37 resultados para Reconstructive dosimetry


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In this paper, we present the results of mammography quality control tests related to the work with Portuguese mammography equipment, either in conventional or in digital mammography computed radiography, showing the main differences in the tested equipments. Quality control in mammography is a very special area of quality control in radiology, which demands relatively high knowledge on physics. Digital imaging is changing the standards of the radiographic imaging. Regarding mammography, this is yet a controversial issue owing to some limitations of the digital detectors, like the resolution for instance. A complete set of results regarding radiation protection of the patients submitted to mammography diagnosis is presented. A discussion of the quality image parameters and its interpretation in conventional and digital mammography is presented. In conclusion, we present a sample of results that can be considered as characteristics of mammography equipment in Portugal.


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A calibração e o controlo da qualidade de um acelerador linear são passos muito importantes num serviço de Radioterapia, para garantir a qualidade dos tratamentos prestados. O sector da Física da Unidade de Radioterapia do Hospital Cuf Descobertas implementou um rigoroso Programa de controlo de qualidade ao equipamento produtor de radiação e aos equipamentos medidores de radiação, de acordo com o Dec-Lei 180/2002 e com os protocolos internacionais. Para tal, foram implementados procedimentos, criadas folhas de cálculo, instruções de trabalho e impressos. Foram ainda implementados testes aos equipamentos com periodicidade definida: controlo de qualidade diário e controlo de qualidade após intervenções (manutenções preventivas e correctivas). No decorrer do ano de 2005, o sector da Física colaborou activamente com toda a equipa da Radioterapia na implementação da Norma ISO 9001:2000 no serviço, contribuindo com o seu know how na implementação desta, numa área tão importante como a da garantia da qualidade dos feixes de radiação e das respectivas calibrações em dose. Numa procura de melhoria contínua da qualidade dos serviços prestados aos pacientes, decorre ainda uma auditoria externa da EQUAL-ESTRO*, intercomparação postal com dosímetros termoluminescentes. A qualidade dos feixes de energias utilizados diariamente é analisada, tanto ao nível das calibrações absolutas de cada um dos feixes de fotões e de electrões, como ao nível dos cálculos de dose obtidos com o sistema de planimetria XiO da CMS. Os resultados das duas primeiras fases da intercomparação, relativa aos dois feixes de fotões de 6 MV e 15 MV e feixes de electrões de 4 MeV, 8 MeV e 12 MeV, foram considerados pela EQUAL-ESTRO num nível óptimo (desvio máximo na dose medida em relação à dose de referência |d| ≤ 3%).


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Objectives - Review available guidance for quality assurance (QA) in mammography and discuss its contribution to harmonise practices worldwide. Methods - Literature search was performed on different sources to identify guidance documents for QA in mammography available worldwide in international bodies, healthcare providers, professional/scientific associations. The guidance documents identified were reviewed and a selection was compared for type of guidance (clinical/technical), technology and proposed QA methodologies focusing on dose and image quality (IQ) performance assessment. Results - Fourteen protocols (targeted at conventional and digital mammography) were reviewed. All included recommendations for testing acquisition, processing and display systems associated with mammographic equipment. All guidance reviewed highlighted the importance of dose assessment and testing the Automatic Exposure Control (AEC) system. Recommended tests for assessment of IQ showed variations in the proposed methodologies. Recommended testing focused on assessment of low-contrast detection, spatial resolution and noise. QC of image display is recommended following the American Association of Physicists in Medicine guidelines. Conclusions - The existing QA guidance for mammography is derived from key documents (American College of Radiology and European Union guidelines) and proposes similar tests despite the variations in detail and methodologies. Studies reported on QA data should provide detail on experimental technique to allow robust data comparison. Countries aiming to implement a mammography/QA program may select/prioritise the tests depending on available technology and resources.


