24 resultados para Sermones inter unius auctoris collectionem. De Sanctis et festis Crux (sancta)
A criação artística há muito que evoluí a par com desenvolvimento tecnológico. As novas tecnologias e as novas ferramentas que lhes estão associadas têm possibilitado não só novos meios de expressão, como também contribuído para uma alteração do próprio processo criativo. Desde a câmara obscura utilizada por Canaletto às imagens algorítmicas de George Legrady, muitos são os exemplos da influência das novas tecnologias na expressão e evolução da criação artística. Porém, a esta evolução estão também associadas transformações nos processos de trabalho, e no modo de colaboração entre as várias áreas de saber e suas diferentes especialidades. Os processos condicionam os resultados e no caso concreto do campo artístico representam importantes fatores potenciadores ou condicionadores da interdisciplinaridade e da transdisciplinaridade. Se, por um lado, as tecnologias digitais potenciam uma maior colaboração entre profissionais, por outro poderão ser responsáveis por uma maior fragmentação e hiperespecialização das diferentes fases do processo criativo. As plataformas de convergência, através da standartização de linguagens e ferramentas, induzem a criação artística para uma uniformização dos processos e para uma consequente uniformização dos resultados. A presente comunicação propõe uma reflexão, através da análise de diferentes estudos de caso, sobre a influência dos processos criativos e diferentes metodologias de projeto das artes audiovisuais na inter e transdisciplinaridade.
Coastal low-level jets (CLLJ) are a low-tropospheric wind feature driven by the pressure gradient produced by a sharp contrast between high temperatures over land and lower temperatures over the sea. This contrast between the cold ocean and the warm land in the summer is intensified by the impact of the coastal parallel winds on the ocean generating upwelling currents, sharpening the temperature gradient close to the coast and giving rise to strong baroclinic structures at the coast. During summertime, the Iberian Peninsula is often under the effect of the Azores High and of a thermal low pressure system inland, leading to a seasonal wind, in the west coast, called the Nortada (northerly wind). This study presents a regional climatology of the CLLJ off the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula, based on a 9km resolution downscaling dataset, produced using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) mesoscale model, forced by 19 years of ERA-Interim reanalysis (1989-2007). The simulation results show that the jet hourly frequency of occurrence in the summer is above 30% and decreases to about 10% during spring and autumn. The monthly frequencies of occurrence can reach higher values, around 40% in summer months, and reveal large inter-annual variability in all three seasons. In the summer, at a daily base, the CLLJ is present in almost 70% of the days. The CLLJ wind direction is mostly from north-northeasterly and occurs more persistently in three areas where the interaction of the jet flow with local capes and headlands is more pronounced. The coastal jets in this area occur at heights between 300 and 400 m, and its speed has a mean around 15 m/s, reaching maximum speeds of 25 m/s.
The potential of the electrocardiographic (ECG) signal as a biometric trait has been ascertained in the literature over the past decade. The inherent characteristics of the ECG make it an interesting biometric modality, given its universality, intrinsic aliveness detection, continuous availability, and inbuilt hidden nature. These properties enable the development of novel applications, where non-intrusive and continuous authentication are critical factors. Examples include, among others, electronic trading platforms, the gaming industry, and the auto industry, in particular for car sharing programs and fleet management solutions. However, there are still some challenges to overcome in order to make the ECG a widely accepted biometric. In particular, the questions of uniqueness (inter-subject variability) and permanence over time (intra-subject variability) are still largely unanswered. In this paper we focus on the uniqueness question, presenting a preliminary study of our biometric recognition system, testing it on a database encompassing 618 subjects. We also performed tests with subsets of this population. The results reinforce that the ECG is a viable trait for biometrics, having obtained an Equal Error Rate of 9.01% and an Error of Identification of 15.64% for the entire test population.
