8 resultados para Chronic salmonellosis associated with schistosomiasis
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Childhood excessive weight and obesity are a major public health concern from early childhood. Early childhood is an important period of development for developing healthy eating habits, that may be associated with an adequate present/future BMI. There is extensive evidence that children’s food intake is shaped by early experiences, suggesting ways in which parenting practices may be promoting obesity. But what leads parents to endorse healthier or detrimental educational practices and routines needs further study. 1. Perception of children’s weight: parents of overweight or obese children often fail to correctly perceive their children as overweight; failing to recognize their children’s excessive weight may impeach parents from implementing the best educational practices. 2. Concern: relation between the adequacy of mothers perception of their children’s weight and the level of concern - parental concern is be associated with parental practices. 3. Attribution of control: also, if parents do not consider their children’s eating behavior at least partially controllable by them, they may relinquish some of their responsibility in this area. Self-efficacy: evidence linking parental self-efficacy to parent competence and to parenting practices and behaviors; low parental self-efficacy related to the control of everyday behavior of young children may lead parents to abandon more consistent health practices and endorse permissive and inconsistent strategies. We designed 2 sequential studies that aim to contribute to the understanding of cognitive determinants of children’s eating patterns.
Hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) is a risk factor for vascular disease, but the underlying mechanisms remain incompletely defined. Reduced bioavailability of nitric oxide (NO) is a principal manifestation of underlying endothelial dysfunction, which is an initial event in vascular disease. Inhibition of cellular methylation reactions by S-adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy), which accumulates during HHcy, has been suggested to contribute to vascular dysfunction. However, thus far, the effect of intracellular AdoHcy accumulation on NO bioavailability has not yet been fully substantiated by experimental evidence. The present study was carried out to evaluate whether disturbances in cellular methylation status affect NO production by cultured human endothelial cells. Here, we show that a hypomethylating environment, induced by the accumulation of AdoHcy, impairs NO production. Consistent with this finding, we observed decreased eNOS expression and activity, but, by contrast, enhanced NOS3 transcription. Taken together, our data support the existence of regulatory post-transcriptional mechanisms modulated by cellular methylation potential leading to impaired NO production by cultured human endothelial cells. As such, our conclusions may have implications for the HHcy-mediated reductions in NO bioavailability and endothelial dysfunction.
The cytosolic chaperonin CCT is a heterooligomeric complex of about 900 kDa that mediates the folding of cytoskeletal proteins. We observed by indirect immunofluorescence that the Tetrahymena TpCCTalpha, TpCCTdelta, TpCCTepsilon, and TpCCTeta-subunits colocalize with tubulin in cilia, basal bodies, oral apparatus, and contractile vacuole pores. TpCCT-subunits localization was affected during reciliation. These findings combined with atomic force microscopy measurements in reciliating cells indicate that these proteins play a role during cilia biogenesis related to microtubule nucleation, tubulin transport, and/or axoneme assembly. The TpCCT-subunits were also found to be associated with cortex and cytoplasmic microtubules suggesting that they can act as microtubule-associated proteins. The TpCCTdelta being the only subunit found associated with the macronuclear envelope indicates that it has functions outside of the 900 kDa complex. Tetrahymena cytoplasm contains granular/globular-structures of TpCCT-subunits in close association with microtubule arrays. Studies of reciliation and with cycloheximide suggest that these structures may be sites of translation and folding. Combined biochemical techniques revealed that reciliation affects the oligomeric state of TpCCT-subunits being tubulin preferentially associated with smaller CCT oligomeric species in early stages of reciliation. Collectively, these findings indicate that the oligomeric state of CCT-subunits reflects the translation capacity of the cell and microtubules integrity.
Background: Polymorphisms located in genes involved in the metabolism of folate and some methyl-related nutrients are implicated in colorectal cancer (CRC). Objective: We evaluated the association of 3 genetic polymorphisms [C677T MTHFR (methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase), A2756G MTR (methionine synthase), and C1420T SHMT (serine hydroxymethyltransferase)] with the intake of methyl-donor nutrients in CRC risk. Design: Patients withCRC(n 196) and healthy controls (n 200) matched for age and sex were evaluated for intake of methyl-donor nutrients and the 3 polymorphisms. Results: Except for folate intake, which was significantly lower in patients (P 0.02), no differences were observed in the dietary intake of other methyl-donor nutrients between groups. High intake of folate ( 406.7 g/d) was associated with a significantly lower risk of CRC (odds ratio: 0.67; 95% CI: 0.45, 0.99). The A2756G MTR polymorphism was not associated with the risk of developing CRC. In contrast, homozygosity for the C677TMTHFRvariant (TT) presented a 3.0-fold increased risk of CRC (95% CI: 1.3, 6.7). Similarly, homozygosity for the C1420T SHMT polymorphism also had a 2.6-fold increased risk (95% CI: 1.1, 5.9) of developing CRC. When interactions between variables were studied, low intake of all methyl-donor nutrients was associated with an increased risk ofCRC in homozygous participants for the C677T MTHFR polymorphism, but a statistically significant interaction was only observed for folate (odds ratio: 14.0; 95% CI: 1.8, 108.5). No significant associations were seen for MTR or SHMT polymorphisms. Conclusion: These results show an association between the C677T MTHFR variant and different folate intakes on risk of CRC.
