30 resultados para Histoplasmose residual


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Na indústria farmacêutica, a limpeza dos equipamentos e superfícies é muito importante no processo de fabrico/embalagem dos produtos farmacêuticos. Possíveis resíduos contaminantes devem ser removidos dos equipamentos e das superfícies envolvidas no processo. De acordo com as Boas Práticas de Fabrico (GMP), os procedimentos de limpeza e os métodos analíticos usados para determinar as quantidades de resíduos devem ser validados. O método analítico combinado com o método de amostragem utilizado na colheita de amostras deve ser sujeito a um ensaio de “recovery”. Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma estratégia inovadora para a validação de limpeza de formas farmacêuticas semi-sólidas. Propõe-se o uso de um método de amostragem que consiste na colheita direta de amostra após o seu fabrico, sendo a análise de resíduos feita directamente nesta amostra. Os produtos escolhidos para a avaliação da estratégia foram dois medicamentos dermatológicos, apresentados na forma de pomada e produzidos numa unidade de fabrico de vários produtos, pela Schering Plough Farma/ Merck Sharp & Dohme (Cacém, Portugal). Como métodos analíticos para a quantificação dos resíduos, utilizaram-se métodos validados por via espectrofotométrica (HPLC), usados na análise do produto acabado. A validação de limpeza foi avaliada através da análise de uma quantidade conhecida de pomada (produto B (*)), usando o método de análise da pomada fabricada anteriormente (produto A (*)), de modo a verificar-se a existência ou não de agente de limpeza e substâncias ativas deixadas após a limpeza do produto A, e vice-versa. As concentrações residuais das substâncias ativas e do agente de limpeza encontradas após a limpeza foram nulas, ou seja, inferiores ao limite de deteção (LOD), sendo que o critério de aceitação da limpeza utilizado foi de 6,4 x 10-4 mg/g para a substância ativa 1 (*); 1,0 x 10-2 mg/g para a substância ativa 2 (*); 1,0 x 10-3 mg/g para a substância ativa 3 (*) e de 10 ppm para o agente de limpeza. No ensaio de “recovery”, obtiveram-se resultados acima de 70% para todas as substâncias ativas e para o agente de limpeza nas duas pomadas. Antes de se proceder a este ensaio de “recovery”, houve a necessidade de ajustar as condições cromatográficas dos métodos analíticos de ambos os produtos e do agente de limpeza, por forma a obter-se valores da conformidade do sistema (fator de tailling e de resolução) de acordo com as especificações. A precisão dos resultados, reportada como desvio padrão relativo (RSD), deu abaixo de 2,0%, excepto nos ensaios que envolvem a substância ativa 3, cuja especificação é inferior a 10,0%. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os procedimentos de limpeza usados na unidade de fabrico em causa são eficazes, eliminando assim a existência de contaminação cruzada.


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Eucalyptus globulus heartwood, sapwood and their delignified samples by kraft pulping at 130, 150 and 170 degrees C along time were characterized in respect to total carbohydrates by Py-GC/MS(FID). No significant differences between heartwood and sapwood were found in relation to pyrolysis products and composition. The main wood carbohydrate derived pyrolysis compounds were levoglucosan (25.1%), hydroxyacetaldehyde (12.5%), 2-oxo-propanal (10.3%) and acetic acid (8.7%). Levoglucosan decreased during the early stages of delignification and increased during the bulk and residual phases. Acetic acid decreased hydroxyacetaldehyde and 2-oxo-propanal increased, and 2-furaldehyde and hydroxypropanone remained almost constant during delignification. The C/L ratio was 3.2 in wood and remained rather constant in the first pulping periods until a loss of 15-25% in carbohydrate and 60% in lignin. Afterwards it increased sharply until 44 that correspond to the removal of 25-35% of carbohydrates and 95% of lignin. The pulping reactive selectivity to lignin vs. polysaccharides was the same for sapwood and heartwood. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The kraft pulps produced from heartwood and sapwood of Eucalyptus globulus at 130 degrees C, 150 degrees C, and 170 degrees C were characterized by wet chemistry (total lignin as sum of Klason and soluble lignin fractions) and pyrolysis (total lignin denoted as py-lignin). The total lignin content obtained with both methods was similar. In the course of delignification, the py-lignin values were higher (by 2 to 5%) compared to Klason values, which is in line with the importance of soluble lignin for total lignin determination. Pyrolysis analysis presents advantages over wet chemical procedures, and it can be applied to wood and pulps to determine lignin contents at different stages of the delignification process. The py-lignin values were used for kinetic modelling of delignification, with very high predictive value and results similar to those of modelling using wet chemical determinations.


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Conferência: 2nd Experiment at International Conference (Exp at)- Univ Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal - Sep 18-20, 2013


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Renewable energy sources (RES) have unique characteristics that grant them preference in energy and environmental policies. However, considering that the renewable resources are barely controllable and sometimes unpredictable, some challenges are faced when integrating high shares of renewable sources in power systems. In order to mitigate this problem, this paper presents a decision-making methodology regarding renewable investments. The model computes the optimal renewable generation mix from different available technologies (hydro, wind and photovoltaic) that integrates a given share of renewable sources, minimizing residual demand variability, therefore stabilizing the thermal power generation. The model also includes a spatial optimization of wind farms in order to identify the best distribution of wind capacity. This methodology is applied to the Portuguese power system.


