3 resultados para Eastern and Western Transportation Company.
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
We have conducted a P and S receiver functions [PRFs and SRFs] analysis for 19 seismic stations on the Iberia and western Mediterranean. In the transition zone [TZ] the PRFs analysis reveals a band [from Gibraltar to Balearic] increased by 10-20 km relative to the standard 250 km. The TZ thickness variations are strongly correlated with the P660s times in PRFs. We interpret the variable depth of the 660-km discontinuity as an effect of subduction. Over the anomalous TZ we found a reduced velocity zone in the upper mantle. Joint inversion of PRFs and SRFs reveals a subcrustal high S velocity lid and an underlying LVZ. A reduction of the S velocity in the LVZ is less than 10%. The Gutenberg discontinuity is located at 65±5 km, but in several models sampling the Mediterranean, the lid is missing or its thickness is reduced to ~30 km. In the Gibraltar and North Africa this boundary is located at ~100 km. The lid Vp/Vs beneath Betics is reduced relative to the standard 1.8. Another evidence of the Vp/Vs anomaly is provided by S410p phase late arrivals in the SRFs. The azimuthal anisotropy analysis with a new technology was conducted at 5 stations and at 2 groups of stations. The fast direction in the uppermost mantle layer is ~90º in Iberian Massif. In Balearic is in the azimuth of ~120º. At a depth of ~60 km the direction becomes 90º. Anisotropy in the upper layer can be interpreted as frozen, whereas anisotropy in the lower layer is active, corresponding to the present-day or recent flow. The effect of the asthenosphere in the SKS splitting is much larger than the effect of the subcrustal lithosphere.
A certificação deixou de ser “apenas” uma vantagem competitiva para passar a ser um critério seleccionador de empresas diferenciando-as das concorrentes. O conceito de melhoria contínua subjacente à norma ISO 9001 transmite para o mercado a imagem de empresas capazes de satisfazer e superar as exigências dos clientes, direccionando todos os colaboradores para esse objectivo comum. O sector dos Transportes aderiu em força a esta inovação mostrando interesse em melhorar a qualidade do serviço prestado e dos processos. O objectivo deste estudo é contribuir para a avaliação da implementação do Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade (SGQ) ISO 9001:2008 numa empresa de Transportes rodoviários de mercadorias porta a porta (TRMPP) – também designado por Transporte Fraccionado de Mercadorias. Elaborou-se um questionário a clientes construindo-se os indicadores de forma a identificar pontos fortes e pontos fracos no sentido da melhoria contínua da qualidade. Destacam-se a competitividade relativamente às devoluções, grau de satisfação relativamente à competitividade geral, classificação do serviço prestado pelos motoristas/ ajudantes. Conclui-se que a principal razão que levou a empresa a implementar o SGQ foi a necessidade de responder a alguns requisitos nomeadamente concursos públicos onde implicitamente existem indicadores de satisfação dos clientes e outros de melhoria da qualidade do produto/serviço. Durante o processo de implementação do SGQ, surgiram dificuldades relacionadas essencialmente com o tempo necessário para tratar de burocracias e com os custos da Qualidade. Concluiu-se ainda que a Gestão de topo, os Directores e os Chefes de Secção, são os principais responsáveis pela detecção e correcção de não conformidades, bem como a empresa que implementou novos métodos de motivação dos colaboradores, destacando a formação e a comunicação.
The contribution of the evapotranspiration from a certain region to the precipitation over the same area is referred to as water recycling. In this paper, we explore the spatiotemporal links between the recycling mechanism and the Iberian rainfall regime. We use a 9 km resolution Weather Research and Forecasting simulation of 18 years (1990-2007) to compute local and regional recycling ratios over Iberia, at the monthly scale, through both an analytical and a numerical recycling model. In contrast to coastal areas, the interior of Iberia experiences a relative maximum of precipitation in spring, suggesting a prominent role of land-atmosphere interactions on the inland precipitation regime during this period of the year. Local recycling ratios are the highest in spring and early summer, coinciding with those areas where this spring peak of rainfall represents the absolute maximum in the annual cycle. This confirms that recycling processes are crucial to explain the Iberian spring precipitation, particularly over the eastern and northeastern sectors. Average monthly recycling values range from 0.04 in December to 0.14 in June according to the numerical model and from 0.03 in December to 0.07 in May according to the analytical procedure. Our analysis shows that the highest values of recycling are limited by the coexistence of two necessary mechanisms: (1) the availability of sufficient soil moisture and (2) the occurrence of appropriate synoptic configurations favoring the development of convective regimes. The analyzed surplus of rainfall in spring has a critical impact on agriculture over large semiarid regions of the interior of Iberia.