49 resultados para Fungal decay potential


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Fungal contamination in composting facilities has been associated with increased respiratory and skin pathologies among compost workers. In this study we aim to characterize the fungal contamination caused by Aspergillus genera within a totally indoor composting plant located in Portugal. Air samples of 50L were collected from 6 sampling sites through an impaction method. Surfaces samples were collected by swabbing the surfaces of the same indoor sites. Pre-treatment and waste screw were the sampling sites of the analyzed composting plant with the highest Aspergillus load in the air. Globally, the genus Aspergillus presented the highest prevalence both in the air from (90.6%), and surfaces from the same sampling sites (60.8%). The results obtained in this study claim the attention to the need of further research regarding the fungal contamination dur to Aspergillus genus in composting plants.


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The handling of waste and compost that occurs frequently in composting plants (compost turning, shredding, and screening) has been shown to be responsible for the release of dust and air borne microorganisms and their compounds in the air. Thermophilic fungi, such as A. fumigatus, have been reported and this kind of contamination in composting facilities has been associated with increased respiratory symptoms among compost workers. This study intended to characterize fungal contamination in a totally indoor composting plant located in Portugal. Besides conventional methods, molecular biology was also applied to overcome eventual limitations.


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Organic waste is a rich substrate for microbial growth, and because of that, workers from waste industry are at higher risk of exposure to bioaerosols. This study aimed to assess fungal contamination in two plants handling solid waste management. Air samples from the two plants were collected through an impaction method. Surface samples were also collected by swabbing surfaces of the same indoor sites. All collected samples were incubated at 27◦C for 5 to 7 d. After lab processing and incubation of collected samples, quantitative and qualitative results were obtained with identification of the isolated fungal species. Air samples were also subjected to molecular methods by real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT PCR) using an impinger method to measure DNA of Aspergillus flavus complex and Stachybotrys chartarum. Assessment of particulate matter (PM) was also conducted with portable direct-reading equipment. Particles concentration measurement was performed at five different sizes (PM0.5; PM1; PM2.5; PM5; PM10). With respect to the waste sorting plant, three species more frequently isolated in air and surfaces were A. niger (73.9%; 66.1%), A. fumigatus (16%; 13.8%), and A. flavus (8.7%; 14.2%). In the incineration plant, the most prevalent species detected in air samples were Penicillium sp. (62.9%), A. fumigatus (18%), and A. flavus (6%), while the most frequently isolated in surface samples were Penicillium sp. (57.5%), A. fumigatus (22.3%) and A. niger (12.8%). Stachybotrys chartarum and other toxinogenic strains from A. flavus complex were not detected. The most common PM sizes obtained were the PM10 and PM5 (inhalable fraction). Since waste is the main internal fungal source in the analyzed settings, preventive and protective measures need to be maintained to avoid worker exposure to fungi and their metabolites.


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Individuals spend 80-90% of their day indoors and elderly subjects are likely to spend even a greater amount of time indoors. Thus, indoor air pollutants such as bioaerosols may exert a significant impact on this age group. The aim of this study was to characterize fungal contamination within Portuguese elderly care centers. Fungi were measured using conventional as well as molecular methods in bedrooms, living rooms, canteens, storage areas, and outdoors. Bioaerosols were evaluated before and after the microenvironments' occupancy in order to understand the role played by occupancy in fungal contamination. Fungal load results varied from 32 colony-forming units CFU m(-3) in bedrooms to 228 CFU m(-3) in storage areas. Penicillium sp. was the most frequently isolated (38.1%), followed by Aspergillus sp. (16.3%) and Chrysonilia sp. (4.2%). With respect to Aspergillus genus, three different fungal species in indoor air were detected, with A. candidus (62.5%) the most prevalent. On surfaces, 40 different fungal species were isolated and the most frequent was Penicillium sp. (22.2%), followed by Aspergillus sp. (17.3%). Real-time polymerase chain reaction did not detect the presence of A. fumigatus complex. Species from Penicillium and Aspergillus genera were the most abundant in air and surfaces. The species A. fumigatus was present in 12.5% of all indoor microenvironments assessed. The living room was the indoor microenvironment with lowest fungal concentration and the storage area was highest.


