9 resultados para 139-856B
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Introdução - Os ginásios com piscina poderão constituir um ambiente potenciador da disseminação fúngica, devido não só às variáveis ambientais, como a temperatura e humidade do ar, mas também devido ao crescente número de frequentadores desses espaços e às medidas higio-sanitárias aplicadas. Objectivos - Descrever os fenómenos ambientais da contaminação fúngica no pavimento dos ginásios com piscina e explorar eventuais associações entre variáveis ambientais. Metodologia - Realizou-se um estudo descritivo transversal, tendo sido monitorizada a contaminação fúngica no pavimento de dez ginásios com piscina mais frequentados dos 30 existentes na zona de Lisboa. Colheram-se amostras de superfícies, em seis locais diferentes, através da técnica de esfregaço por zaragatoa, antes e após a lavagem e desinfecção. Simultaneamente, monitorizaram-se os parâmetros ambientais, temperatura e humidade do ar, através do equipamento Babouc A, da LSI Systems. Resultados - Foram identificadas 37 espécies diferentes de fungos filamentosos, em que o género mais frequentemente isolado, antes (19,1%) e após (17,2%) a lavagem e desinfecção, foi Fusarium sp. Relativamente às leveduras, foram identificadas doze espécies diferentes. Cryptococcus sp. (40,6%) foi o género mais frequente antes da lavagem e desinfecção e, após os mesmos procedimentos, foi o género Candida sp. (49,3%). A lavagem e desinfecção não apresentaram a eficácia esperada e verificou-se que a relação entre a contaminação fúngica e a temperatura e humidade não é estatisticamente significativa (p > 0,05). Conclusões - A distribuição fúngica no pavimento foi coincidente com estudos internacionais; no entanto, os resultados referentes à eficácia da lavagem e desinfecção não foram os esperados e a relação entre a contaminação fúngica e a temperatura e a humidade não coincidem com os resultados de outros estudos, eventualmente devido à influência de outras variáveis ambientais.
O aspecto central deste artigo é o estudo do conhecimento profissional de três professoras do 1º Ciclo do ensino básico em particular o seu conhecimento da Matemática e sobre a Matemática a sua relação com as práticas lectivas e a sua evolução ao longo de um trabalho colaborativo desenvolvido entre a investigadora e as três professoras, com forte suporte na reflexão O trabalho tem por base uma investigação prolongada no tempo e é desenvolvida no âmbito das abordagens propostas por um novo currículo para o 1" ciclo do ensino básico A metodologia é qualitativa e interpretativa. A recolha de dados teve por base observação de aulas, entrevistas, notas de campo sobre sessões de trabalho conjunto e recolha de documentação escrita. A análise de dados foi sendo feita à medida que outros dados iam sendo recolhidos e o procedimento de análise oi semelhante ao método e comparação constante. Esta análise permite verificar que as professoras através da reflexão individual e de grupo e do trabalho desenvolvido em sessões de trabalho conjuntas com a investigadora aumentaram o seu conhecimento da Matemática nomeadamente a sua compreensão£ matemática melhoraram a sua relação com a disciplina e a forma como eram capazes de conduzir actividades matemáticas com os alunos na sala de aula.
Coastal areas are highly exposed to natural hazards associated with the sea. In all cases where there is historical evidence for devastating tsunamis, as is the case of the southern coasts of the Iberian Peninsula, there is a need for quantitative hazard tsunami assessment to support spatial planning. Also, local authorities must be able to act towards the population protection in a preemptive way, to inform 'what to do' and 'where to go' and in an alarm, to make people aware of the incoming danger. With this in mind, we investigated the inundation extent, run-up and water depths, of a 1755-like event on the region of Huelva, located on the Spanish southwestern coast, one of the regions that was affected in the past by several high energy events, as proved by historical documents and sedimentological data. Modelling was made with a slightly modified version of the COMCOT (Cornell Multi-grid Coupled Tsunami Model) code. Sensitivity tests were performed for a single source in order to understand the relevance and influence of the source parameters in the inundation extent and the fundamental impact parameters. We show that a 1755-like event will have a dramatic impact in a large area close to Huelva inundating an area between 82 and 92 km(2) and reaching maximum run-up around 5 m. In this sense our results show that small variations on the characteristics of the tsunami source are not too significant for the impact assessment. We show that the maximum flow depth and the maximum run-up increase with the average slip on the source, while the strike of the fault is not a critical factor as Huelva is significantly far away from the potential sources identified up to now. We also show that the maximum flow depth within the inundated area is very dependent on the tidal level, while maximum run-up is less affected, as a consequence of the complex morphology of the area.
