow best due to fast cooling, whereas in the core the magnetic properties have been affected by high-temperature exsolution and metasomatic effects due to slow cooling. Regarding dyke emplacement, this study shows that the thick forceful intrusion induced deformation by homogeneous flattening and/or folding of the host sedimentary strata. Dewatering related to heat, as recorded by thick quartz veins bordering the dyke in some localities, may have also helped accommodating dyke intrusion. The spatial arrangement of quartz veins and their geometrical relationship with the dyke indicate a preintrusive to synintrusive sinistral component of strike slip.


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We investigate nematic wetting and filling transitions of crenellated surfaces (rectangular gratings) by numerical minimization of the Landau-de Gennes free energy as a function of the anchoring strength, for a wide range of the surface geometrical parameters: depth, width, and separation of the crenels. We have found a rich phase behavior that depends in detail on the combination of the surface parameters. By comparison to simple fluids, which undergo a continuous filling or unbending transition, where the surface changes from a dry to a filled state, followed by a wetting or unbinding transition, where the thickness of the adsorbed fluid becomes macroscopic and the interface unbinds from the surface, nematics at crenellated surfaces reveal an intriguingly rich behavior: in shallow crenels only wetting is observed, while in deep crenels, only filling transitions occur; for intermediate surface geometrical parameters, a new class of filled states is found, characterized by bent isotropic-nematic interfaces, which persist for surfaces structured on large scales, compared to the nematic correlation length. The global phase diagram displays two wet and four filled states, all separated by first-order transitions. For crenels in the intermediate regime re-entrant filling transitions driven by the anchoring strength are observed.


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Introdução – Numa era em que os tratamentos de Radioterapia Externa (RTE) exigem cada vez mais precisão, a utilização de imagem médica permitirá medir, quantificar e avaliar o impacto do erro provocado pela execução do tratamento ou pelos movimentos dos órgãos. Objetivo – Analisar os dados existentes na literatura acerca de desvios de posicionamento (DP) em patologias de cabeça e pescoço (CP) e próstata, medidos com Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) ou Electronic Portal Image Device (EPID). Metodologia – Para esta revisão da literatura foram pesquisados artigos recorrendo às bases de dados MEDLINE/PubMed e b-on. Foram incluídos artigos que reportassem DP em patologias CP e próstata medidos através de CBCT e EPID. Seguidamente foram aplicados critérios de validação, que permitiram a seleção dos estudos. Resultados – Após a análise de 35 artigos foram incluídos 13 estudos e validados 9 estudos. Para tumores CP, a média (μ) dos DP encontra-se entre 0,0 e 1,2mm, com um desvio padrão (σ) máximo de 1,3mm. Para patologias de próstata observa-se μDP compreendido entre 0,0 e 7,1mm, com σ máximo de 7,5mm. Discussão/Conclusão – Os DP em patologias CP são atribuídos, maioritariamente, aos efeitos secundários da RTE, como mucosite e dor, que afetam a deglutição e conduzem ao emagrecimento, contribuindo para a instabilidade da posição do doente durante o tratamento, aumentando as incertezas de posicionamento. Os movimentos da próstata devem-se principalmente às variações de preenchimento vesical, retal e gás intestinal. O desconhecimento dos DP afeta negativamente a precisão da RTE. É importante detetá-los e quantificá-los para calcular margens adequadas e a magnitude dos erros, aumentando a precisão da administração de RTE, incluindo o aumento da segurança do doente. - ABSTRACT - Background and Purpose – In an era where precision is an increasing necessity in external radiotherapy (RT), modern medical imaging techniques provide means for measuring, quantifying and evaluating the impact of treatment execution and movement error. The aim of this paper is to review the current literature on the quantification of setup deviations (SD) in patients with head and neck (H&N) or prostate tumors, using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) or Electronic Portal Image Device (EPID). Methods – According to the study protocol, MEDLINE/PubMed and b-on databases were searched for trials, which were analyzed using selection criteria based on the quality of the articles. Results – After assessment of 35 papers, 13 studies were included in this analysis and nine were authenticated (6 for prostate and 3 for H&N tumors). The SD in the treatment of H&N cancer patients is in the interval of 0.1 to 1.2mm, whereas in prostate cancer this interval is 0.0 to 7.1mm. Discussion – The reproducibility of patient positioning is the biggest barrier for higher precision in RT, which is affected by geometrical uncertainty, positioning errors and inter or intra-fraction organ movement. There are random and systematic errors associated to patient positioning, introduced since the treatment planning phase or through physiological organ movement. Conclusion – The H&N SD are mostly assigned to the Radiotherapy adverse effects, like mucositis and pain, which affect swallowing and decrease secretions, contributing for the instability of patient positioning during RT treatment and increasing positioning uncertainties. Prostate motion is mainly related to the variation in bladder and rectal filling. Ignoring SD affects negatively the accuracy of RT. Therefore, detection and quantification of SD is crucial in order to calculate appropriate margins, the magnitude of error and to improve accuracy in RTE and patient safety.