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The ECG signal has been shown to contain relevant information for human identification. Even though results validate the potential of these signals, data acquisition methods and apparatus explored so far compromise user acceptability, requiring the acquisition of ECG at the chest. In this paper, we propose a finger-based ECG biometric system, that uses signals collected at the fingers, through a minimally intrusive 1-lead ECG setup recurring to Ag/AgCl electrodes without gel as interface with the skin. The collected signal is significantly more noisy than the ECG acquired at the chest, motivating the application of feature extraction and signal processing techniques to the problem. Time domain ECG signal processing is performed, which comprises the usual steps of filtering, peak detection, heartbeat waveform segmentation, and amplitude normalization, plus an additional step of time normalization. Through a simple minimum distance criterion between the test patterns and the enrollment database, results have revealed this to be a promising technique for biometric applications.


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Filamentous fungi from genus Aspergillus were previously detected in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) as being Aspergillus flavus (A. flavus), an important toxigenic fungus producing aflatoxins. This study aimed to determine occupational exposure adverse effects due to fungal contamination produced by A. flavus complex in two Portuguese WWTP using conventional and molecular methodologies. Air samples from two WWTP were collected at 1 m height through impaction method. Surface samples were collected by swabbing surfaces of the same indoor sites. After counting A. flavus and identification, detection of aflatoxin production was ensured through inoculation of seven inoculates in coconut-milk agar. Plates were examined under long-wave ultraviolet (UV; 365 nm) illumination to search for the presence of fluorescence in the growing colonies. To apply molecular methods, air samples were also collected using the impinger method. Samples were collected and collection liquid was subsequently used for DNA extraction. Molecular identification of A. flavus was achieved by real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using the Rotor-Gene 6000 qPCR detection system (Corbett). Among the Aspergillus genus, the species that were more abundant in air samples from both WWTP were Aspergillus versicolor (38%), Aspergillus candidus (29.1%), and Aspergillus sydowii (12.7%). However, the most commonly species found on surfaces were A. flavus (47.3%), Aspergillus fumigatus (34.4%), and Aspergillus sydowii (10.8%). Aspergillus flavus isolates that were inoculated in coconut agar medium were not identified as toxigenic strains and were not detected by RT-PCR in any of the analyzed samples from both plants. Data in this study indicate the need for monitoring fungal contamination in this setting. Although toxigenic strains were not detected from A. flavus complex, one cannot disregard the eventual presence and potential toxicity of aflatoxins.


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Social concerns for environmental impact on air, water and soil pollution have grown along with the accelerated growth of pig production. This study intends to characterize air contamination caused by fungi and particles in swine production, and, additionally, to conclude about their eventual environmental impact. Fiftysix air samples of 50 litters were collected through impaction method. Air sampling and particle matter concentration were performed in indoor and also outdoor premises. Simultaneously, temperature and relative humidity were monitored according to the International Standard ISO 7726 – 1998. Aspergillus versicolor presents the highest indoor spore counts (>2000 CFU/m3) and the highest overall prevalence (40.5%), followed by Scopulariopsis brevicaulis (17.0%) and Penicillium sp. (14.1%). All the swine farms showed indoor fungal species different from the ones identified outdoors and the most frequent genera were also different from the ones indoors. The distribution of particle size showed the same tendency in all swine farms (higher concentration values in PM5 and PM10 sizes). Through the ratio between the indoor and outdoor values, it was possible to conclude that CFU/m3 and particles presented an eventual impact in outdoor measurements.


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Cork is a light, porous and impermeable material extracted from the bark of some trees. It is in manufacture of stoppers for wine bottles the main application of cork. It is estimated that the area occupied by cork oaks in the Iberian Peninsula is around 33% in Portugal and 23% in Spain. The world production of cork is focused in the south Europe, with Portugal being the most important producer followed by Spain. According to Companies Directory more than 100 manufactories from Portugal has their branch associated with the preparation and fabrication of cork. Cork workers are at risk for developing diseases of the respiratory tract such as occupational asthma and Suberosis, a form of pulmonary hypersensitivity due to repeated exposure to mouldy cork dust. In this review study papers from 2000 were analyzed to better understand which fungi species are associated with occupational disease in cork workers. The most prevalent fungi species in these workers that are associated with those occupational diseases are Penicilliumglabrum, Chrysoniliasitophila and Trichodermalongibrachiatum. Therefore, a specific knowledge about occupational exposure to fungi in the cork industry is the key to better understand the related diseases and to define preventive measures. Given the importance of this occupational setting in Portugal is essential to evaluate the combined exposure of fungi and particles and their metabolites. Further studies concerning exposure assessment to fungi and particles in the cork industry must be developed.


