12 resultados para 151-909

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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O Objectivo deste estudo é analisar o tipo de erro, estrutural ou funcional, observado em crianças dos 5 aos 8 anos, durante a resolução de três tipos de problemas aritméticos de estrutura aditiva . combinação, separação e comparação . em situações diferenciadas (manipulativa, figurativa, numérica). A amostra do estudo é constituída por 45 crianças (15 do último ano do pré-escolar, 15 do 1º ano de escolaridade e 15 do 2º ano) de uma escola pública de Lisboa, de meio sócio-económico médio. A metodologia seguida foi a de tipo clínico ( análise critica). Cada criança participou em quatro sessões experimentais (uma por semana), sendo a primeira para determinar o nível psicogenético e as seguintes para resolver os três problemas de aritmética. Os resultados mostram a relação entre o tipo de erro e a estrutura e a categoria do problema; entre os níveis psicogenético e escolar e o tipo de erro observado, independentemente da situação experimental (manipulativa, figurativa, numérica); entre os níveis psicogenético e escolares e o tipo de grafismo e as representações. Mostrou ainda a lógica do erro seguida por cada criança, a qual se mantém em qualquer das situações experimentais.


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Actualmente tem-se observado um aumento do volume de sinais de fala em diversas aplicações, que reforçam a necessidade de um processamento automático dos ficheiros. No campo do processamento automático destacam-se as aplicações de “diarização de orador”, que permitem catalogar os ficheiros de fala com a identidade de oradores e limites temporais de fala de cada um, através de um processo de segmentação e agrupamento. No contexto de agrupamento, este trabalho visa dar continuidade ao trabalho intitulado “Detecção do Orador”, com o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo de “agrupamento multi-orador” capaz de identificar e agrupar correctamente os oradores, sem conhecimento prévio do número ou da identidade dos oradores presentes no ficheiro de fala. O sistema utiliza os coeficientes “Mel Line Spectrum Frequencies” (MLSF) como característica acústica de fala, uma segmentação de fala baseada na energia e uma estrutura do tipo “Universal Background Model - Gaussian Mixture Model” (UBM-GMM) adaptado com o classificador “Support Vector Machine” (SVM). No trabalho foram analisadas três métricas de discriminação dos modelos SVM e a avaliação dos resultados foi feita através da taxa de erro “Speaker Error Rate” (SER), que quantifica percentualmente o número de segmentos “fala” mal classificados. O algoritmo implementado foi ajustado às características da língua portuguesa através de um corpus com 14 ficheiros de treino e 30 ficheiros de teste. Os ficheiros de treino dos modelos e classificação final, enquanto os ficheiros de foram utilizados para avaliar o desempenho do algoritmo. A interacção com o algoritmo foi dinamizada com a criação de uma interface gráfica que permite receber o ficheiro de teste, processá-lo, listar os resultados ou gerar um vídeo para o utilizador confrontar o sinal de fala com os resultados de classificação.


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This work focuses on the study of flow and propagation of magma using rock magnetic analyses along sections across the thick Jurassic dyke of Foum-Zguid (Southern Morocco). Thermomagnetic data show that Ti-poor titanomagnetite is the main magnetic carrier. Petrographic analysis shows that the main Ti phase (ilmenite) occurs either as lamellae within spinel (center of the dyke) or as isolated grains (dyke margin). Bulk magnetic properties display distinct behavior according to the distance to the dyke margin; grain size of the main magnetic carrier decreases towards the center of the dyke, while the natural remanent magnetization and the bulk magnetic susceptibility increase. Only the magnetic susceptibility ellipsoid close to the dyke margin corresponds to that usually found in thin dykes, with the magnetic foliation sub parallel to dyke margins. Maximum principal axis is in most cases either parallel or perpendicular to the intersection between the planes of magnetic foliation and dyke wall. Moreover, when this axis is perpendicular to the intersection it is associated with a more oblate magnetic susceptibility ellipsoid shape, indicating the presence of complex magnetic fabrics. The studied magnetic properties show that, in this 100 m wide thick dyke, flow structures related with dyke propagation are only preserved close to the quickly cooled dyke margins.