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O objetivo desta investigação é compreender como é que alunos do 3.º ano de escolaridade desenvolvem o conceito de área com ênfase em conhecimentos sobre figuras e propriedades geométricas. Para melhor objetivar o estudo, formulei três questões que orientaram a investigação. Pretendo (1) compreender como é que os alunos mobilizam conhecimentos sobre as propriedades das figuras geométricas no estudo da área de uma figura plana? A que estratégias recorrem? Que dificuldades sentem? (2) que compreensão é que os alunos têm sobre o processo de medição? e (3) que ideias e/ou experiências são relevantes no desenvolvimento do conceito de área? Este é um estudo que se insere no paradigma interpretativo e que segue uma abordagem qualitativa, pelo que não visa generalização de resultados, mas uma descrição compreensiva dos processos vivenciados, tendo em conta os contextos pessoais e sociais. Optei por realizar dois Estudos de Caso. Os dados foram recolhidos através de fontes diversificadas, donde se destacam a observação participante e a análise de registos audiovisuais e escritos dos alunos. A análise dos dados teve por referência categorias criadas com base em contributos da literatura de referência. As conclusões desta investigação centram-se numa análise acerca das estratégias a que os alunos em estudo tendencialmente mais recorrem, visando também algumas das suas dificuldades mais relevantes e sobre as quais importa refletir. Destaca-se que ambos os alunos foram capazes de recorrer a raciocínios baseados e não baseados na medida, embora seja evidente uma tendência para raciocínios baseados na medida. É igualmente importante referir que os dois alunos revelaram um bom conhecimento acerca do processo de medição, mesmo quando ele implicava a definição de uma unidade de medida adequada e/ou mudança de unidade. É dado, também, destaque às experiências matemáticas que devem ser proporcionadas aos alunos no sentido do desenvolvimento de um conhecimento amplo e flexível do conceito de área. - Abstract The purpose of this investigation is to understand the development of 3rd year students’ concept of area based on their knowledge of geometrical properties and figures. As means to orientate the present study, the following investigation questions were formulated: 1) how do students use their knowledge about geometrical properties in order to understand geometrical shape’s areas? Which strategies do they use? What do they struggle with? (2) What is their understanding about measurement? And (3) what are the most relevant mathematical reasonings and classroom tasks in the development of the concept of area? This is a study that follows a qualitative approach: it does not intend to be a generalization, but a fully comprehensive description of the witnessed learning processes, bearing in mind the social and personal contexts. As such, two study-cases were developed. The data were collected through various sources, such as direct observation and analysis of audiovisual records or written worksheets. The scrutiny of the generated data was undertaken following criteria based on the literature of reference. The conclusions of this investigation are centered on the most used strategies as well as the students’ difficulties upon which it is important to discuss. It was noticed that the two students were able to use both measurement and non measurement thinking – although, preferably, they tend to use the first one. On the other hand, it is equally demonstrated that the two students have shown good acquaintance about measurement, even if obliged to the establishment of a suitable unit of measurement and/or change of units. At last, it is also referred which mathematical classroom tasks are important to develop a sustained and comprehensive concept of area.


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The bifunctional transformation of n-hexane was carried out over Pt/MCM-22 based catalysts. MCM-22 was synthesized and submitted to ion exchange with rare earth nitrate solutions of La, Nd and Yb, followed by Pt introduction. Three different methods were used to introduce about 1 wt% of Pt in the zeolite: ion exchange, incipient wetness impregnation and mechanical mixture with Pt/Al(2)O(3). The bifunctional catalysts were characterized by transmission electron microscopy and by the model reaction of toluene hydrogenation. These experiments showed that, in the ion exchanged sample, Pt is located both within the inner micropores and on the outer surface, whereas in the impregnated one, the metal is essentially located on the outer surface under the form of large particles. The presence of RE elements increases the hydrogenating activity of Pt/MCM-22 since the location of these species at the vicinity of metal particles causes modification on its electronic properties. Whatever the mode of Pt introduction, a fast initial decrease in conversion is observed for n-hexane transformation, followed by a plateau related to the occurrence of the catalytic transformations at the hemicages located at the outer surface of the crystals. The effect of rare earth elements on the hydrogenating function leads to a lower selectivity in dibranched isomers and increased amounts of light products.