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Chrysonilia sitophila is a common mould in cork industry and has been identified as a cause of IgE sensitization and occupational asthma. This fungal species have a fast growth rate that may inhibit others species’ growth causing underestimated data from characterization of occupational fungal exposure. Aiming to ascertain occupational exposure to fungi in cork industry, were analyzed papers from 2000 about the best air sampling method, to obtain quantification and identification of all airborne culturable fungi, besides the ones that have fast-growing rates. Impaction method don’t allows the collection of a representative air volume, because even with some media that restricts the growth of the colonies, in environments with higher fungal load, such as cork industry, the counting of the colonies is very difficult. Otherwise, impinger method permits the collection of a representative air volume, since we can make dilution of the collected volume. Besides culture methods that allows fungal identification trough macro- and micro-morphology, growth features, thermotolerance and ecological data, we can apply molecular biology with the impinger method, to detect the presence of non-viable particles and potential mycotoxin producers’ strains, and also to detect mycotoxins presence with ELISA or HPLC. Selection of the best air sampling method in each setting is crucial to achieve characterization of occupational exposure to fungi. Information about the prevalent fungal species in each setting and also the eventual fungal load it’s needed for a criterious selection.


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Worldwide formaldehyde is manipulated with diverse usage properties, since industrial purposes to health laboratory objectives, representing the economic importance of this chemical agent. Therefore, many people are exposed to formaldehyde environmentally and/or occupationally. Considering the latter, there was recommended occupational exposure limits based on threshold mechanisms, limit values and indoor guidelines. Formaldehyde is classified by the International Agency for Cancer Research (IARC) as carcinogenic to humans (group 1), since a wide range of epidemiological studies in occupational exposure settings have suggested possible links between the concentration and duration of exposure and elevated risks of nasopharyngeal cancer, and others cancers, and more recently, with leukemia. Although there are different classifications, such as U.S. EPA that classified formaldehyde as a B1 compound, probable human carcinogen under the conditions of unusually high or prolonged exposure, on basis of limited evidence in humans but with sufficient evidence in animals. Formaldehyde genotoxicity is well-known, being a direct-acting genotoxic compound positively associated for almost all genetic endpoints evaluated in bacteria, yeast, fungi, plants, insects, nematodes, and cultured mammalian cells. There are many human biomonitoring studies that associate formaldehyde occupational exposure to genomic instability, and consequently possible health effects. Besides the link with cancer, also other pathologies and symptoms are associated with formaldehyde exposure, namely respiratory disorders such as asthma, and allergic contact dermatitis. Nowadays, there are efforts to reduce formaldehyde exposure, namely indoor. Europe and United States developed more strict regulation regarding formaldehyde emissions from materials containing this agent. Despite the regulations and restrictions, formaldehyde still continues to be difficult to eliminate or substitute, being biomonitoring an important tool to control possible future health effects.


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Introduction: The purpose of this review is to gather and analyse current research publications to evaluate Sinogram-Affirmed Iterative Reconstruction (SAFIRE). The aim of this review is to investigate whether this algorithm is capable of reducing the dose delivered during CT imaging while maintaining image quality. Recent research shows that children have a greater risk per unit dose due to increased radiosensitivity and longer life expectancies, which means it is particularly important to reduce the radiation dose received by children. Discussion: Recent publications suggest that SAFIRE is capable of reducing image noise in CT images, thereby enabling the potential to reduce dose. Some publications suggest a decrease in dose, by up to 64% compared to filtered back projection, can be accomplished without a change in image quality. However, literature suggests that using a higher SAFIRE strength may alter the image texture, creating an overly ‘smoothed’ image that lacks contrast. Some literature reports SAFIRE gives decreased low contrast detectability as well as spatial resolution. Publications tend to agree that SAFIRE strength three is optimal for an acceptable level of visual image quality, but more research is required. The importance of creating a balance between dose reduction and image quality is stressed. In this literature review most of the publications were completed using adults or phantoms, and a distinct lack of literature for paediatric patients is noted. Conclusion: It is necessary to find an optimal way to balance dose reduction and image quality. More research relating to SAFIRE and paediatric patients is required to fully investigate dose reduction potential in this population, for a range of different SAFIRE strengths.


