17 resultados para Alga Microcystis-aeruginosa

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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Um aumento da concentração de nutrientes na água poderá desencadear fluorescências de cianobactérias (densidades >200 cel/mL). Sob determinadas condições as cianobactérias produzem toxinas responsáveis pelo envenenamento de animais e humanos. O objetivo deste estudo é relacionar a ocorrência de fluorescências toxicas em Portugal e no Brasil. Para tal, em 2005 e 2006 foi estudado o fitoplâncton em três reservatórios em Portugal (região sul) e dois no Brasil (Minas Gerais e Pará). Comparativamente foi verificado maior diversidade nos reservatórios portugueses, com dominância de cianobactérias em período de primavera/verão/outono, pertencentes a géneros produtores de hépato e neurotoxinas (Microcystis sp, Aphanizomenon sp, Oscillatoria sp e Planktothrix sp.). No Brasil observou-se dominância de cianobactérias ao longo de todo o ano, com presença de Microcystis aeruginosa, produtora de hepatotoxina. Conclui-se que os reservatórios estudados apresentam géneros produtores de toxinas, com risco para a saúde pública, sendo fundamental implementar medidas que contribuam para mitigar esta situação. - ABSTRACT - An increasing of nutrients in water can conduct to the development of cyanobacteria blooms (density>2000 cels/mL). Under specific conditions cyanobacteria produce toxins responsible for acute poisoning of animals and humans. The aim of this study is to describe toxic blooms in Portugal and Brazil. Therefore, phytoplankton from three Portuguese reservoirs (South region) and two from Brazil (Minas Gerais and Pará) were studied in 2005 and 2006. Portuguese reservoirs showed more diversity with dominance of hepatic and neurotoxin genera producers (Microcystis sp, Aphanizomenon sp, Oscillatoria sp e Planktothrix sp.) along spring/summer/autumn seasons. In Brazil dominance of cyanobacteria was observed all along the year with the presence of Microcystis aeruginosa hepatotoxic producer. The studied reservoirs present toxins producers’ genera, with risk for public health, being fundamental the implementation of mitigation measures to reverse this situation.