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Radiotherapy (RT) is one of the most important approaches in the treatment of cancer and its performance can be improved in three different ways: through the optimization of the dose distribution, by the use of different irradiation techniques or through the study of radiobiological initiatives. The first is purely physical because is related to the physical dose distributiuon. The others are purely radiobiological because they increase the differential effect between the tumour and the health tissues. The Treatment Planning Systems (TPS) are used in RT to create dose distributions with the purpose to maximize the tumoral control and minimize the complications in the healthy tissues. The inverse planning uses dose optimization techniques that satisfy the criteria specified by the user, regarding the target and the organs at risk (OAR’s). The dose optimization is possible through the analysis of dose-volume histograms (DVH) and with the use of computed tomography, magnetic resonance and other digital image techniques.


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In 2012 we were awarded an Erasmus Intensive Programme grant to facilitate OPTIMAX 2013, a three week duration residential summer school held within the UK during August 2013. The summer school helped to further develop student radiographer skills in optimising x-radiation dose and image quality. With a major emphasis on visual techniques to determine image quality, lesion visibility, lesion detection performance and physical measures of image quality (eg signal to noise ratio (SNR)) we conducted controlled laboratory experiments on phantoms using Computed Radiography, CT and Full Field Digital Mammography. Mathematical modelling was used for radiation dose estimation. Sixty seven people from 5 European countries participated. This included 49 PhD, MSc and BSc students. Discipline areas included radiography, physics, biomedical science and nuclear medicine.


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Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde - Ramo de especialização: Imagem Digital com Radiação X


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Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde - Ramo de especialização: Terapia com Radiações


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Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às tecnologias da Saúde


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Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) is a technique introduced to shape more precisely the dose distributions to the tumour, providing a higher dose escalation in the volume to irradiate and simultaneously decreasing the dose in the organs at risk which consequently reduces the treatment toxicity. This technique is widely used in prostate and head and neck (H&N) tumours. Given the complexity and the use of high doses in this technique it’s necessary to ensure as a safe and secure administration of the treatment, through the use of quality control programmes for IMRT. The purpose of this study was to evaluate statistically the quality control measurements that are made for the IMRT plans in prostate and H&N patients, before the beginning of the treatment, analysing their variations, the percentage of rejected and repeated measurements, the average, standard deviations and the proportion relations.


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Atualmente a Tomografia Computorizada (TC) é o método de imagem que mais contribui para a dose coletiva resultante de exposições médicas. Este estudo pretende determinar os valores de Índice de Dose de TC (CTDI) e produto dose-comprimento (DLP) para os exames de crânio e tórax em adultos num equipamento de TC multidetetores; e efetuar uma análise objetiva e subjetiva da qualidade da imagem. Determinaram-se os valores de CTDI e DLP utilizando uma câmara de ionização e fantomas de crânio e tórax. Efetuou-se ainda uma análise objetiva e subjetiva da qualidade da imagem com o fantoma Catphan® 500 e observadores, respetivamente. Os resultados obtidos foram superiores relativamente às Guidelines europeias no protocolo de crânio (CTDIvol = 80,13 mGy e DLP = 1209,22 mGy.cm) e inferiores no protocolo de tórax (CTDIvol = 8,37 mGy e DLP = 274,71 mGy.cm). Na análise objetiva da qualidade da imagem, à exceção da resolução de baixo contraste no protocolo de crânio, todos os outros critérios analisados estavam em conformidade com a legislação. Na análise subjetiva da qualidade da imagem existiu uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as classificações atribuídas pelos observadores às imagens nos parâmetros avaliados (p = 0,000-0,005).


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Mestrado em Medicina Nuclear - Ramo de especialização: Radiofarmácia


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Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde- Ramo de especialização: Terapia com Radiações


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X-ray fluoroscopy is essential in both diagnosis and medical intervention, although it may contribute to significant radiation doses to patients that have to be optimised and justified. Therefore, it is crucial to the patient to be exposed to the lowest achievable dose without compromising the image quality. The purpose of this study was to perform an analysis of the quality control measurements, particularly dose rates, contrast and spatial resolution of Portuguese fluoroscopy equipment and also to provide a contribution to the establishment of reference levels for the equipment performance parameters. Measurements carried out between 2007 and 2013 on 143 fluoroscopy equipment distributed by 34 nationwide health units were analysed. The measurements suggest that image quality and dose rates of Portuguese equipment are congruent with other studies, and in general, they are as per the Portuguese law. However, there is still a possibility of improvements intending optimisation at a national level.