66 resultados para Portuguese ballads and songs.


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Versão preprint.


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Epidemiological studies showed increased prevalence of respiratory symptoms and adverse changes in pulmonary function parameters in poultry workers, corroborating the increased exposure to risk factors, such as fungal load and their metabolites. This study aimed to determine the occupational exposure threat due to fungal contamination caused by the toxigenic isolates belonging to the complex of the species of Aspergillus flavus and also isolates fromAspergillus fumigatus species complex. The study was carried out in seven Portuguese poultries, using cultural and molecularmethodologies. For conventional/cultural methods, air, surfaces, and litter samples were collected by impaction method using the Millipore Air Sampler. For the molecular analysis, air samples were collected by impinger method using the Coriolis μ air sampler. After DNA extraction, samples were analyzed by real-time PCR using specific primers and probes for toxigenic strains of the Aspergillus flavus complex and for detection of isolates from Aspergillus fumigatus complex. Through conventional methods, and among the Aspergillus genus, different prevalences were detected regarding the presence of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus fumigatus species complexes, namely: 74.5 versus 1.0% in the air samples, 24.0 versus 16.0% in the surfaces, 0 versus 32.6% in new litter, and 9.9 versus 15.9%in used litter. Through molecular biology, we were able to detect the presence of aflatoxigenic strains in pavilions in which Aspergillus flavus did not grow in culture. Aspergillus fumigatus was only found in one indoor air sample by conventional methods. Using molecular methodologies, however, Aspergillus fumigatus complex was detected in seven indoor samples from three different poultry units. The characterization of fungal contamination caused by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus fumigatus raises the concern of occupational threat not only due to the detected fungal load but also because of the toxigenic potential of these species.


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Certain environmental conditions in animal and plant production have been associated with increased frequency in respiratory illnesses, including asthma, chronic bronchitis, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis, in farmers occupationally exposed in swine production. The aim of this study was to characterize particulate matter (PM) contamination in seven Portuguese swine farms and determine the existence of clinical symptoms associated with asthma and other allergy diseases, utilizing the European Community Respiratory Health Survey questionnaire. Environmental assessments were performed with portable direct-reading equipment, and PM contamination including five different sizes (PM0.5, PM1.0, PM2.5, PM5.0, PM10) was determined. The distribution of particle size showed the same trend in all swine farms, with high concentrations of particles with PM5 and PM10. Results from the questionnaire indicated a trend such that subjects with diagnosis of asthma were exposed to higher concentrations of PM with larger size (PM2.5, PM5, and PM10) while subjects with sneezing, runny nose, or stuffy nose without a cold or flu were exposed to higher concentrations of PM with smaller size (PM0.5 and PM1). Data indicate that inhalation of PM in swine farm workers is associated with increased frequency of respiratory illnesses.


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This project was developed to fully assess the indoor air quality in archives and libraries from a fungal flora point of view. It uses classical methodologies such as traditional culture media – for the viable fungi – and modern molecular biology protocols, especially relevant to assess the non-viable fraction of the biological contaminants. Denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) has emerged as an alternative to denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and has already been applied to the study of a few bacterial communities. We propose the application of DHPLC to the study of fungal colonization on paper-based archive materials. This technology allows for the identification of each component of a mixture of fungi based on their genetic variation. In a highly complex mixture of microbial DNA this method can be used simply to study the population dynamics, and it also allows for sample fraction collection, which can, in many cases, be immediately sequenced, circumventing the need for cloning. Some examples of the methodological application are shown. Also applied is fragment length analysis for the study of mixed Candida samples. Both of these methods can later be applied in various fields, such as clinical and sand sample analysis. So far, the environmental analyses have been extremely useful to determine potentially pathogenic/toxinogenic fungi such as Stachybotrys sp., Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus, and Fusarium sp. This work will hopefully lead to more accurate evaluation of environmental conditions for both human health and the preservation of documents.


