32 resultados para graphics processor


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.


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This letter presents a new parallel method for hyperspectral unmixing composed by the efficient combination of two popular methods: vertex component analysis (VCA) and sparse unmixing by variable splitting and augmented Lagrangian (SUNSAL). First, VCA extracts the endmember signatures, and then, SUNSAL is used to estimate the abundance fractions. Both techniques are highly parallelizable, which significantly reduces the computing time. A design for the commodity graphics processing units of the two methods is presented and evaluated. Experimental results obtained for simulated and real hyperspectral data sets reveal speedups up to 100 times, which grants real-time response required by many remotely sensed hyperspectral applications.


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Floating-point computing with more than one TFLOP of peak performance is already a reality in recent Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA). General-Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) and recent many-core CPUs have also taken advantage of the recent technological innovations in integrated circuit (IC) design and had also dramatically improved their peak performances. In this paper, we compare the trends of these computing architectures for high-performance computing and survey these platforms in the execution of algorithms belonging to different scientific application domains. Trends in peak performance, power consumption and sustained performances, for particular applications, show that FPGAs are increasing the gap to GPUs and many-core CPUs moving them away from high-performance computing with intensive floating-point calculations. FPGAs become competitive for custom floating-point or fixed-point representations, for smaller input sizes of certain algorithms, for combinational logic problems and parallel map-reduce problems. © 2014 Technical University of Munich (TUM).


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Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores


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In this paper we exploit the nonlinear property of the SiC multilayer devices to design an optical processor for error detection that enables reliable delivery of spectral data of four-wave mixing over unreliable communication channels. The SiC optical processor is realized by using double pin/pin a-SiC:H photodetector with front and back biased optical gating elements. Visible pulsed signals are transmitted together at different bit sequences. The combined optical signal is analyzed. Data show that the background acts as selector that picks one or more states by splitting portions of the input multi optical signals across the front and back photodiodes. Boolean operations such as EXOR and three bit addition are demonstrated optically, showing that when one or all of the inputs are present, the system will behave as an XOR gate representing the SUM. When two or three inputs are on, the system acts as AND gate indicating the present of the CARRY bit. Additional parity logic operations are performed using four incoming pulsed communication channels that are transmitted and checked for errors together. As a simple example of this approach, we describe an all-optical processor for error detection and then provide an experimental demonstration of this idea. (C) 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Relatório de Estágio submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Design de Cena.


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This paper presents a new parallel implementation of a previously hyperspectral coded aperture (HYCA) algorithm for compressive sensing on graphics processing units (GPUs). HYCA method combines the ideas of spectral unmixing and compressive sensing exploiting the high spatial correlation that can be observed in the data and the generally low number of endmembers needed in order to explain the data. The proposed implementation exploits the GPU architecture at low level, thus taking full advantage of the computational power of GPUs using shared memory and coalesced accesses to memory. The proposed algorithm is evaluated not only in terms of reconstruction error but also in terms of computational performance using two different GPU architectures by NVIDIA: GeForce GTX 590 and GeForce GTX TITAN. Experimental results using real data reveals signficant speedups up with regards to serial implementation.


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Hyperspectral imaging can be used for object detection and for discriminating between different objects based on their spectral characteristics. One of the main problems of hyperspectral data analysis is the presence of mixed pixels, due to the low spatial resolution of such images. This means that several spectrally pure signatures (endmembers) are combined into the same mixed pixel. Linear spectral unmixing follows an unsupervised approach which aims at inferring pure spectral signatures and their material fractions at each pixel of the scene. The huge data volumes acquired by such sensors put stringent requirements on processing and unmixing methods. This paper proposes an efficient implementation of a unsupervised linear unmixing method on GPUs using CUDA. The method finds the smallest simplex by solving a sequence of nonsmooth convex subproblems using variable splitting to obtain a constraint formulation, and then applying an augmented Lagrangian technique. The parallel implementation of SISAL presented in this work exploits the GPU architecture at low level, using shared memory and coalesced accesses to memory. The results herein presented indicate that the GPU implementation can significantly accelerate the method's execution over big datasets while maintaining the methods accuracy.


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Hyperspectral imaging has become one of the main topics in remote sensing applications, which comprise hundreds of spectral bands at different (almost contiguous) wavelength channels over the same area generating large data volumes comprising several GBs per flight. This high spectral resolution can be used for object detection and for discriminate between different objects based on their spectral characteristics. One of the main problems involved in hyperspectral analysis is the presence of mixed pixels, which arise when the spacial resolution of the sensor is not able to separate spectrally distinct materials. Spectral unmixing is one of the most important task for hyperspectral data exploitation. However, the unmixing algorithms can be computationally very expensive, and even high power consuming, which compromises the use in applications under on-board constraints. In recent years, graphics processing units (GPUs) have evolved into highly parallel and programmable systems. Specifically, several hyperspectral imaging algorithms have shown to be able to benefit from this hardware taking advantage of the extremely high floating-point processing performance, compact size, huge memory bandwidth, and relatively low cost of these units, which make them appealing for onboard data processing. In this paper, we propose a parallel implementation of an augmented Lagragian based method for unsupervised hyperspectral linear unmixing on GPUs using CUDA. The method called simplex identification via split augmented Lagrangian (SISAL) aims to identify the endmembers of a scene, i.e., is able to unmix hyperspectral data sets in which the pure pixel assumption is violated. The efficient implementation of SISAL method presented in this work exploits the GPU architecture at low level, using shared memory and coalesced accesses to memory.


