42 resultados para Architectural Design Exhibition

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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Esta dissertação insere-se num projecto de investigação relacionado com o papel que a madeira apresenta na construção nos tempos de hoje, necessário para obtenção do Mestrado em Engenharia Civil. A madeira apresenta, enquanto material de construção, especificidades únicas: é um material orgânico, ao contrário da pedra, do aço e do betão; é um material combustível, sem que isto implique necessariamente uma baixa resistência ao fogo; é um material tradicional, presente em pavimentos e coberturas de edifícios antigos e é, paradoxalmente, um material novo, adoptado em arrojadas obras de arquitectura contemporânea. Estas características, associadas à necessidade de garantir a sustentabilidade da construção e de conservar e reabilitar o património edificado, tornam essencial o estudo das propriedades mecânicas do material, dos seus processos de degradação química e biológica, dos meios de protecção e do comportamento de elementos estruturais ao fogo. As estruturas em madeira têm tido uma procura crescente no nosso país, revelando-se uma opção interessante, como alternativa a estruturas de aço ou de betão. No entanto, por configurarem ainda soluções estruturais, materiais e processos construtivos pouco comuns entre nós, considera-se que não estão suficientemente divulgados os instrumentos de que podemos e devemos dispor para a garantia da qualidade destas estruturas. É apresentado um estudo de viabilidade económica no âmbito do nosso país, comparando casas em madeira, modulares pré-fabricadas, com casas cuja construção é feita em alvenaria e betão armado, de forma a poder comparar os custos para ambas as soluções construtivas. Para tal, foram realizadas visitas a empresas, fábricas e a obras com o objectivo de entender como funciona o processo de fabrico de uma casa pré-fabricada em madeira.


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Recent integrated circuit technologies have opened the possibility to design parallel architectures with hundreds of cores on a single chip. The design space of these parallel architectures is huge with many architectural options. Exploring the design space gets even more difficult if, beyond performance and area, we also consider extra metrics like performance and area efficiency, where the designer tries to design the architecture with the best performance per chip area and the best sustainable performance. In this paper we present an algorithm-oriented approach to design a many-core architecture. Instead of doing the design space exploration of the many core architecture based on the experimental execution results of a particular benchmark of algorithms, our approach is to make a formal analysis of the algorithms considering the main architectural aspects and to determine how each particular architectural aspect is related to the performance of the architecture when running an algorithm or set of algorithms. The architectural aspects considered include the number of cores, the local memory available in each core, the communication bandwidth between the many-core architecture and the external memory and the memory hierarchy. To exemplify the approach we did a theoretical analysis of a dense matrix multiplication algorithm and determined an equation that relates the number of execution cycles with the architectural parameters. Based on this equation a many-core architecture has been designed. The results obtained indicate that a 100 mm(2) integrated circuit design of the proposed architecture, using a 65 nm technology, is able to achieve 464 GFLOPs (double precision floating-point) for a memory bandwidth of 16 GB/s. This corresponds to a performance efficiency of 71 %. Considering a 45 nm technology, a 100 mm(2) chip attains 833 GFLOPs which corresponds to 84 % of peak performance These figures are better than those obtained by previous many-core architectures, except for the area efficiency which is limited by the lower memory bandwidth considered. The results achieved are also better than those of previous state-of-the-art many-cores architectures designed specifically to achieve high performance for matrix multiplication.


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O manual escolar, pelas suas características, é um produto de design gráfico, disciplina que tardou a desenvolver-se em Portugal. Após o 25 de Abril, as editoras escolares expandiram-se, e a globalização do ensino teve como consequência o aumento do número de manuais escolares. O desenvolvimento do design gráfico está intimamente ligado ao desenvolvimento da tecnologia informática, contribuindo fortemente para a alteração das características do manual escolar, sendo a mais notória a importância dada à imagem como portadora de informação. Sem investigação que suporte o seu actual formato, nem formação dos professores que permita explorar as suas novas potencialidades, interrogamo-nos sobre a sua eficácia. O campo da teoria da imagem é vasto e a sua aplicação, quer na realização, quer na exploração pedagógica do manual escolar, exige alguma sistematização que procuramos apresentar.