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Como recurso natural fundamental à vida, a água e os ecossistemas aquáticos devem ser alvo de avaliação contínua, no que se reporta à sua qualidade física, química e biológica. Segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde cerca de 1,1 biliões de pessoas estão impossibilitadas em aceder a qualquer tipo de água potável e, as populações residentes nas proximidades de rios, lagoas, e reservatórios utilizam estas águas para as suas necessidades de consumo, aumentando o risco de transmissão de doenças. Enquanto constituintes da comunidade fitoplanctónica, as cianobactérias são microrganismos procariotas, fotossintéticos, que obtêm os nutrientes diretamente da coluna de água e, um aumento da concentração de nutrientes (principalmente azoto e fósforo), associado a condições ambientais favoráveis, pode desencadear um crescimento rápido originando fluorescências. Sob determinadas condições as cianobactérias podem produzir toxinas existindo registos que evidenciam que fluorescências toxicas são responsáveis pelo envenenamento agudo e morte de animais e humanos pelo que, a água utilizada para consumo humano deverá ser regularmente monitorizada para este elemento biológico. O objetivo deste estudo é relacionar a ocorrência de fluorescências de cianobactérias (> 2000 cel/ml) e toxicidade associada, com o impacte potencial na Saúde Pública avaliado através do consumo direto ou indireto da água. Em Portugal foram selecionados oito reservatórios situados na região Sul, pertencentes às bacias hidrográficas do Sado e Guadiana e estudados entre 2000 e 2008. No Brasil foram selecionados os reservatórios de Três Marias (Estado de Minas Gerais) e de Tucuruí (Estado do Pará) e estudados em 2005 e 2006 respetivamente. Os reservatórios foram caracterizados em termos físicos e químicos, tendo-se igualmente procedido à caracterização da comunidade fitoplanctónica através da identificação e quantificação dos principais grupos presentes em diferentes épocas do ano. Em termos fitoplanctónicos os reservatórios portugueses apresentaram maior diversidade,verificando-se contudo dominância das cianobactérias na comunidade. Associados a fluorescências, foram registados nestes reservatórios géneros produtores de hepato e neurotoxinas como Aphanizomenon sp, Microcystis aeruginosa e Oscillatoria sp. No Brasil, em situação de fluorescências, os géneros produtores de neuro e hepatotoxinas foram Microcystis (> 350.000 cels/ml) e Cylindrospermopsis. A presença destes géneros, poderá constituir um risco potencial para a saúde pública, pelo que é importante a implementação de medidas de mitigação em todos os reservatórios objeto de estudo, devendo essa atuação passar pelo controle do estado trófico no sentido de evitar o desenvolvimento de fluorescências. Assim sugere-se a implementação de um tratamento adequado para a produção de água de consumo e a organização de ações de sensibilização e aviso e informação às populações que utilizam os reservatórios em Portugal e no Brasil para diversos usos. - ABSTRACT - As a life fundamental natural resource, water and aquatic ecosystems must be continuously evaluated in their physical, chemical and biological quality. According World Health Organization, 1.1 billion people has no chance to access any kind of potable water. Populations living near rivers, lagoons or reservoirs use those waters to content their needs, increasing risks disease transmission. As members of phytoplankton community, cyanobacteria are prokaryotic, photosynthetic microorganisms and get its nutrients directly from water column. The increase of this nutrients (especially nitrogen and phosphorus) associated with favorable environment conditions, can support a sudden grow and instigate blooms. Under specific conditions cyanobacteria can produce toxins and several records have shown that toxic blooms are responsible by acute poisoning and death in animals and humans so, water for human consumption must be regularly surveyed for this biologic element. The aim of this study is to correlate Cyanobacteria blooms (>2.000cels/ml) and connected toxicity with public health impact, evaluated through water consumption. In Portugal, eight reservoirs located in the South region were selected and study between 2000 and 2008. In Brazil, Três Marias reservoir (Minas Gerais Provence) and Tucuruí (Pará Provence) were selected and study in 2005 and 2006. Reservoirs were characterized in physical and chemical aspects, as well as phytoplankton community, through identification and counting of main present groups along study period. In bloom circumstances, liver toxins and neurotoxins producers like Aphanizomenon sp, Microcystis aeruginosa and Oscillatoria sp. were founded in Portuguese reservoirs. In Brazil, cyanobacteria genera involved in toxic bloom were Microcystis (> 350.000 cels/ml) and Cylindrospermopsis. This genera presence represents a potential risk for public health, and show the requirement to implement mitigation measures in all study reservoirs. These measures can be represented by water eutrophication control to avoid blooms, by appropriate treatments of water to human consumption, and public warnings or information to dose people in Portugal and Brazil that use these reservoirs to several activities.


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Cyanobacteria are prokaryotic, plantlike organisms present in lakes, recreational waters, and reservoirs, and often dominate phytoplankton communities in warm, nutrient-enriched hard waters. A stable water column rich in certain nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, is associated with favorable environmental conditions that support development of cyanobacterial population maxima or "blooms." Under specific conditions, cyanobacteria produce toxins that are responsible for acute poisoning and death of animals and humans. The main aim of this study was to correlate the presence of cyanobacteria blooms with potential toxicity to humans as a public health issue. In Portugal, seven reservoirs located in the southern region were selected and studied between 2000 and 2008. Reservoirs were characterized by physical and chemical aspects, and identification of phytoplankton communities. In the case of cyanobacterial blooms, toxins that affected the liver, nervous system, and skin were detected, namely, Microcystis aeruginosa, Aphanizomenon spp., and Oscillatoria. These findings suggest the presence of a potential risk for public health, and indicate the need to implement mitigation measures in all studied reservoirs. These measures may involve (1) water eutrophication control to avoid blooms, (2) appropriate treatment of water for human consumption, and (3) public warnings or information to those individuals that use these reservoirs for several recreational activities.


