66 resultados para Questionnaires
Introduction: Anxiety is a common problem in primary care and specialty medical settings. Treating an anxious patient takes more time and adds stress to staff. Unrecognised anxiety may lead to exam repetition, image artifacts and hinder the scan performance. Reducing patient anxiety at the onset is probably the most useful means of minimizing artifactual FDG uptake, both fat brown and skeletal muscle uptake, as well patient movement and claustrophobia. The aim of the study was to examine the effects of information giving on the anxiety levels of patients who are to undergo a PET/CT and whether the patient experience is enhanced with the creation of a guideline. Methodology: Two hundred and thirty two patients were given two questionnaires before and after the procedure to determine their prior knowledge, concerns, expectations and experiences about the study. Verbal information was given by one of the technologists after the completion of the first questionnaire. Results: Our results show that the main causes of anxiety in patients who are having a PET/CT is the fear of the procedure itself, and fear of the results. The patients who suffered from greater anxiety were those who were scanned during the initial stage of a disease. No significant differences were found between the anxiety levels pre procedural and post procedural. Findings with regard to satisfaction show us that the amount of information given before the procedure does not change the anxiety levels and therefore, does not influence patient satisfaction. Conclusions: The performance of a PET/CT scan is an important and statistically generator of anxiety. PET/CT patients are often poorly informed and present with a range of anxieties that may ultimately affect examination quality. The creation of a guideline may reduce the stress of not knowing what will happen, the anxiety created and may increase their satisfaction in the experience of having a PET/CT scan.
Dissertao apresentada Escola Superior de Educao de Lisboa para obteno de grau de mestre em Educao Artstica, na especializao de Teatro na Educao
Resumo I (Prtica Pedaggica) - O Estgio do Ensino Especializado realizado no presente ano lectivo foi elaborado na Academia de Msica de Lisboa em trs turmas. Vrios foram os desafios encontrados no decorrer do ano lectivo, como por exemplo a instabilidade das turmas, a falta do quadro na sala em algumas aulas e a pouca experincia anterior na rea de docncia. A realizao deste estgio permitiu experimentar actividades e estratgias aprendidas nas disciplinas do mestrado e estimulou uma atitude de reflexo regular sobre as escolhas pedaggicas elaboradas e sobre a resposta dos alunos. Tambm o feedback dos professores da Unidade Curricular de Didctica do Ensino Especializado foi essencial na consciencializao de aspectos que teriam que ser mudados na minha abordagem do ensino: fazer actividades mais formativas e menos avaliativas, dar mais feedback, no avanar para outro nvel enquanto uma tarefa ainda no estiver consolidada, no modificar as instrues to rapidamente, ter cuidado com a apresentao visual das clulas rtmicas e pensar em solues para quando os alunos esto cansados. Foi tambm importante reflectir sobre os planos de aula realizados ao longo do ano e sobre o que no seria realizado da mesma forma, nomeadamente na introduo de clulas rtmicas, introduo de funes harmnicas e cadncias. Durante este ano foi feito um esforo para melhorar estes aspectos, no entanto ainda no foi possvel implementar todas as mudanas. De qualquer modo, esta reflexo um bom ponto de partida para o planeamento do prximo ano e um exemplo da atitude que deve acompanhar-me durante toda a minha actividade enquanto docente.
Este projecto de investigao teve como objectivo avaliar - atravs de uma srie de workshops orientados pela mestranda no Centro Cultural de Belm em Abril de 2012 - o impacto da utilizao de notao musical no-convencional num contexto no escolar. Traando possveis paralelos com o ensino especializado da msica, propuseram-se metodologias de aprendizagem que permitissem a introduo da notao, de forma inovadora, no referido contexto escolar. O processo de investigao baseou-se em observao directa, na anlise dos questionrios preenchidos pelos participantes dos workshops e na observao e anlise das gravaes em vdeo que documentaram o processo artstico, pedaggico e de investigao. Numa sala escura, 6 retroprojectores projectaram uma Partitura de Luz. Entre crianas e adultos, 120 participantes (no-msicos) criaram empiricamente as suas composies, moldando o som em funo da forma e a forma em funo do som. O resultado foi compensador: a criao de condies favorveis ao desenvolvimento mximo da expresso criativa individual ou colectiva dos participantes - atravs da utilizao irrestrita de smbolos, imagens, objectos e matrias - culminou num efectivo estabelecimento de correspondncia musical, a partir de recursos vocais. Este projecto, Partitura de Luz, foi uma oportunidade de relacionar a vertente artstica musical, plstica e grfica - com a vertente humana: pedaggica e social.
Background: Cardiovascular diseases and other non-communicable diseases are major causes of morbidity and mortality, responsible for 38 million deaths in 2012, 75 % occurring in low- and middle-income countries. Most of these countries are facing a period of epidemiological transition, being confronted with an increased burden of non-communicable diseases, which challenge health systems mainly designed to deal with infectious diseases. With the adoption of the World Health Organization Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of non-communicable diseases, 20132020, the national dimension of risk factors for non-communicable diseases must be reported on a regular basis. Angola has no national surveillance system for non-communicable diseases, and periodic population-based studies can help to overcome this lack of information. CardioBengo will collect information on risk factors, awareness rates and prevalence of symptoms relevant to cardiovascular diseases, to assist decision makers in the implementation of prevention and treatment policies and programs. Methods: CardioBengo is designed as a research structure that comprises a cross-sectional component, providing baseline information and the assembling of a cohort to follow-up the dynamics of cardiovascular diseases risk factors in the catchment area of the Dande Health and Demographic Surveillance System of the Health Research Centre of Angola, in Bengo Province, Angola. The World Health Organization STEPwise approach to surveillance questionnaires and procedures will be used to collect information on a representative sex-age stratified sample, aged between 15 and 64 years old. Discussion: CardioBengo will recruit the first population cohort in Angola designed to evaluate cardiovascular diseases risk factors. Using the structures in place of the Dande Health and Demographic Surveillance System and a reliable methodology that generates comparable results with other regions and countries, this study will constitute a useful tool for the surveillance of cardiovascular diseases. Like all longitudinal studies, a strong concern exists regarding dropouts, but strategies like regular visits to selected participants and a strong community involvement are in place to minimize these occurrences.
Mestrado em Medicina Nuclear - rea de especializao: Tomografia por emisso de positres