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This paper describes the efficient design of an improved and dedicated switched-capacitor (SC) circuit capable of linearizing CMOS switches to allow SC circuits to reach low distortion levels. The described circuit (SC linearization control circuit, SLC) has the advantage over conventional clock-bootstrapping circuits of exhibiting low-stress, since large gate voltages are avoided. This paper presents exhaustive corner simulation results of a SC sample-and-hold (S/H) circuit which employs the proposed and optimized circuits, together with the experimental evaluation of a complete 10-bit ADC utilizing the referred S/H circuit. These results show that the SLC circuits can reduce distortion and increase dynamic linearity above 12 bits for wide input signal bandwidths.


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A package of B-spline finite strip models is developed for the linear analysis of piezolaminated plates and shells. This package is associated to a global optimization technique in order to enhance the performance of these types of structures, subjected to various types of objective functions and/or constraints, with discrete and continuous design variables. The models considered are based on a higher-order displacement field and one can apply them to the static, free vibration and buckling analyses of laminated adaptive structures with arbitrary lay-ups, loading and boundary conditions. Genetic algorithms, with either binary or floating point encoding of design variables, were considered to find optimal locations of piezoelectric actuators as well as to determine the best voltages applied to them in order to obtain a desired structure shape. These models provide an overall economy of computing effort for static and vibration problems.


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O presente projecto tem como objectivo a disponibilização de uma plataforma de serviços para gestão e contabilização de tempo remunerável, através da marcação de horas de trabalho, férias e faltas (com ou sem justificação). Pretende-se a disponibilização de relatórios com base nesta informação e a possibilidade de análise automática dos dados, como por exemplo excesso de faltas e férias sobrepostas de trabalhadores. A ênfase do projecto está na disponibilização de uma arquitectura que facilite a inclusão destas funcionalidades. O projecto está implementado sobre a plataforma Google App Engine (i.e. GAE), de forma a disponibilizar uma solução sob o paradigma de Software as a Service, com garantia de disponibilidade e replicação de dados. A plataforma foi escolhida a partir da análise das principais plataformas cloud existentes: Google App Engine, Windows Azure e Amazon Web Services. Foram analisadas as características de cada plataforma, nomeadamente os modelos de programação, os modelos de dados disponibilizados, os serviços existentes e respectivos custos. A escolha da plataforma foi realizada com base nas suas características à data de iniciação do presente projecto. A solução está estruturada em camadas, com as seguintes componentes: interface da plataforma, lógica de negócio e lógica de acesso a dados. A interface disponibilizada está concebida com observação dos princípios arquitecturais REST, suportando dados nos formatos JSON e XML. A esta arquitectura base foi acrescentada uma componente de autorização, suportada em Spring-Security, sendo a autenticação delegada para os serviços Google Acounts. De forma a permitir o desacoplamento entre as várias camadas foi utilizado o padrão Dependency Injection. A utilização deste padrão reduz a dependência das tecnologias utilizadas nas diversas camadas. Foi implementado um protótipo, para a demonstração do trabalho realizado, que permite interagir com as funcionalidades do serviço implementadas, via pedidos AJAX. Neste protótipo tirou-se partido de várias bibliotecas javascript e padrões que simplificaram a sua realização, tal como o model-view-viewmodel através de data binding. Para dar suporte ao desenvolvimento do projecto foi adoptada uma abordagem de desenvolvimento ágil, baseada em Scrum, de forma a implementar os requisitos do sistema, expressos em user stories. De forma a garantir a qualidade da implementação do serviço foram realizados testes unitários, sendo também feita previamente a análise da funcionalidade e posteriormente produzida a documentação recorrendo a diagramas UML.


