7 resultados para Figaron häät (ooppera)
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
O pinheiro tem um papel importante na ecologia e economia nacional. O Pinheiro sofre de uma praga severa, denominada por doença da murchidão dos pinheiros, causada pelo nemátodo da madeira do pinheiro (NMP). Apresenta-se como um verme microscópico, invertebrado, medindo menos de 1,5 mm de comprimento. O contágio entre árvores deve-se a vectores biologicamente conhecidos por longicórneo e capricórnio do pinheiro. Os produtores de madeira de pinho são desta forma obrigados a efectuar tratamentos térmicos (HT), de eliminação do NMP e dos seus vectores para que a exportação da madeira serrada cumpra com a norma NP 4487. De modo a manter a competitividade internacional das empresas nacionais, o impacto dos custos do HT deve ser minimizado. O objectivo desta dissertação é efectuar o estudo técnico-económico da implementação de um sistema de cogeração capaz produzir calor para efectuar o tratamento ao NMP e simultaneamente energia eléctrica para vender à rede pública. As receitas da venda de energia eléctrica poderão contribuir para a minimização dos custos do HT. Tendo em conta que os resíduos das serrações de madeira podem ser usados como combustível consideraram-se para avaliação duas tecnologias de cogeração, um sistema de turbina a vapor clássico (ciclo Rankine) e um sistema Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), permitindo ambas a queima dos resíduos das serrações de madeira. No que diz respeito à avaliação económica, foi desenvolvido um simulador de tecnologia/modalidade de remuneração que efectua cálculos consoante as necessidades térmicas de cada produtor, a potência eléctrica a instalar e indicadores económicos, VAL, TIR e PAYBACK da instalação do sistema de cogeração. O simulador desenvolvido aplica a nova legislação que enquadra o sistema jurídico e remuneratório da cogeração (DL 23/2010), na qual se consideram duas modalidades, geral e especial. A metodologia desenvolvida foi aplicada num caso real de uma serração de madeira e os principais resultados mostram que as soluções apresentadas, turbina a vapor e sistema ORC, não apresentam viabilidade económica. Através da análise de sensibilidade, conclui-se que um dos factores que mais influência a viabilidade económica do projecto é o tempo de funcionamento reduzido. Sendo uma das soluções apresentada a criação de uma central de cogeração para vários produtores de madeira. Uma possível solução para o problema do reduzido tempo de utilização seria o fornecimento do serviço de tratamentos térmicos a outros produtores de paletes de madeira que não possuem estufa própria.
Mestrado em Tecnologia de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Cardiovascular - Área de especialização: Ultrassonografia Cardiovascular.
This paper, reports experimental work on the use of new heterogeneous solid basic catalysts for biodiesel production: double oxides of Mg and Al, produced by calcination, at high temperature, of MgAl lamellar structures, the hydrotalcites (HT). The most suitable catalyst system studied are hydrotalcite Mg:Al 2:1 calcinated at 507 degrees C and 700 degrees C, leading to higher values of FAME also in the second reaction stage. One of the prepared catalysts resulted in 97.1% Fatty acids methyl esters (FAME) in the 1st reaction step, 92.2% FAME in the 2nd reaction step and 34% FAME in the 3rd reaction step. The biodiesel obtained in the transesterification reaction showed composition and quality parameters within the limits specified by the European Standard EN 14214. 2.5% wt catalyst/oil and a molar ratio methanol:oil of 9:1 or 12:1 at 60 -65 degrees C and 4 h of reaction time are the best operating conditions achieved in this study. This study showed the potential of Mg/Al hydrotalcites as heterogeneous catalysts for biodiesel production. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Individuals spend 80-90% of their day indoors and elderly subjects are likely to spend even a greater amount of time indoors. Thus, indoor air pollutants such as bioaerosols may exert a significant impact on this age group. The aim of this study was to characterize fungal contamination within Portuguese elderly care centers. Fungi were measured using conventional as well as molecular methods in bedrooms, living rooms, canteens, storage areas, and outdoors. Bioaerosols were evaluated before and after the microenvironments' occupancy in order to understand the role played by occupancy in fungal contamination. Fungal load results varied from 32 colony-forming units CFU m(-3) in bedrooms to 228 CFU m(-3) in storage areas. Penicillium sp. was the most frequently isolated (38.1%), followed by Aspergillus sp. (16.3%) and Chrysonilia sp. (4.2%). With respect to Aspergillus genus, three different fungal species in indoor air were detected, with A. candidus (62.5%) the most prevalent. On surfaces, 40 different fungal species were isolated and the most frequent was Penicillium sp. (22.2%), followed by Aspergillus sp. (17.3%). Real-time polymerase chain reaction did not detect the presence of A. fumigatus complex. Species from Penicillium and Aspergillus genera were the most abundant in air and surfaces. The species A. fumigatus was present in 12.5% of all indoor microenvironments assessed. The living room was the indoor microenvironment with lowest fungal concentration and the storage area was highest.
According to numerous studies, airborne nanoparticles have a potential to produce serious adverse human health effects when deposited into the respiratory tract. The most important parts of the lung are the alveolar regions with their enormous surface areas and potential to transfer nanoparticles into the blood stream. These effects may be potentiated in case of the elderly, since this population is more susceptible to air pollutants in general and more to nanoparticles than larger particles. The main goal of this investigation was to determine the exposure of institutionalized elders to nanoparticles using Nanoparticle Surface Area Monitor (NSAM) equipment to calculate the deposited surface area (DSA) of nanoparticles into elderly lungs. In total, 193 institutionalized individuals over 65 yr of age were examined in four elderly care centers (ECC). The occupancy daily pattern was achieved by applying a questionnaire, and it was concluded that these subjects spent most of their time indoors, including the bedroom and living room, the indoor microenvironments with higher prevalence of elderly occupancy. The deposited surface area ranged from 10 to 46 μm2/cm3. The living rooms presented significantly higher levels compared with bedrooms. Comparing PM10 concentrations with nanoparticles deposited surface area in elderly lungs, it is conceivable that living rooms presented the highest concentration of PM10 and were similar to the highest average DSA. The temporal distribution of DSA was also assessed. While data showed a quantitative fluctuation in values in bedrooms, high peaks were detected in living rooms.
Fitness centres are special places where conditions for microbiological proliferation should be considered. Moisture due to human perspiration and water condensation as a result of human physical activities are prevalent in this type of buildings. Exposure to microbial contaminants is clinically associated with respiratory disorders and people who work out in polluted environments would be susceptible to contaminants. This work studied the indoor air contamination in three gymnasiums in Lisbon. The sampling was performed at two periods: at the opening (morning) and closing (night) of the three gymnasiums. The airborne bacterial and fungal populations were sampled by impaction directly onto Tryptic Soy Agar (for bacteria) and Malt Extract Agar (for fungi) plates, using a Merck MAS-100 air sampler. Higher bacterial concentrations were found at night as compared to the morning but the same behaviour was not found for fungal concentrations. Gram-negative catalase positive cocci were the dominant bacteria in indoor air samples of the studied gymnasiums. In this study, 21 genera/species of fungal colonies were identified. Chrysosporium sp., Chrysonilia sp., Neoscytalidium hialinum, Sepedonium sp. and Penicillium sp. were the most prevalent species identified in the morning, while Cladosporium sp., Penicillium sp., Chrysosporium sp., Acremonium sp. and Chrysonilia sp. were more prevalent at night. A well-designed sanitation and maintenance program for gymnasiums is needed to ensure healthier space for indoor physical activity.
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