104 resultados para Aires Mateus, Portuguese architecture
On 25 April 1974 the Armed Forces Movement (MFA – Movimento das Forças Armadas) rose against the dictatorial regime that had governed Portugal for 48 years. This event was the beginning of a turbulent transition process that was to culminate in the approval of a new constitution in April 1976 and in the instauration of a Western style pluralist democracy. There are many political scientists and historians who note the original and unexpected nature of this transition; however, there are very many different interpretations with respect to the roles played by each of the actors in the process: the armed forces, the parties and political movements and the social forces/movements. The aim of this paper is to clarify this matter through an examination of the principal events of the revolution.
This chapter discusses the role of television within Portuguese family life. In particular, it examines how the domestication of television within the home is influenced by the social context in which different types of families live. The research is framed around the theory of domestication and based on 50 semi-structured interviews.1 “Domestication” is the process by which the household and its surroundings (both private and the public), together with the moral and formal or objective economy, are related to each other and become mutually constitutive (Silverstone, Hirsch and Morley 1999). The metaphor of “domestication” originally comes from the taming of wild animals, but has been usefully applied to the “domestication” of information communication technology (ICT), including television, within the home. Silverstone et al. (1999) have developed a range of concepts to capture this process, of which the best known are: “appropriation”, “objectification”, “incorporation” and “conversion”. These categories describe how the entry of ICT into the home is managed; how artefacts are physically (and symbolically) placed within the home; how they are adapted into everyday routines; and how they are displayed to others (Haddon 2007, 26). These four key concepts will be used in this chapter to discuss the importance of television within Portugal as an example of a small country in which there has been little research using this particular theoretical approach. Most studies on Portuguese television have focused on televisual history or come from research into trends in television consumption. The domestication theory is a holistic framework, useful to explain the meaning of television in Portuguese homes in all the stages of its presence in daily life. This forms part of a larger international project entitled Digital Inclusion and Participation: Comparing the Trajectories of Digital Media Use by Majority and Disadvantage Groups in Portugal and in the USA (UT Austin/Portugal Program).
O projeto “Avaliação da Exposição a Fungos e Partículas em Explorações Avícolas e Suinícolas” contemplou um elevado número de colheitas ambientais e biológicas e respectivo processamento laboratorial, sendo apenas possível a sua concretização graças ao financiamento disponibilizado pela Autoridade para as Condições de Trabalho. Foi realizado um estudo transversal para avaliar a contaminação causada por fungos e partículas em 7 explorações avícolas e 7 explorações suinícolas. No que concerne à monitorização biológica, foram medidos os parâmetros espirométricos, utilizando o espirómetro MK8 Microlab, avaliada a existência de sintomas clínicos associados com a asma e outras doenças alérgicas, através de questionário adaptado European Community Respiratory Health Survey e, ainda, avaliada a sensibilização aos agentes fúngicos (IgE). Foram ainda adicionados dois objetivos ao estudo, designadamente: aferir a existência de três espécies/estirpes potencialmente patogénicas/toxinogénicas com recurso à biologia molecular e avaliar a exposição dos trabalhadores à micotoxina aflatoxina B1 por recurso a indicador biológico de exposição. Foram colhidas 27 amostras de ar de 25 litros nas explorações avícolas e 56 de 50 litros nas explorações suinícolas através do método de impacto. As colheitas de ar e a medição da concentração das partículas foram realizadas no interior e no exterior dos pavilhões, sendo este último considerado como local de referência. Simultaneamente, a temperatura e a humidade relativa também foram registadas. As colheitas das superfícies foram realizadas através da técnica de zaragatoa, tendo sido utilizado um quadrado de metal inoxidável de 10 cm de lado, de acordo com a International Standard ISO 18593 – 2004. As zaragatoas obtidas (20 das explorações