3 resultados para Binocular Vision
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Assessing the range of vergence provides information about the patient’s ability to maintain the binocular vision. Disparity vergence measurements should be used to quantify control of an underlying eye misalignment. In the presence of a manifest deviation the testing is performed by first compensating the angle of deviation to determine prognosis. Type of deviation: a) in an exophoria there is an increase in the fast fusional convergence while in an esophoric deviation there is an increase in reflex fusional divergence to attain binocular single vision; b) convergence fusion amplitudes have been found to correlate with control of the exodeviation; c) there is a greater BO range for esos and greater BI range for exos.
Introduction - No validated protocol exists for the measurement of the prism fusion ranges. Many studies report on how fusional vergence ranges can be measured using different techniques (rotary prism, prism bar, loose prisms and synoptophore) and stimuli, leading to different ranges being reported in the literature. Repeatability of the different methods available and the equivalence between them it is also important. In addition, some studies available do not agree in what order fusional vergence should be measured to provide the essential information on which to base clinical judgements on compensation of deviations. When performing fusional vergence testing the most commonly accepted clinical technique is to first measure negative fusional vergence followed by a measurement of positive fusional vergence to avoid affecting the value of vergence recovery because of excessive stimulation of convergence. Von Noorden recommend using vertical fusion amplitudes in between horizontal amplitudes (base-out, base-up, base-in, and base down) to prevent vergence adaptation. Others place the base of the prism in the direction opposite to that used to measure the deviation to increase the vergence demand. Objectives - The purpose of this review is to assess and compare the accuracy of tests for measurement of fusional vergence. Secondary objectives are to investigate sources of heterogeneity of diagnostic accuracy including: age; variation in method of assessment; study design; study size; type of strabismus (convergent, divergent, vertical, cycle); severity of strabismus (constant/intermittent/latent).
Estereopsia define-se como a perceção de profundidade baseada na disparidade retiniana. A estereopsia global depende do processamento de estímulos de pontos aleatórios e a estereopsia local depende da perceção de contornos. O objetivo deste estudo é correlacionar três testes de estereopsia: TNO®, StereoTAB® e Fly Stereo Acuity Test® e verificar a sensibilidade e correlação entre eles, tendo o TNO® como gold standard. Incluíram-se 49 estudantes da Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL) entre os 18 e 26 anos. As variáveis ponto próximo de convergência (ppc), vergências, sintomatologia e correção ótica foram correlacionadas com os três testes. Os valores médios (desvios-padrão) de estereopsia foram: TNO® = 87,04’’ ±84,09’’; FlyTest® = 38,18’’ ±34,59’’; StereoTAB® = 124,89’’ ±137,38’’. Coeficiente de determinação: TNO® e StereoTAB® com R2=0,6 e TNO® e FlyTest® com R2=0,2. O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson mostra uma correlação positiva de entre o TNO® e o StereoTAB® (r=0,784 com α=0,01). O coeficiente de associação de Phi mostrou uma relação positiva forte entre o TNO® e StereoTAB® (Φ=0,848 com α=0,01). Na curva ROC, o StereoTAB® possui uma área sob a curva maior que o FlyTest®, apresentando valor de sensibilidade de 92,3% para uma especificidade de 94,4%, tornando-o num teste sensível e com bom poder discriminativo.