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Background - Both genetic and environmental factors affect the risk of colorectal cancer (CRC). Objective - We aimed to examine the interaction between the D1822V polymorphism of the APC gene and dietary intake in persons with CRC. Design - Persons with CRC (n = 196) and 200 healthy volunteers, matched for age and sex in a case-control study, were evaluated with respect to nutritional status and lifestyle factors and for the D1822V polymorphism. Results - No significant differences were observed in energy and macronutrient intakes. Cases had significantly (P < 0.05) lower intakes of carotenes, vitamins C and E, folate, and calcium than did controls. Fiber intake was significantly (P = 0.004) lower in cases than in controls, whereas alcohol consumption was associated with a 2-fold risk of CRC. In addition, cases were significantly (P = 0.001) more likely than were controls to be sedentary. The homozygous variant for the APC gene (VV) was found in 4.6% of cases and in 3.5% of controls. Examination of the potential interactions between diet and genotype found that a high cholesterol intake was associated with a greater risk of colorectal cancer only in noncarriers (DD) of the D1822V APC allele (odds ratio: 1.66; 95% CI: 1.00, 2.76). In contrast, high fiber and calcium intakes were more markedly associated with a lower risk of CRC in patients carrying the polymorphic allele (DV/VV) (odds ratio: 0.50; 95% CI: 0.27, 0.94 for fiber; odds ratio: 0.51; 95% CI: 0.28, 0.93 for calcium) than in those without that allele. Conclusion - These results suggest a significant interaction between the D1822V polymorphism and the dietary intakes of cholesterol, calcium, and fiber for CRC risk.


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The handling of waste and compost that occurs frequently in composting plants (compost turning, shredding, and screening) has been shown to be responsible for the release of dust and air borne microorganisms and their compounds in the air. Thermophilic fungi, such as A. fumigatus, have been reported and this kind of contamination in composting facilities has been associated with increased respiratory symptoms among compost workers. This study intended to characterize fungal contamination in a totally indoor composting plant located in Portugal. Besides conventional methods, molecular biology was also applied to overcome eventual limitations.


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Purpose – Quantitative instruments to assess patient safety culture have been developed recently and a few review articles have been published. Measuring safety culture enables healthcare managers and staff to improve safety behaviours and outcomes for patients and staff. The study aims to determine the AHRQ Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSPSC) Portuguese version's validity and reliability. Design/methodology/approach – A missing-value analysis and item analysis was performed to identify problematic items. Reliability analysis, inter-item correlations and inter-scale correlations were done to check internal consistency, composite scores. Inter-correlations were examined to assess construct validity. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed to investigate the observed data's fit to the dimensional structure proposed in the AHRQ HSPSC Portuguese version. To analyse differences between hospitals concerning composites scores, an ANOVA analysis and multiple comparisons were done. Findings – Eight of 12 dimensions had Cronbach's alphas higher than 0.7. The instrument as a whole achieved a high Cronbach's alpha (0.91). Inter-correlations showed that there is no dimension with redundant items, however dimension 10 increased its internal consistency when one item is removed. Originality/value – This study is the first to evaluate an American patient safety culture survey using Portuguese data. The survey has satisfactory reliability and construct validity.


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Clinical and environmental samples from Portugal were screened for the presence of Aspergillus and the distributions of the species complexes were determined in order to understand how their distributions differ based on their source. Fifty-seven Aspergillus isolates from clinical samples were collected from 10 health institutions. Six species complexes were detected by internal transcribed spacer sequencing; Fumigati, Flavi, and Nigri were found most frequently (50.9%, 21.0%, and 15.8%, respectively). β-tubulin and calmodulin sequencing resulted in seven cryptic species (A. awamorii, A. brasiliensis, A. fructus, A. lentulus, A. sydowii, A. tubingensis, Emericella echinulata) being identified among the 57 isolates. Thirty-nine isolates of Aspergillus were recovered from beach sand and poultry farms, 31 from swine farms, and 80 from hospital environments, for a total 189 isolates. Eleven species complexes were found in these 189 isolates, and those belonging to the Versicolores species complex were found most frequently (23.8%). There was a significant association between the different environmental sources and distribution of the species complexes; the hospital environment had greater variability of species complexes than other environmental locations. A high prevalence of cryptic species within the Circumdati complex was detected in several environments; from the isolates analyzed, at least four cryptic species were identified, most of them growing at 37ºC. Because Aspergillus species complexes have different susceptibilities to antifungals, knowing the species-complex epidemiology for each setting, as well as the identification of cryptic species among the collected clinical isolates, is important. This may allow preventive and corrective measures to be taken, which may result in decreased exposure to those organisms and a better prognosis.


