8 resultados para 209-1269
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Tradução da peça.
In this paper we present results on the optimization of multilayered a-SiC:H heterostructures for wavelength-division (de) multiplexing applications. The non selective WDM device is a double heterostructure in a glass/ITO/a-SiC:H (p-i-n) /a-SiC:H(-p) /a-Si:H(-i')/a-SiC:H (-n')/ITO configuration. The single or the multiple modulated wavelength channels are passed through the device, and absorbed accordingly to its wavelength, giving rise to a time dependent wavelength electrical field modulation across it. The effect of single or multiple input signals is converted to an electrical signal to regain the information (wavelength, intensity and frequency) of the incoming photogenerated carriers. Here, the (de) multiplexing of the channels is accomplished electronically, not optically. This approach offers advantages in terms of cost since several channels share the same optical components; and the electrical components are typically less expensive than the optical ones. An electrical model gives insight into the device operation.
The reactions of [ReCl2{eta(2)-N2C(O)Ph}(PPh3)(2)](1) with 2-aminopyrimidine (H(2)Npyrm), 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy) and tetraethylthiuram disulfide (tds), in MeOH upon reflux, lead to the new eta(1)-(benzoyldiazenido)-rhenium(III) complexes [ReCl{eta(1)-N2C(O)Ph}(HNpyrm)(PPh3)(2)](2)and [ReCl2{eta(1)-N2C(O)Ph}(bpy)(PPh3)] (3), and the known oxo(diethyldithiocarbamato)dirhenium(v)complex [Re2O2(mu O){Et2NC(S)S}(4)](4), respectively. The Et2NC(S)S ligands in 4 result from S-S bond rupture of tds molecules. The obtained compounds have been characterized by IR, H-1, P-31{H-1} and C-13{H-1} NMR spectroscopies, FAB(+)-MS, elemental and single-crystal X-ray diffraction (for 2 and 4)analyses. Complex 2 represents the first structurally characterized Re compound derived from 2-aminopyrimidine. Besides, the redox behaviour of 2-4 in CH2Cl2 solution has been studied by cyclic voltammetry, and the Lever electrochemical ligand parameter (E-L)has been estimated, for the first time, for HNpyrm. The electrochemical results are discussed in terms of electronic properties of the Re centres and the ligands.
A presente dissertação configurou-se no estudo dos procedimentos metodológicos de treinamento e elaboração do clown: uma reflexão sobre o conceito de clown e a exposição de processos de criação e formação na prática do clown, enfocando princípios técnicos e didáticos que possam servir de orientação para o clown/aprendiz em sua formação, a partir do contato com a literatura. É possível ensinar a um ator o ofício do clown? Que princípios esse ator precisa dominar para dar início ao processo de criação e elaboração do seu clown? Do que consiste esse processo? Muitos atores ainda carregam dúvidas sobre a arte do clown, concluíram sua formação técnica e/ou acadêmica sem um mínimo contato com as teorias e práticas clownescas, ou seja, não vivenciaram um treinamento, não passaram por um processo de iniciação de elaboração e criação do clown, e não tiveram contato com práticas circenses. Despreparados e sem orientação, apostam no trabalho de “representação” de um clown, constroem “personagens clownescos”, e acabam por se tornarem pouco eficazes artisticamente, apelando para fórmulas já prontas, pré-fabricadas (piadas, estórias, personagens, gestual estereotipado). “Num primeiro olhar, poder-se-ia pensar que o clown é um personagem, e, como tal, criado por um ator que o desempenha como caricatura separada de si, submetida ao crivo e coordenação deste sujeito pensante que está por trás das ações que desenvolve (DORNELES, 2003, p. 17).” Segundo Luís Otávio Burnier (2001, p. 209): “O clown não representa, ele é. Não se trata de um personagem, ou seja, uma entidade externa a nós, mas da ampliação e dilatação dos aspectos ingênuos, puros e humanos, portanto ‘estúpidos’, do nosso próprio ser.” Muitos atores, recém formados, desejosos de aprender o ofício do clown, se matriculam em Oficinas, Workshops ou Cursos de formação. Todavia, esses contatos “provisórios” com a linguagem do clown, oferecidos como “cursos intensivos”, nem sempre garantem o crescimento pessoal, acima e além do nível profissional, ou seja, o tempo de aprendizado assegura a qualidade de um treinamento. Ainda assim, esse primeiro contato com a linguagem do clown pode representar o “pontapé inicial”, o “despertar de uma paixão” e, consequentemente, um importante acréscimo na construção desse ator. No entanto, o autoaperfeiçoamento, num treinamento específico e contínuo, seria a estratégia ideal para o entendimento do clown. Pretendemos que este material venha servir de “bússola” para nortear o ator aprendiz na busca do seu clown, e servir também de estímulo criativo e criador, para que o mesmo, a partir do contato com este estudo, se sinta em condições de se auto-gerir e dar continuidade às suas pesquisas, adaptando o que pode ser útil aos seus trabalhos pessoais. Não temos a pretenção de sugerir um “manual de trabalho” e sim, propor uma reflexão sobre o conceito de clown e expor procedimentos de criação e formação na prática do clown, enfocando princípios técnicos e didáticos que sirvam de orientação e de “trampolim” para um clown/aprendiz. Esta dissertação não pretende esgotar as reflexões acerca da temática, tampouco dar respostas ou tirar conclusões definitivas. O estudo, ora proposto, deve servir como um “primeiro olhar” para aqueles que desejarem fazer uma reflexão sobre a linguagem do clown.