avícolas e 48 das explorações suinícolas) foram inoculadas em malte de extract agar (2%) com cloranfenicol (0,05 g/L). Além das colheitas de ar e de superfícies, foram também obtidas colheitas da cama das explorações avícolas (7 novas e 14 usadas) e da cobertura do pavimento das explorações suinícolas (3 novas e 4 usadas) e embaladas em sacos esterilizados. Cada amostra foi diluída e inoculada em placas contendo malte extract agar. Todas as amostras foram incubadas a 27,5ºC durante 5 a 7 dias e obtidos resultados quantitativos (UFC/m3; UFC/m2; UFC/g) e qualitativos com a identificação das espécies fúngicas. Para a aplicação dos métodos de biologia molecular foram realizadas colheitas de ar de 300 litros utilizando o método de impinger com a velocidade de recolha de 300 L/min. A identificação molecular de três espécies potencialmente patogénicas e/ou toxinogénicas (Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus e Stachybotrys chartarum) foram obtidas por PCR em tempo real (PCR TR) utilizando o Rotor-Gene 6000 qPCR Detection System. As medições de partículas foram realizadas por recurso a equipamento de leitura direta (modelo Lighthouse, 2016 IAQ). Este recurso permitiu medir a concentração (mg/m3) de partículas em 5 dimensões distintas (PM 0.5; PM 1.0; PM 2.5; PM 5.0; PM10). Nas explorações avícolas, 28 espécies/géneros de fungos foram isolados no ar, tendo Aspergillus versicolor sido a espécie mais frequente (20.9%), seguida por Scopulariopsis brevicaulis (17.0%) e Penicillium sp. (14.1%). Entre o género Aspergillus, Aspergillus flavus apresentou o maior número de esporos (>2000 UFC/m3). Em relação às superfícies, A. versicolor foi detetada em maior número (>3 × 10−2 UFC/m2). Na cama nova, Penicillium foi o género mais frequente (59,9%), seguido por Alternaria (17,8%), Cladosporium (7,1%) e Aspergillus (5,7%). Na cama usada, Penicillium sp. foi o mais frequente (42,3%), seguido por Scopulariopsis sp. (38,3%), Trichosporon sp. (8,8%) e Aspergillus sp. (5,5%). Em relação à contaminação por partículas, as partículas com maior dimensão foram detectadas em maiores concentrações, designadamente as PM5.0 (partículas com a dimensão de 5.0 bm ou menos) e PM10 (partículas com a dimensão de 10 bm ou menos). Neste setting a prevalência da alteração ventilatória obstrutiva foi superior nos indivíduos com maior tempo de exposição (31,7%) independentemente de serem fumadores (17,1%) ou não fumadores (14,6%). Relativamente à avaliação do IgE específico, foi apenas realizado em trabalhadores das explorações avícolas (14 mulheres e 33 homens), não tendo sido encontrada associação positiva (p<0.05%) entre a contaminação fúngica e a sensibilização a antigénios fúngicos. No caso das explorações suinícolas, Aspergillus versicolor foi a espécie mais frequente (20,9%), seguida por Scopulariopsis brevicaulis (17,0%) e Penicillium sp. (14,1%). No género Aspergillus, A. versicolor apresentou o maior isolamento no ar (>2000 UFC/m3) e a maior prevalência (41,9%), seguida por A. flavus e A. fumigatus (8,1%). Em relação às superfícies analisadas, A. versicolor foi detetada em maior número (>3 ×10−2 UFC/m2). No caso da cobertura do pavimento das explorações suinícolas, o género Thicoderma foi o mais frequente na cobertura nova (28,0%) seguida por A. versicolor e Acremonium sp. (14,0%). O género Mucor foi o mais frequente na cobertura usada (25,1%), seguido por Trichoderma sp. (18,3%) e Acremonium sp. (11,2%). Relativamente às partículas, foram evidenciados também valores mais elevados na dimensão PM5 e, predominantes nas PM10. Neste contexto, apenas 4 participantes (22,2%) apresentaram uma alteração ventilatória obstrutiva. Destes, as obstruções mais graves encontraram-se nos que também apresentavam maior tempo de exposição. A prevalência de asma na amostra de trabalhadores em estudo, pertencentes aos 2 contextos em estudo, foi de 8,75%, tendo-se verificado também uma prevalência elevada de sintomatologia respiratória em profissionais não asmáticos. Em relação à utilização complementar dos métodos convencionais e moleculares, é recomendável que a avaliação da contaminação fúngica nestes settings, e, consequentemente, a exposição profissional a fungos, seja suportada pelas duas metodologias e, ainda, que ocorre exposição ocupacional à micotoxina aflatoxina B1 em ambos os contextos profissionais. Face aos resultados obtidos, é importante salientar que os settings alvo de estudo carecem de uma intervenção integrada em Saúde Ocupacional no âmbito da vigilância ambiental e da vigilância da saúde, com o objetivo de diminuir a exposição aos dois factores de risco estudados (fungos e partículas).
