em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Helically twisted fibers can be produced by electrospinning liquid-crystalline cellulose solutions. Fiber topographies are studied by atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (see figure) and polarized optical microscopy. The fibers have a nearly universal pitch-to-diameter ratio and comprise both right- and left-handed helices.
We show that suspended nano and microfibres electrospun from liquid crystalline cellulosic solutions will curl into spirals if they are supported at just one end, or, if they are supported at both ends, will twist into a helix of one handedness over half of its length and of the opposite handedness over the other half, the two halves being connected by a short straight section. This latter phenomenon, known as perversion, is a consequence of the intrinsic curvature of the fibres and of a topological conservation law. Furthermore, agreement between theory and experiment can only be achieved if account is taken of the intrinsic torsion of the fibres. Precisely the same behaviour is known to be exhibited by the tendrils of climbing plants such as Passiflora edulis, albeit on a lengthscale of millimetres, i.e., three to four orders of magnitude larger than in our fibres. This suggests that the same basic, coarse-grained physical model is applicable across a range of lengthscales.
The incorporation of small amount of highly anisotropic nanoparticles into liquid crystalline hydroxypropylcellulose (LC-HPC) matrix improves its response when is exposed to humidity gradients due to an anisotropic increment of order in the structure. Dispersed nanoparticles give rise to faster order/disorder transitions when exposed to moisture as it is qualitatively observed and quantified by stress-time measurements. The presence of carbon nanotubes derives in a improvement of the mechanical properties of LC-HPC thin films.
Water-based cellulose cholesteric liquid crystalline phases at rest can undergo structural changes induced by shear flow. This reflects on the deuterium spectra recorded when the system is investigated by rheo-nuclear magnetic resonance (rheo-NMR) techniques. In this work, the model system hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC)+water is revisited using rheo-NMR to clarify unsettled points regarding its behavior under shear and in relaxation. The NMR spectra allow the identification of five different stable ordering states, within shear and relaxation, which are well integrated in a mesoscopic picture of the system's structural evolution under shear and relaxation. This picture emerging from the large body of studies available for this system by other experimental techniques, accounts well for the NMR data and is in good agreement with the three distinct regions of steady shear flow recognized for some lyotropic LC polymers. Shear rates in between 0.1 and 1.0 s(-1) where investigated using a Taylor-Couette flow and deuterated water was used as solvent for the deuterium NMR (DNMR) analysis.
Liquid crystalline cellulosic-based solutions described by distinctive properties are at the origin of different kinds of multifunctional materials with unique characteristics. These solutions can form chiral nematic phases at rest, with tuneable photonic behavior, and exhibit a complex behavior associated with the onset of a network of director field defects under shear. Techniques, such as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Rheology coupled with NMR (Rheo-NMR), rheology, optical methods, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Wide Angle X-rays Scattering (WAXS), were extensively used to enlighten the liquid crystalline characteristics of these cellulosic solutions. Cellulosic films produced by shear casting and fibers by electrospinning, from these liquid crystalline solutions, have regained wider attention due to recognition of their innovative properties associated to their biocompatibility. Electrospun membranes composed by helical and spiral shape fibers allow the achievement of large surface areas, leading to the improvement of the performance of this kind of systems. The moisture response, light modulated, wettability and the capability of orienting protein and cellulose crystals, opened a wide range of new applications to the shear casted films. Characterization by NMR, X-rays, tensile tests, AFM, and optical methods allowed detailed characterization of those soft cellulosic materials. In this work, special attention will be given to recent developments, including, among others, a moisture driven cellulosic motor and electro-optical devices.