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In basaltic dykes the magnetic lineation K1 (maximum magnetic susceptibility axis) is generally taken to indicate the flow direction during solidification of the magma. This assumption was tested in Tertiary basaltic dykes from Greenland displaying independent evidence of subhorizontal flow. The digital processing of microphotographs from thin sections cut in (K1, K2) planes yields the preferred linear orientation of plagioclase, which apparently marks the magma flow lineation. In up to 60% of cases, the angular separation between K1 and the assumed flow direction is greater than 45degrees. This suggests that the uncorroborated use of magnetic lineations in dykes is risky. A simple geometrical method is proposed to infer the flow vector from AMS in dykes based solely on magnetic foliations.


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Linear unmixing decomposes a hyperspectral image into a collection of reflectance spectra of the materials present in the scene, called endmember signatures, and the corresponding abundance fractions at each pixel in a spatial area of interest. This paper introduces a new unmixing method, called Dependent Component Analysis (DECA), which overcomes the limitations of unmixing methods based on Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and on geometrical properties of hyperspectral data. DECA models the abundance fractions as mixtures of Dirichlet densities, thus enforcing the constraints on abundance fractions imposed by the acquisition process, namely non-negativity and constant sum. The mixing matrix is inferred by a generalized expectation-maximization (GEM) type algorithm. The performance of the method is illustrated using simulated and real data.


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We consider a fiber made of a soft elastic material, encased in a stiff elastic shell (core-shell geometry). If the core and shell dimensions are mismatched, e.g., because the core shrinks while the shell does not, but the two remain attached, then an elastic instability is triggered whereby wrinkles may appear on the shell. The wrinkle orientation may be longitudinal (along the fiber axis), polar (along the fiber perimeter), or a mixture of both, depending on the fiber's geometrical and material parameters. Here we investigate under what conditions longitudinal or polar wrinkling will occur.


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Trabalho de Projecto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil


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Radial basis functions are being used in different scientific areas in order to reproduce the geometrical modeling of an object/structure, as well as to predict its behavior. Due to its characteristics, these functions are well suited for meshfree modeling of physical quantities, which for instances can be associated to the data sets of 3D laser scanning point clouds. In the present work the geometry of a structure is modeled by using multiquadric radial basis functions, and its configuration is further optimized in order to obtain better performances concerning to its static and dynamic behavior. For this purpose the authors consider the particle swarm optimization technique. A set of case studies is presented to illustrate the adequacy of the meshfree model used, as well as its link to particle swarm optimization technique. © 2014 IEEE.


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Bifunctional Pt-HMOR catalysts were prepared by incipient wetness impregnation of various desilicated MOR obtained by alkaline treatment using NaOH concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 M. The zeolite structural changes upon modification were investigated by several techniques including powder X-ray diffraction,Al-27 and Si-29 MAS-NMR spectroscopy, N-2 adsorption, pyridine adsorption followed by infrared spectroscopy and the catalytic model reaction of m-xylene transformation. For low alkaline concentration the zeolite acidity is preserved, along with a slight increase of the volume correspondent to the larger micropores due to the removal of extra-framework debris already existent at the parent zeolite. At higher NaOH concentrations there is a significant loss of crystalinity and acidity as well as the formation of mesoporosity. The characterization of the metal function shows similar patterns for Pt-HMOR and Pt-M/0.1 samples, with Pt particles located mainly inside the inner porosity. In contrast, large Pt particles become visible at the intercrystalline mesoporosity of MOR crystals developed during the desilication treatments at severe alkaline conditions. The catalytic results obtained for n-hexane hydroisomerization showed an improved selectivity for dibranched over monobranched isomers for Pt-M/0.1 sample, likely due to the preservation of the support acidity and the slight enlargement of the micropores. This work is a new example in which the mesoporous development does not improve the catalytic efficiency of the zeolites, whereas mild alkaline desilication might be considered as an effective solution to produce customized catalysts with enhanced performance for a given application. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hierarchical SAPO-11 was synthesized using a commercial Merck carbon as template. Oxidant acid treatments were performed on the carbon matrix in order to investigate its influence on the properties of SAPO-11. Structural, textural and acidic properties of the different materials were evaluated by XRD, SEM, N-2 adsorption, pyridine adsorption followed by IR spectroscopy and thermal analyses. The catalytic behavior of the materials (with 0.5 wt.% Pt, introduced by mechanic mixture with Pt/Al2O3), were studied in the hydroisomerization of n-decane. The hierarchical samples showed higher yields in monobranched isomers than typical microporous SAPO-11, as a direct consequence of the modification on both porosity and acidity, the later one being the most predominant. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química