60 resultados para multi-column process
This study is focused on the characterization of particles emitted in the metal active gas welding of carbon steel using mixture of Ar + CO2, and intends to analyze which are the main process parameters that influence the emission itself. It was found that the amount of emitted particles (measured by particle number and alveolar deposited surface area) are clearly dependent on the distance to the welding front and also on the main welding parameters, namely the current intensity and heat input in the welding process. The emission of airborne fine particles seems to increase with the current intensity as fume-formation rate does. When comparing the tested gas mixtures, higher emissions are observed for more oxidant mixtures, that is, mixtures with higher CO2 content, which result in higher arc stability. These mixtures originate higher concentrations of fine particles (as measured by number of particles by cm 3 of air) and higher values of alveolar deposited surface area of particles, thus resulting in a more severe worker's exposure.
We live in a changing world. At an impressive speed, every day new technological resources appear. We increasingly use the Internet to obtain and share information, and new online communication tools are emerging. Each of them encompasses new potential and creates new audiences. In recent years, we witnessed the emergence of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other media platforms. They have provided us with an even greater interactivity between sender and receiver, as well as generated a new sense of community. At the same time we also see the availability of content like it never happened before. We are increasingly sharing texts, videos, photos, etc. This poster intends to explore the potential of using these new online communication tools in the cultural sphere to create new audiences, to develop of a new kind of community, to provide information as well as different ways of building organizations’ memory. The transience of performing arts is accompanied by the need to counter that transience by means of documentation. This desire to ‘save’ events reaches its expression with the information archive of the different production moments as well as the opportunity to record the event and present it through, for instance, digital platforms. In this poster we intend to answer the following questions: which online communication tools are being used to engage audiences in the cultural sphere (specifically between theater companies in Lisbon)? Is there a new relationship with the public? Are online communication tools creating a new kind of community? What changes are these tools introducing in the creative process? In what way the availability of content and its archive contribute to the organization memory? Among several references, we will approach the two-way communication model that James E. Grunig & Todd T. Hunt (1984) already presented and the concept of mass self-communication of Manuel Castells (2010). Castells also tells us that we have moved from traditional media to a system of communication networks. For Scott Kirsner (2010), we have entered an era of digital creativity, where artists have the tools to do what they imagined and the public no longer wants to just consume cultural goods, but instead to have a voice and participate. The creativity process is now depending on the public choice as they wander through the screen. It is the receiver who owns an object which can be exchanged. Virtual reality has encouraged the receiver to abandon its position of passive observer and to become a participant agent, which implies a challenge to organizations: inventing new forms of interfaces. Therefore, we intend to find new and effective online tools that can be used by cultural organizations; the best way to manage them; to show how organizations can create a community with the public and how the availability of online content and its archive can contribute to the organizations’ memory.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Redes de Comunicação e Multimédia
As operações de separação por adsorção têm vindo a ganhar importância nos últimos anos, especialmente com o desenvolvimento de técnicas de simulação de leitos móveis em colunas, tal como a cromatografia de Leito Móvel Simulado (Simulated Moving Bed, SMB). Esta tecnologia foi desenvolvida no início dos anos 60 como método alternativo ao processo de Leito Móvel Verdadeiro (True Moving Bed, TMB), de modo a resolver vários dos problemas associados ao movimento da fase sólida, usuais nestes métodos de separação cromatográficos de contracorrente. A tecnologia de SMB tem sido amplamente utilizada em escala industrial principalmente nas indústrias petroquímica e de transformação de açúcares e, mais recentemente, na indústria farmacêutica e de química fina. Nas últimas décadas, o crescente interesse na tecnologia de SMB, fruto do alto rendimento e eficiente consumo de solvente, levou à formulação de diferentes modos de operação, ditos não convencionais, que conseguem unidades mais flexíveis, capazes de aumentar o desempenho de separação e alargar ainda mais a gama de aplicação da tecnologia. Um dos exemplos mais estudados e implementados é o caso do processo Varicol, no qual se procede a um movimento assíncrono de portas. Neste âmbito, o presente trabalho foca-se na simulação, análise e avaliação da tecnologia de SMB para dois casos de separação distintos: a separação de uma mistura de frutose-glucose e a separação de uma mistura racémica de pindolol. Para ambos os casos foram considerados e comparados dois modos de operação da unidade de SMB: o modo convencional e o modo Varicol. Desta forma, foi realizada a implementação e simulação de ambos os casos de separação no simulador de processos Aspen Chromatography, mediante a utilização de duas unidades de SMB distintas (SMB convencional e SMB Varicol). Para a separação da mistura frutose-glucose, no quediz respeito à modelização da unidade de SMB convencional, foram utilizadas duas abordagens: a de um leito móvel verdadeiro (modelo TMB) e a de um leito móvel simulado real (modelo SMB). Para a separação da mistura racémica de pindolol foi considerada apenas a modelização pelo modelo SMB. No caso da separação da mistura frutose-glucose, procedeu-se ainda à otimização de ambas as unidades de SMB convencional e Varicol, com o intuito do aumento das suas produtividades. A otimização foi realizada mediante a aplicação de um procedimento de planeamento experimental, onde as experiências foram planeadas, conduzidas e posteriormente analisadas através da análise de variância (ANOVA). A análise estatística permitiu selecionar os níveis dos fatores de controlo de modo a obter melhores resultados para ambas as unidades de SMB.
