35 resultados para Magnetic edge anisotropy
This paper is a contribution for the assessment and comparison of magnet properties based on magnetic field characteristics particularly concerning the magnetic induction uniformity in the air gaps. For this aim, a solver was developed and implemented to determine the magnetic field of a magnetic core to be used in Fast Field Cycling (FFC) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxometry. The electromagnetic field computation is based on a 2D finite-element method (FEM) using both the scalar and the vector potential formulation. Results for the magnetic field lines and the magnetic induction vector in the air gap are presented. The target magnetic induction is 0.2 T, which is a typical requirement of the FFC NMR technique, which can be achieved with a magnetic core based on permanent magnets or coils. In addition, this application requires high magnetic induction uniformity. To achieve this goal, a solution including superconducting pieces is analyzed. Results are compared with a different FEM program.
We investigate, via numerical simulations, mean field, and density functional theories, the magnetic response of a dipolar hard sphere fluid at low temperatures and densities, in the region of strong association. The proposed parameter-free theory is able to capture both the density and temperature dependence of the ring-chain equilibrium and the contribution to the susceptibility of a chain of generic length. The theory predicts a nonmonotonic temperature dependence of the initial (zero field) magnetic susceptibility, arising from the competition between magnetically inert particle rings and magnetically active chains. Monte Carlo simulation results closely agree with the theoretical findings. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.148306
Here we report on the structural, optical, electrical and magnetic properties of Co-doped and (Co,Mo)-codoped SnO2 thin films deposited on r-cut sapphire substrates by pulsed laser deposition. Substrate temperature during deposition was kept at 500 degrees C. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the undoped and doped films are crystalline with predominant orientation along the [1 0 1] direction regardless of the doping concentration and doping element. Optical studies revealed that the presence of Mo reverts the blue shift trend observed for the Co-doped films. For the Co and Mo doping concentrations studied, the incorporation of Mo did not contribute to increase the conductivity of the films or to enhance the ferromagnetic order of the Co-doped films. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The amount of fat is a component that complicates the clinical evaluation and the differential diagnostic between benign and malign lesions in the breast MRI examinations. To overcome this problem, an effective erasing of the fat signal over the images acquisition process, is essentials. This study aims to compare three fat suppression techniques (STIR, SPIR, SPAIR) in the MR images of the breast and to evaluate the best image quality regarding its clinical usefulness. To mimic breast women, a breast phantom was constructed. First the exterior contour and, in second time, its content which was selected based on 7 samples with different components. Finally it was undergone to a MRI breast protocol with the three different fat saturation techniques. The examinations were performed on a 1.5 T MRI system (Philips®). A group of 5 experts evaluated 9 sequences, 3 of each with fat suppression techniques, in which the frequency offset and TI (Inversion Time) were the variables changed. This qualitative image analysis was performed according 4 parameters (saturation uniformity, saturation efficacy, detail of the anatomical structures and differentiation between the fibroglandular and adipose tissue), using a five-point Likert scale. The statistics analysis showed that anyone of the fat suppression techniques demonstrated significant differences compared to the others with (p > 0.05) and regarding each parameter independently. By Fleiss’ kappa coefficient there was a good agreement among observers P(e) = 0.68. When comparing STIR, SPIR and SPAIR techniques it was confirmed that all of them have advantages in the study of the breast MRI. For the studied parameters, the results through the Friedman Test showed that there are similar advantages applying anyone of these techniques.
Susceptibility Weighted Image (SWI) is a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technique that combines high spatial resolution and sensitivity to provide magnetic susceptibility differences between tissues. It is extremely sensitive to venous blood due to its iron content of deoxyhemoglobin. The aim of this study was to evaluate, through the SWI technique, the differences in cerebral venous vasculature according to the variation of blood pressure values. 20 subjects divided in two groups (10 hypertensive and 10 normotensive patients) underwent a MRI system with a Siemens® scanner model Avanto of 1.5T using a synergy head coil (4 channels). The obtained sequences were T1w, T2w-FLAIR, T2* and SWI. The value of Contrast-to-Noise Ratio (CNR) was assessed in MinIP (Minimum Intensity Projection) and Magnitude images, through drawing free hand ROIs in venous structures: Superior Sagittal Sinus (SSS) Internal Cerebral Vein (ICV) and Sinus Confluence (SC). The obtained values were presented in descriptive statistics-quartiles and extremes diagrams. The results were compared between groups. CNR shown higher values for normotensive group in MinIP (108.89 ± 6.907) to ICV; (238.73 ± 18.556) to SC and (239.384 ± 52.303) to SSS. These values are bigger than images from Hypertensive group about 46 a.u. in average. Comparing the results of Magnitude and MinIP images, there were obtained lower CNR values for the hypertensive group. There were differences in the CNR values between both groups, being these values more expressive in the large vessels-SSS and SC. The SWI is a potential technique to evaluate and characterize the blood pressure variation in the studied vessels adding a physiological perspective to MRI and giving a new approach to the radiological vascular studies.
Conferência: 9th International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene (SHO) Guimaraes, Portugal - FEB 14-15, 2013
A series of six new mixed-ligand dinuclear Mn(II, II) complexes of three different hydrazone Schiff bases (H3L1, H3L2 and H3L3), derived from condensation of the aromatic acid hydrazides benzohydrazide, 2-aminobenzohydrazide or 2-hydroxybenzohydrazide, with 2,3-dihydroxy benzaldehyde, respectively, is reported. Reactions of Mn(NO3)(2) center dot 4H(2)O with the H3L1-3 compounds, in the presence of pyridine (1 : 1 : 1 mole ratio), in methanol at room temperature, yield [Mn(H2L1)(py)(H2O)](2)(NO3)(2) center dot 2H(2)O (1 center dot 2H(2)O), [Mn(H2L2)(py)(CH3OH)](2)(NO3)(2) center dot 4H(2)O (2 center dot 4H(2)O) and [Mn(H2L3)(py)(H2O)](2)(NO3)(2) (3) respectively, whereas the use of excess pyridine yields complexes with two axially coordinated pyridine molecules at each Mn(II) centre, viz. [Mn(H2L1)(py)(2)] 2(NO3)(2) center dot H2O (4 center dot H2O), [Mn(H2L2)(py) H-O (6 center dot 2CH(3)OH), respectively. In all the complexes, the (H2L1-3)-ligand coordinates in the keto form. Complexes 1 center dot 2H(2)O, 2 center dot 4H(2)O, 4 center dot H2O, 5 center dot 2H(2)O and 6 center dot 2CH(3)OH are characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The complexes 1, 2 and 6, having different coordination environments, have been selected for variable temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements to examine the nature of magnetic interaction between magnetically coupled Mn(II) centres and also for exploration of the catalytic activity towards microwave assisted oxidation of alcohols. A yield of 81% (acetophenone) is obtained using a maximum of 0.4% molar ratio of catalyst relative to the substrate in the presence of TEMPO and in aqueous basic solution, under mild conditions.
A rock salt-lamprophyre dyke contact zone (sub-vertical, NE-SW strike) was investigated for its petrographic, mechanic and physical properties by means of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility CAMS) and rock magnetic properties, coupled with quantitative microstructural analysis and thermal mathematical modelling. The quantitative microstructural analysis of halite texture and solid inclusions revealed good spatial correlation with AMS and halite fabrics. The fabrics of both lamprophyre and rock salt record the magmatic intrusion, "plastic" flow and regional deformation (characterized by a NW-SE trending steep foliation). AMS and microstructural analysis revealed two deformation fabrics in the rock salt: (1) the deformation fabrics in rock salt on the NW side of the dyke are associated with high temperature and high fluid activity attributed to the dyke emplacement; (2) On the opposite side of the dyke, the emplacement-related fabric is reworked by localized tectonic deformation. The paleomagnetic results suggest significant rotation of the whole dyke, probably during the diapir ascent and/or the regional Tertiary to Quaternary deformation. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The morpho-structural evolution of oceanic islands results from competition between volcano growth and partial destruction by mass-wasting processes. We present here a multi-disciplinary study of the successive stages of development of Faial (Azores) during the last 1 Myr. Using high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM), and new K/Ar, tectonic, and magnetic data, we reconstruct the rapidly evolving topography at successive stages, in response to complex interactions between volcanic construction and mass wasting, including the development of a graben. We show that: (1) sub-aerial evolution of the island first involved the rapid growth of a large elongated volcano at ca. 0.85 Ma, followed by its partial destruction over half a million years; (2) beginning about 360 ka a new small edifice grew on the NE of the island, and was subsequently cut by normal faults responsible for initiation of the graben; (3) after an apparent pause of ca. 250 kyr, the large Central Volcano (CV) developed on the western side of the island at ca 120 ka, accumulating a thick pile of lava flows in less than 20 kyr, which were partly channelized within the graben; (4) the period between 120 ka and 40 ka is marked by widespread deformation at the island scale, including westward propagation of faulting and associated erosion of the graben walls, which produced sedimentary deposits; subsequent growth of the CV at 40 ka was then constrained within the graben, with lava flowing onto the sediments up to the eastern shore; (5) the island evolution during the Holocene involves basaltic volcanic activity along the main southern faults and pyroclastic eruptions associated with the formation of a caldera volcano-tectonic depression. We conclude that the whole evolution of Faial Island has been characterized by successive short volcanic pulses probably controlled by brief episodes of regional deformation. Each pulse has been separated by considerable periods of volcanic inactivity during which the Faial graben gradually developed. We propose that the volume loss associated with sudden magma extraction from a shallow reservoir in different episodes triggered incremental downward graben movement, as observed historically, when immediate vertical collapse of up to 2 m was observed along the western segments of the graben at the end of the Capelinhos eruptive crises (1957-58).
The design of magnetic cores can be carried out by taking into account the optimization of different parameters in accordance with the application requirements. Considering the specifications of the fast field cycling nuclear magnetic resonance (FFC-NMR) technique, the magnetic flux density distribution, at the sample insertion volume, is one of the core parameters that needs to be evaluated. Recently, it has been shown that the FFC-NMR magnets can be built on the basis of solenoid coils with ferromagnetic cores. Since this type of apparatus requires magnets with high magnetic flux density uniformity, a new type of magnet using a ferromagnetic core, copper coils, and superconducting blocks was designed with improved magnetic flux density distribution. In this paper, the designing aspects of the magnet are described and discussed with emphasis on the improvement of the magnetic flux density homogeneity (Delta B/B-0) in the air gap. The magnetic flux density distribution is analyzed based on 3-D simulations and NMR experimental results.
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde
Cubic cobalt nitride films were grown onto different single crystalline substrates Al2O3 (0 0 0 1) and (1 1 View the MathML source 0), MgO (1 0 0) and (1 1 0) and TiO2 (1 0 0) and (1 1 0). The films display low atomic densities compared with the bulk material, are ferromagnetic and have metallic electrical conductivity. X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption fine structure confirm the cubic structure of the films and with RBS results indicate that samples are not homogeneous at the microscopic scale, coexisting Co4+xN nitride with nitrogen rich regions. The magnetization of the films decreases with increase of the nitrogen content, variation that is shown to be due to the decrease of the cobalt density, and not to a decrease of the magnetic moment per cobalt ion. The films are crystalline with a nitrogen deficient stoichiometry and epitaxial with orientation determined by the substrate.
Low temperature structural transitions in dipolar hard spheres: the influence on magnetic properties
We investigate the structural chain-to-ring transition at low temperature in a gas of dipolar hard spheres (DRS). Due to the weakening of entropic contribution, ring formation becomes noticeable when the effective dipole-dipole magnetic interaction increases, It results in the redistribution of particles from usually observed flexible chains into flexible rings. The concentration (rho) of DI-IS plays a crucial part in this transition: at a very low rho only chains and rings are observed, whereas even a slight increase of the volume fraction leads to the formation of branched or defect structures. As a result, the fraction of DHS aggregated in defect-free rings turns out to be a non-monotonic function of rho. The average ring size is found to be a slower increasing function of rho when compared Lo that of chains. Both theory and computer simulations confirm the dramatic influence of the ring formation on the rho-dependence of the initial magnetic susceptibility (chi) when the temperature decreases. The rings clue to their zero total dipole moment are irresponsive to a weak magnetic field and drive to the strong decrease of the initial magnetic susceptibility. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
With the help of a unique combination of density functional theory and computer simulations, we discover two possible scenarios, depending on concentration, for the hierarchical self-assembly of magnetic nanoparticles on cooling. We show that typically considered low temperature clusters, i.e. defect-free chains and rings, merge into more complex branched structures through only three types of defects: four-way X junctions, three-way Y junctions and two-way Z junctions. Our accurate calculations reveal the predominance of weakly magnetically responsive rings cross-linked by X defects at the lowest temperatures. We thus provide a strategy to fine-tune magnetic and thermodynamic responses of magnetic nanocolloids to be used in medical and microfluidics applications.
Seismic ambient noise tomography is applied to central and southern Mozambique, located in the tip of the East African Rift (EAR). The deployment of MOZART seismic network, with a total of 30 broad-band stations continuously recording for 26 months, allowed us to carry out the first tomographic study of the crust under this region, which until now remained largely unexplored at this scale. From cross-correlations extracted from coherent noise we obtained Rayleigh wave group velocity dispersion curves for the period range 5–40 s. These dispersion relations were inverted to produce group velocity maps, and 1-D shear wave velocity profiles at selected points. High group velocities are observed at all periods on the eastern edge of the Kaapvaal and Zimbabwe cratons, in agreement with the findings of previous studies. Further east, a pronounced slow anomaly is observed in central and southern Mozambique, where the rifting between southern Africa and Antarctica created a passive margin in the Mesozoic, and further rifting is currently happening as a result of the southward propagation of the EAR. In this study, we also addressed the question concerning the nature of the crust (continental versus oceanic) in the Mozambique Coastal Plains (MCP), still in debate. Our data do not support previous suggestions that the MCP are floored by oceanic crust since a shallow Moho could not be detected, and we discuss an alternative explanation for its ocean-like magnetic signature. Our velocity maps suggest that the crystalline basement of the Zimbabwe craton may extend further east well into Mozambique underneath the sediment cover, contrary to what is usually assumed, while further south the Kaapval craton passes into slow rifted crust at the Lebombo monocline as expected. The sharp passage from fast crust to slow crust on the northern part of the study area coincides with the seismically active NNE-SSW Urema rift, while further south the Mazenga graben adopts an N-S direction parallel to the eastern limit of the Kaapvaal craton. We conclude that these two extensional structures herald the southward continuation of the EAR, and infer a structural control of the transition between the two types of crust on the ongoing deformation.