Cellulose and its derivatives, such as hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) have been studied for a long time but they are still not well understood particularly in liquid crystalline solutions. These systems can be at the origin of networks with properties similar to liquid crystalline (LC) elastomers. The films produced from LC solutions can be manipulated by the action of moisture allowing for instance the development of a soft motor (Geng et al., 2013) driven by humidity. Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC), which combine cellulose properties with the specific characteristics of nanoscale materials, have been mainly studied for their potential as a reinforcing agent. Suspensions of CNC can also self-order originating a liquid-crystalline chiral nematic phases. Considering the liquid crystalline features that both LC-HPC and CNC can acquire, we prepared LC-HPC/CNC solutions with different CNC contents (1,2 and 5 wt.%). The effect of the CNC into the LC-HPC matrix was determined by coupling rheology and NMR spectroscopy - Rheo-NMR a technique tailored to analyse orientational order in sheared systems. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The rheological and structural characteristics of acetoxypropylcellulose (APC) nematic melt are studied at shear rates ranging from 10 s(-1) to 1000 s(-1) which are relevant to extrusion based processes. APC shows a monotonic shear thinning behavior over the range of shear rates tested. The negative extrudate-swell shows a minimum when a critical shear rate (gamma) over dot(c) is reached. For shear rates smaller than (gamma) over dot(c), the flow-induced texture consists of two set of bands aligned parallel and normal to the flow direction. At shear rates larger than (gamma) over dot(c), the flow induced texture is reminiscent of a 2 fluids structure. Close to the shearing walls, domains elongated along the flow direction and stacked along the vorticity are imaged with POM, whereas SALS patterns indicate that the bulk of the sheared APC is made of elliptical domains oriented along the vorticity. No full nematic alignment is achieved at the largest shear rate tested. Below (gamma) over dot(c), the stress relaxation is described by a stretched exponential. Above (gamma) over dot(c), the stress relaxation is described by a fast and a slow process. The latter coincides with the growth of normal bands thicknesses, as the APC texture after flow cessation consists of two types of bands with parallel and normal orientations relative to the flow direction. Both bands thicknesses do not depend on the applied shear rate, in contrast to their orientation. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A mat of electrospun cellulose fibers are deposed on transparent conductive oxide covered glass, and two such plates enclose a nematic liquid crystal. Thus two new types of Cellulose based Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal devices, based on hydroxypropylcellulose and Cellulose Acetate and the nematic liquid crystal E7 have been obtained. The current-voltage characteristics indicates ionic type conduction. Heating-cooling cycles have been applied on the samples and the activation energies have been determined. Simultaneously with the thermo-stimulated currents, the optical transmission dependence on the d.c. electric field and temperature was registered. ON-OFF switching times have been determined for different control voltages. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Liquid crystals in confined geometries exhibit numerous complex structures often including topological defects that are controlled by the nematic elasticity, chirality and surface anchoring. In this work, we study the structures of cholesteric droplets pierced by cellulose fibres with planar anchoring at droplet and fibre surfaces. By varying the temperature we demonstrate the role of twisting power and droplet diameter on the equilibrium structures. The observed structures are complemented by detailed numerical simulations of possible director fields decorated by defects. Three distinct structures, a bipolar and two ring configurations, are identified experimentally and numerically. Designing cholesteric liquid crystal microdroplets on thin long threads opens new routes to produce fibre waveguides decorated with complex microresonators.
The salient feature of liquid crystal elastomers and networks is strong coupling between orientational order and mechanical strain. Orientational order can be changed by a wide variety of stimuli, including the presence of moisture. Changes in the orientation of constituents give rise to stresses and strains, which result in changes in sample shape. We have utilized this effect to build soft cellulose-based motor driven by humidity. The motor consists of a circular loop of cellulose film, which passes over two wheels. When humid air is present near one of the wheels on one side of the film, with drier air elsewhere, rotation of the wheels results. As the wheels rotate, the humid film dries. The motor runs so long as the difference in humidity is maintained. Our cellulose liquid crystal motor thus extracts mechanical work from a difference in humidity.
Shear transparent cellulose free-standing thin films can develop iridescence similar to that found in petals of the tulip Queen of the Night. The iridescence of the film arises from the modulation of the surface into bands periodically spread perpendicular to the shear direction. Small amounts of nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) rods in the precursor liquid-crystalline solutions do not disturb the optical properties of the solutions but enhance the mechanical characteristics of the films and affects their iridescence. Smaller bands periodicity, not affected by the NCC rods, slightly deviated from the shear direction is also observed. NCCs are crucial to tune and understand the film's surface features formation. Our findings could lead to new materials for application in soft reflective screens and devices.