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No presente trabalho foi executado o encapsulamento de células intactas, extracto celular e amidase purificada (E.C. da estirpe L10 e AI3 de Pseudomonas aeruginosa num sistema de micelas invertidas composto pelo surfactante catiónico brometo de tetradeciltrimetilamónio (TTAB) em heptano/octanol 80/20 (v/v). O efeito do encapsulamento no sistema de micelas invertidas foi estudado avaliando a reacção de transamidação para síntese de ácido acetohidroxâmico, catalisada pela amidase expressa por ambas as estirpes. No sistema de micelas invertidas fez-se variar conteúdo de água (w0) e foi estudado o efeito na actividade enzimática e no rendimento de síntese de acetohidroxamato. Os resultados demonstraram um aumento considerável de actividade específica e do rendimento de síntese no sistema de micelas comparativamente ao meio convencional aquoso, sugerindo que a metodologia de encapsulamento do biocatalisador demonstrou potencialidades de utilização na síntese de hidroxamatos, compostos de elevada importância e aplicabilidade. Na variação do conteúdo de água no sistema micelar obteve-se uma curva em sino de actividade específica e de rendimento, com um pico de actividade para w0 = 10, quer em células intactas, extracto celular e amidase purificada de ambas as estirpes. No caso da Pseudomonas aeruginosa L10 alcançaram-se actividades específicas de 8, 11 e 103 UI/mg de proteína e rendimentos de 94, 99 e 40 % respectivamente para células intactas, extracto celular e amidase purificada. Quanto à Pseudomonas aeruginosa AI3 obtiveram-se, respectivamente, actividades específicas de 5, 9 e 163 UI/ mg de proteína e rendimentos de 66, 66 e 28 % para células intactas, extracto celular e amidase purificada. A estabilidade de armazenamento do biocatalisador no sistema de micelas invertidas e em solução aquosa a 24ºC foi avaliada. Este estudo revelou um aumento do t1/2 no sistema de micelas face ao armazenamento em solução aquosa convencional. No caso da Pseudomonas aeruginosa L10 os melhores resultados foram obtidos para a amidase purificada encapsulada revelando um t1/2 de 17 dias. Quanto ao extracto celular da Pseudomonas aeruginosa AI3 demonstrou um t1/2 de 26 dias quando encapsulado no sistema de micelas. O estudo das alterações estruturais na amidase, de ambas as estirpes, devidas ao encapsulamento em micelas invertidas foi realizado recorrendo à espectroscopia de FTIR. Esta análise permitiu verificar que a amidase AI3 não alterou significativamente a sua estrutura secundária em micelas invertidas para diferentes w0. No entanto, no encapsulamento a sua estrutura secundária sofreu alterações face à estrutura do enzima em solução aquosa. A amidase L10 exibe apenas alterações estruturais face à estrutura que exibe em solução aquosa quando confinada em micelas para w0 3,5 e 4.


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Era objectivo do presente trabalho o desenvolvimento de um biossensor baseado na inibição da amidase de Pseudomonas aeruginosa para a quantificação de ureia em diversas amostras com recurso a um eléctrodo selectivo de iões amónio (ISE). A ureia é um poderoso inibidor do centro activo da amidase (Acilamida hidrolase EC de Pseudomonas aeruginosa a qual catalisa a hidrólise de amidas alifáticas produzindo o ácido correspondente e amónia. O extracto celular de Pseudomonas aeruginosa L10 contendo actividade de amidase foi imobilizado em membranas de poliétersulfona modificadas (PES) e em membranas de nylon Porablot NY Plus na presença de gelatina e de glutaraldeído (GA) como agente bifuncional. Estas membranas foram posteriormente utilizadas na construção do biossensor baseado no ISE, utilizando acetamida como substrato, a reacção enzimática foi seguida medindo os iões amónio produzidos pela hidrólise da amida alifática, e a resposta do biossensor apresentada como a velocidade inicial da reacção (mV.min-1). A optimização dos parâmetros de imobilização foi efectuada de acordo com a metodologia ANOVA. Assim, a mistura de 30μL extracto celular, 2μL GA (5%) e 10 μL Gelatina 15% (p/v) foi a que conduziu a uma melhor resposta do biossensor. Efectuou-se ainda o estudo de optimização de alguns parâmetros experimentais pH e tempo de incubação em ureia, este conduziu ao valor pH=7,2 como pH óptimo de resposta do biossensor e 20 min como tempo óptimo de incubação das membranas nas soluções de ureia, sendo neste caso a resposta do biossensor dada pela diferença das respostas do biossensor antes e após incubação. A calibração do biossensor foi efectuada em soluções contendo concentrações conhecidas de ureia preparadas em tampão Tris, leite e vinho caseiro, exibindo um limite de detecção de 2,0 ×10-6 M de ureia. A incubação das membranas em hidroxilamina 2M por um período de 2h permitiu a recuperação de 70% da actividade enzimática da membrana. O biossensor apresentou uma elevada estabilidade de armazenamento por um período de 55 dias revelando uma perda de apenas 15% da sua resposta. O biossensor desenvolvido apresenta uma sensibilidade de 58,245 mV.min-1 e um tempo de resposta de aproximadamente 20s. A resposta do biossensor foi linear para concentrações de ureia presentes no vinho na gama de 4-10 μM de ureia.