The transducer consists of a semiconductor device based on two stacked -i-n heterostructures that were designed to detect the emissions of the fluorescence resonance energy transfer between fluorophores in the cyan (470 nm) and yellow (588 nm) range of the spectrum. This research represents a preliminary study on the use of such wavelength-sensitive devices as photodetectors for this kind of application. The device was characterized through optoelectronic measurements concerning spectral response measurements under different electrical and optical biasing conditions. To simulate the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) pairs, a chromatic time-dependent combination of cyan and yellow wavelengths was applied to the device. The generated photocurrent was measured under reverse and forward bias to read out the output photocurrent signal. A different wavelength-biasing light was also superimposed. Results show that under reverse bias, the photocurrent signal presents four separate levels, each one assigned to the different wavelength combinations of the FRET pairs. If a blue background is superimposed, the yellow channel is enhanced and the cyan suppressed, while under red irradiation, the opposite behavior occurs. So, under suitable biasing light, the transducer is able to detect separately the cyan and yellow fluorescence pairs. An electrical model, supported by a numerical simulation, supports the transduction mechanism of the device.
In this contribution, we investigate the low-temperature, low-density behaviour of dipolar hard-sphere (DHS) particles, i.e., hard spheres with dipoles embedded in their centre. We aim at describing the DHS fluid in terms of a network of chains and rings (the fundamental clusters) held together by branching points (defects) of different nature. We first introduce a systematic way of classifying inter-cluster connections according to their topology, and then employ this classification to analyse the geometric and thermodynamic properties of each class of defects, as extracted from state-of-the-art equilibrium Monte Carlo simulations. By computing the average density and energetic cost of each defect class, we find that the relevant contribution to inter-cluster interactions is indeed provided by (rare) three-way junctions and by four-way junctions arising from parallel or anti-parallel locally linear aggregates. All other (numerous) defects are either intra-cluster or associated to low cluster-cluster interaction energies, suggesting that these defects do not play a significant part in the thermodynamic description of the self-assembly processes of dipolar hard spheres. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.
Particulate matter (PM) can have a significant impact on human health and on artifacts stored and kept inside museums and archives. To the author's knowledge, its immediate and/or longterm concentrations and distribution on Portuguese archives has never been determined. Four Portuguese archives (with and without HVAC/air filtration systems) were selected and the immediate concentration of airborne particulate matter was measured by active sampling. Indoor-outdoor ratios were also determined. International and national guidelines were used to ascertain the environment’s quality, both for the readers and staff and for the documents preserved in these institutions. Inside, PM2.5 ranged between 0.37μg/m3 and 27.61μg/m3, while PM10 ranged between 4.43μg/m3 and 285.52μg/m3. The lowest values were determined in storage rooms and the highest in reading rooms. In terms of human health, Portuguese guidelines for immediate PM10 concentration were not met in several locations. For conservation purposes, storage rooms were classified according to an original air quality grid. Air filtration systems proved valuable in maintaining a safe environment for our written heritage and the staff and readers that deal with it and care for it every day. This study constitutes the first snapshot of the particulate matter concentrations and distribution in Portuguese Archives.
The electricity industry throughout the world, which has long been dominated by vertically integrated utilities, has experienced major changes. Deregulation, unbundling, wholesale and retail wheeling, and real-time pricing were abstract concepts a few years ago. Today market forces drive the price of electricity and reduce the net cost through increased competition. As power markets continue to evolve, there is a growing need for advanced modeling approaches. This article addresses the challenge of maximizing the profit (or return) of power producers through the optimization of their share of customers. Power producers have fixed production marginal costs and decide the quantity of energy to sell in both day-ahead markets and a set of target clients, by negotiating bilateral contracts involving a three-rate tariff. Producers sell energy by considering the prices of a reference week and five different types of clients with specific load profiles. They analyze several tariffs and determine the best share of customers, i.e., the share that maximizes profit. © 2014 IEEE.
The electricity industry throughout the world, which has long been dominated by vertically integrated utilities, has experienced major changes. Deregulation, unbundling, wholesale and retail wheeling, and real-time pricing were abstract concepts a few years ago. Today market forces drive the price of electricity and reduce the net cost through increased competition. As power markets continue to evolve, there is a growing need for advanced modeling approaches. This article addresses the challenge of maximizing the profit (or return) of power producers through the optimization of their share of customers. Power producers have fixed production marginal costs and decide the quantity of energy to sell in both day-ahead markets and a set of target clients, by negotiating bilateral contracts involving a three-rate tariff. Producers sell energy by considering the prices of a reference week and five different types of clients with specific load profiles. They analyze several tariffs and determine the best share of customers, i.e., the share that maximizes profit. © 2014 IEEE.
The benzoyl hydrazone based dimeric dicopper(II) complex [Cu2(R)(CH3O)(NO3)]2(CH3O)2 (R-Cu2+), recently reported by us, catalyzes the aerobic oxidation of catechols (catechol (S1), 3,5- itertiarybutylcatechol (S2) and 3-nitrocatechol (S3)) to the corresponding quinones (catecholase like activity), as shown by UV–Vis absorption spectroscopy in methanol/HEPES buffer (pH 8.2) medium at 25 C. The highest activity is observed for the substituted catechol (S2) with the electron donor tertiary butyl group, resulting in a turnover frequency (TOF) value of 1.13 103 h1. The complex R-Cu2+ also exhibits a good catalytic activity in the oxidation (without added solvent) of 1-phenylethanol to acetophenone by But OOH under low power (10 W) microwave (MW) irradiation. 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.