36 resultados para Resilience construct
ABSTRACT: Between pure documentary and pure fiction there are, more and more, a reasonable number of cinematic alternatives that convey a dimension of non-reality. Between the pointedly factual discourse and the irrational belief in an entirely narrative world, there intervenes an informed conviction in a truthful but nonexistent universe, in which the formal enunciation sells an image of objectivity. In a path that leads us from the forms and contents of reflexive and performative documentaries, according to Bill Nichols, and ends up in fake documentary itself, we will have the opportunity to stress the filmic construction and its inherent narrative purpose, be it a fictional story or the creator himself as character (others would say subject) of the cinematic construct. In a boomerang kind of logic, the more the objects direct us to a referent, the more they restore us a creative/authorial reference and, along with it, the narrative idea that instills it. In Woody Allen’s case, this storytelling manifests itself in the fake documentary genre, which works as if it is the reality, only to better manifest the sole reality that interests the director: that of the metacinema, or the cinema as self-referencial reality. The practical examples will be derived from the following films: Take the Money and Run (1969) e Husbands and Wives (1992).
Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia de Redes de Comunicação e Multimédia
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
Purpose – Quantitative instruments to assess patient safety culture have been developed recently and a few review articles have been published. Measuring safety culture enables healthcare managers and staff to improve safety behaviours and outcomes for patients and staff. The study aims to determine the AHRQ Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSPSC) Portuguese version's validity and reliability. Design/methodology/approach – A missing-value analysis and item analysis was performed to identify problematic items. Reliability analysis, inter-item correlations and inter-scale correlations were done to check internal consistency, composite scores. Inter-correlations were examined to assess construct validity. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed to investigate the observed data's fit to the dimensional structure proposed in the AHRQ HSPSC Portuguese version. To analyse differences between hospitals concerning composites scores, an ANOVA analysis and multiple comparisons were done. Findings – Eight of 12 dimensions had Cronbach's alphas higher than 0.7. The instrument as a whole achieved a high Cronbach's alpha (0.91). Inter-correlations showed that there is no dimension with redundant items, however dimension 10 increased its internal consistency when one item is removed. Originality/value – This study is the first to evaluate an American patient safety culture survey using Portuguese data. The survey has satisfactory reliability and construct validity.
Mestrado em Segurança e Higiene no Trabalho
Mestrado em Segurança e Higiene no Trabalho
A perspectiva cultural ou ritual de James W. Carey, expoente dos estudos culturais críticos nos EUA, para pensar a Comunicação, os media e o Jornalismo permanece praticamente desconhecida na língua portuguesa. Carey integra um conjunto de teóricos que, a partir da década de 1960, na Europa e nos EUA, procuraram caminhos alternativos à tradição de investigação norte-americana dominante, centrada nos efeitos, funções e usos dos mass media . Este artigo incide no ensaio fundador da sua proposta A cultural approach of communication (1975), embora não se confine ao mesmo. Três questões fundamentais são abordadas: Comunicação, Comunicação e modernidade e a visão cultural ou ritual da Comunicação. A hermenêutica crítica é a metodologia utilizada. Procura-se ir além das respostas de Carey ao seu contexto, destacando a sua contribuição para um entendimento da Comunicação como um ritual participatório no qual e através do qual os seres humanos geram, mantêm e transformam a cultura em que vivem.
Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar
Mestrado em Fisioterapia
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Especial, domínio Cognição e Multideficiência
The purpose of this paper is the design of an optoelectronic circuit based on a-SiC technology, able to act simultaneously as a 4-bit binary encoder or a binary decoder in a 4-to-16 line configurations and show multiplexer-based logical functions. The device consists of a p-i'(a-SiC:H)-n/p-i(a-Si:H)-n multilayered structure produced by PECVD. To analyze it under information-modulated wave (color channels) and uniform irradiation (background) four monochromatic pulsed lights (input channels): red, green, blue and violet shine on the device. Steady state optical bias was superimposed separately from the front and the back sides, and the generated photocurrent was measured. Results show that the devices, under appropriate optical bias, act as reconfigurable active filters that allow optical switching and optoelectronic logic functions development providing the possibility for selective removal of useless wavelengths. The logic functions needed to construct any other complex logic functions are the NOT, and both or either an AND or an OR. Any other complex logic function that might be found can also be used as building blocks to achieve the functions needed for the retrieval of channels within the WDM communication link. (C) 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
In video communication systems, the video signals are typically compressed and sent to the decoder through an error-prone transmission channel that may corrupt the compressed signal, causing the degradation of the final decoded video quality. In this context, it is possible to enhance the error resilience of typical predictive video coding schemes using as inspiration principles and tools from an alternative video coding approach, the so-called Distributed Video Coding (DVC), based on the Distributed Source Coding (DSC) theory. Further improvements in the decoded video quality after error-prone transmission may also be obtained by considering the perceptual relevance of the video content, as distortions occurring in different regions of a picture have a different impact on the user's final experience. In this context, this paper proposes a Perceptually Driven Error Protection (PDEP) video coding solution that enhances the error resilience of a state-of-the-art H.264/AVC predictive video codec using DSC principles and perceptual considerations. To increase the H.264/AVC error resilience performance, the main technical novelties brought by the proposed video coding solution are: (i) design of an improved compressed domain perceptual classification mechanism; (ii) design of an improved transcoding tool for the DSC-based protection mechanism; and (iii) integration of a perceptual classification mechanism in an H.264/AVC compliant codec with a DSC-based error protection mechanism. The performance results obtained show that the proposed PDEP video codec provides a better performing alternative to traditional error protection video coding schemes, notably Forward Error Correction (FEC)-based schemes. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In an attempt at explaining the observed neutrino mass-squared differences and leptonic mixing, lepton mass matrices with zero textures have been widely studied. In the weak basis where the charged lepton mass matrix is diagonal, various neutrino mass matrices with two zeros have been shown to be consistent with the current experimental data. Using the canonical and Smith normal form methods, we construct the minimal Abelian symmetry realizations of these phenomenological two-zero neutrino textures. The implementation of these symmetries in the context of the seesaw mechanism for Majorana neutrino masses is also discussed. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Descobrir o meio significa ter oportunidade de o observar, de o sentir, de o viver, de o experienciar, em suma, de interagir com ele. As crianças pequenas, quando estimuladas a descobrir o meio que as rodeia, desenvolvem um conjunto de competências que lhes permite a construção de imagens sobre o mundo nas suas múltiplas dimensões. O projeto que apresentamos surgiu de um percurso rotineiro pela área envolvente ao Jardim de Infância. Tem a particularidade de se desenvolver em meio rural, num contexto facilitador de experiências vivas e plenas de significado para as crianças. Percorrendo de forma integrada diferentes áreas de conteúdo, mas privilegiando o Conhecimento do Mundo, a Expressão Dramática e o Desenvolvimento Pessoal e Social, este projeto, centrado na descoberta do trator agrícola, procura no meio e na comunidade envolvente os recursos que o fazem crescer e que o tornam tão significativo para as crianças que nele se envolvem: os espaços, onde se constrói e partilha o conhecimento; os profissionais, a quem se colocam todas as questões e onde se procura ajuda para a realização das tarefas mais difíceis; as famílias, com quem se vive diariamente todo o processo.