184 resultados para Marques de fà brica
Faz-se nesta dissertação a análise do movimento humano utilizando sinais de ultrassons refletidos pelos diversos membros do corpo humano, designados por assinaturas de ultrassons. Estas assinaturas são confrontadas com os sinais gerados pelo contato dos membros inferiores do ser humano com o chão, recolhidos de forma passiva. O método seguido teve por base o estudo das assinaturas de Doppler e micro-Doppler. Estas assinaturas são obtidas através do processamento dos ecos de ultrassons recolhidos, com recurso à Short-Time Fourier Transform e apresentadas sobre a forma de espectrograma, onde se podem identificar os desvios de frequência causados pelo movimento das diferentes partes do corpo humano. É proposto um algoritmo inovador que, embora possua algumas limitações, é capaz de isolar e extrair de forma automática algumas das curvas e parâmetros característicos dos membros envolvidos no movimento humano. O algoritmo desenvolvido consegue analisar as assinaturas de micro-Doppler do movimento humano, estimando diversos parâmetros tais como o número de passadas realizadas, a cadência da passada, o comprimento da passada, a velocidade a que o ser humano se desloca e a distância percorrida. Por forma a desenvolver, no futuro, um classificador capaz de distinguir entre humanos e outros animais, são também recolhidas e analisadas assinaturas de ultrassons refletidas por dois animais quadrúpedes, um canino e um equídeo. São ainda estudadas as principais características que permitem classificar o tipo de animal que originou a assinatura de ultrassons. Com este estudo mostra-se ser possível a análise de movimento humano por ultrassons, havendo características nas assinaturas recolhidas que permitem a classificação do movimento como humano ou não humano. Do trabalho desenvolvido resultou ainda uma base de dados de assinaturas de ultrassons de humanos e animais que permitirá suportar trabalho de investigação e desenvolvimento futuro.
Recentemente, várias aplicações da radioterapia estereotáxica têm sido identificadas, especialmente nos tumores do pulmão e fígado. A radioterapia estereotáxica tornou possível aplicar uma única irradiação com elevada dose sem causar morbilidades tardias, mesmo em órgãos sensíveis como o sistema nervoso central. Como tal, é possível extrapolar que a mesma fracção única com dose elevada possa ser realizada em tumores de pulmão desde que o PTV seja suficientemente pequeno e que o tratamento seja realizado a 3D.
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A radioterapia (RT) desempenha um papel fundamental na terapêutica curativa ou paliativa do cancro, sendo aplicada no tratamento de 50 a 60% dos doentes diagnosticados. O seu objectivo é administrar uma dose prescrita de radiação ionizante a um volume alvo com um mínimo de dano para os tecidos sãos circundantes, preservando a sua função. Os desvios relativamente à prescrição poderão comprometer o objectivo do tratamento, levando a possíveis sobredosagens nos tecidos saudáveis e subdosagens no volume de tratamento. A maioria dos tratamentos ocorre sem incidentes e contribui para a qualidade de vida ou cura do doente. No entanto, a RT é reconhecida como um procedimento de alto risco devido à tecnologia e ambiente complexos, bem como ao elevado número de etapas e grupos profissionais envolvidos que trabalham em equipa para prescrever, planear, administrar e monitorizar a terapia. Apesar da baixa taxa de erro e das poucas ou nenhumas consequências clínicas para os doentes associadas, o verdadeiro risco reside na possibilidade de o erro não ser detectado, perpetuando-se no tempo ou afetando vários doentes. Os avanços na tecnologia que proporcionam técnicas mais sofisticadas e precisas representam também uma necessidade crescente de treino exaustivo, formação contínua e atenção por parte dos técnicos de RT que planeiam e administram a terapia. Estes integram uma equipa de especialistas, constituída por médicos, físicos e enfermeiros, que sob a supervisão do médico radioterapeuta se articulam de forma a assegurar um tratamento consistente, preciso e eficiente. Os técnicos de radioterapia trabalham com equipamentos e softwares cada vez mais sofisticados, monitorizam os tratamentos e contactam diariamente com o doente durante o seu tratamento, assumindo a autonomia e responsabilidade de interpretar todo o processo de tratamento e quando necessário articula-se com a restante equipa. A interação profunda entre funções automatizadas, equipamentos tecnologicamente avançados, decisões e atividades humanas que acompanham todo o processo da RT, aliados à pressão crescente para a aplicação das técnicas de tratamento mais avançadas a mais doentes e cumprimento de metas temporais, confere um potencial de risco à atividade do técnico de RT que é por vezes subestimado. O reconhecimento deste potencial passa pelo enquadramento da sua atividade no processo da RT e caracterização do seu papel no mesmo, revelando as suas competências e limitações.