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O presente trabalho consistiu na optimização da produção da amidase (EC. recombinante de Escherichia coli cujo gene foi isolado de Pseudomonas aeruginosa 8602. O efeito na agregação do enzima in vivo de diversos parâmetros de crescimento, tais como concentração de IPTG, temperatura de incubação e 3% de etanol, foi estudado por combinação da actividade enzimática com a espectrocospia de FTIR. Os resultados demosntraram que ocorreu a formação de amidase agregada na forma de corpos de inclusão em todas as condições de crescimento. A actividade enzimática máxima obtida na fracção solúvel ocorreu para a condição de 4,40 mM IPTG com etanol a 37º C enquanto que nas fracções insolúveis a actividade enzimática máxima obtida foi para a condição de 0,70mM IPTG com etanol a 25ºC. Verificou-se ainda que o etanol nas condições de crescimento de 25ºC permitiu uma elevada expressão de amidase, mas que agragou numa forma biologicamente activa apresentando para determinadas condições um aumento de 60% de actividade específica em relação à fracção solúvel. A espectrocospia de FTIR foi utilizada para o estudo de possíveis alterações estruturais da amidase produzida nas diversas condições de crescimento. Constatou-se assim que para todas as condições de crescimento, a amidase agregou na forma de corpos de inclusão devido ao aumento de folhas-β agregadas resultante de um aumento de interacções intermoleculares comparativamente ao enzima purificado. De um modo geral as condições a 25ºC formam maior quantidade de folhas-β agregadas que as condições a 37ºC, principalmente na presença de etanol. Verificou-se ainda que os corpos de inclusão das condições de crescimento de 37ºC apresentam uma estrutura secundária mais semelhante com a solução de amidase purificada relativamente às condições de 25ºC. No entanto as condições de 37ºC apresentam agragados com menor actividade possivelmente devido à ocorrência de interacções intermoleculares associadas a uma estrutura secundária mais semelhante à nativa. A solubilização não desnaturante da amidase nos corpos de inclusão foi efectuada com sucesso na presença de L-Arginina obtendo-se maior rendimento de solubilização para as condições a 37ºC, comprovando a menor quantidade de interacções intermoleculares nestes agregados e uma estrutura secundária do enzima agregado semelhante à nativa.


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The interaction of a variety of substrates with Pseudomonas aeruginosa native amidase (E.C., overproduced in an Escherichia coli strain, was investigated using difference FTIR spectroscopy. The amides used as substrates showed an increase in hydrogen bonding upon association in multimers, which was not seen with esters. Evidence for an overall reduction or weakening of hydrogen bonding while amide and ester substrates are interacting with the enzyme is presented. The results describe a spectroscopic approach for analysis of substrate-amidase interaction and in situ monitoring of the hydrolysis and transferase reaction when amides or esters are used as substrates.


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The effect of cultivation parameters such as temperature incubation, IPTG induction and ethanol shock on the production of Pseudomonasaeruginosa amidase (E.C. in a recombinant Escherichia coli strain in LB ampicillin culture medium was investigated. The highest yield of solubleamidase, relatively to other proteins, was obtained in the condition at 37 degrees C using 0.40 mM IPTG to induce growth, with ethanol. Our results demonstrate the formation of insoluble aggregates containing amidase, which was biologically active, in all tested growth conditions. Addition of ethanol at 25 degrees C in the culture medium improved amidase yield, which quantitatively aggregated in a biologically active form and exhibited in all conditions an increased specific activity relatively to the soluble form of the enzyme. Non-denaturing solubilization of the aggregated amidase was successfully achieved using L-arginine. The aggregates obtained from conditions at 37 degrees C by Furier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis demonstrated a lower content of intermolecular interactions, which facilitated the solubilization step applying non-denaturing conditions. The higher interactions exhibited in aggregates obtained at suboptimal conditions compromised the solubilization yield. This work provides an approach for the characterization and solubilization of novel reported biologically active aggregates of this amidase.


