182 resultados para Portugal -- Histoire -- 1500-1800


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In this study, the results of chemical concentrations inside and outside of a Lisbon (Portugal) traffic tunnel were compared, during one week. They were obtained by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). The tunnel values largely exceed the Air Ambient legislated values and the Pearson Correlations Coefficients point out to soil re-suspension/dispersed road dust (As, Ce, Eu, Hf, Fe, Mo, Sc, Zn), traffic-markers (Ba, Cr), tire wear (Cr, Zn), break wear (Fe, Zn, Ba, Cu, Sb), exhaust and motor oil (Zn) and sea-spray (Br, Na). On all days these elements inside the tunnel were more enriched than outside; significant statistical differences were found for Co (p=0.005), Br (p=0.008), Zn (p=0.01) and Sb (p=0.005), while enrichment factors of As and Sc are statistically identical. The highest values were found for As, Br, Zn and Sb, for both inside and outside the tunnel.


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One Plus Sequential Air Sampler—Partisol was placed in a small village (Foros de Arrão) in central Portugal to collect PM10 (particles with an aerodynamic diameter below 10 μm), during the winter period for 3 months (December 2009–March 2010). Particles masses were gravimetrically determined and the filters were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis to assess their chemical composition. The water-soluble ion compositions of the collected particles were determined by Ion-exchange Chromatography. Principal component analysis was applied to the data set of chemical elements and soluble ions to assess the main sources of the air pollutants. The use of both analytical techniques provided information about elemental solubility, such as for potassium, which was important to differentiate sources.


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Actualmente, na nossa sociedade, muitas das actividades diárias têm prioridade sobre o sono. A privação do sono em estudantes tem sido documentada em variados países e o problema reside no conflito entre a necessidade física e psicológica, dos estudantes, de dormir e os seus horários. Esta privação do sono é, muitas das vezes, relacionada com a diminuição do humor e do rendimento académico. No intuito de combater estes problemas, alguns estudantes recorrem ao uso de fármacos ou substâncias com vista a melhorar a sua qualidade de vida e o seu rendimento escolar. O objectivo deste estudo é (1) avaliar a qualidade de sono dos estudantes universitários, (2) avaliar a percentagem de estudantes que consomem fármacos ou substâncias para modificar o seu sono e (3) comparar os resultados entre duas escolas de saúde, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto, Portugal (ESTSP) e a Tallinn Health Care College, Estónia (THCC).


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Methodological issues in research with children have sparked a growing interest by the Sociology of Childhood since the last decades. In Portugal, this interest is more recent, but it has had a significant increase. Considering several researches, namely master thesis, supervised by the authors on the framework of Sociology of Childhood, this proposal intends to characterize some methodological complexities in research with children in Portugal, when we consider their voice and agency in the knowledge producing about them. The goal of this paper is to contribute to the methodological discussion on research with children through the identification of a set of challenges related to: (i) the diversity of methodologies uses in children’s research, (ii) ethical concerns and (iii) the role of the researcher.


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Este texto procura caracterizar a situação da infância em Portugal a partir de um conjunto alargado de indicadores. A demografia será um deles, reflletindo acerca da tendência de acelerada diminuição do número de crianças em Portugal. Detemo-nos depois nas transformações da estrutura familiar e nas práticas de educação familiar das crianças. seguidamente analisamos a evolução da legislação portuguesa, caracterizando-a nos planos da educação, saúde e justiça. A análise das políticas de protecção confronta-nos de seguida, com as políticas para as crianças 'das margens' face ao mau-trato e à negligência. Antes de concluirmos, apresentamos alguns indicadores da relação da criança com a cultura


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O presente estudo foi realizado com o propósito de analisar a discussão que houve em Portugal acerca das recentes medidas de educação especial, com a apresentação do Anteprojecto de Decreto-lei da educação especial, em Janeiro de 2004. Durante este período e nos quatro anos que se lhe seguiram muitas opiniões foram veiculadas na esfera pública, até à publicação do Decreto-lei nº 3/2008, de 7 de Janeiro. Pretendemos caracterizar de que forma se processou o debate na esfera pública, quais os agentes que emitiram opiniões/pareceres, quais os temas abordados e quais foram as lógicas de argumentação utilizadas. Através da recolha de informação na Internet, espaço público privilegiado neste estudo, tentaremos, na dimensão temporal definida, perceber qual foi a dinâmica de participação existente na esfera pública e de que forma foi assimilada na discussão política.


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This paper presents an artificial neural network approach for short-term wind power forecasting in Portugal. The increased integration of wind power into the electric grid, as nowadays occurs in Portugal, poses new challenges due to its intermittency and volatility. Hence, good forecasting tools play a key role in tackling these challenges. The accuracy of the wind power forecasting attained with the proposed approach is evaluated against persistence and ARIMA approaches, reporting the numerical results from a real-world case study.


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This paper presents an investigation into cloud-to-ground lightning activity over the continental territory of Portugal with data collected by the national Lightning Location System. The Lightning Location System in Portugal is first presented. Analyses about geographical, seasonal, and polarity distribution of cloud-to-ground lightning activity and cumulative probability of peak current are carried out. An overall ground flash density map is constructed from the database, which contains the information of more than five years and almost four million records. This map is compared with the thunderstorm days map, produced by the Portuguese Institute of Meteorology, and with the orographic map of Portugal. Finally, conclusions are duly drawn.


