20 resultados para Thermo-mechanical Theory
Basaltic rocks are the main component of the oceanic upper crust, thus of potential interest for water and geothermal resources, storage of CO2 and volcanic edifice stability. In this work, we investigated experimentally the mechanical behavior and the failure modes of a porous basalt, with an initial connected porosity of 18%. Results were acquired under triaxial compression experiments at confining pressure in the range of 25-200 MPa on water saturated samples. In addition, a purely hydrostatic test was also performed to reach the pore collapse critical pressure P*. During hydrostatic loading, our results show that the permeability is highly pressure dependent, which suggests that the permeability is mainly controlled by pre-existing cracks. When the sample is deformed at pressure higher than the pore collapse pressure P*, some very small dilatancy develops due to microcracking, and an increase in permeability is observed. Under triaxial loading, two modes of deformation can be highlighted. At low confining pressure (Pc < 50 MPa), the samples are brittle and shear localization occurs. For confining pressure > 50 MPa, the stress-strain curves are characterized by strain hardening and volumetric compaction. Stress drops are also observed, suggesting that compaction may be localized. The presence of compaction bands is confirmed by our microstructure analysis. In addition, the mechanical data allows us to plot the full yield surface for this porous basalt, which follows an elliptic cap as previously observed in high porosity sandstones and limestones.
We discuss theoretical and phenomenological aspects of two-Higgs-doublet extensions of the Standard Model. In general, these extensions have scalar mediated flavour changing neutral currents which are strongly constrained by experiment. Various strategies are discussed to control these flavour changing scalar currents and their phenomenological consequences are analysed. In particular, scenarios with natural flavour conservation are investigated, including the so-called type I and type II models as well as lepton-specific and inert models. Type III models are then discussed, where scalar flavour changing neutral currents are present at tree level, but are suppressed by either a specific ansatz for the Yukawa couplings or by the introduction of family symmetries leading to a natural suppression mechanism. We also consider the phenomenology of charged scalars in these models. Next we turn to the role of symmetries in the scalar sector. We discuss the six symmetry-constrained scalar potentials and their extension into the fermion sector. The vacuum structure of the scalar potential is analysed, including a study of the vacuum stability conditions on the potential and the renormalization-group improvement of these conditions is also presented. The stability of the tree level minimum of the scalar potential in connection with electric charge conservation and its behaviour under CP is analysed. The question of CP violation is addressed in detail, including the cases of explicit CP violation and spontaneous CP violation. We present a detailed study of weak basis invariants which are odd under CP. These invariants allow for the possibility of studying the CP properties of any two-Higgs-doublet model in an arbitrary Higgs basis. A careful study of spontaneous CP violation is presented, including an analysis of the conditions which have to be satisfied in order for a vacuum to violate CP. We present minimal models of CP violation where the vacuum phase is sufficient to generate a complex CKM matrix, which is at present a requirement for any realistic model of spontaneous CP violation.
Resumo: Cement, as well as the remaining constituents of self-compacting mortars, must be carefully selected, in order to obtain an adequate composition with a granular mix as compact as possible and a good performance in the fresh state (self-compacting effect) and the hardened state (mechanical and durability-related behavior). Therefore in this work the possibility of incorporating nano particles in self-compacting mortars was studied. Nano materials are very reactive due mostly to their high specific surface and show a great potential to improve the properties of these mortars, both in mechanical and durability terms. In this work two nano materials were used, nano silica (nano SiO2) in colloidal state and nano titanium (nano TiO2) in amorphous state, in two types of self-compacting mortars (ratio binder:sand of 1:1 and 1:2). The self-compacting mortar mixes have the same water/cement ratio and 30% of replacement of cement with fly ashes. The influence of nano materials nano-SiO2 and nano-TiO2 on the fresh and hardened state properties of these self-compacting mortars was studied. The results show that the use of nano materials in repair and rehabilitation mortars has significant potential but still needs to be optimized. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This research aims at analysing the mechanical performance of concrete with recycled aggregates (RA) from construction and demolition waste (CDW) from various locations in Portugal. First the characteristics of the various aggregates (natural and recycled) used in the production of concrete were thoroughly analysed. The composition of the RA was determined and several physical and chemical tests of the aggregates were performed. In order to evaluate the mechanical performance of concrete, compressive strength (in cubes and cylinders), splitting tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and abrasion resistance tests were performed. Concrete mixes with RA from CDW from several recycling plants were evaluated, in order to understand the influence that the RA's collection point, and consequently their composition, has on the characteristics of the mixes produced. The analysis of the mechanical performance allowed concluding that the use of RA worsens most of the properties tested, especially when fine RA are used. On the other hand, there was an increase in abrasion resistance when coarse RA were used. In global terms, the use of this type of aggregates, in limited contents, is viable from a mechanical viewpoint. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We generalize Wertheim's first order perturbation theory to account for the effect in the thermodynamics of the self-assembly of rings characterized by two energy scales. The theory is applied to a lattice model of patchy particles and tested against Monte Carlo simulations on a fcc lattice. These particles have 2 patches of type A and 10 patches of type B, which may form bonds AA or AB that decrease the energy by epsilon(AA) and by epsilon(AB) = r epsilon(AA), respectively. The angle theta between the 2 A-patches on each particle is fixed at 601, 90 degrees or 120 degrees. For values of r below 1/2 and above a threshold r(th)(theta) the models exhibit a phase diagram with two critical points. Both theory and simulation predict that rth increases when theta decreases. We show that the mechanism that prevents phase separation for models with decreasing values of theta is related to the formation of loops containing AB bonds. Moreover, we show that by including the free energy of B-rings ( loops containing one AB bond), the theory describes the trends observed in the simulation results, but that for the lowest values of theta, the theoretical description deteriorates due to the increasing number of loops containing more than one AB bond.