One-pot template condensation of CCl3C=N with ammonia on a metal source [MnCl2 center dot 4H(2)O, FeCl3 center dot 6H(2)O or Co(CH3COO)(2)center dot 4H(2)O] in DMSO led to the formation of tris(2,4-bis(trichloromethyl)-1,3,5-triazapentadienato)-M(III) complexes, [M(NH=C(CCl3)NC(CCl3)=-NH}(3)]center dot n(CH3)(2)SO [M = Mn, n = 1 (1); M = Fe, n = 2 (2); M = Co, n = 2 (3)1, which were characterized using elemental analysis, and IR, ESI-MS and single-crystal X-ray analysis. The role of inter- and intramolecular non-covalent halogen and hydrogen bonds in the synthesis of 1-3 is discussed. It is shown that the crystal ionic radii of the metal ions [68.5 (Co) < 69 (Fe) < 72 (Mn), pm] are related to the corresponding Cl center dot center dot center dot Cl distances [3.178 (3) > 3.155 (2) > 3.133 (1) Al. Compounds 1-3 and the related di(triazapentadienato)-Cu(v) complex [Cu(NH=C(CCl3)NC(CCl3)=NH}2]center dot 2(CH3)(2)SO (4) act as catalyst precursors for the additive-free microwave (MW) assisted homogeneous oxidation of 1-phenylethanol with tert-butylhydroperoxide (TBHP), leading to the formation of acetophenone with yields up to 99% and TONs up to 5.0 x 10(3) after 1 h of low power (10 W) MW irradiation.
Aim: Optimise a set of exposure factors, with the lowest effective dose, to delineate spinal curvature with the modified Cobb method in a full spine using computed radiography (CR) for a 5-year-old paediatric anthropomorphic phantom. Methods: Images were acquired by varying a set of parameters: positions (antero-posterior (AP), posteroanterior (PA) and lateral), kilo-voltage peak (kVp) (66-90), source-to-image distance (SID) (150 to 200cm), broad focus and the use of a grid (grid in/out) to analyse the impact on E and image quality (IQ). IQ was analysed applying two approaches: objective [contrast-to-noise-ratio/(CNR] and perceptual, using 5 observers. Monte-Carlo modelling was used for dose estimation. Cohen’s Kappa coefficient was used to calculate inter-observer-variability. The angle was measured using Cobb’s method on lateral projections under different imaging conditions. Results: PA promoted the lowest effective dose (0.013 mSv) compared to AP (0.048 mSv) and lateral (0.025 mSv). The exposure parameters that allowed lower dose were 200cm SID, 90 kVp, broad focus and grid out for paediatrics using an Agfa CR system. Thirty-seven images were assessed for IQ and thirty-two were classified adequate. Cobb angle measurements varied between 16°±2.9 and 19.9°±0.9. Conclusion: Cobb angle measurements can be performed using the lowest dose with a low contrast-tonoise ratio. The variation on measurements for this was ±2.9° and this is within the range of acceptable clinical error without impact on clinical diagnosis. Further work is recommended on improvement to the sample size and a more robust perceptual IQ assessment protocol for observers.
Purpose: To determine whether using different combinations of kVp and mAs with additional filtration can reduce the effective dose to a paediatric phantom whilst maintaining diagnostic image quality. Methods: 27 images of a paediatric AP pelvis phantom were acquired with different kVp, mAs and additional copper filtration. Images were displayed on quality controlled monitors with dimmed lighting. Ten diagnostic radiographers (5 students and 5 experienced radiographers) had eye tests to assess visual acuity before rating the images. Each image was rated for visual image quality against a reference image using 2 alternative forced choice software using a 5-point Likert scale. Physical measures (SNR and CNR) were also taken to assess image quality. Results: Of the 27 images rated, 13 of them were of acceptable image quality and had a dose lower than the image with standard acquisition parameters. Two were produced without filtration, 6 with 0.1mm and 5 with 0.2mm copper filtration. Statistical analysis found that the inter-rater and intra-rater reliability was high. Discussion: It is possible to obtain an image of acceptable image quality with a dose that is lower than published guidelines. There are some areas of the study that could be improved. These include using a wider range of kVp and mAs to give an exact set of parameters to use. Conclusion: Additional filtration has been identified as amajor tool for reducing effective dose whilst maintaining acceptable image quality in a 5 year old phantom.