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La edición literaria ha constituido un objeto privilegiado en el ámbito de la producción sociológica e historiográfica de las prácticas editoriales. Pensar el libro editado tiende, a menudo, a la reducción de pensarlo en el presupuesto del género literario, forma históricamente naturalizada de su asimilación al soporte impreso. En este sentido, no pocas veces la investigación parece funcionar como un espejo de la correlación de fuerzas existente en el marco valorativo del campo editorial, que corona la sobrelegitimidad del libro literario frente a los restantes géneros. Este atributo de la representación editorial dificulta sobremanera la ambición de pensar el universo de la edición de libros a partir de generalizaciones acuñadas científicamente. El volumen colectivo dirigido por Olivier Bessard-Banquy (2006) es un excelente ejemplo de cómo el discurso académico puede no solamente reproducir las percepciones vigentes en amplios sectores del mundo editorial, que propugnan una ligazón automática y garante de respetabilidad entre edición y literatura, sino también reforzar su legitimidad. La obra citada basa toda su construcción analítica en la importancia simbólica de la edición literaria en relación a la mayor parte de los otros dominios de género editorial. La posición cimera de la literatura en el espacio simbólico del mercado del libro, que tiene su correlato en el primer lugar que ocupa en el número de títulos publicados, no corresponde sin embargo a su relevancia económica en el sector editorial, inferior a otros géneros, como el libro escolar o técnico, cuyas cifras de ventas superan significativamente las del segmento literario.


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Audiometer systems provide enormous amounts of detailed TV watching data. Several relevant and interdependent factors may influence TV viewers' behavior. In this work we focus on the time factor and derive Temporal Patterns of TV watching, based on panel data. Clustering base attributes are originated from 1440 binary minute-related attributes, capturing the TV watching status (watch/not watch). Since there are around 2500 panel viewers a data reduction procedure is first performed. K-Means algorithm is used to obtain daily clusters of viewers. Weekly patterns are then derived which rely on daily patterns. The obtained solutions are tested for consistency and stability. Temporal TV watching patterns provide new insights concerning Portuguese TV viewers' behavior.


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The histone deacetylase inhibitors sodium butyrate (NaBu) and trichostatin A (TSA) exhibit anti-proliferative activity by causing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. The mechanisms by which NaBu and TSA cause apoptosis and cell cycle arrest are not yet completely clarified, although these agents are known to modulate the expression of several genes including cell-cycle- and apoptosis-related genes. The enzymes involved in the process of translation have important roles in controlling cell growth and apoptosis, and several of these translation factors have been described as having a causal role in the development of cancer. The expression patterns of the translation mechanism, namely of the elongation factors eEF1A1 and eEF1A2, and of the termination factors eRF1 and eRF3, were studied in the breast cancer cell line MCF-7 by real-time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction after a 24-h treatment with NaBu and TSA. NaBu induced inhibition of translation factors' transcription, whereas TSA caused an increase in mRNA levels. Thus, these two agents may modulate the expression of translation factors through different pathways. We propose that the inhibition caused by NaBu may, in part, be responsible for the cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induced by this agent in MCF-7 cells.


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This paper intends to evaluate the capacity of producing concrete with a pre-established performance (in terms of mechanical strength) incorporating recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) from different sources. To this purpose, rejected products from the precasting industry and concrete produced in laboratory were used. The appraisal of the self-replication capacity was made for three strength ranges: 15-25 MPa, 35-45 MPa and 65-75 MPa. The mixes produced tried to replicate the strength of the source concrete (SC) of the RA. Only total, (100%) replacement of coarse natural aggregates (CNA) by coarse recycled concrete aggregates (CRCA) was tested. The results show that, both in mechanical and durability terms, there were no significant differences between aggregates from controlled sources and those from precast rejects for the highest levels of the target strength. Furthermore, the performance losses resulting from the RA's incorporation are substantially reduced when used medium or high strength SC's. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents the recent research results about the development of a Observed Time Difference (OTD) based geolocation algorithm based on network trace data, for a real Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) Network. The initial results have been published in [1], the current paper focus on increasing the sample convergence rate, and introducing a new filtering approach based on a moving average spatial filter, to increase accuracy. Field tests have been carried out for two radio environments (urban and suburban) in the Lisbon area, Portugal. The new enhancements produced a geopositioning success rate of 47% and 31%, and a median accuracy of 151 m and 337 m, for the urban and suburban environments, respectively. The implemented filter produced a 16% and 20% increase on accuracy, when compared with the geopositioned raw data. The obtained results are rather promising in accuracy and geolocation success rate. OTD positioning smoothed by moving average spatial filtering reveals a strong approach for positioning trace extracted events, vital for boosting Self-Organizing Networks (SON) over a 3G network.