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Introduction: Visual anomalies that affect school-age children represent an important public health problem. Data on the prevalence are lacking in Portugal but is needed for planning vision services. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of strabismus, decreased visual acuity, and uncorrected refractive error in Portuguese children aged 6 to 11 years. Methods and materials: A cross-sectional study was carried out on a sample of 672 school-age children (7.69 ± 1.19 years). Children received an orthoptic assessment (visual acuity, ocular alignment, and ocular movements) and non-cycloplegic autorefraction. Results: After orthoptic assessment, 13.8% of children were considered abnormal (n = 93). Manifest strabismus was found in 4% of the children. Rates of esotropia (2.1%) were slightly higher than exotropia (1.8%). Strabismus rates were not statistically significant different per sex (p = 0.681) and grade (p = 0.228). Decreased visual acuity at distance was present in 11.3% of children. Visual acuity ≤20/66 (0.5 logMAR) was found in 1.3% of the children. We also found that 10.3% of children had an uncorrected refractive error. Conclusions: Strabismus affects a small proportion of the Portuguese school-age children. Decreased visual acuity and uncorrected refractive error affected a significant proportion of school-age children. New policies need to be developed to address this public health problem.


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Social concerns for environmental impact on air, water and soil pollution have grown along with the accelerated growth of pig production. This study intends to characterize air contamination caused by fungi and particles in swine production, and, additionally, to conclude about their eventual environmental impact. Fiftysix air samples of 50 litters were collected through impaction method. Air sampling and particle matter concentration were performed in indoor and also outdoor premises. Simultaneously, temperature and relative humidity were monitored according to the International Standard ISO 7726 – 1998. Aspergillus versicolor presents the highest indoor spore counts (>2000 CFU/m3) and the highest overall prevalence (40.5%), followed by Scopulariopsis brevicaulis (17.0%) and Penicillium sp. (14.1%). All the swine farms showed indoor fungal species different from the ones identified outdoors and the most frequent genera were also different from the ones indoors. The distribution of particle size showed the same tendency in all swine farms (higher concentration values in PM5 and PM10 sizes). Through the ratio between the indoor and outdoor values, it was possible to conclude that CFU/m3 and particles presented an eventual impact in outdoor measurements.


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The impact of mycotoxins on human and animal health is well recognized. Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is by far the most prevalent and the most potent natural carcinogen and is usually the major aflatoxin produced by toxigenic fungal strains. Data available, points to an increasing frequency of poultry feed contamination by aflatoxins. Since aflatoxin residues may accumulate in body tissues, this represents a high risk to human health. Samples from commercial poultry birds have already presented detectable levels of aflatoxin in liver. A descriptive study was developed in order to assess fungal contamination by species from Aspergillus flavus complex in seven Portuguese poultry units. Air fungal contamination was studied by conventional and molecular methods. Air, litter and surfaces samples were collected. To apply molecular methods, air samples of 300L were collected using the Coriolis μ air sampler (Bertin Technologies), at 300 L/min airflow rate. For conventional methodologies, all the collected samples were incubated at 27ºC for five to seven days. Through conventional methods, Aspergillus flavus was the third fungal species (7%) most frequently found in 27 indoor air samples analysed and the most commonly isolated species (75%) in air samples containing only the Aspergillus genus...


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A maioria dos órgãos históricos portugueses data dos finais do século XVIII ou do princípio do século XIX. Durante este período foi construído um invulgar número de instrumentos em Lisboa e nas áreas circundantes por António Xavier Machado e Cerveira (1756-1828) e outros organeiros menos prolíficos. O estudo desses órgãos, muitos dos quais (restaurados ou não) se encontram próximos das condições originais, permite a identificação de um tipo de instrumento com uma morfologia específica, claramente emancipada do chamado «órgão ibérico». No entanto, até muito recentemente, não era conhecida música que se adaptasse às idiossincrasisas daqueles instrumentos. O recente estudo das obras para órgão de José Marques e Silva (1782-1837) permitiu clarificar esta situação. Bem conhecido durante a sua vida como organista e compositor, José Marques e Silva foi um dos ultimos mestres do Seminário Patriarcal. A importância da sua produção musical reside não só num substancial número de obras com autoria firmemente estabelecida – escritas, na maior parte, para coro misto com acompanhamento de órgão obbligato – mas também na íntima relação entre a sua escrita e a morfologia dos órgãos construídos em Portugal durante a sua vida. Este artigo enfatiza a importância de José Marques e Silva (indubitavelmente, o mais significativo compositor português para órgão do seu tempo) sublinhando a relevância das suas obras para órgão solo, cujo uso extensivo de escrita idiomática e indicações de registação fazem delas um dos mais importantes documentos só início do século XIX sobre a prática organística em Portugal.