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Intact cells from Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain L10 containing amidase were used as biocatalysts both free and immobilized in a reverse micellar system. The apparent kinetic constants for the transamidation reaction in hydroxamic acids synthesis, were determined using substrates such as aliphatic, amino acid and aromatic amides and esters, in both media. In reverse micelles, K-m values decreased 2-7 fold relatively to the free biocatalyst using as substrates acetamide, acrylamide, propionamide and glycinamide ethyl ester. We have concluded that overall the affinity of the biocatalyst to each substrate increases when reactions are performed in the reversed micellar system as opposed to the buffer system. The immobilized biocatalyst in general, exhibits higher stability and faster rates of reactions at lower substrates concentration relatively to the free form, which is advantageous. Additionally, the immobilization revealed to be suitable for obtaining the highest yields of hydroxamic acids derivatives, in some cases higher than 80%. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aspergillus fumigatus (Af) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa) are leading fungal and bacterial pathogens, respectively, in many clinical situations. Relevant to this, their interface and co-existence has been studied. In some experiments in vitro, Pa products have been defined that are inhibitory to Af. In some clinical situations, both can be biofilm producers, and biofilm could alter their physiology and affect their interaction. That may be most relevant to airways in cystic fibrosis (CF), where both are often prominent residents. We have studied clinical Pa isolates from several sources for their effects on Af, including testing involving their biofilms. We show that the described inhibition of Af is related to the source and phenotype of the Pa isolate. Pa cells inhibited the growth and formation of Af biofilm from conidia, with CF isolates more inhibitory than non-CF isolates, and non-mucoid CF isolates most inhibitory. Inhibition did not require live Pa contact, as culture filtrates were also inhibitory, and again non-mucoid>mucoid CF>non-CF. Preformed Af biofilm was more resistant to Pa, and inhibition that occurred could be reproduced with filtrates. Inhibition of Af biofilm appears also dependent on bacterial growth conditions; filtrates from Pa grown as biofilm were more inhibitory than from Pa grown planktonically. The differences in Pa shown from these different sources are consistent with the extensive evolutionary Pa changes that have been described in association with chronic residence in CF airways, and may reflect adaptive changes to life in a polymicrobial environment.


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The acetohydroxamic acid synthesis reaction was studied using whole cells, cell-free extract and purified amidase from the strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa L10 and A13 entrapped in a reverse micelles system composed of cationic surfactant tetradecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide. The specific activity of amidase, yield of synthesis and storage stability were determined for the reversed micellar system as well as for free amidase in conventional buffer medium. The results have revealed that amidase solutions in the reverse micelles system exhibited a substantial increase in specific activity, yield of synthesis and storage stability. In fact, whole cells from P. aeruginosa L10 and AI3 in reverse micellar medium revealed an increase in specific activity of 9.3- and 13.9-fold, respectively, relatively to the buffer medium. Yields of approximately 92% and 66% of acetohydroxamic acid synthesis were obtained for encapsulated cell free extract from P. aeruginosa L10 and A13, respectively. On the other hand, the half-life values obtained for the amidase solutions encapsulated in reverse micelles were overall higher than that obtained for the free amidase solution in buffer medium. Half-life values obtained for encapsulated purified amidase from P. aeruginosa strain L10 and encapsulated cell-free extract from P. aeruginosa strain AI3 were of 17.0 and 26.0 days, respectively. As far as the different sources biocatalyst are concerned, the data presented in this work has revealed that the best results, in both storage stability and biocatalytic efficiency, were obtained when encapsulated cell-free extract from P. aeruginosa strain AI3 at 14/0 of 10 were used. Conformational changes occurring upon encapsulation of both strains enzymes in reverse micelles of TAB in heptane/octanol were additionally identified by FTIR spectroscopy which clarified the biocatalysts performances.