This article addresses the problem of obtaining reduced complexity models of multi-reach water delivery canals that are suitable for robust and linear parameter varying (LPV) control design. In the first stage, by applying a method known from the literature, a finite dimensional rational transfer function of a priori defined order is obtained for each canal reach by linearizing the Saint-Venant equations. Then, by using block diagrams algebra, these different models are combined with linearized gate models in order to obtain the overall canal model. In what concerns the control design objectives, this approach has the advantages of providing a model with prescribed order and to quantify the high frequency uncertainty due to model approximation. A case study with a 3-reach canal is presented, and the resulting model is compared with experimental data. © 2014 IEEE.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the influence of the crushing process used to obtain recycled concrete aggregates on the performance of concrete made with those aggregates. Two crushing methods were considered: primary crushing, using a jaw crusher, and primary plus secondary crushing (PSC), using a jaw crusher followed by a hammer mill. Besides natural aggregates (NA), these two processes were also used to crush three types of concrete made in laboratory (L20, L45 e L65) and three more others from the precast industry (P20, P45 e P65). The coarse natural aggregates were totally replaced by coarse recycled concrete aggregates. The recycled aggregates concrete mixes were compared with reference concrete mixes made using only NA, and the following properties related to the mechanical and durability performance were tested: compressive strength; splitting tensile strength; modulus of elasticity; carbonation resistance; chloride penetration resistance; water absorption by capillarity; water absorption by immersion; and shrinkage. The results show that the PSC process leads to better performances, especially in the durability properties. © 2014 RILEM
Radio frequency (RF) energy harvesting is an emerging technology that will enable to drive the next generation of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) without the need of using batteries. In this paper, we present RF energy harvesting circuits specifically developed for GSM bands (900/1800) and a wearable dual-band antenna suitable for possible implementation within clothes for body worn applications. Besides, we address the development and experimental characterization of three different prototypes of a five-stage Dickson voltage multiplier (with match impedance circuit) responsible for harvesting the RF energy. Different printed circuit board (PCB) fabrication techniques to produce the prototypes result in different values of conversion efficiency. Therefore, we conclude that if the PCB fabrication is achieved by means of a rigorous control in the photo-positive method and chemical bath procedure applied to the PCB it allows for attaining better values for the conversion efficiency. All three prototypes (1, 2 and 3) can power supply the IRIS sensor node for RF received powers of -4 dBm, -6 dBm and -5 dBm, and conversion efficiencies of 20, 32 and 26%, respectively. © 2014 IEEE.
This article addresses the problem of obtaining reduced complexity models of multi-reach water delivery canals that are suitable for robust and linear parameter varying (LPV) control design. In the first stage, by applying a method known from the literature, a finite dimensional rational transfer function of a priori defined order is obtained for each canal reach by linearizing the Saint-Venant equations. Then, by using block diagrams algebra, these different models are combined with linearized gate models in order to obtain the overall canal model. In what concerns the control design objectives, this approach has the advantages of providing a model with prescribed order and to quantify the high frequency uncertainty due to model approximation. A case study with a 3-reach canal is presented, and the resulting model is compared with experimental data. © 2014 IEEE.
The three-dimensional (3D) exact solutions developed in the early 1970s by Pagano for simply supported multilayered orthotropic composite plates and later in the 1990s extended to piezoelectric plates by Heyliger have been extremely useful in the assessment and development of advanced laminated plate theories and related finite element models. In fact, the well-known test cases provided by Pagano and by Heyliger in those earlier works are still used today as benchmark solutions. However, the limited number of test cases whose 3D exact solutions have been published has somewhat restricted the assessment of recent advanced models to the same few test cases. This work aims to provide additional test cases to serve as benchmark exact solutions for the static analysis of multilayered piezoelectric composite plates. The method introduced by Heyliger to derive the 3D exact solutions has been successfully implemented using symbolic computing and a number of new test cases are here presented thoroughly. Specifically, two multilayered plates using PVDF piezoelectric material are selected as test cases under two different loading conditions and considering three plate aspect ratios for thick, moderately thick and thin plate, in a total of 12 distinct test cases. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Laminate composite multi-cell structures have to support both axial and shear stresses when sustaining variable twist. Thus the properties and design of the laminate may not be the most adequate at all cross-sections to support the torsion imposed on the cells. In this work, the effect of some material and geometric parameters on the optimal mechanical behaviour of a multi-cell composite laminate structure is studied when torsion is present. A particle swarm optimization technique is used to maximize the multi-cell structure torsion constant that can be used to obtain the angle of twist of the composite laminate profile.
Laccases are multi-copper oxidases that oxidise a wide range of substrates including phenol and aniline derivatives, which could be further involved in coupling reactions leading to the formation of dimeric and trimeric structures. This paper describes the enzyme-mediated dimerisation of several ortho and meta, para-disubstituted aromatic amines into phenazine ("head-to-tail" dimers) and phenoxazinone chromophores. The redox properties of substituted aromatic amines were studied by cyclic voltammetry and the kinetic constants of CotA and Trametes versicolor laccases were measured for selected aromatic amines. The structure of novel enzymatically synthesised phenazine and phenoxazinone dyes using CotA laccase was assessed by NMR and MS. Overall our data show that this enzymatic green process is an efficient alternative to the classic chemical oxidation of aromatic amines and phenols, with an impact on the broad field of applications of these heterocyclic compounds.
To study a flavour model with a non-minimal Higgs sector one must first define the symmetries of the fields; then identify what types of vacua exist and how they may break the symmetries; and finally determine whether the remnant symmetries are compatible with the experimental data. Here we address all these issues in the context of flavour models with any number of Higgs doublets. We stress the importance of analysing the Higgs vacuum expectation values that are pseudo-invariant under the generators of all subgroups. It is shown that the only way of obtaining a physical CKM mixing matrix and, simultaneously, non-degenerate and non-zero quark masses is requiring the vacuum expectation values of the Higgs fields to break completely the full flavour group, except possibly for some symmetry belonging to baryon number. The application of this technique to some illustrative examples, such as the flavour groups Delta (27), A(4) and S-3, is also presented.