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This paper intends to show the Portuguese municipalities’ commitment, since the first decade of this century, in cultural facilities of municipal management and how it provided 12 of the 18 district capitals of mainland Portugal with cultural equipment, but after all we want to know if this effort resulted in a regular, diverse, and innovative schedule. Investing in urban regeneration, local governments have tried to convert cities’ demographic changes (strengthening of the most educated and professionally qualified groups) in effective cultural demands that consolidate the three axes of development competitiveness-innovation-creativity. What the empirical study to the programming and communication proposals of those equipment shows is that it is not enough to provide cities with facilities; to escape to a utilitarian conception of culture, there is a whole work to be done so that such equipment be experienced and felt as new public sphere. Equipment in which proposals go through a fluid bind, constructed through space and discourse with local community, devoted a diversified and innovative bet full filling development axis. This paper presents in a systematic way what contributes to this binding on the analyzed equipment.


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This presentation intends to show to what extent the Portuguese municipalities’ commitment, from the first decade of this century, in cultural facilities of municipal management and which has provided 12 of the 18 district capitals of mainland Portugal with equipment, resulted in a regular, diverse and innovative schedule. Investing in urban regeneration, local government has tried to convert cities’ demographic changes (strengthening of the most educated and professionally qualified groups) in effective cultural demands that consolidate the three axes of development competitiveness-innovation-creativity. What the empirical study to the programming and communication proposals of those equipment shows is that it is not enough to provide cities with facilities; to escape to a utilitarian conception of culture, there is a whole work to be done so that such equipment be experienced and felt as new public sphere. Equipment in which proposals go through a fluid bind, constructed through space and discourse with local community, devotes a diversified and innovative bet full filling development axis. This paper presents in a systematic way what contributes to this binding on the analyzed equipment.


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Portugal hosted in the last thirteen years, two editions of the event European Cultural Capital; this paper intends to illustrate the coverage that Portuguese newspapers (daily newspapers Público, Diário de Notícias, Correio da Manhã and Jornal de Notícias, a weekly newsmagazine Visão and a weekly newspaper Expresso) made, through referrals in front-page and respective developments within the editions, to each of the events and that allows us to define the main moments that marked each of them, patterns of action, the major players, planning and programming types. The European Cultural Capital project elects, from year to year, cities of different EU member states with the main goal of “contributing to bring together the Europe´s people" (words of Mélina Mercouri, Greek Minister of Culture who, in 1985, proposed the launch of this initiative) and encouraging the elected urban space to present new cultural paradigms. In the genesis of this model is the cultural decentralization’s vector, a possibility to medium-sized cities of funding public works, restoring heritage and promoting themselves in touristic terms, of giving visibility to cities away from cultural and creative industries’ major distribution centers. A crucial factor to achieve this goal is media coverage. This paper outline the information that the Portuguese press ran over the two years that elapsed the latest editions of the European Cultural Capital in Portugal, namely that media coverage have deviated from the disclosure of the events’ schedule to suggest itineraries of visit and little or not even question the role that cities, promoting such initiatives, have as places of innovation in terms of cultural policies, artistic production and innovation, in urban and environmental regeneration, in economic revitalization, in training and creating new artists and new audiences and in boosting the confidence of local communities. The content analysis performed to articles shows how press is essential to the promotion of cities as cultural/touristic destinations as it stimulates consumption among residents and attracts visitors, with the possible dire consequence of turning the cultural journalist into an agent of touristic instead of cultural promotion.