639 resultados para ISSN-tunnus


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Crossed classification models are applied in many investigations taking in consideration the existence of interaction between all factors or, in alternative, excluding all interactions, and in this case only the effects and the error term are considered. In this work we use commutative Jordan algebras in the study of the algebraic structure of these designs and we use them to obtain similar designs where only some of the interactions are considered. We finish presenting the expressions of the variance componentes estimators.


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In this paper we give formulas for the number of elements of the monoids ORm x n of all full transformations on it finite chain with tun elements that preserve it uniform m-partition and preserve or reverse the orientation and for its submonoids ODm x n of all order-preserving or order-reversing elements, OPm x n of all orientation-preserving elements, O-m x n of all order-preserving elements, O-m x n(+) of all extensive order-preserving elements and O-m x n(-) of all co-extensive order-preserving elements.


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The dynamics of catalytic networks have been widely studied over the last decades because of their implications in several fields like prebiotic evolution, virology, neural networks, immunology or ecology. One of the most studied mathematical bodies for catalytic networks was initially formulated in the context of prebiotic evolution, by means of the hypercycle theory. The hypercycle is a set of self-replicating species able to catalyze other replicator species within a cyclic architecture. Hypercyclic organization might arise from a quasispecies as a way to increase the informational containt surpassing the so-called error threshold. The catalytic coupling between replicators makes all the species to behave like a single and coherent evolutionary multimolecular unit. The inherent nonlinearities of catalytic interactions are responsible for the emergence of several types of dynamics, among them, chaos. In this article we begin with a brief review of the hypercycle theory focusing on its evolutionary implications as well as on different dynamics associated to different types of small catalytic networks. Then we study the properties of chaotic hypercycles with error-prone replication with symbolic dynamics theory, characterizing, by means of the theory of topological Markov chains, the topological entropy and the periods of the orbits of unimodal-like iterated maps obtained from the strange attractor. We will focus our study on some key parameters responsible for the structure of the catalytic network: mutation rates, autocatalytic and cross-catalytic interactions.


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When performing a full calculation within the standard model (SM) or its extensions, it is crucial that one utilizes a consistent set of signs for the gauge couplings and gauge fields. Unfortunately, the literature is plagued with differing signs and notations. We present all SM Feynman rules, including ghosts, in a convention-independent notation, and we table the conventions in close to 40 books and reviews.


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We investigate the thermodynamics and percolation regimes of model binary mixtures of patchy colloidal particles. The particles of each species have three sites of two types, one of which promotes bonding of particles of the same species while the other promotes bonding of different species. We find up to four percolated structures at low temperatures and densities: two gels where only one species percolates, a mixed gel where particles of both species percolate but neither species percolates separately, and a bicontinuous gel where particles of both species percolate separately forming two interconnected networks. The competition between the entropy and the energy of bonding drives the stability of the different percolating structures. Appropriate mixtures exhibit one or more connectivity transitions between the mixed and bicontinuous gels, as the temperature and/or the composition changes.


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We show that a light charged Higgs boson signal via tau(+/-)nu decay can be established at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) also in the case of single top production. This process complements searches for the same signal in the case of charged Higgs bosons emerging from t (t) over bar production. The models accessible include the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) as well a variety of 2-Higgs Doublet Models (2HDMs). High energies and luminosities are however required, thereby restricting interest on this mode to the case of the LHC running at 14TeV with design configuration.


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We propose a 3-D gravity model for the volcanic structure of the island of Maio (Cape Verde archipelago) with the objective of solving some open questions concerning the geometry and depth of the intrusive Central Igneous Complex. A gravity survey was made covering almost the entire surface of the island. The gravity data was inverted through a non-linear 3-D approach which provided a model constructed in a random growth process. The residual Bouguer gravity field shows a single positive anomaly presenting an elliptic shape with a NWSE trending long axis. This Bouguer gravity anomaly is slightly off-centred with the island but its outline is concordant with the surface exposure of the Central Igneous Complex. The gravimetric modelling shows a high-density volume whose centre of mass is about 4500 m deep. With increasing depth, and despite the restricted gravimetric resolution, the horizontal sections of the model suggest the presence of two distinct bodies, whose relative position accounts for the elongated shape of the high positive Bouguer gravity anomaly. These bodies are interpreted as magma chambers whose coeval volcanic counterparts are no longer preserved. The orientation defined by the two bodies is similar to that of other structures known in the southern group of the Cape Verde islands, thus suggesting a possible structural control constraining the location of the plutonic intrusions.


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LHC has reported tantalizing hints for a Higgs boson of mass 125 GeV decaying into two photons. We focus on two-Higgs-doublet Models, and study the interesting possibility that the heavier scalar H has been seen, with the lightest scalar h having thus far escaped detection. Nonobservation of h at LEP severely constrains the parameter-space of two-Higgs-doublet models. We analyze cases where the decay H -> hh is kinematically allowed, and cases where it is not, in the context of type I, type II, lepton-specific, and flipped models.


