72 resultados para Diogo de Macedo
Relatrio de Estgio para obteno do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na rea de Especializao em Edificaes
The article reports density measurements of dipropyl (DPA), dibutyl (DBA) and bis(2-ethylhexyl) (DEHA) adipates, using a vibrating U-tube densimeter, model DMA HP, from Anton Paar GmbH. The measurements were performed in the temperature range (293 to 373) K and at pressures up to about 68 MPa, except for DPA for which the upper limits were 363 K and 65 MPa, respectively. The density data for each liquid was correlated with the temperature and pressure using a modified Tait equation. The expanded uncertainty of the present density results is estimated as 0.2% at a 95% confidence level. No literature density data at pressures higher than 0.1 MPa could be found. DEHA literature data at atmospheric pressure agree with the correlation of the present measurements, in the corresponding temperature range, within +/- 0.11%. The isothermal compressibility and the isobaric thermal expansion were calculated by differentiation of the modified Tait correlation equation. These two parameters were also calculated for dimethyl adipate (DMA), from density data reported in a previous work. The uncertainties of isothermal compressibility and the isobaric thermal expansion are estimated to be less than +/- 1.7% and +/- 1.1%, respectively, at a 95% confidence level. Literature data of isothermal compressibility and isobaric thermal expansivity for DMA have an agreement within +/- 1% and +/- 2.4%, respectively, with results calculated in this work. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The disturbing emergence of multidrug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) has been driving the scientific community to urgently search for new and efficient antitubercular drugs. Despite the various drugs currently under evaluation, isoniazid is still the key and most effective component in all multi-therapeutic regimens recommended by the WHO. This paper describes the QSAR-oriented design, synthesis and in vitro antitubercular activity of several potent isoniazid derivatives (isonicotinoyl hydrazones and isonicotinoyl hydrazides) against H37Rv and two resistant Mtb strains. QSAR studies entailed RFs and ASNNs classification models, as well as MLR models. Strict validation procedures were used to guarantee the models' robustness and predictive ability. Lipophilicity was shown not to be relevant to explain the activity of these derivatives, whereas shorter N-N distances and lengthy substituents lead to more active compounds. Compounds I, 2, 4, 5 and 6, showed measured activities against H37Rv higher than INH (i.e., MIC <= 0.28 mu M), while compound 9 exhibited a six fold decrease in MIC against the katG (S315T) mutated strain, by comparison with INH (Le., 6.9 vs. 43.8 mu M). All compounds were ineffective against H37Rv(INH) (Delta katG), a strain with a full deletion of the katG gene, thus corroborating the importance of KatG in the activation of INH-based compounds. The most potent compounds were also shown not to be cytotoxic up to a concentration 500 times higher than MIC. (C) 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
No literature data above atmospheric pressure could be found for the viscosity of TOTIVI. As a consequence, the present viscosity results could only be compared upon extrapolation of the vibrating wire data to 0.1 MPa. Independent viscosity measurements were performed, at atmospheric pressure, using an Ubbelohde capillary in order to compare with the vibrating wire results, extrapolated by means of the above mentioned correlation. The two data sets agree within +/- 1%, which is commensurate with the mutual uncertainty of the experimental methods. Comparisons of the literature data obtained at atmospheric pressure with the present extrapolated vibrating-wire viscosity measurements have shown an agreement within +/- 2% for temperatures up to 339 K and within +/- 3.3% for temperatures up to 368 K. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In Part I of the present work we describe the viscosity measurements performed on tris(2-ethylhexyl) trimellitate or 1,2,4-benzenetricarboxylic acid, tris(2-ethylhexyl) ester (TOTM) up to 65 MPa and at six temperatures from (303 to 373)K, using a new vibrating-wire instrument. The main aim is to contribute to the proposal of that liquid as a potential reference fluid for high viscosity, high pressure and high temperature. The present Part II is dedicated to report the density measurements of TOTM necessary, not only to compute the viscosity data presented in Part I, but also as complementary data for the mentioned proposal. The present density measurements were obtained using a vibrating U-tube densimeter, model DMA HP, using model DMA5000 as a reading unit, both instruments from Anton Paar GmbH. The measurements were performed along five isotherms from (293 to 373)K and at eleven different pressures up to 68 MPa. As far as the authors are aware, the viscosity and density results are the first, above atmospheric pressure, to be published for TOTM. Due to TOTM's high viscosity, its density data were corrected for the viscosity effect on the U-tube density measurements. This effect was estimated using two Newtonian viscosity standard liquids, 20 AW and 200 GW. The density data were correlated with temperature and pressure using a modified Tait equation. The expanded uncertainty of the present density results is estimated as +/- 0.2% at a 95% confidence level. Those results were correlated with temperature and pressure by a modified Tait equation, with deviations within +/- 0.25%. Furthermore, the isothermal compressibility, K-T, and the isobaric thermal expansivity, alpha(p), were obtained by derivation of the modified Tait equation used for correlating the density data. The corresponding uncertainties, at a 95% confidence level, are estimated to be less than +/- 1.5% and +/- 1.2%, respectively. No isobaric thermal expansivity and isothermal compressibility for TOTM were found in the literature. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Relatrio da Prtica Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educao Pr-Escolar
Trabalho de Projeto para obteno do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informtica e de Computadores
Este artigo apresenta parte de um estudo que se encontra a decorrer e que visa compreender como se caracteriza o raciocnio estatstico de crianas de 5 e 6 anos. O artigo apresenta a interpretao do raciocnio estatstico revelado pelas crianas atravs da anlise das suas representaes. Comeamos por discutir teoricamente o conceito de raciocnio estatstico, os princpios inerentes a um ambiente de aprendizagem que favorea o seu desenvolvimento e o papel das representaes, especificando depois as caractersticas do trabalho em Organizao e Tratamento de Dados na educao pr-escolar. O estudo segue uma abordagem de natureza qualitativa sob um paradigma interpretativo e a recolha de dados realizou-se em 2015 atravs da observao participante e da anlise documental. Os resultados preliminares aqui apresentados sugerem que a maioria do grupo de crianas reconhece as diferentes formas de representao dos dados, identifica os seus nomes e sabe explicar as diferentes representaes. No mbito de um pequeno projeto de investigao estatstica, as crianas atenderam s suas diferentes fases, mostrando-se capazes de representar e interpretar dados recolhidos por si. Algumas das crianas preocuparam-se em organizar os dados no momento da sua recolha, classificando-os, sendo que uma delas organizou os dados, de modo espontneo, numa tabela de frequncias. As crianas evidenciaram um raciocnio estatstico sobre os dados e sobre a sua representao.