X-ray fluoroscopy is essential in both diagnosis and medical intervention, although it may contribute to significant radiation doses to patients that have to be optimised and justified. Therefore, it is crucial to the patient to be exposed to the lowest achievable dose without compromising the image quality. The purpose of this study was to perform an analysis of the quality control measurements, particularly dose rates, contrast and spatial resolution of Portuguese fluoroscopy equipment and also to provide a contribution to the establishment of reference levels for the equipment performance parameters. Measurements carried out between 2007 and 2013 on 143 fluoroscopy equipment distributed by 34 nationwide health units were analysed. The measurements suggest that image quality and dose rates of Portuguese equipment are congruent with other studies, and in general, they are as per the Portuguese law. However, there is still a possibility of improvements intending optimisation at a national level.
Particulate matter (PM) can have a significant impact on human health and on artifacts stored and kept inside museums and archives. To the author's knowledge, its immediate and/or longterm concentrations and distribution on Portuguese archives has never been determined. Four Portuguese archives (with and without HVAC/air filtration systems) were selected and the immediate concentration of airborne particulate matter was measured by active sampling. Indoor-outdoor ratios were also determined. International and national guidelines were used to ascertain the environment’s quality, both for the readers and staff and for the documents preserved in these institutions. Inside, PM2.5 ranged between 0.37μg/m3 and 27.61μg/m3, while PM10 ranged between 4.43μg/m3 and 285.52μg/m3. The lowest values were determined in storage rooms and the highest in reading rooms. In terms of human health, Portuguese guidelines for immediate PM10 concentration were not met in several locations. For conservation purposes, storage rooms were classified according to an original air quality grid. Air filtration systems proved valuable in maintaining a safe environment for our written heritage and the staff and readers that deal with it and care for it every day. This study constitutes the first snapshot of the particulate matter concentrations and distribution in Portuguese Archives.
The investigation which employed the action research method (qualitative analysis)was divided into four fases. In phases 1-3 the participants were six double bass students at Nossa Senhora do Cabo Music School. Pilot exercises in creativity were followed by broader and more ambitious projects. In phase 4 the techniques were tested and amplified during a summer course for twelve double bass students at Santa Cecilia College.
The scope of this paper is to adapt the standard mean-variance model of Henry Markowitz theory, creating a simulation tool to find the optimal configuration of the portfolio aggregator, calculate its profitability and risk. Currently, there is a deep discussion going on among the power system society about the structure and architecture of the future electric system. In this environment, policy makers and electric utilities find new approaches to access the electricity market; this configures new challenging positions in order to find innovative strategies and methodologies. Decentralized power generation is gaining relevance in liberalized markets, and small and medium size electricity consumers are also become producers (“prosumers”). In this scenario an electric aggregator is an entity that joins a group of electric clients, customers, producers, “prosumers” together as a single purchasing unit to negotiate the purchase and sale of electricity. The aggregator conducts research on electricity prices, contract terms and conditions in order to promote better energy prices for their clients and allows small and medium customers to benefit improved market prices.
Electricity short-term load forecast is very important for the operation of power systems. In this work a classical exponential smoothing model, the Holt-Winters with double seasonality was used to test for accurate predictions applied to the Portuguese demand time series. Some metaheuristic algorithms for the optimal selection of the smoothing parameters of the Holt-Winters forecast function were used and the results after testing in the time series showed little differences among methods, so the use of the simple local search algorithms is recommended as they are easier to implement.
Electricity short-term load forecast is very important for the operation of power systems. In this work a classical exponential smoothing model, the Holt-Winters with double seasonality was used to test for accurate predictions applied to the Portuguese demand time series. Some metaheuristic algorithms for the optimal selection of the smoothing parameters of the Holt-Winters forecast function were used and the results after testing in the time series showed little differences among methods, so the use of the simple local search algorithms is recommended as they are easier to implement.