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Remote hyperspectral sensors collect large amounts of data per flight usually with low spatial resolution. It is known that the bandwidth connection between the satellite/airborne platform and the ground station is reduced, thus a compression onboard method is desirable to reduce the amount of data to be transmitted. This paper presents a parallel implementation of an compressive sensing method, called parallel hyperspectral coded aperture (P-HYCA), for graphics processing units (GPU) using the compute unified device architecture (CUDA). This method takes into account two main properties of hyperspectral dataset, namely the high correlation existing among the spectral bands and the generally low number of endmembers needed to explain the data, which largely reduces the number of measurements necessary to correctly reconstruct the original data. Experimental results conducted using synthetic and real hyperspectral datasets on two different GPU architectures by NVIDIA: GeForce GTX 590 and GeForce GTX TITAN, reveal that the use of GPUs can provide real-time compressive sensing performance. The achieved speedup is up to 20 times when compared with the processing time of HYCA running on one core of the Intel i7-2600 CPU (3.4GHz), with 16 Gbyte memory.


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The application of compressive sensing (CS) to hyperspectral images is an active area of research over the past few years, both in terms of the hardware and the signal processing algorithms. However, CS algorithms can be computationally very expensive due to the extremely large volumes of data collected by imaging spectrometers, a fact that compromises their use in applications under real-time constraints. This paper proposes four efficient implementations of hyperspectral coded aperture (HYCA) for CS, two of them termed P-HYCA and P-HYCA-FAST and two additional implementations for its constrained version (CHYCA), termed P-CHYCA and P-CHYCA-FAST on commodity graphics processing units (GPUs). HYCA algorithm exploits the high correlation existing among the spectral bands of the hyperspectral data sets and the generally low number of endmembers needed to explain the data, which largely reduces the number of measurements necessary to correctly reconstruct the original data. The proposed P-HYCA and P-CHYCA implementations have been developed using the compute unified device architecture (CUDA) and the cuFFT library. Moreover, this library has been replaced by a fast iterative method in the P-HYCA-FAST and P-CHYCA-FAST implementations that leads to very significant speedup factors in order to achieve real-time requirements. The proposed algorithms are evaluated not only in terms of reconstruction error for different compressions ratios but also in terms of computational performance using two different GPU architectures by NVIDIA: 1) GeForce GTX 590; and 2) GeForce GTX TITAN. Experiments are conducted using both simulated and real data revealing considerable acceleration factors and obtaining good results in the task of compressing remotely sensed hyperspectral data sets.


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Endmember extraction (EE) is a fundamental and crucial task in hyperspectral unmixing. Among other methods vertex component analysis ( VCA) has become a very popular and useful tool to unmix hyperspectral data. VCA is a geometrical based method that extracts endmember signatures from large hyperspectral datasets without the use of any a priori knowledge about the constituent spectra. Many Hyperspectral imagery applications require a response in real time or near-real time. Thus, to met this requirement this paper proposes a parallel implementation of VCA developed for graphics processing units. The impact on the complexity and on the accuracy of the proposed parallel implementation of VCA is examined using both simulated and real hyperspectral datasets.


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One of the main problems of hyperspectral data analysis is the presence of mixed pixels due to the low spatial resolution of such images. Linear spectral unmixing aims at inferring pure spectral signatures and their fractions at each pixel of the scene. The huge data volumes acquired by hyperspectral sensors put stringent requirements on processing and unmixing methods. This letter proposes an efficient implementation of the method called simplex identification via split augmented Lagrangian (SISAL) which exploits the graphics processing unit (GPU) architecture at low level using Compute Unified Device Architecture. SISAL aims to identify the endmembers of a scene, i.e., is able to unmix hyperspectral data sets in which the pure pixel assumption is violated. The proposed implementation is performed in a pixel-by-pixel fashion using coalesced accesses to memory and exploiting shared memory to store temporary data. Furthermore, the kernels have been optimized to minimize the threads divergence, therefore achieving high GPU occupancy. The experimental results obtained for the simulated and real hyperspectral data sets reveal speedups up to 49 times, which demonstrates that the GPU implementation can significantly accelerate the method's execution over big data sets while maintaining the methods accuracy.


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Parallel hyperspectral unmixing problem is considered in this paper. A semisupervised approach is developed under the linear mixture model, where the abundance's physical constraints are taken into account. The proposed approach relies on the increasing availability of spectral libraries of materials measured on the ground instead of resorting to endmember extraction methods. Since Libraries are potentially very large and hyperspectral datasets are of high dimensionality a parallel implementation in a pixel-by-pixel fashion is derived to properly exploits the graphics processing units (GPU) architecture at low level, thus taking full advantage of the computational power of GPUs. Experimental results obtained for real hyperspectral datasets reveal significant speedup factors, up to 164 times, with regards to optimized serial implementation.