Eucalyptus globulus heartwood, sapwood and their delignified samples by kraft pulping at 130, 150 and 170 degrees C along time were characterized in respect to total carbohydrates by Py-GC/MS(FID). No significant differences between heartwood and sapwood were found in relation to pyrolysis products and composition. The main wood carbohydrate derived pyrolysis compounds were levoglucosan (25.1%), hydroxyacetaldehyde (12.5%), 2-oxo-propanal (10.3%) and acetic acid (8.7%). Levoglucosan decreased during the early stages of delignification and increased during the bulk and residual phases. Acetic acid decreased hydroxyacetaldehyde and 2-oxo-propanal increased, and 2-furaldehyde and hydroxypropanone remained almost constant during delignification. The C/L ratio was 3.2 in wood and remained rather constant in the first pulping periods until a loss of 15-25% in carbohydrate and 60% in lignin. Afterwards it increased sharply until 44 that correspond to the removal of 25-35% of carbohydrates and 95% of lignin. The pulping reactive selectivity to lignin vs. polysaccharides was the same for sapwood and heartwood. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The kraft pulps produced from heartwood and sapwood of Eucalyptus globulus at 130 degrees C, 150 degrees C, and 170 degrees C were characterized by wet chemistry (total lignin as sum of Klason and soluble lignin fractions) and pyrolysis (total lignin denoted as py-lignin). The total lignin content obtained with both methods was similar. In the course of delignification, the py-lignin values were higher (by 2 to 5%) compared to Klason values, which is in line with the importance of soluble lignin for total lignin determination. Pyrolysis analysis presents advantages over wet chemical procedures, and it can be applied to wood and pulps to determine lignin contents at different stages of the delignification process. The py-lignin values were used for kinetic modelling of delignification, with very high predictive value and results similar to those of modelling using wet chemical determinations.
Liquid crystals in confined geometries exhibit numerous complex structures often including topological defects that are controlled by the nematic elasticity, chirality and surface anchoring. In this work, we study the structures of cholesteric droplets pierced by cellulose fibres with planar anchoring at droplet and fibre surfaces. By varying the temperature we demonstrate the role of twisting power and droplet diameter on the equilibrium structures. The observed structures are complemented by detailed numerical simulations of possible director fields decorated by defects. Three distinct structures, a bipolar and two ring configurations, are identified experimentally and numerically. Designing cholesteric liquid crystal microdroplets on thin long threads opens new routes to produce fibre waveguides decorated with complex microresonators.
The salient feature of liquid crystal elastomers and networks is strong coupling between orientational order and mechanical strain. Orientational order can be changed by a wide variety of stimuli, including the presence of moisture. Changes in the orientation of constituents give rise to stresses and strains, which result in changes in sample shape. We have utilized this effect to build soft cellulose-based motor driven by humidity. The motor consists of a circular loop of cellulose film, which passes over two wheels. When humid air is present near one of the wheels on one side of the film, with drier air elsewhere, rotation of the wheels results. As the wheels rotate, the humid film dries. The motor runs so long as the difference in humidity is maintained. Our cellulose liquid crystal motor thus extracts mechanical work from a difference in humidity.
Shear transparent cellulose free-standing thin films can develop iridescence similar to that found in petals of the tulip Queen of the Night. The iridescence of the film arises from the modulation of the surface into bands periodically spread perpendicular to the shear direction. Small amounts of nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) rods in the precursor liquid-crystalline solutions do not disturb the optical properties of the solutions but enhance the mechanical characteristics of the films and affects their iridescence. Smaller bands periodicity, not affected by the NCC rods, slightly deviated from the shear direction is also observed. NCCs are crucial to tune and understand the film's surface features formation. Our findings could lead to new materials for application in soft reflective screens and devices.
The population growth of a Staphylococcus aureus culture, an active colloidal system of spherical cells, was followed by rheological measurements, under steady-state and oscillatory shear flows. We observed a rich viscoelastic behavior as a consequence of the bacteria activity, namely, of their multiplication and density-dependent aggregation properties. In the early stages of growth (lag and exponential phases), the viscosity increases by about a factor of 20, presenting several drops and full recoveries. This allows us to evoke the existence of a percolation phenomenon. Remarkably, as the bacteria reach their late phase of development, in which the population stabilizes, the viscosity returns close to its initial value. Most probably, this is caused by a change in the bacteria physiological activity and in particular, by the decrease of their adhesion properties. The viscous and elastic moduli exhibit power-law behaviors compatible with the "soft glassy materials" model, whose exponents are dependent on the bacteria growth stage. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.87.030701.
This work reports a recently developed electro-optical (EO) device that can potentially be used as a light shutter or a privacy window. By using nanocrystalline cellulose rods, we were able to improve some of the most relevant parameters characterising the EO behaviour. A brief description of the proposed working mechanism for these devices is presented, and numerical simulations based on this mechanism of both the optical transmission and the cells' electrical capacitance are compared with the obtained results, validating the underlying working model considered.
Water-based cellulose cholesteric liquid crystalline phases at rest can undergo structural changes induced by shear flow. This reflects on the deuterium spectra recorded when the system is investigated by rheo-nuclear magnetic resonance (rheo-NMR) techniques. In this work, the model system hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC)+water is revisited using rheo-NMR to clarify unsettled points regarding its behavior under shear and in relaxation. The NMR spectra allow the identification of five different stable ordering states, within shear and relaxation, which are well integrated in a mesoscopic picture of the system's structural evolution under shear and relaxation. This picture emerging from the large body of studies available for this system by other experimental techniques, accounts well for the NMR data and is in good agreement with the three distinct regions of steady shear flow recognized for some lyotropic LC polymers. Shear rates in between 0.1 and 1.0 s(-1) where investigated using a Taylor-Couette flow and deuterated water was used as solvent for the deuterium NMR (DNMR) analysis.