70 resultados para Performance relativa
This paper deals with a hierarchical structure composed by an event-based supervisor in a higher level and two distinct proportional integral (PI) controllers in a lower level. The controllers are applied to a variable speed wind energy conversion system with doubly-fed induction generator, namely, the fuzzy PI control and the fractional-order PI control. The event-based supervisor analyses the operation state of the wind energy conversion system among four possible operational states: park, start-up, generating or brake and sends the operation state to the controllers in the lower level. In start-up state, the controllers only act on electric torque while pitch angle is equal to zero. In generating state, the controllers must act on the pitch angle of the blades in order to maintain the electric power around the nominal value, thus ensuring that the safety conditions required for integration in the electric grid are met. Comparisons between fuzzy PI and fractional-order PI pitch controllers applied to a wind turbine benchmark model are given and simulation results by Matlab/Simulink are shown. From the results regarding the closed loop point of view, fuzzy PI controller allows a smoother response at the expense of larger number of variations of the pitch angle, implying frequent switches between operational states. On the other hand fractional-order PI controller allows an oscillatory response with less control effort, reducing switches between operational states. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
An adaptive antenna array combines the signal of each element, using some constraints to produce the radiation pattern of the antenna, while maximizing the performance of the system. Direction of arrival (DOA) algorithms are applied to determine the directions of impinging signals, whereas beamforming techniques are employed to determine the appropriate weights for the array elements, to create the desired pattern. In this paper, a detailed analysis of both categories of algorithms is made, when a planar antenna array is used. Several simulation results show that it is possible to point an antenna array in a desired direction based on the DOA estimation and on the beamforming algorithms. A comparison of the performance in terms of runtime and accuracy of the used algorithms is made. These characteristics are dependent on the SNR of the incoming signal.
This paper describes the implementation of a distributed model predictive approach for automatic generation control. Performance results are discussed by comparing classical techniques (based on integral control) with model predictive control solutions (centralized and distributed) for different operational scenarios with two interconnected networks. These scenarios include variable load levels (ranging from a small to a large unbalance generated power to power consumption ratio) and simultaneously variable distance between the interconnected networks systems. For the two networks the paper also examines the impact of load variation in an island context (a network isolated from each other).
The aim of this study is to evaluate lighting conditions and speleologists’ visual performance using optical filters when exposed to the lighting conditions of cave environments. A crosssectional study was conducted. Twenty-three speleologists were submitted to an evaluation of visual function in a clinical lab. An examination of visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, stereoacuity and flashlight illuminance levels was also performed in 16 of the 23 speleologists at two caves deprived of natural lightning. Two organic filters (450 nm and 550 nm) were used to compare visual function with and without filters. The mean age of the speleologists was 40.65 (± 10.93) years. We detected 26.1% participants with visual impairment of which refractive error (17.4%) was the major cause. In the cave environment the majority of the speleologists used a head flashlight with a mean illuminance of 451.0 ± 305.7 lux. Binocular visual acuity (BVA) was -0.05 ± 0.15 LogMAR (20/18). BVA for distance without filter was not statistically different from BVA with 550 nm or 450 nm filters (p = 0.093). Significant improved contrast sensitivity was observed with 450 nm filters for 6 cpd (p = 0.034) and 18 cpd (p = 0.026) spatial frequencies. There were no signs and symptoms of visual pathologies related to cave exposure. Illuminance levels were adequate to the majority of the activities performed. The enhancement in contrast sensitivity with filters could potentially improve tasks related with the activities performed in the cave.
Relatório de Estágio submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Artes Performativas – especialização em Teatro-‐Música.
The basic objective of this work is to evaluate the durability of self-compacting concrete (SCC) produced in binary and ternary mixes using fly ash (FA) and limestone filler (LF) as partial replacement of cement. The main characteristics that set SCC apart from conventional concrete (fundamentally its fresh state behaviour) essentially depend on the greater or lesser content of various constituents, namely: greater mortar volume (more ultrafine material in the form of cement and mineral additions); proper control of the maximum size of the coarse aggregate; use of admixtures such as superplasticizers. Significant amounts of mineral additions are thus incorporated to partially replace cement, in order to improve the workability of the concrete. These mineral additions necessarily affect the concrete’s microstructure and its durability. Therefore, notwithstanding the many well-documented and acknowledged advantages of SCC, a better understanding its behaviour is still required, in particular when its composition includes significant amounts of mineral additions. An ambitious working plan was devised: first, the SCC’s microstructure was studied and characterized and afterwards the main transport and degradation mechanisms of the SCC produced were studied and characterized by means of SEM image analysis, chloride migration, electrical resistivity, and carbonation tests. It was then possible to draw conclusions about the SCC’s durability. The properties studied are strongly affected by the type and content of the additions. Also, the use of ternary mixes proved to be extremely favourable, confirming the expected beneficial effect of the synergy between LF and FA. © 2015 RILEM.
Trabalho final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações
During last decades there has been a trend to build collaboration platforms as enablers for groups of enterprises to jointly provide integrated services and products. As a result, the notion of business ecosystem is getting wider acceptance. However, a critical issue that is still open, despite some efforts in this area, is the identification of adequate performance indicators to measure and motivate sustainable collaboration. This work-in-progress addresses this concern, briefly presenting the state of the art of relevant contributing areas such as, collaborative networks, business ecosystems, enterprise performance indicators, social networks analysis, and supply chains. Complementarily, through an assessment of current gaps, the research challenges are identified and an approach for further development is proposed.
Previous work by our group introduced a novel concept and sensor design for “off-the-person” ECG, for which evidence on how it compares against standard clinical-grade equipment has been largely missing. Our objectives with this work are to characterise the off-the-person approach in light of the current ECG systems landscape, and assess how the signals acquired using this simplified setup compare with clinical-grade recordings. Empirical tests have been performed with real-world data collected from a population of 38 control subjects, to analyze the correlation between both approaches. Results show off-the-person data to be correlated with clinical-grade data, demonstrating the viability of this approach to potentially extend preventive medicine practices by enabling the integration of ECG monitoring into multiple dimensions of people’s everyday lives. © 2015, IUPESM and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
The objective of this research is the production of concrete with recycled aggregates (RA) from various CDW plants around Portugal. The influence of the RA collection location and consequently of their composition on the characteristics of the concrete produced was analysed. In the mixes produced in this research RA from five plants (Valnor, Vimajas, Ambilei, Europontal and Retria) were used: in three of them coarse and fine RA were analysed and in the remaining ones only coarse RA were used. The experimental campaign comprised two tests in fresh concrete (cone of Abrams slump and density) and eight in hardened concrete (compressive strength in cubes and cylinders, splitting tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, water absorption by immersion and capillarity, carbonation and chloride penetration resistance). It was found that the use of RA causes a quality decrease in concrete. However, there was a wide results scatter according to the plant where the RAs were collected, because of the variation in composition of the RA. It was also found that the use of fine RA causes a more significant performance loss of the concrete properties analysed than the use of coarse RA. © (2015) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.