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Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil


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In the last years the electricity industry has faced a restructuring process. Among the aims of this process was the increase in competition, especially in the generation activity where firms would have an incentive to become more efficient. However, the competitive behavior of generating firms might jeopardize the expected benefits of the electricity industry liberalization. The present paper proposes a conjectural variations model to study the competitive behavior of generating firms acting in liberalized electricity markets. The model computes a parameter that represents the degree of competition of each generating firm in each trading period. In this regard, the proposed model provides a powerful methodology for regulatory and competition authorities to monitor the competitive behavior of generating firms. As an application of the model, a study of the day-ahead Iberian electricity market (MIBEL) was conducted to analyze the impact of the integration of the Portuguese and Spanish electricity markets on the behavior of generating firms taking into account the hourly results of the months of June and July of 2007. The advantages of the proposed methodology over other methodologies used to address market power, namely Residual Supply index and Lerner index are highlighted. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Renewable energy sources (RES) have unique characteristics that grant them preference in energy and environmental policies. However, considering that the renewable resources are barely controllable and sometimes unpredictable, some challenges are faced when integrating high shares of renewable sources in power systems. In order to mitigate this problem, this paper presents a decision-making methodology regarding renewable investments. The model computes the optimal renewable generation mix from different available technologies (hydro, wind and photovoltaic) that integrates a given share of renewable sources, minimizing residual demand variability, therefore stabilizing the thermal power generation. The model also includes a spatial optimization of wind farms in order to identify the best distribution of wind capacity. This methodology is applied to the Portuguese power system.


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Eucalyptus globulus sapwood and heartwood showed no differences in lignin content (23.0% vs. 23.7%) and composition: syringyl-lignin (17.9% vs. 18.0%) and guaiacyl-lignin (4.8% vs. 5.2%). Delignification kinetics of S- and G-units in heartwood and sapwood was investigated by Py-GC–MS/FID at 130, 150 and 170 °C and modeled as double first-order reactions. Reactivity differences between S and G-units were small during the main pulping phase and the higher reactivity of S over G units was better expressed in the later pulping stage. The residual lignin composition in pulps was different from wood or from samples in the initial delignification stages, with more G and H-units. S/G ratio ranged from 3 to 4.5 when pulp residual lignin was higher than 10%, decreasing rapidly to less than 1. The S/H was initially around 20 (until 15% residual lignin), decreasing to 4 when residual lignin was about 3%.


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We propose a 3-D gravity model for the volcanic structure of the island of Maio (Cape Verde archipelago) with the objective of solving some open questions concerning the geometry and depth of the intrusive Central Igneous Complex. A gravity survey was made covering almost the entire surface of the island. The gravity data was inverted through a non-linear 3-D approach which provided a model constructed in a random growth process. The residual Bouguer gravity field shows a single positive anomaly presenting an elliptic shape with a NWSE trending long axis. This Bouguer gravity anomaly is slightly off-centred with the island but its outline is concordant with the surface exposure of the Central Igneous Complex. The gravimetric modelling shows a high-density volume whose centre of mass is about 4500 m deep. With increasing depth, and despite the restricted gravimetric resolution, the horizontal sections of the model suggest the presence of two distinct bodies, whose relative position accounts for the elongated shape of the high positive Bouguer gravity anomaly. These bodies are interpreted as magma chambers whose coeval volcanic counterparts are no longer preserved. The orientation defined by the two bodies is similar to that of other structures known in the southern group of the Cape Verde islands, thus suggesting a possible structural control constraining the location of the plutonic intrusions.


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The integration of large amounts of wind energy in power systems raises important operation issues such as the balance between power demand and generation. The pumped storage hydro (PSH) units are seen as one solution for this issue, avoiding the need for wind power curtailments. However, the behavior of a PSH unit might differ considerably when it operates in a liberalized market with some degree of market power. In this regard, a new approach for the optimal daily scheduling of a PSH unit in the day-ahead electricity market was developed and presented in this paper, in which the market power is modeled by a residual inverse demand function with a variable elasticity. The results obtained show that increasing degrees of market power of the PSH unit correspond to decreasing levels of storage and, therefore, the capacity to integrate wind power is considerably reduced under these circumstances.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Introduction: The cellblock is a technique that enables the pathologist to study the morphological detail of residual samples and can be used when it is necessary to perform additional diagnostic techniques. Objective: Demonstrate the processing of bronchial washings in liquid based cytology to cellblock using HistoGel in residual samples, evaluating the morphology and preservation of cytological material. Methods: There were used 40 residual samples from bronchial washings in liquid based cytology, after determination of the clinical diagnosis, being made subsequently 40 cellblocks using HistoGel. For each cellblock there was made one histological section for analysis of cell morphology, which was subsequently stained with the routine histological staining. After microscope observation, the morphology was evaluated by 3 experts in the field of pathology, based on the parameters: Cellularity, Preservation and Background. Results: The average final score of 3 evaluators, on a scale of 0 to 100, in assessing the morphology of the 40 samples was 55.6. From the 40 histological sections, 5 of them were considered not viable for evaluation. Conclusions: The results obtained indicate median quality maintenance of morphology. However, it is noted that in only 5 cases it was not possible to determine an evaluation, knowing from the outset that these are residual samples with a very scant cellularity. Thus, it is possible to say that the processing of bronchial washings to cellblock using HistoGel contributes to a concentration of the cytological material, allowing its evaluation and subsequent diagnosis. Additional diagnostic techniques are shown equally viable in these cellblocks.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações