23 resultados para POBREZA - ANGOLA
No momento em que começam a ser melhor conhecidos os dinamismos que fazem dos pobres uma população flutuante, da qual uma parte substancial passa por episódios de pobreza que não se transformam numa condição definitiva, o projeto conducente a esta tese pretendeu caracterizar as trajetórias de mobilidade que consubstanciam os movimentos bem-‐sucedidos de fuga à destituição e à privação económica extrema. Com base num trabalho etnográfico junto de vinte e oito famílias residentes em dois bairros de habitação social metropolitanos, entrevistadas e acompanhadas ao longo de mais de dois anos, procuraram-‐se respostas para três tipos de interrogações. A primeira foi saber como surgiu a pobreza nas suas vidas, quais as causas que a provocaram e em que condições foi possível a sua ultrapassagem, cruzando na análise a evolução de factores estruturais com as estratégias e os projetos engendrados no plano individual e familiar. Reconstruídas as trajetórias, o segundo objectivo foi captar os modos de vida construídos após a saída da pobreza e a maneira como esses indivíduos e famílias se identificam socialmente no presente, face às posições que conquistaram para si próprios e às aspirações que mantêm. A esta segunda dimensão, de autoidentificação, esteve articulada uma terceira, a de recolher as representações dos sujeitos sobre o conjunto mais amplo das estruturas de desigualdade e das hierarquias sociais e económicas, desde as posições desfavorecidas que experimentaram pessoalmente aos lugares mais privilegiados a que só a imaginação dá acesso.
Background: In Angola, malaria is an endemic disease having a major impact on the economy. The WHO recommends testing for all suspected malaria cases, to avoid the presumptive treatment of this disease. In malaria endemic regions laboratory technicians must be very comfortable with microscopy, the golden standard for malaria diagnosis, to avoid the incorrect diagnosis. The improper use of medication promotes drug resistance and undesirable side effects. The present study aims to assess the impact of a three-day refresher course on the knowledge of technicians, quality of blood smears preparation and accuracy of microscopy malaria diagnosis, using qPCR as reference method. Methods: This study was implemented in laboratories from three hospitals in different provinces of Angola: Bengo, Benguela and Luanda. In each laboratory samples were collected before and after the training course (slide with thin and thick blood smears, a dried blood spot and a form). The impact of the intervention was evaluated through a written test, the quality of slide preparation and the performance of microscopy. Results: It was found a significant increase on the written test median score, from 52.5% to 65.0%. A total of 973 slides were analysed to evaluate the quality of thick and thin blood smears. Considering all laboratories there was a significant increase in quality of thick and thin blood smears. To determine the performance of microscopy using qPCR as the reference method we used 1,028 samples. Benguela presented the highest values for specificity, 92.9% and 98.8% pre and post-course, respectively and for sensitivity the best pre-course was Benguela (75.9%) and post-course Luanda (75.0%). However, no significant increase in sensitivity and specificity after the training course was registered in any laboratory analysed. Discussion: The findings of this study support the need of continuous refresher training for microscopists and other laboratory staff. The laboratories should have a quality control programme to supervise the diagnosis and also to assess the periodicity of new training. However, other variables needed to be considered to have a correct malaria diagnosis, such as adequate equipment and reagents for staining and visualization, good working conditions, motivated and qualified personnel.
Diarrhoea is the second leading cause of death in children under five years being responsible for 760.000 deaths, corresponding to 9% of the total deaths in this age group. Africa is the region with more deaths due to diarrhoea (46%), followed by South Asia (38%). Three quarters of the total of deaths occurs within only 15 countries and Angola is in the 15th position with a record of 20,000 annual childhood deaths. Diarrhoeal disease can be caused by bacterial, viral and parasitic infectious agents and can be transmited through contaminated food or drinking water, or directly from person to person. Rotavirus and Escherichia coli were shown the most frequent pathogenic agents in developing countries. This study aims to identify the most frequent pathogenic agents of diarrhoea in children under five atttending the Bengo General Hospital (BGH)..
A saúde da população em Angola reflete o duplo desafio epidemiológico entre as doenças infecciosas e o surgimento de doenças não transmissíveis e os seus determinantes sociais e biológicos. Em Angola, uma sociedade marcada por um crescimento económico extraordinariamente rápido e com grandes mudanças comportamentais associadas a esse crescimento, as doenças cardiovasculares representam já a segunda causa de morte. Objectivos: medição de tendências nos determinantes das doenças cardiovasculares como o tabagismo, consumo de álcool, índice de massa corporal (IMC), relação cintura-quadril (RCQ) e pressão arterial, dois anos após uma avaliação inicial de base populacional.
As crianças com menos de 5 anos são um dos grupos mais vulneráveis à malária. O uso de redes mosquiteiras tratadas com inseticida (MTIs) é considerada uma medida eficaz de prevenção e tem sido alvo de investimento internacional como forma de reduzir a morbilidade e mortalidade desta doença. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o uso de redes mosquiteiras nesta faixa etária.
A malária é uma doença endémica em Angola responsável por elevada morbilidade e mortalidade, especialmente entre crianças menores de cinco anos. Uma boa performance das técnicas de diagnóstico de malária é essencial uma vez que reduz o uso irracional de antimaláricos e melhora a qualidade da vigilância epidemiológica. A microscopia é o método de diagnóstico de referência, no entanto, a qualidade dos resultados varia consideravelmente entre laboratórios principalmente devido ao nível da experiência dos técnicos, qualidade dos reagentes e equipamentos. Neste estudo pretendemos avaliar a performance da microscopia no diagnóstico da malária, antes e após a realização de um curso de formação de 3 dias, utilizando o qPCR como método de referência.
Facing chloroquine drug resistance, Angola promptly adopted artemisinin-based combination therapy as the first-line to treat malaria. Currently, the country aims to consolidate malaria control, while preparing for the elimination of the disease, along with others African countries in the region. However, the remarkable capacity of Plasmodium to develop drug resistance represents an alarming threat for those achievements. Herein, the available, but relatively scarce and dispersed, information on malaria drug resistance in Angola, is reviewed and discussed. The review aims to inform but also to encourage future research studies that monitor and update the information on anti-malarial drug efficacy and prevalence of molecular markers of drug resistance, key fields in the context and objectives of elimination.
Background: Cardiovascular diseases and other non-communicable diseases are major causes of morbidity and mortality, responsible for 38 million deaths in 2012, 75 % occurring in low- and middle-income countries. Most of these countries are facing a period of epidemiological transition, being confronted with an increased burden of non-communicable diseases, which challenge health systems mainly designed to deal with infectious diseases. With the adoption of the World Health Organization “Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of non-communicable diseases, 2013–2020”, the national dimension of risk factors for non-communicable diseases must be reported on a regular basis. Angola has no national surveillance system for non-communicable diseases, and periodic population-based studies can help to overcome this lack of information. CardioBengo will collect information on risk factors, awareness rates and prevalence of symptoms relevant to cardiovascular diseases, to assist decision makers in the implementation of prevention and treatment policies and programs. Methods: CardioBengo is designed as a research structure that comprises a cross-sectional component, providing baseline information and the assembling of a cohort to follow-up the dynamics of cardiovascular diseases risk factors in the catchment area of the Dande Health and Demographic Surveillance System of the Health Research Centre of Angola, in Bengo Province, Angola. The World Health Organization STEPwise approach to surveillance questionnaires and procedures will be used to collect information on a representative sex-age stratified sample, aged between 15 and 64 years old. Discussion: CardioBengo will recruit the first population cohort in Angola designed to evaluate cardiovascular diseases risk factors. Using the structures in place of the Dande Health and Demographic Surveillance System and a reliable methodology that generates comparable results with other regions and countries, this study will constitute a useful tool for the surveillance of cardiovascular diseases. Like all longitudinal studies, a strong concern exists regarding dropouts, but strategies like regular visits to selected participants and a strong community involvement are in place to minimize these occurrences.