8 resultados para Breast in literature.
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Since collaborative networked organisations are usually formed by independent and heterogeneous entities, it is natural that each member holds his own set of values, and that conflicts among partners might emerge because of some misalignment of values. In contrast, it is often stated in literature that the alignment between the value systems of members involved in collaborative processes is a prerequisite for successful co-working. As a result, the issue of core value alignment in collaborative networks started to attract attention. However, methods to analyse such alignment are lacking mainly because the concept of 'alignment' in this context is still ill defined and shows a multifaceted nature. As a contribution to the area, this article introduces an approach based on causal models and graph theory for the analysis of core value alignment in collaborative networks. The potential application of the approach is then discussed in the virtual organisations' breeding environment context.
Mestrado em Radioterapia
An education promoting scientific literacy (SL) that prepares the citizens to a responsible citizenship has persisted as an argument across discussions on curricula design. The ubiquity of science and technology on contemporary societies and the ideological requirement of informed democratic participation led to the identification of relevant categories that drive curriculum reforms towards a humanistic approach of school science. The category ‘Science as culture’ acquires in the current work a major importance: it enlightens the meaning of scientific literacy. Looking closely to the French term, culture scientifique et tecnologique, turns science simultaneously into a cultural object and product that can be both received and worked at different levels and within several approaches by the individuals and the communities. On the other hand, nonformal and informal education spaces gain greater importance. Together with the formal school environment these spaces allow for an enrichment and diversification of learning experiences. Examples of nonformal spaces where animators can develop their work may be science museums or botanical gardens; television and internet can be regarded as informal education spaces. Due to the above mentioned impossibility of setting apart the individual or community-based experiences from Science and Technology (S&T), the work in nonformal and informal spaces sets an additional challenge to the preparation of socio-cultural animators. Socio-scientific issues take, at times, heavily relevance within the communities. Pollution, high tension lines, spreading of diseases, food contamination or natural resources conservation are among the socio-scientific issues that often call upon arguments and emotions. In the context of qualifying programmes on socio-cultural animation (social education and community development) within European Higher Education Area (EHEA) the present study describes the Portuguese framework. The comparison of programmes within Portugal aims to contribute to the discussion on the curriculum design for a socio-cultural animator degree (1st cycle of Bologna process). In particular, this study intends to assess how the formation given complies with enabling animators to work, within multiple scenarios, with communities in situations of socio-scientific relevance. A set of themes, issues and both current and potential fields of action, not described or insufficiently described in literature, is identified and analysed in the perspective of a qualified intervention of animators. One of these examples is thoroughly discussed. Finally, suggestions are made about curriculum reforms in order, if possible, to strongly link the desired qualified intervention with a qualifying formation.
Quando aplicada no âmbito da Anatomia Patológica, a imuno-histoquímica tem constituído um poderoso meio de identificação/caracterização de várias estruturas histológicas, permitindo delinear prognóstico e terapêutica para várias patologias. Tendo em conta que as amostras histológicas analisadas podem ser conservadas ao longo de vários anos, interessa avaliar a manutenção da antigenicidade ao longo do tempo, de forma a garantir a qualidade final da técnica quando aplicada em material de arquivo. Assim, o principal objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a imunorreatividade do material histológico arquivado durante um, quatro e sete anos. Foi utilizado material histológico de próstata, pulmão e mama, no qual se procedeu à imunomarcação de citoqueratinas (Clones AE1/AE3), CD34 e proteína p63, por método de multímero/HRP no sistema Ventana BenchMark Ultra®. Foi realizado um ensaio com recuperação antigênica por alta temperatura (RAAT) e outro sem esta etapa. As imunomarcações (n=162) foram classificadas por três avaliadores independentes num escore quantitativo final (escala 0-100). O par média/desvio-padrão do escore final para os casos com sete anos foi de 69,06/19,05, para os casos com quatro anos foi de 66,47/20,73 e para os casos com um ano foi de 69,08/19,35, não se tendo encontrado diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Os casos sem RAAT obtiveram um par média/desvio-padrão de 54,90/17,00, enquanto os casos com RAAT obtiveram 81,50/11,60, o que revelou diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p=0,000). Para os casos em estudo conclui-se que o fator “tempo de arquivo” não está associado a alterações da imunorreatividade. A importância da RAAT na obtenção de imunomarcação de qualidade sai fortemente realçada. ABSTRACT - When applied within the framework of Pathology, immunohistochemistry has been a powerful means of identification/characterization of various histological structures, allowing to outline prognosis and therapy for various diseases. Given that the analyzed histological samples can be preserved for several years, it is interesting to assess the retention of antigenicity over time in order to ensure the quality of the final technique, when applied to stored material. Thus, the main objective of this study was to compare the immunoreactivity of the histological material archived for one, four and seven years. It was used histological material from prostate, lung and breast, in which it was performed the immunostaining of cytokeratins (clones AE1/AE3), CD34 and p63 protein by the method of multimer/HRP system on a Ventana BenchMark Ultra®. It was conducted a test with heat induced epitope retrieval (HIER) and another one without this step. The stained slides (n=162) were classified by three independent assessors using a quantitative score (scale 0-100). The pair mean/standard deviation of the score for cases with seven years was 69,06/19,05, for cases with four years was 66,47/20,73 and for cases with one year was 69,08/19,35, which did not revealed any statistically significant differences. The cases without HIER had a couple mean/standard deviation of 54.90/17.00 while the cases with HIER obtained 81.50/11.60, which revealed statistically significant differences (p=0.000). For this case study it was concluded that the factor archive period is not associated with changes in immunoreactivity. The importance of HIER in obtaining high quality immunostaining comes out strongly highlighted.
Mestrado em Medicina Nuclear.
Na história da comunicação moderna, após o desenvolvimento da imprensa, o telégrafo desencadeou uma revolução nas comunicações da qual a Internet é a herdeira contemporânea. A reflexão sobre o telégrafo pode abrir perspectivas sobre as tendências, as possibilidades e os problemas colocados pela Internet. O telégrafo tem sido objecto de estudos que tendem a privilegiar sobretudo a história desta tecnologia, o contexto social e o seu significado institucional (ex. Thompson, 1947; Standage 2007 [1998]). James W. Carey, no seu ensaio “Technology and Ideology. The Case of the Telegraph”, propõe uma abordagem distinta. No telégrafo, vê o protótipo de muitos impérios comerciais de base científico-tecnológica que se lhe seguiram, um modelo pioneiro para a gestão de empresas complexas; um dos promotores da configuração nacional do mercado e de um sistema nacional de comunicações; e um catalisador de um pensamento futurista e utópico das tecnologias da informação. Tendo no horizonte a revolução das comunicações promovida pela Internet, o artigo revisita aquele ensaio seminal para explorar o alcance, mas também os problemas de uma perspectiva que concebe a inovação do telégrafo como uma metáfora para todas as inovações que anunciaram o período histórico da modernidade e que tem determinado até aos nossos dias as principais linhas de desenvolvimento das comunicações modernas.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Energia
Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.