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A concepção de instalações eléctricas deve garantir condições de segurança para as pessoas e equipamentos. Para tal é exigida, quer por força de regulamentação ou de normalização, a instalação de dispositivos que garantam a detecção e a protecção contra os defeitos mais comuns nas instalações eléctricas como, por exemplo, as sobreintensidades e as sobretensões. Susceptíveis de criar sobretensões perigosas nas instalações eléctricas, as descargas atmosféricas podem ainda causar danos estruturais elevados, o que, em algumas actividades económicas, torna fundamental a implementação de medidas de protecção contra este fenómeno natural. A protecção contra descargas atmosféricas directas consiste em identificar as vulnerabilidades das estruturas e, nesses locais, implementar dispositivos de captura, direccionamento e escoamento da descarga atmosférica à terra, em condições de segurança. O presente trabalho, desenvolvido no âmbito da dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica, visa desenvolver e implementar uma ferramenta computacional, baseada em programas de desenho assistido por computador (CAD) de utilização corrente na área de projecto de arquitectura e de engenharia, que permita, no âmbito de normas internacionais, a análise e implementação de sistemas de protecção em edifícios contra descargas atmosféricas de uma forma rápida e expedita. Baseado num programa CAD 3D, que permite a modelização tridimensional das estruturas a proteger, a ferramenta desenvolvida tentará identificar as suas vulnerabilidades das estruturas às descargas atmosféricas directas, com o intuito de implementar as medidas de protecção mais adequadas do ponto de vista técnico económico. Prevê-se que a ferramenta resultante deste estudo, o Simulador do Modelo Electrogeométrico (SIMODEL), possibilite aos projectistas e particularmente aos alunos das unidades curriculares na área do projecto de instalações eléctricas da Área Departamental de Engenharia de Sistemas e Potencia e Automação (ADESPA) do ISEL, estudar e implementar sistemas de protecção contra descargas atmosféricas (SPDA) baseados na normalização internacional do CENELEC e da IEC, nomeadamente as normas da série 62305.


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The devastating impact of the Sumatra tsunami of 26 December 2004, raised the question for scientists of how to forecast a tsunami threat. In 2005, the IOC-UNESCO XXIII assembly decided to implement a global tsunami warning system to cover the regions that were not yet protected, namely the Indian Ocean, the Caribbean and the North East Atlantic, the Mediterranean and connected seas (the NEAM region). Within NEAM, the Gulf of Cadiz is the more sensitive area, with an important record of devastating historical events. The objective of this paper is to present a preliminary design for a reliable tsunami detection network for the Gulf of Cadiz, based on a network of sea-level observatories. The tsunamigenic potential of this region has been revised in order to define the active tectonic structures. Tsunami hydrodynamic modeling and GIS technology have been used to identify the appropriate locations for the minimum number of sea-level stations. Results show that 3 tsunameters are required as the minimum number of stations necessary to assure an acceptable protection to the large coastal population in the Gulf of Cadiz. In addition, 29 tide gauge stations could be necessary to fully assess the effects of a tsunami along the affected coasts of Portugal, Spain and Morocco.


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It is proposed a new approach based on a methodology, assisted by a tool, to create new products in the automobile industry based on previous defined processes and experiences inspired on a set of best practices or principles: it is based on high-level models or specifications; it is component-based architecture centric; it is based on generative programming techniques. This approach follows in essence the MDA (Model Driven Architecture) philosophy with some specific characteristics. We propose a repository that keeps related information, such as models, applications, design information, generated artifacts and even information concerning the development process itself (e.g., generation steps, tests and integration milestones). Generically, this methodology receives the users' requirements to a new product (e.g., functional, non-functional, product specification) as its main inputs and produces a set of artifacts (e.g., design parts, process validation output) as its main output, that will be integrated in the engineer design tool (e.g. CAD system) facilitating the work.


