6 resultados para General (impuestos)-Recaudacion-Valencia (Regne)-S. XVII-Pleitos

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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Words are the smallest units of messages. Attention should be given to each word used to be sure it is the most effective one. An effective word is one that the receiver will understand and that will elicit the wanted response. The ability to choose words by (a) using a dictionary and a thesaurus and (b) following some of the principles of business communication described in this text can be improved.


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O traje militar, em geral, e em Portugal, em particular, teve uma enorme evolução no século XVII. Foi nesta centúria que se deram as primeiras tentativas em Portugal de introduzir e regular os uniformes. Paralelamente verifica-se que a indumentária militar sofreu de fortes influências da Moda vigente. ABSTRACT - The military costume had an enormous evolution in the seventeenth century. It was in this century that the first attempts were made to introduce the uniforms in Portugal. It appears that the military outfit suffered from strong influences from fashion.


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Ribeiro Arthur foi militar, crítico de Arte e foi sobretudo um dos mais importantes investigadores e ilustradores da história dos uniformes em Portugal. Produziu um número muito significativo de aguarelas dedicadas a este tema que, reunidas em colecção, estão preservadas no Arquivo Histórico Militar. ABSTRACT - Artur Ribeiro Arthur was military, art critic and was one of the most important researchers and illustrators in the history of the uniforms in Portugal. He produced a significant number of watercolors dedicated to this theme, gathered in collections that are kept in the Military Historical Archive.


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A batalha é geralmente considerada como um dos géneros mais característicos da literatura organística ibérica do Barroco. Paradoxalmente é, de todas os géneros da música de órgão peninsular, aquele acerca do qual se possuem menos dados sobre a prática interpretativa. A informação que se pode obter a partir da generalidade dos textos seiscentistas sobre música de tecla, aplica-se sobretudo à interpretação das obras contrapontísticas, deixando em aberto muitas questões relacionadas com o carácter eminentemente descritivo das batalhas. Por outro lado, é também interessante verificar que algumas das mais convincentes interpretações de batalhas que actualmente escutamos são aquelas que resultam de uma leitura menos literal do texto musical e de uma intenção clara de sublinhar o seu carácter descritivo. A informação extraída da Batalha famoza (presente no manuscrito MM 43 da Biblioteca Pública Municipal do Porto) e apresentada ao longo deste texto parece pôr em evidência o apelo que a execução das batalhas fazia a um esforço interpretativo por parte do organista, não só através da utilização de recursos específicos do órgão ibérico, mas também mediante o emprego de uma ornamentação mais livre que pusesse em evidência o carácter descritivo daquele género musical.


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Objectives - To identify occupational stressors and coping resources in a group of physiotherapists, and to analyse interactions between subjective levels of stress, efficacy in stress resolution and coping resources used by these professionals. Design - A sample of 55 physiotherapists working in three general hospitals in Portugal completed the Coping Resources Inventory for Stress, the Occupational Stressors Inventory and two subjective scales for stress and stress resolution. Main results - Most physiotherapists perceived that they were moderately stressed (19/55, 35%) or stressed (20/55, 36%) due to work, and reported that their efficacy in stress resolution was moderate (25/54, 46%) or efficient (23/54, 42%). Issues related to lack of professional autonomy, lack of organisation in the hierarchical command chain, lack of professional and social recognition, disorganisation in task distribution and interpersonal conflicts with superiors were identified as the main sources of stress. The most frequently used coping resources were social support, stress monitoring, physical health and structuring. Perceived efficacy in stress resolution was inversely related to perceived level of occupational stress (r = −0.61, P < 0.01). Significant correlations were found between several coping resources and the perceived level of stress and efficacy in stress resolution. Associations between problem solving, cognitive restructuring and stress monitoring and both low levels of perceived stress and high levels of perceived efficacy were particularly strong. Implications for practice - The importance of identifying stressors and coping resources related to physiotherapists’ occupational stress, and the need for the development of specific training programmes to cope with stress are supported.


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Diarrhoea is the second leading cause of death in children under five years being responsible for 760.000 deaths, corresponding to 9% of the total deaths in this age group. Africa is the region with more deaths due to diarrhoea (46%), followed by South Asia (38%). Three quarters of the total of deaths occurs within only 15 countries and Angola is in the 15th position with a record of 20,000 annual childhood deaths. Diarrhoeal disease can be caused by bacterial, viral and parasitic infectious agents and can be transmited through contaminated food or drinking water, or directly from person to person. Rotavirus and Escherichia coli were shown the most frequent pathogenic agents in developing countries. This study aims to identify the most frequent pathogenic agents of diarrhoea in children under five atttending the Bengo General Hospital (BGH)..