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Neste texto procura-se apresentar uma perspectiva sobre o teatro e as artes performativas portuguesas, sobretudo assinalando o modo como diferentes gerações de artistas e ímpetos criativos específicos se situaram e situam face à Revolução de Abril.


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Storm- and tsunami-deposits are generated by similar depositional mechanisms making their discrimination hard to establish using classic sedimentologic methods. Here we propose an original approach to identify tsunami-induced deposits by combining numerical simulation and rock magnetism. To test our method, we investigate the tsunami deposit of the Boca do Rio estuary generated by the 1755 earthquake in Lisbon which is well described in the literature. We first test the 1755 tsunami scenario using a numerical inundation model to provide physical parameters for the tsunami wave. Then we use concentration (MS. SIRM) and grain size (chi(ARM), ARM, B1/2, ARM/SIRM) sensitive magnetic proxies coupled with SEM microscopy to unravel the magnetic mineralogy of the tsunami-induced deposit and its associated depositional mechanisms. In order to study the connection between the tsunami deposit and the different sedimentologic units present in the estuary, magnetic data were processed by multivariate statistical analyses. Our numerical simulation show a large inundation of the estuary with flow depths varying from 0.5 to 6 m and run up of similar to 7 m. Magnetic data show a dominance of paramagnetic minerals (quartz) mixed with lesser amount of ferromagnetic minerals, namely titanomagnetite and titanohematite both of a detrital origin and reworked from the underlying units. Multivariate statistical analyses indicate a better connection between the tsunami-induced deposit and a mixture of Units C and D. All these results point to a scenario where the energy released by the tsunami wave was strong enough to overtop and erode important amount of sand from the littoral dune and mixed it with reworked materials from underlying layers at least 1 m in depth. The method tested here represents an original and promising tool to identify tsunami-induced deposits in similar embayed beach environments.


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O Professor Artur Santos é por muitos recordado pela qualidade inquestionável da docência que exerceu no Conservatório Nacional de Lisboa. A sua carreira profissional foi mais vasta, desenvolvendo-se no âmbito da música erudita como pianista, compositor e professor e, no da música tradicional, como etnomusicólogo. O artigo agora publicado tem o mesmo título da Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências Musicais (2001), orientada pela Profª. Drª. Salwa Castelo Branco. Este trabalho de investigação permitiu um conhecimento aprofundado do trabalho etnomusicológico que Artur Santos realizou, incluindo documentação escrita, gravações sonoras, fotografias e filmes etnográficos, na sua maioria inédita, para além das colecções de discos (Beira Baixa e Beira Alta, Ilhas Terceira, de S. Miguel e de Santa Maria) e catálogos de exposições editados (Angola e Ilha de Santa Maria). A documentação que produziu, o seu empenho em institucionalizar a etnomusicologia em Portugal, a divulgação internacional que fez da Música Tradicional Portuguesa e o reconhecimento que os seus trabalhos tiveram a nível nacional e internacional, destacam-no como precursor da moderna etnomusicologia em Portugal.


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This paper presents an assessment of the potential seismic performance of new earth construction in Portugal. Results of a parametric study on a properly designed rammed earth construction, considering several strengthening solutions, are presented and discussed. It is concluded that single storey houses can have acceptable seismic performance even in high seismicity areas, provided that the structure is adequately strengthened by reinforced concrete columns and beams. Improvement of the characteristics of the structural material (earth) may be necessary to reduce damage.


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The only Iberian lower Jurassic palcomagnetic pole come from the "Central Atlantic Magmatic Province"-related Messejana Plasencia dyke, but the age and origin of its remanence have been a matter of discussion. With the aim of solving this uncertainty, and to go further into a better understanding of its emplacement and other possible tectonic features, a systematic paleomagnetic investigation of 40 sites (625 specimens) distributed all along the 530 kin of the Messejana Plasencia dyke has been carried out. Rock magnetic experiments indicate PSD low Ti-titanomagnetite and magnetite as the minerals carrying the NRM. The samples were mostly thermally demagnetized. Most sites exhibit a characteristic remanent component of normal polarity with the exception of two sites, where samples with reversed polarities have been observed. The paleomagnetic pole derived from a total of 35 valid sites is representative of the whole structure of the dyke, and statistically well defined, with values of PLa = 70.4 degrees N, PLo = 237.6 degrees E, K= 47.9 and A(95) = 3.5 degrees. Paleomagnetic data indicates that: (i) there is no evidence of a Cretaceous remagnetization in the dyke, as it was suggested; (ii) most of the dyke had a brief emplacement time; furthermore, two dyke intrusion events separated in time from it by at least 10,000 y have been detected; (iii) the high grouping of the VGPs directions suggests no important tectonic perturbations of the whole structure of the dyke since its intrusion time; (iv) the pole derived from this study is a good quality lower Jurassic paleopole for the Iberian plate; and (v) the Messejana Plasencia dyke paleopole for the Iberian plate is also in agreement with quality-selected European and North American lower Jurassic paleopoles and the magnetic anomalies data sets that are available for rotate them to Iberia.


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Projecto pedagógico multicultural num meio escolar desfavorecido.


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A Associação Orff de Espanha, fundada em 1996 decidiu, neste início da sua actividade, organizar um encontro entre professores de Espanha e de Portugal, com a finalidade de fomentar o intercâmbio de experiências, dar a conhecer as realidades do ensino da música e do movimento no sentido de promover futuras colaborações entre instituições e professores de ambos os países.