We have identified an allelic deletion common region in the q26 region of chromosome 10 in endometrial carcinomas, which has been reported previously as a potential target of genetic alterations related to this neoplasia. An allelotyping analysis of 19 pairs of tumoral and non-tumoral samples was accomplished using seven microsatellite polymorphic markers mapping in the 10q26 chromosomal region. Loss of heterozygosity for one or more loci was detected in 29% of the endometrial carcinoma samples. The observed pattern of loss enabled the identification of a 3.5 Mb common deleted region located between the D10S587 and D10S186 markers. An additional result from an endometrial sample with evidence of a RER phenotype may suggest a more centromeric region of loss within the above-mentioned interval. This 401.84 Kb interval flanked by the D10S587 and D10S216 markers may be a plausible location for a putative suppressor gene involved in early stage endometrial carcinogenesis.
With very few exceptions, M > 4 tectonic earthquakes in the Azores show normal fault solution and occur away from the islands. Exceptionally, the 1998 shock was pure strike-slip and occurred within the northern edge of the Pico-Faial Ridge. Fault plane solutions show two possible planes of rupture striking ENE-WSW (dextral) and NNW-SSE (sinistral). The former has not been recognised in the Azores, but is parallel to the transform direction related to the relative motion between the Eurasia and Nubia plates. Therefore, the main question we address in the present study is: do transform faults related to the Eurasia/Nubia plate boundary exist in the Azores? Knowing that the main source of strain is related to plate kinematics, we conclude that the sinistral strike-slip NNW-SSE fault plane solution is not consistent with either the fault dip (ca. 65, which is typical of a normal fault) or the ca. ENE-WSW direction of maximum extension; both are consistent with a normal fault, as observed in most major earthquakes on faults striking around NNW-SSE in the Azores. In contrast, the dextral strike-slip ENE-WSW fault plane solution is consistent with the transform direction related to the anticlockwise rotation of Nubia relative to Eurasia. Altogether, tectonic data, measured ground motion, observed destruction, and modelling are consistent with a dextral strike-slip source fault striking ENE-WSW. Furthermore, the bulk clockwise rotation measured by GPS is typical of bookshelf block rotations observed at the termination of such master strike-slip faults. Therefore, we suggest that the 1998 earthquake can be related to the WSW termination of a transform (ENE-WSW fault plane solution) associated with the Nubia-Eurasia diffuse plate boundary. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nutrition science has evolved into a multidisciplinary field that applies molecular biology and integrates individual health with the epidemiologic investigation of population health. Nutritional genomics studies the functional interaction of food and its components, macro and micronutrients, with the genome at the molecular, cellular, and systemic level. Diet can influence cancer development in several ways, namely direct action of carcinogens in food that can damage DNA, diet components (macro or micronutrients) that can block or induce enzymes involved in activation or deactivation of carcinogenic substances. Moreover, inadequate intake of some molecules involved in DNA synthesis, repair or methylation can influence mutation rate or changes in gene expression. Several studies support the idea that diet can influence the risk of cancer; however information concerning the precise dietary factor that determines human cancer is an ongoing debate. A lot of epidemiological studies, involving food frequency questionnaires, have been developed providing important information concerning diet and cancer, however, diet is a complex composite of various nutrients (macro and micronutrients) and non-nutritive food constituents that makes the search for specific factors almost limitless.
The Tagus estuary is bordered by the largest metropolitan area in Portugal, the Lisbon capital city council. It has suffered the impact of several major tsunamis in the past, as shown by a recent revision of the catalogue of tsunamis that struck the Portuguese coast over the past two millennia. Hence, the exposure of populations and infrastructure established along the riverfront comprises a critical concern for the civil protection services. The main objectives of this work are to determine critical inundation areas in Lisbon and to quantify the associated severity through a simple index derived from the local maximum of momentum flux per unit mass and width. The employed methodology is based on the mathematical modelling of a tsunami propagating along the estuary, resembling the one occurred on the 1 November of 1755 that followed the 8.5 M-w Great Lisbon Earthquake. The employed simulation tool was STAV-2D, a shallow-flow solver coupled with conservation equations for fine solid phases, and now featuring the novelty of discrete Lagrangian tracking of large debris. Different sets of initial conditions were studied, combining distinct tidal, atmospheric and fluvial scenarios, so that the civil protection services were provided with comprehensive information to devise public warning and alert systems and post-event mitigation intervention. For the most severe scenario, the obtained results have shown a maximum inundation extent of 1.29 km at the AlcA cent ntara valley and water depths reaching nearly 10 m across Lisbon's riverfront.