Cet article se propose réfléchir à la présence créatrice du performer depuis la notion d’ambiance du choréographe japonais Y. Amagatzu. La notion d’ambiance est décrite par Yoshio Amagatzu comme une spatialité émergente de la rencontre des sujets – performers et public – dans l’espace performatif ; une spatialité sensible exprimant le potentiel de cette rencontre avec une « force orientatrice » spécifique. Mon approche s’intéresse en particulier aux conditions d’accordage (attunement) du performer au potentiel de cette spatialité émergente et aux effets de cette « adhérence perceptive» sur sa présence créatrice. Une approche qui m’a mené à étendre la notion de mouvement à l’espace de la relation performative, au delà des contours visibles du corps physique.
Brain dopamine transporters imaging by Single Emission Tomography (SPECT) with 123I-FP-CIT (DaTScanTM) has become an important tool in the diagnosis and evaluation of Parkinson syndromes.This diagnostic method allows the visualization of a portion of the striatum – where healthy pattern resemble two symmetric commas - allowing the evaluation of dopamine presynaptic system, in which dopamine transporters are responsible for dopamine release into the synaptic cleft, and their reabsorption into the nigrostriatal nerve terminals, in order to be stored or degraded. In daily practice for assessment of DaTScan TM, it is common to rely only on visual assessment for diagnosis. However, this process is complex and subjective as it depends on the observer’s experience and it is associated with high variability intra and inter observer. Studies have shown that semiquantification can improve the diagnosis of Parkinson syndromes. For semiquantification, analysis methods of image segmentation using regions of interest (ROI) are necessary. ROIs are drawn, in specific - striatum - and in nonspecific – background – uptake areas. Subsequently, specific binding ratios are calculated. Low adherence of semiquantification for diagnosis of Parkinson syndromes is related, not only with the associated time spent, but also with the need of an adapted database of reference values for the population concerned, as well as, the examination of each service protocol. Studies have concluded, that this process increases the reproducibility of semiquantification. The aim of this investigation was to create and validate a database of healthy controls for Dopamine transporters with DaTScanTM named DBRV. The created database has been adapted to the Nuclear Medicine Department’s protocol, and the population of Infanta Cristina’s Hospital located in Badajoz, Spain.
ABSTRACT - Derek Jarman was a multifaceted artist whose intermedial versatility reinforces a strong authorial discourse. He constructs an immersive allegorical world of hybrid art where different layers of cinematic, theatrical and painterly materials come together to convey a lyrical form and express a powerful ideological message. In Caravaggio (1986) and Edward II (1991), Jarman approaches two european historical figures from two different but concomitant perspectives. In Caravaggio, through the use of tableaux of abstract meaning and by focusing on the detailing of the models’ poses, Jarman re-enacts the allegorical spirit of Caravaggio’s paintings through entirely cinematic resources. Edward II was a king, and as a statesman he possessed a certain dose of showmanship. In this film Jarman reconstructs the theatrical basis of Christopher Marlowe’s Elizabethan play bringing it up to date in a successfully abstract approach to the musical stage. In this article, I intend to conjoin the practice of allegory in film with certain notions of existential phenomenology as advocated by Vivian Sobchack and Laura U. Marks, in order to address the relationship between the corporeality of the film and the lived bodies of the spectators. In this context, the allegory is a means to convey intradiegetically the sense-ability at play in the cinematic experience, reinforcing the textural and sensual nature of both film and viewer, which, in turn, is also materially enhanced in the film proper, touching the spectator in a supplementary fashion. The two corporealities favour an inter-artistic immersion achieved through coenaesthesia.