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Electrochemically-reduced graphene oxide (Er-GO) and cobalt oxides (CoOx) were co-electrodeposited by cyclic voltammetry, from an electrolyte containing graphene oxide and cobalt nitrate, directly onto a stainless steel substrate to produce composite electrodes presenting high charge storage capacity. The electrochemical response of the composite films was optimized by studying the parameters applied during the electrodeposition process, namely the number of cycles, scan rate and ratio between GO/Co(NO3)(2) concentrations in the electrolyte. It is shown that, if the appropriate conditions are selected, it is possible to produced binder-free composite electrodes with improved electrochemical properties using a low-cost, facile and scalable technique. The optimized Er-GO/CoOx developed in this work exhibits a specific capacitance of 608 F g(-1) at a current density of 1 A g(-1) and increased reversibility when compared to single CoOx. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The solubilities of two C-tetraalkylcalix[4]resorcinarenes, namely C-tetramethylcalix[4]resorcinarene and C-tetrapentylcalix[4]resorcinarene, in supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) were measured in a flow-type apparatus at a temperature range from (313.2 to 333.2) K and at pressures from (12.0 to 35.0) MPa. The C-tetraalkylcalix[4]resorcinarenes were synthesized applying our optimized procedure and fully characterized by means of gel permeation chromatography, infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The solubilities of the C-tetraalkylcalix[4]resorcinarenes in SCCO2 were determined by analysis of the extracts obtained by HPLC with ultraviolet (UV) detection methodology adapted by our team. Four semiempirical density-based models, and the SoaveRedlichKwong cubic equation of state (SRK CEoS) with classical mixing rules, were applied to correlate the solubility of the calix[4]resorcinarenes in the SC CO2. The physical properties required for the modeling were estimated and reported.


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Isoniazid (INH) is still one of the two most effective antitubercular drugs and is included in all recommended multitherapeutic regimens. Because of the increasing resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to INH, mainly associated with mutations in the katG gene, new INH-based compounds have been proposed to circumvent this problem. In this work, we present a detailed comparative study of the molecular determinants of the interactions between wt KatG or its S315T mutant form and either INH or INH-C10, a new acylated INH derivative. MD simulations were used to explore the conformational space of both proteins, and results indicate that the S315T mutation did not have a significant impact on the average size of the access tunnel in the vicinity of these residues. Our simulations also indicate that the steric hindrance role assigned to Asp137 is transient and that electrostatic changes can be important in understanding the enzyme activity data of mutations in KatG. Additionally, molecular docking studies were used to determine the preferred modes of binding of the two substrates. Upon mutation, the apparently less favored docking solution for reaction became the most abundant, suggesting that S315T mutation favors less optimal binding modes. Moreover, the aliphatic tail in INH-C10 seems to bring the hydrazine group closer to the heme, thus favoring the apparent most reactive binding mode, regardless of the enzyme form. The ITC data is in agreement with our interpretation of the C10 alkyl chain role and helped to rationalize the significantly lower experimental MIC value observed for INH-C10. This compound seems to be able to counterbalance most of the conformational restrictions introduced by the mutation, which are thought to be responsible for the decrease in INH activity in the mutated strain. Therefore, INH-C10 appears to be a very promising lead compound for drug development.


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This work intends to evaluate the (mechanical and durability) performance of concrete made with coarse recycled concrete aggregates (CRCA) obtained using two crushing processes: primary crushing (PC) and primary plus secondary crushing (PSC). This analysis intends to select the most efficient production process of recycled aggregates (RA). The RA used here resulted from precast products (P), with strength classes of 20 MPa, 45 MPa and 65 MPa, and from laboratory-made concrete (L) with the same compressive strengths. The evaluation of concrete was made with the following tests: compressive strength; splitting tensile strength; modulus of elasticity; carbona-tion resistance; chloride penetration resistance; capillary water absorption; and water absorption by immersion. These findings contribute to a solid and innovative basis that allows the precasting industry to use without restrictions the waste it generates. © (2015) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.