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In this work we study the electro-rheological behaviour of a series of four liquid crystal (LC) cyanobiphenyls with a number of carbon atoms in the alkyl group, ranging from five to eight (5CB–8CB). We present the flow curves for different temperatures and under the influence of an external electric field, ranging from 0 to 3 kV/mm, and the viscosity as a function of the temperature, for the same values of electric field, obtained for different shear rates. Theoretical interpretation of the observed behaviours is proposed in the framework of the continuum theory of Leslie–Ericksen for low molecular weight nematic LCs. In our analysis, the director alignment angle is only a function of the ratio between the shear rate and the square of the electric field – boundary conditions are neglected. By fitting the theoretical model to the experimental data, we are able to determine some viscosity coefficients and the dielectric anisotropy as a function of temperature. To interpret the behaviour of the flow curves near the nematic–isotropic transitions, we apply the continuum theory of Olmsted–Goldbart, which extends the theory of Leslie–Ericksen to the case where the degree of alignment of the LC molecules can also vary.


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The application of femtosecond laser interferometry to direct patterning of thin-film magnetic alloys is demonstrated. The formation of stripe gratings with submicron periodicities is achieved in Fe1-xVx (x=18-34wt. %) layers, with a difference in magnetic moments up to Delta mu/mu similar to 20 between adjacent stripes but without any significant development of the topographical relief (<1% of the film thickness). The produced gratings exhibit a robust effect of their anisotropy shape on magnetization curves in the film plane. The obtained data witness ultrafast diffusive transformations associated with the process of spinodal decomposition and demonstrate an opportunity for producing magnetic nanostructures with engineered properties upon this basis.


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We report and analyze the halting of the fuse effect propagation in optical fiber microwires. The increase of the mode field diameter in the tapered region decreases the optical intensity resulting in the extinction of the fuse effect. This fiber element presents a low insertion loss and can be introduced in the optical network in order to protect the active equipment from the damage caused by the fuse effect. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America


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Hierarchical wrinkling on elastomeric Janus spheres is permanently imprinted by swelling, for different lengths of time, followed by drying the particles in an appropriate solvent. First-order buckling with a spatial periodicity (lambda(11)) of the order of a few microns and hierarchical structures comprising of 2nd order buckling with a spatial periodicity (lambda(12)) of the order of hundreds of nanometers have been obtained. The 2nd order buckling features result from a Grinfeld surface instability due to the diffusion of the solvent and the presence of sol molecules.


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Titanate nanotubes (TNT) with different sodium contents have been synthesised using a hydrothermal approach and a swift and highly controllable post-washing processes. The influence of the sodium/proton replacement on the structural and morphological characteristics of the prepared materials was analysed. Different optical behaviour was observed depending on the Na+/H+ samples’ content. A band gap energy of 3.27±0.03 eV was estimated for the material with higher sodium content while a value of 2.81±0.02 eV was inferred for the most protonated material, which therefore exhibits an absorption edge in the near visible region. The point of zero charge of the materials was determined and the influence of the sodium content on the adsorption of both cationic and anionic organic dyes was studied. The photocatalytic performance of the TNT samples was evaluated in the rhodamine 6G degradation process. Best photodegradation results were obtained when using the most protonated material as catalyst, although this material has shown the lowest R6G adsorption capability.


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We report on a simple method to obtain surface gratings using a Michelson interferometer and femtosecond laser radiation. In the optical setup used, two parallel laser beams are generated using a beam splitter and then focused using the same focusing lens. An interference pattern is created in the focal plane of the focusing lens, which can be used to pattern the surface of materials. The main advantage of this method is that the optical paths difference of the interfering beams is independent of the distance between the beams. As a result, the fringes period can be varied without a need for major realignment of the optical system and the time coincidence between the interfering beams can be easily monitored. The potential of the method was demonstrated by patterning surface gratings with different periods on titanium surfaces in air.


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We directly visualize the response of nematic liquid crystal drops of toroidal topology threaded in cellulosic fibers, suspended in air, to an AC electric field and at different temperatures over the N-I transition. This new liquid crystal system can exhibit non-trivial point defects, which can be energetically unstable against expanding into ring defects depending on the fiber constraining geometries. The director anchoring tangentially near the fiber surface and homeotropically at the air interface makes a hybrid shell distribution that in turn causes a ring disclination line around the main axis of the fiber at the center of the droplet. Upon application of an electric field, E, the disclination ring first expands and moves along the fiber main axis, followed by the appearance of a stable "spherical particle" object orbiting around the fiber at the center of the liquid crystal drop. The rotation speed of this particle was found to vary linearly with the applied voltage. This constrained liquid crystal geometry seems to meet the essential requirements in which soliton-like deformations can develop and exhibit stable orbiting in three dimensions upon application of an external electric field. On changing the temperature the system remains stable and allows the study of the defect evolution near the nematic-isotropic transition, showing qualitatively different behaviour on cooling and heating processes. The necklaces of such liquid crystal drops constitute excellent systems for the study of topological defects and their evolution and open new perspectives for application in microelectronics and photonics.