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The aim of this work was to devise a one-step purification procedure for monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) of IgG class by immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC). Therefore, several stationary phases were prepared containing immobilized metal chelates in order to study the chromatographic behaviour of MAbs against wild-type amidase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Such MAbs adsorbed to Cu(II), Ni(II), Zn(II) and Co(II)-IDA agarose columns. The increase in ligand concentration and the use of longer spacer arms and higher pH values resulted in higher adsorption of MAbs into immobilized metal chelates. The dynamic binding capacity and the maximum binding capacity were 1.33 +/- 0.015 and 3.214 +/- 0.021 mg IgG/mL of sedimented commercial matrix, respectively. A K(D) of 4.53 x 10(-7) M was obtained from batch isotherm measurements. The combination of tailor-made stationary phases of IMAC and the correct selection of adsorption conditions permitted a one-step purification procedure to be devised for MAbs of IgG class. Culture supernatants containing MAbs were purified by IMAC on commercial-Zn(II) and EPI-30-IDA-Zn(II) Sepharose 6B columns and by affinity chromatography on Protein A-Sepharose CL-4B. This MAb preparation revealed on SDS-PAGE two protein bands with M(r) of 50 and 22 kDa corresponding to the heavy and light chains, respectively. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A biosensor for urea has been developed based on the observation that urea is a powerful active-site inhibitor of amidase, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of amides such as acetamide to produce ammonia and the corresponding organic acid. Cell-free extract from Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the source of amidase (acylamide hydrolase, EC which was immobilized on a polyethersulfone membrane in the presence of glutaraldehyde; anion-selective electrode for ammonium ions was used for biosensor development. Analysis of variance was used for optimization of the biosensorresponse and showed that 30 mu L of cell-free extract containing 7.47 mg protein mL(-1), 2 mu L of glutaraldehyde (5%, v/v) and 10 mu L of gelatin (15%, w/v) exhibited the highest response. Optimization of other parameters showed that pH 7.2 and 30 min incubation time were optimum for incubation ofmembranes in urea. The biosensor exhibited a linear response in the range of 4.0-10.0 mu M urea, a detection limit of 2.0 mu M for urea, a response timeof 20 s, a sensitivity of 58.245 % per mu M urea and a storage stability of over 4 months. It was successfully used for quantification of urea in samples such as wine and milk; recovery experiments were carried out which revealed an average substrate recovery of 94.9%. The urea analogs hydroxyurea, methylurea and thiourea inhibited amidase activity by about 90%, 10% and 0%, respectively, compared with urea inhibition.


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The conjugation of antigens with ligands of pattern recognition receptors (PRR) is emerging as a promising strategy for the modulation of specific immunity. Here, we describe a new Escherichia coli system for the cloning and expression of heterologous antigens in fusion with the OprI lipoprotein, a TLR ligand from the Pseudomonas aeruginosa outer membrane (OM). Analysis of the OprI expressed by this system reveals a triacylated lipid moiety mainly composed by palmitic acid residues. By offering a tight regulation of expression and allowing for antigen purification by metal affinity chromatography, the new system circumvents the major drawbacks of former versions. In addition, the anchoring of OprI to the OM of the host cell is further explored for the production of novel recombinant bacterial cell wall-derived formulations (OM fragments and OM vesicles) with distinct potential for PRR activation. As an example, the African swine fever virus ORF A104R was cloned and the recombinant antigen was obtained in the three formulations. Overall, our results validate a new system suitable for the production of immunogenic formulations that can be used for the development of experimental vaccines and for studies on the modulation of acquired immunity.


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A discussion of the most interesting results obtained in our laboratories, during the supercritical CO(2) extraction of bioactive compounds from microalgae and volatile oils from aromatic plants, was carried out. Concerning the microalgae, the studies on Botryococcus braunii and Chlorella vulgaris were selected. Hydrocarbons from the first microalgae, which are mainly linear alkadienes (C(23)-C(31)) with an odd number of carbon atoms, were selectively extracted at 313 K increasing the pressure up to 30.0 MPa. These hydrocarbons are easily extracted at this pressure, since they are located outside the cellular walls. The extraction of carotenoids, mainly canthaxanthin and astaxanthin, from C. vulgaris is more difficult. The extraction yield of these components at 313 K and 35.0 MPa increased with the degree of crushing of the microalga, since they are not extracellular. On the other hand, for the extraction of volatile oils from aromatic plants, studies on Mentha pulegium and Satureja montana L were chosen. For the first aromatic plant, the composition of the volatile and essential oils was similar, the main components being the pulegone and menthone. However, this volatile oil contained small amounts of waxes, which content decreased with decreasing particle size of the plant matrix. For S. montana L it was also observed that both oils have a similar composition, the main components being carvacrol and thymol. The main difference is the relative amount of thymoquinone, which content can be 15 times higher in volatile oil. This oxygenated monoterpene has important biological activities. Moreover, experimental studies on anticholinesterase activity of supercritical extracts of S. montana were also carried out. The supercritical nonvolatile fraction, which presented the highest content of the protocatechuic, vanilic, chlorogenic and (+)-catechin acids, is the most promising inhibitor of the enzyme butyrylcholinesterase. In contrast, the Soxhlet acetone extract did not affect the activity of this enzyme at the concentrations tested. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.