Next-generation vaccines for tuberculosis should be designed to prevent the infection and to achieve sterile eradication of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mucosal vaccination is a needle-free vaccine strategy that provides protective immunity against pathogenic bacteria and viruses in both mucosal and systemic compartments, being a promising alternative to current tuberculosis vaccines. Micro and nanoparticles have shown great potential as delivery systems for mucosal vaccines. In this review, the immunological principles underlying mucosal vaccine development will be discussed, and the application of mucosal adjuvants and delivery systems to the enhancement of protective immune responses at mucosal surfaces will be reviewed, in particular those envisioned for oral and nasal routes of administration. An overview of the essential vaccine candidates for tuberculosis in clinical trials will be provided, with special emphasis on the potential different antigens and immunization regimens.
Objectivo do estudo - Caracterizar a aptido fsica funcional e outros parmetros da funcionalidade em idosos residentes na comunidade. Relevncia do estudo - A populao portuguesa apresenta um risco elevado de declnio funcional e fragilidade. Esta tendncia, em conjunto um ndice de envelhecimento crescente, coloca um grande desafio sociedade, nomeadamente a nvel econmico, mas sobretudo no que se refere ao estado de sade dos idosos, tendo a fisioterapia um papel importante na preveno do declnio funcional e na manuteno da capacidade funcional destes indivduos.
A espirometria o mtodo de eleio para a identificao de alteraes ventilatrias, porm pouco utilizada em idosos pelo fato de habitualmente se considerar que estes no conseguem colaborar. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a colaborao na realizao da espirometria antes e aps administrao de broncodilatador numa populao de idosos residente num lar de Lisboa.
A Europa assiste ao envelhecimento da populao, onde a doena respiratria assume relevncia. Com o aumento da idade, da exposio poluio ambiental e do tabagismo, a prevalncia da Doena Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crnica (DPOC) tende a ser elevada, nomeadamente na populao idosa. A idade avanada poder associar-se com uma menor percepo de sintomas, pelo que a espirometria ser til nesta faixa etria. Objetivo do estudo - Descrever o resultado da espirometria com prova de broncodilatao, de acordo com os critrios GOLD e prevalncia de sintomas respiratrios dos idosos residentes num lar de Lisboa.
O sistema respiratrio sofre alteraes inerentes ao envelhecimento que, aliadas exposio ambiental e carga tabgica contribuem para um maior declnio da funo respiratria. Os testes de funo respiratria (e.g. espirometria) contribuem para uma melhor identificao alteraes ventilatrias nas vias areas, tendo em conta que idade avanada poder ser um fator para m perceo de sintomas. Objetivo do estudo - Caracterizar o perfil espiromtrico e os sintomas respiratrios em idosos sem histria de doena respiratria, residentes num lar de Lisboa.
O aumento do risco de queda na populao idosa um problema que se coloca atualmente aos sistemas de sade. Na sua origem esto as alteraes associadas ao envelhecimento, nomeadamente as alteraes de equilbrio, a fraqueza muscular, a fragilidade, entre outras. A sarcopnia, que se caracteriza por diminuio da massa muscular e da fora muscular uma das consequncias do envelhecimento. Recentemente, a sarcopnia tem sido associada a aumento de risco de queda na populao idosa. Ao mesmo tempo, a investigao tem mostrado que a fora de preenso est associada fora dos membros e que constitui um marcador clnico para o risco de incapacidade, tendo sido identificados valores de corte para definir sarcopnia atravs da fora de preenso. Objetivo do estudo - O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a fora muscular dos membros inferiores, a mobilidade, a fora de preenso e o risco de queda em idosos residentes na comunidade e averiguar possveis associaes entre estas variveis.
Sabe-se que em resposta prtica de atividade fsica intensa e prolongada surgem adaptaes morfolgicas e funcionais a nvel cardiovascular. Porm, estas adaptaes fisiolgicas podem ser confundidas com alteraes patolgicas, por isso, importante fazer a distino entre estes dois tipos de alteraes o mais cedo possvel. Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar, por ecocardiografia transtorcica, a morfologia e funo cardaca em jovens atletas de ginstica artstica de competio.