O medicamento tanto pela sua inadequada utilização, quer pelo seu custo vem sendo uma das preocupações das políticas, quer de entidades governamentais, quer não governamentais, ao nível mundial. Este estudo tem como objectivo caracterizar o consumo de medicamentos pelos estudantes da Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa. Pretende-se, ainda, caracterizar a amostra em estudo quanto às fontes de informação utilizadas acerca dos medicamentos; quais os principais medicamentos e grupos terapêuticos utilizados no último ano e qual a prevalência da automedicação e sua adequação face aos problemas de saúde referidos pela amostra em estudo. A classificação dos medicamentos, quanto ao seu regime de dispensa ao público, encontra-se disposta no Decreto-Lei nº 209/94, de 6 de Agosto, que os qualifica em medicamentos sujeitos a receita médica e medicamentos não sujeitos a receita médica. Os medicamentos sujeitos a receita médica são aqueles que a sua dispensa necessita de uma prescrição pelo profissional devidamente habilitado a prescrever medicamentos, o médico. Os medicamentos de prescrição livre são os medicamentos cuja aquisição se encontra facilitada, uma vez que dispensam a obrigatoriedade de receita médica, com todos os prós e contras que daí possam advir. A automedicação pode ser definida como o “processo através do qual o indivíduo pode escolher, os medicamentos necessários para aliviar síndromas ou sintomas menores”. A prática da automedicação pode, todavia, acarretar alguns problemas para os consumidores, que resultam, principalmente, de uma inadequada utilização dos medicamentos, que, na maioria dos casos, resulta de informação inadequada e insuficiente e de uma cultura farmacoterapêutica não suficientemente consolidada (Despacho nº 2245/2003, de 16 de Janeiro).
Background - According to the Report on Carcinogens, formaldehyde ranks 25th in the overall U.S. chemical production, with more than 5 million tons produced each year. Given its economic importance and widespread use, many people are exposed to formaldehyde environmentally and/or occupationally. Presently, the International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies formaldehyde as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1), based on sufficient evidence in humans and in experimental animals. Manyfold in vitro studies clearly indicated that formaldehyde can induce genotoxic effects in proliferating cultured mammalian cells. Furthermore, some in vivo studies have found changes in epithelial cells and in peripheral blood lymphocytes related to formaldehyde exposure. Methods - A study was carried out in Portugal, using 80 workers occupationally exposed to formaldehyde vapours: 30 workers from formaldehyde and formaldehyde-based resins production factory and 50 from 10 pathology and anatomy laboratories. A control group of 85 non-exposed subjects was considered. Exposure assessment was performed by applying simultaneously two techniques of air monitoring: NIOSH Method 2541 and Photo Ionization Detection equipment with simultaneously video recording. Evaluation of genotoxic effects was performed by application of micronucleus test in exfoliated epithelial cells from buccal mucosa and peripheral blood lymphocytes. Results - Time-weighted average concentrations not exceeded the reference value (0.75 ppm) in the two occupational settings studied. Ceiling concentrations, on the other hand, were higher than reference value (0.3 ppm) in both. The frequency of micronucleus in peripheral blood lymphocytes and in epithelial cells was significantly higher in both exposed groups than in the control group (p < 0.001). Moreover, the frequency of micronucleus in peripheral blood lymphocytes was significantly higher in the laboratories group than in the factory workers (p < 0.05). A moderate positive correlation was found between duration of occupational exposure to formaldehyde (years of exposure) and micronucleus frequency in peripheral blood lymphocytes (r = 0.401; p < 0.001) and in epithelial cells (r = 0.209; p < 0.01). Conclusions - The population studied is exposed to high peak concentrations of formaldehyde with a long-term exposure. These two aspects, cumulatively, can be the cause of the observed genotoxic endpoint effects. The association of these cytogenetic effects with formaldehyde exposure gives important information to risk assessment process and may also be used to assess health risks for exposed workers.
