69 resultados para MT-ND1
Portugal has an accentuated aging tendency, presenting an elderly population (individuals with more than 65 years old) of 19.2%. The average life expectancy is 79.2 years. Thus, it’s important to maintain autonomy and independency as long as possible. Functional ability concept rises from the need to evaluate the capacity to conduct daily activities in an independent way. It can be estimated with the 6-minute walk test (6MWT) and other validated test. This test is simple, reliable, valid and consists in a daily activity (walk). The goals of this study was to verify associations between functional capacity measured with two different instruments (6MWT and Composite Physical Function (CPF) scale) and between those results and characterization variables.
COPD is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, representing a major public health problem due to the high health and economic resource consumption. Pulmonary rehabilitation is a standard care recommendation for these patients, in order to control the symptoms and optimize the functional capacity, reducing health care costs associated with exacerbations and activity limitations and participation. However, in patients with severe COPD exercise performance can be difficult, due to extreme dyspnea, decreased muscle strength and fatigue. In addition, hypoxemia and dyspnea during efforts and daily activities may occur, limiting their quality of life. Thus, NIV have been used as adjunct to exercise, in order to improve exercise capacity in these patients. However, there is no consensus for this technique recommendation. Our objective was to verify whether the use of NIV during exercise is effective than exercise without NIV in dyspnea, walked distance, blood gases and health status in COPD patients, through a systematic review and meta-analysis.
The harmony between the stump and the prosthesis is critical to allow it to fulfill its function enabling an efficient gait. A well fitted socket, with an efficient and comfortable suspension, allows the amputee to continue their daily living activities, maintaining the stump functional, making this correlation between socket and suspension very important in the functionality of the prosthesis, mobility and overall satisfaction with the device. Of our knowledge, the quantitative correlation between all of these factors as not yet been assessed. Aim of study: Verify and confirm the process of decision-making for four different trans-tibial prostheses with suspension systems: Hypobaric(A), PIN(B), Classic Suction(C) and Vacuum Active –VASS(D) according data provided by gait efficiency (mlO2/kg/m) imagiology (pistonning) and amputee perception.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a severe, progressive disease first described by Meryon in 1852 and later by Guillaume Duchene. It is the most common and severe form of childhood muscular dystrophy, affecting 1 in 3500 live male births. Is caused by an X—linked recessive genetic disorder resulting in a deficiency of the dystrophin protein, responsible for linking contractile proteins to the sarcolemma. Diagnosis is not always easy and the first symptoms are often related to weakness and difficulty or delay in acquiring the ability to perform simple activities. Progressive weakness leads to the use of compensatory strategies in order to maintain the ability to walk and perform other activities. Respiratory muscles are also affected and the complications resulting from its impairments are frequently the cause of early death of these patients. The advances in DMD management has increased life expectancy of these children with the need for adequate care in adulthood. DMD manifestations include muscle weakness, contractures, respiratory and cardiac complications. Some authors also refer that one-third of patients have difficulties with learning and delayed global development because the gene that encodes dystrophyn expresses various dystrophin isoforms that are found in Schwann and Purkinje celis in the brain. Body functions and structure impairments like muscle weakness, contractures and reduced range of motion lead to limitations in activities, i.e., impairments affect the performance of tasks by the individual. In a physiotherapist’s point of view analysing these limitations is mandatory because physiotherapy’s final purpose is to restore or preserve the ability to perform ADL and to improve quality of life.
Objectivo do estudo - Determinar o efeito de um programa de exercícios combinados na capacidade funcional em idosos. Relevância do estudo - O aumento da esperança média de vida da população idosa, bem como o aumento do índice de envelhecimento são dados concretos para a população portuguesa. Contudo, a população idosa é o grupo etário onde se verifica mais tempo de atividade sedentária, o que contribui para uma menor capacidade funcional e autonomia nesta população e para um maior risco de incapacidade com as implicações socioeconómicas negativas daí decorrentes.
Objectivo do estudo - Caracterizar a aptidão física funcional e outros parâmetros da funcionalidade em idosos residentes na comunidade. Relevância do estudo - A população portuguesa apresenta um risco elevado de declínio funcional e fragilidade. Esta tendência, em conjunto um índice de envelhecimento crescente, coloca um grande desafio à sociedade, nomeadamente a nível económico, mas sobretudo no que se refere ao estado de saúde dos idosos, tendo a fisioterapia um papel importante na prevenção do declínio funcional e na manutenção da capacidade funcional destes indivíduos.
O aumento do risco de queda na população idosa é um problema que se coloca atualmente aos sistemas de saúde. Na sua origem estão as alterações associadas ao envelhecimento, nomeadamente as alterações de equilíbrio, a fraqueza muscular, a fragilidade, entre outras. A sarcopénia, que se caracteriza por diminuição da massa muscular e da força muscular é uma das consequências do envelhecimento. Recentemente, a sarcopénia tem sido associada a aumento de risco de queda na população idosa. Ao mesmo tempo, a investigação tem mostrado que a força de preensão está associada à força dos membros e que constitui um marcador clínico para o risco de incapacidade, tendo sido identificados valores de corte para definir sarcopénia através da força de preensão. Objetivo do estudo - O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a força muscular dos membros inferiores, a mobilidade, a força de preensão e o risco de queda em idosos residentes na comunidade e averiguar possíveis associações entre estas variáveis.
O treino dos músculos inspiratórios (TMI) tem sido amplamente estudado, surgindo como uma área com grande enfoco na população da doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica (DPOC). No entanto, a relação entre o TMI e os efeitos no indivíduo saudável carece de investigação que comprove os efeitos do treino. Assim, considerou-se pertinente a realização de um projeto de investigação nesta população, de forma a avaliar em que medida o TMI induz alterações na força muscular inspiratória e na capacidade aeróbia.
This article studies the possibility of using market available glued-laminated timber (GLT) based on melamine-urea-formaldehyde (MUF) adhesives as an alternative to traditional solid timber sleepers. The study comprised an examination of the effect of creosote treatment on the short-term and durability after accelerated aging of the glue lines (delamination and shear strength) and the potential for full sapwood penetration by the creosote. Creosote treatment showed a negative effect on shear strength and delamination, more severe in the nonstructural than the structural GLT specimens tested. Full penetration of creosote into the sapwood was not achieved. GLT elements based on MUF adhesives can be considered an alternative to solid wood sleepers if specific grading of lamellas, proper treatment schedule, and highly controlled factory production are implemented.