The nature of the Portuguese transition to democracy and the following state crises (1974-1975) created a ‘window of opportunity’ in which the ‘reaction to the past’ was much stronger than in the other Southern or even of Central and Eastern European transitions. In Portugal, initiatives of symbolic rupture with the past began soon after the April 25, 1974, coup d’état and transitional justice policies assumed mainly three formulas. First, the institutional reforms directed primarily to abusive state institutions such as the political police (PIDE-DGS) and political courts (Plenary courts) in order to dismantle the repressive apparatus and prevent further human rights abuses and impunity. Secondly, the criminal prosecutions addressed to perpetrators considered as being the most responsible for repression and abuses. Finally, lustration or political purges (saneamentos, the term used in Portugal to designate political purges) which were, in fact, the most common form of political justice in Portuguese transition to democracy. This paper deals with the peculiarities of transitional justice in Portugal devoting a particular attention to the judicial, a key sector to understand the way the Portuguese dealt with their authoritarian past.
This paper proposes an efficient scalable Residue Number System (RNS) architecture supporting moduli sets with an arbitrary number of channels, allowing to achieve larger dynamic range and a higher level of parallelism. The proposed architecture allows the forward and reverse RNS conversion, by reusing the arithmetic channel units. The arithmetic operations supported at the channel level include addition, subtraction, and multiplication with accumulation capability. For the reverse conversion two algorithms are considered, one based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem and the other one on Mixed-Radix-Conversion, leading to implementations optimized for delay and required circuit area. With the proposed architecture a complete and compact RNS platform is achieved. Experimental results suggest gains of 17 % in the delay in the arithmetic operations, with an area reduction of 23 % regarding the RNS state of the art. When compared with a binary system the proposed architecture allows to perform the same computation 20 times faster alongside with only 10 % of the circuit area resources.
A noncoherent vector delay/frequency-locked loop (VDFLL) architecture for GNSS receivers is proposed. A bank of code and frequency discriminators feeds a central extended Kalman filter that estimates the receiver's position and velocity, besides the clock error. The VDFLL architecture performance is compared with the one of the classic scalar receiver, both for scintillation and multipath scenarios, in terms of position errors. We show that the proposed solution is superior to the conventional scalar receivers, which tend to lose lock rapidly, due to the sudden drops of the received signal power.
A unified architecture for fast and efficient computation of the set of two-dimensional (2-D) transforms adopted by the most recent state-of-the-art digital video standards is presented in this paper. Contrasting to other designs with similar functionality, the presented architecture is supported on a scalable, modular and completely configurable processing structure. This flexible structure not only allows to easily reconfigure the architecture to support different transform kernels, but it also permits its resizing to efficiently support transforms of different orders (e. g. order-4, order-8, order-16 and order-32). Consequently, not only is it highly suitable to realize high-performance multi-standard transform cores, but it also offers highly efficient implementations of specialized processing structures addressing only a reduced subset of transforms that are used by a specific video standard. The experimental results that were obtained by prototyping several configurations of this processing structure in a Xilinx Virtex-7 FPGA show the superior performance and hardware efficiency levels provided by the proposed unified architecture for the implementation of transform cores for the Advanced Video Coding (AVC), Audio Video coding Standard (AVS), VC-1 and High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standards. In addition, such results also demonstrate the ability of this processing structure to realize multi-standard transform cores supporting all the standards mentioned above and that are capable of processing the 8k Ultra High Definition Television (UHDTV) video format (7,680 x 4,320 at 30 fps) in real time.
This paper presents a layered Smart Grid architecture enhancing security and reliability, having the ability to act in order to maintain and correct infrastructure components without affecting the client service. The architecture presented is based in the core of well design software engineering, standing upon standards developed over the years. The layered Smart Grid offers a base tool to ease new standards and energy policies implementation. The ZigBee technology implementation test methodology for the Smart Grid is presented, and provides field tests using ZigBee technology to control the new Smart Grid architecture approach. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper proposes a multifunctional architecture to implement field-programmable gate array (FPGA) controllers for power converters and presents a prototype for a pulsed power generator based on a solid-state Marx topology. The massively parallel nature of reconfigurable hardware platforms provides very high processing power and fast response times allowing the implementation of many subsystems in the same device. The prototype includes the controller, a failure detection system, an interface with a safety/emergency subsystem, a graphical user interface, and a virtual oscilloscope to visualize the generated pulse waveforms, using a single FPGA. The proposed architecture employs a modular design that can be easily adapted to other power converter topologies.