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Demand for power is growing every day, mainly due to emerging economies in countries such as China, Russia, India, and Brazil. During the last 50 years steam pressure and temperature in power plants have been continuously raised to improve thermal efficiency. Recent efforts to improve efficiency leads to the development of a new generation of heat recovery steam generator, where the Benson once-through technology is applied to improve the thermal efficiency. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the mechanical behavior of a high pressure superheater manifold by applying finite element modeling and a finite element analysis with the objective of analyzing stress propagation, leading to the study of damage mechanism, e.g., uniaxial fatigue, uniaxial creep for life prediction. The objective of this paper is also to analyze the mechanical properties of the new high temperature resistant materials in the market such as 2Cr Bainitic steels (T/P23 and T/P24) and also the 9-12Cr Martensitic steels (T/P91, T/P92, E911, and P/T122). For this study the design rules for construction of power boilers to define the geometry of the HPSH manifold were applied.


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This paper presents the results from an experimental study of the technical viability of two mixture designs for self-consolidating concrete (SCC) proposed by two Portuguese researchers in a previous work. The objective was to find the best method to provide the required characteristics of SCC in fresh and hardened states without having to experiment with a large number of mixtures. Five SCC mixtures, each with a volume of 25 L (6.61 gal.) were prepared using a forced mixer with a vertical axis for each of three compressive strength targets: 40, 55, and 70 MPa (5.80, 7.98, and 10.15 ksi). The mixtures' fresh state properties of fluidity, segregation resistance ability, and bleeding and blockage tendency, and their hardened state property of compressive strength were compared. For this study, the following tests were performed. slump-flow, V-funnel, L-box, box, and compressive strength. The results of this study made it possible to identify the most influential factors in the design of the SCC mixtures.


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A test chamber was projected and built (according to ISO 16000-9 Standard) to simulate atmospheric conditions experienced by rubber infill (when applied in synthetic turf pitches) and measure accurately the airborne emissions of pollutants such as dusts and volatile organic compounds (VOC), as well as pollutants present in leachates. It should be pointed out that standard ISO 16000-9 is only concerned with the determination of the emission of VOC from building products and furnishing (not specific of synthetic turf materials), whereas other standards are concerned with the emission of leachates only. This procedure is to be considered as a technical option to the lysimeter "global turf system evaluation" when the rubber infill alone is to be evaluated. The advantage of the proposed option considering this "test chamber" is its simplicity and economy. This test chamber is actually installed and being used for tests in LAIST.


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Amorphous SiC tandem heterostructures are used to filter a specific band, in the visible range. Experimental and simulated results are compared to validate the use of SiC multilayered structures in applications where gain compensation is needed or to attenuate unwanted wavelengths. Spectral response data acquired under different frequencies, optical wavelength control and side irradiations are analyzed. Transfer function characteristics are discussed. Color pulsed communication channels are transmitted together and the output signal analyzed under different background conditions. Results show that under controlled wavelength backgrounds, the device sensitivity is enhanced in a precise wavelength range and quenched in the others, tuning or suppressing a specific band. Depending on the background wavelength and irradiation side, the device acts either as a long-, a short-, or a band-rejection pass filter. An optoelectronic model supports the experimental results and gives insight on the physics of the device.


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This paper addresses the problem of optimal positioning of surface bonded piezoelectric patches in sandwich plates with viscoelastic core and laminated face layers. The objective is to maximize a set of modal loss factors for a given frequency range using multiobjective topology optimization. Active damping is introduced through co-located negative velocity feedback control. The multiobjective topology optimization problem is solved using the Direct MultiSearch Method. An application to a simply supported sandwich plate is presented with results for the maximization of the first six modal loss factors. The influence of the finite element mesh is analyzed and the results are, to some extent, compared with those obtained using alternative single objective optimization. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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MultiBand OFDM (MB-OFDM) UWB [1] is a short-range promising wireless technology for high data rate communications up to 480 Mbps. In this paper, we have designed and implemented in an Virtex-6 FPGA an MB-OFDM UWB receiver for the highest data rate of 480 Mbps. To test the system, we have also implemented an MB-OFDM transmitter and an AWGN generator in VHDL and determined the bit error rates at the receiver running in an FPGA.