This work reports a recently developed electro-optical (EO) device that can potentially be used as a light shutter or a privacy window. By using nanocrystalline cellulose rods, we were able to improve some of the most relevant parameters characterising the EO behaviour. A brief description of the proposed working mechanism for these devices is presented, and numerical simulations based on this mechanism of both the optical transmission and the cells' electrical capacitance are compared with the obtained results, validating the underlying working model considered.
A celulose é o polímero renovável mais abundante do mundo. É conhecido pela sua excelente biocompatibilidade, propriedades térmicas e mecânicas. A celulose assim como os polipéptideos e o ADN, pertence a uma família de moléculas orgânicas que dão origem à formação de fases líquidas cristalinas (LCs) colestéricas. A Passiflora Edulis, tal como outras plantas trepadeiras, possui longas e flexíveis gavinhas que permitem à planta encontrar um suporte para se fixar. As gavinhas podem assumir a forma de espirais ou de hélices consoante sejam sustentadas por apenas uma ou por ambas as extremidades. As hélices apresentam muitas vezes duas porções helicoidais, uma esquerda e outra direita, separadas por um segmento recto denominado perversão. Este comportamento é consequência da curvatura intrínseca das gavinhas produzidas pela planta trepadeira. O mesmo comportamento pode ser observado em micro e nanofibras celulósicas fabricadas a partir de soluções líquido-cristalinas, numa escala três a quatro ordens de grandeza inferior à das gavinhas. Este facto sugere que o modelo físico utilizado tenha invariância de escala. Neste trabalho é feito o estudo de fibras e jactos que imitam as estruturas helicoidais apresentadas pelas gavinhas das plantas trepadeiras. As fibras e jactos são produzidos a partir de soluções líquidas cristalinas celulósicas. De modo a determinar as características morfológicas e estruturais, que contribuem para a curvatura das fibras, foram utilizadas técnicas de imagem por ressonância magnética (MRI), microscopia óptica com luz polarisada (MOP), microscopia electrónica de varrimento (SEM) e microscopia de força atómica (AFM) . A variação da forma das estruturas helicoidais com a temperatura parece ser relevante para o fabrico de membranas não tecidas para aplicação em sensores termo-mecânicos.
Cellulose acetate (CA)-silver (Ag) nanocomposite asymmetric membranes were prepared via the wet-phase inversion method by dispersing polyvinylpirrolydone-protected Ag nanoparticles in the membrane casting solutions of different compositions. Silver nanoparticles were synthesized ex situ and added to the casting solution as a concentrated aqueous colloidal dispersion. The effects of the dispersion addition on the structure and on the selective permeation properties of the membranes were studied by comparing the nanocomposites with the silver-free materials. The casting solution composition played an important role in the adequate dispersion of the silver nanoparticles in the membrane. Incorporation of nanoscale silver and the final silver content resulted in structural changes leading to an increase in the hydraulic permeability and molecular weight cut-off of the nanocomposite membranes. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2015, 132, 41796.
Since long ago cellulosic lyotropic liquid crystals were thought as potential materials to produce fibers competitive with spidersilk or Kevlar, yet the processing of high modulus materials from cellulose-based precursors was hampered by their complex rheological behavior. In this work, by using the Rheo-NMR technique, which combines deuterium NMR with rheology, we investigate the high shear rate regimes that may be of interest to the industrial processing of these materials. Whereas the low shear rate regimes were already investigated by this technique in different works [1-4], the high shear rates range is still lacking a detailed study. This work focuses on the orientational order in the system both under shear and subsequent relaxation process arising after shear cessation through the analysis of deuterium spectra from the deuterated solvent water. At the analyzed shear rates the cholesteric order is suppressed and a flow-aligned nematic is observed which for the higher shear rates develops after certain time periodic perturbations that transiently annihilate the order in the system. During relaxation the flow aligned nematic starts losing order due to the onset of the cholesteric helices leading to a period of very low order where cholesteric helices with different orientations are forming from the aligned nematic, followed in the final stage by an increase in order at long relaxation times corresponding to the development of aligned cholesteric domains. This study sheds light on the complex rheological behavior of chiral nematic cellulose-based systems and opens ways to improve its processing. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.