In the literature, concepts of “polyneuropathy”, “peripheral neuropathy” and “neuropathy” are often mistakenly used as synonyms. Polyneuropathy is a specific term that refers to a relatively homogenous process that affects multiple peripheral nerves. Most of these tend to present as symmetric polyneuropathies that first manifest in the distal portions of the affected nerves. Many of these distal symmetric polyneuropathies are due to toxic-metabolic causes such as alcohol abuse and diabetes mellitus. Other distal symmetric polyneuropathies may result from an overproduction of substances that result in nerve pathology such as is observed in anti-MAG neuropathy and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance. Other “overproduction” disorders are hereditary such as noted in the Portuguese type of familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP). FAP is a manifestation of a group of hereditary amyloidoses; an autosomal dominant, multisystemic disorder wherein the mutant amyloid precursor, transthyretin, is produced in excess primarily by the liver. The liver accounts for approximately 98% of all transthyretin production. FAP is confirmed by detecting a transthyretin variant with a methionine for valine substitution at position 30 [TTR (Met30)]. Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy (FAP) – Portuguese type was first described by a Portuguese neurologist, Corino de Andrade in 1939 and published in 1951. Most persons with this disorder are descended from Portuguese sailors who sired offspring in various locations, primarily in Sweden, Japan and Mallorca. Their descendants emigrated worldwide such that this disorder has been reported in other countries as well. More than 2000 symptomatic cases have been reported in Portugal. FAP progresses rapidly with an average time course from symptom onset to multi-organ involvement and death between ten and twenty years. Treatments directed at removing this aberrant protein such as plasmapheresis and immunoadsorption proved to be unsuccessful. Liver transplantation has been the only effective solution as evidenced by almost 2000 liver transplants performed worldwide. A therapy for FAP with a novel agent, “Tafamidis” has shown some promise in ongoing phase III clinical trials. It is well recognized that regular physical activity of moderate intensity has a positive effect on physical fitness as gauged by body composition, aerobic capacity, muscular strength and endurance and flexibility. Physical fitness has been reported to result in the reduction of symptoms and lesser impairment when performing activities of daily living. Exercise has been advocated as part of a comprehensive approach to the treatment of chronic diseases. Therefore, this chapter concludes with a discussion of the role of exercise training on FAP.
An improved class of Boussinesq systems of an arbitrary order using a wave surface elevation and velocity potential formulation is derived. Dissipative effects and wave generation due to a time-dependent varying seabed are included. Thus, high-order source functions are considered. For the reduction of the system order and maintenance of some dispersive characteristics of the higher-order models, an extra O(mu 2n+2) term (n ??? N) is included in the velocity potential expansion. We introduce a nonlocal continuous/discontinuous Galerkin FEM with inner penalty terms to calculate the numerical solutions of the improved fourth-order models. The discretization of the spatial variables is made using continuous P2 Lagrange elements. A predictor-corrector scheme with an initialization given by an explicit RungeKutta method is also used for the time-variable integration. Moreover, a CFL-type condition is deduced for the linear problem with a constant bathymetry. To demonstrate the applicability of the model, we considered several test cases. Improved stability is achieved.