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High loads of fungi have been reported in different types of waste management plants. This study intends to assess fungal contamination in one waste-sorting plant before and after cleaning procedures in order to analyze their effectiveness. Air samples of 50 L were collected through an impaction method, while surface samples, taken at the same time, were collected by the swabbing method and subject to further macro- and microscopic observations. In addition, we collected air samples of 250 L using the impinger Coriolis μ air sampler (Bertin Technologies) at 300 L/min airflow rate in order to perform real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) amplification of genes from specific fungal species, namely Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus flavus complexes, as well as Stachybotrys chartarum species. Fungal quantification in the air ranged from 180 to 5,280 CFU m−3 before cleaning and from 220 to 2,460 CFU m−3 after cleaning procedures. Surfaces presented results that ranged from 29 × 104 to 109 × 104 CFU m−2 before cleaning and from 11 × 104 to 89 × 104 CFU m−2 after cleaning. Statistically significant differences regarding fungal load were not detected between before and after cleaning procedures. Toxigenic strains from A. flavus complex and S. chartarum were not detected by qPCR. Conversely, the A. fumigatus species was successfully detected by qPCR and interestingly it was amplified in two samples where no detection by conventional methods was observed. Overall, these results reveal the inefficacy of the cleaning procedures and that it is important to determine fungal burden in order to carry out risk assessment.


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Fungi on crops produce mycotoxins in the field, during handling, and in storage. Exposure of animals and humans are usually through consumption of contaminated feedstuffs or foods. Molds can grow and mycotoxins can be produced either pre-harvest or post-harvest, during storage, transport, processing, or feeding. Worldwide, approximately 25% of crops are affected by mycotoxins annually. Because of this is possible to concluded that mycotoxins occur frequently in a variety of feedstuffs that are given to animals causing several effects: subclinical losses in performance, increases the incidence of disease and reduced reproductive performance. Aim of study: A study was developed intending to know environmental fungal contamination in a Portuguese feed production unit. Corn, wheat and soybeans were the most common cereals used in the feed production.


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Recent studies suggest that sand can serve as a vehicle for exposure of humans to pathogens at beach sites, resulting in increased health risks. Sampling for microorganisms in sand should therefore be considered for inclusion in regulatory programmes aimed at protecting recreational beach users from infectious disease. Here, we review the literature on pathogen levels in beach sand, and their potential for affecting human health. In an effort to provide specific recommendations for sand sampling programmes, we outline published guidelines for beach monitoring programmes, which are currently focused exclusively on measuring microbial levels in water. We also provide background on spatial distribution and temporal characteristics of microbes in sand, as these factors influence sampling programmes. First steps toward establishing a sand sampling programme include identifying appropriate beach sites and use of initial sanitary assessments to refine site selection. A tiered approach is recommended for monitoring. This approach would include the analysis of samples from many sites for faecal indicator organisms and other conventional analytes, while testing for specific pathogens and unconventional indicators is reserved for high-risk sites. Given the diversity of microbes found in sand, studies are urgently needed to identify the most significant aetiological agent of disease and to relate microbial measurements in sand to human health risk.


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Fitness centres are special places where conditions for microbiological proliferation should be considered. Moisture due to human perspiration and water condensation as a result of human physical activities are prevalent in this type of buildings. Exposure to microbial contaminants is clinically associated with respiratory disorders and people who work out in polluted environments would be susceptible to contaminants. This work studied the indoor air contamination in three gymnasiums in Lisbon. The sampling was performed at two periods: at the opening (morning) and closing (night) of the three gymnasiums. The airborne bacterial and fungal populations were sampled by impaction directly onto Tryptic Soy Agar (for bacteria) and Malt Extract Agar (for fungi) plates, using a Merck MAS-100 air sampler. Higher bacterial concentrations were found at night as compared to the morning but the same behaviour was not found for fungal concentrations. Gram-negative catalase positive cocci were the dominant bacteria in indoor air samples of the studied gymnasiums. In this study, 21 genera/species of fungal colonies were identified. Chrysosporium sp., Chrysonilia sp., Neoscytalidium hialinum, Sepedonium sp. and Penicillium sp. were the most prevalent species identified in the morning, while Cladosporium sp., Penicillium sp., Chrysosporium sp., Acremonium sp. and Chrysonilia sp. were more prevalent at night. A well-designed sanitation and maintenance program for gymnasiums is needed to ensure healthier space for indoor physical activity.