27 resultados para Growth promotion tests
A Organização Mundial da Saúde define a literacia em saúde como o conjunto de competências cognitivas e sociais e a capacidade dos indivíduos para compreenderem e usarem informação para a promoção e manutenção da saúde. A transmissão de informação sobre saúde é mais eficaz quando os seus conteúdos são especificamente desenhados para uma pessoa ou para um grupo populacional e quando a mensagem é bem delimitada, realçando os benefícios (ganhos) e os custos (perdas) associados aos comportamentos e às tomadas de decisão. Analisa-se, neste estudo, o conceito de literacia em saúde e a associação da baixa literacia em saúde aos comportamentos em saúde e aos gastos em saúde. Apresenta-se uma análise da literatura científica publicada sobre a baixa literacia em saúde e a sua implicação nos custos na saúde usando, para este objectivo, uma base de dados das ciências da saúde (MEDLINE/PubMed) e quatro plataformas científicas (DOAJ, SCOPUS, SciELO e Web of Science). A literatura científica analisada evidencia que pessoas com baixa literacia em saúde apresentam uma menor capacidade de compreensão dos conteúdos de material informativo sobre alimentos, doenças crónicas ou sobre o uso de medicamentos, por exemplo, bem como maior dificuldade em pesquisar, seleccionar, ler e assimilar a informação em saúde disponível na Internet. A baixa literacia em saúde relaciona-se, então. com a dificuldade na prevenção e na gestão de problemas de saúde, bem como com comportamentos ineficazes de saúde, i.e., com o uso inadequado de medicamentos, com o recurso excessivo aos serviços de saúde (em especial, os de urgências) ou com a ineficácia em lidar com situações de emergência. A baixa literacia está também associada a taxas de hospitalização mais altas, mas também mais longas no tempo (o que implica mais custos associados a internamento prolongado, mais exames de diagnóstico e fraca adesão à terapêutica medicamentosa), a uma diminuição da utilização de medidas preventivas e a uma fraca adesão à prescrição terapêutica. A baixa literacia acaba por afectar igualmente a comunicação (e a relação) médico-doente. Apresentam-se, como complemento, sugestões de melhoria da literacia em saúde e da comunicação médico-doente para efeitos da promoção da saúde.
The Iberian viticultural regions are convened according to the Denomination of Origin (DO) and present different climates, soils, topography and management practices. All these elements influence the vegetative growth of different varieties throughout the peninsula, and are tied to grape quality and wine type. In the current study, an integrated analysis of climate, soil, topography and vegetative growth was performed for the Iberian DO regions, using state-of-the-art datasets. For climatic assessment, a categorized index, accounting for phenological/thermal development, water availability and grape ripening conditions was computed. Soil textural classes were established to distinguish soil types. Elevation and aspect (orientation) were also taken into account, as the leading topographic elements. A spectral vegetation index was used to assess grapevine vegetative growth and an integrated analysis of all variables was performed. The results showed that the integrated climate-soil-topography influence on vine performance is evident. Most Iberian vineyards are grown in temperate dry climates with loamy soils, presenting low vegetative growth. Vineyards in temperate humid conditions tend to show higher vegetative growth. Conversely, in cooler/warmer climates, lower vigour vineyards prevail and other factors, such as soil type and precipitation acquire more important roles in driving vigour. Vines in prevailing loamy soils are grown over a wide climatic diversity, suggesting that precipitation is the primary factor influencing vigour. The present assessment of terroir characteristics allows direct comparison among wine regions and may have great value to viticulturists, particularly under a changing climate.
This paper presents a layered Smart Grid architecture enhancing security and reliability, having the ability to act in order to maintain and correct infrastructure components without affecting the client service. The architecture presented is based in the core of well design software engineering, standing upon standards developed over the years. The layered Smart Grid offers a base tool to ease new standards and energy policies implementation. The ZigBee technology implementation test methodology for the Smart Grid is presented, and provides field tests using ZigBee technology to control the new Smart Grid architecture approach. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aspergillus fumigatus (Af) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa) are leading fungal and bacterial pathogens, respectively, in many clinical situations. Relevant to this, their interface and co-existence has been studied. In some experiments in vitro, Pa products have been defined that are inhibitory to Af. In some clinical situations, both can be biofilm producers, and biofilm could alter their physiology and affect their interaction. That may be most relevant to airways in cystic fibrosis (CF), where both are often prominent residents. We have studied clinical Pa isolates from several sources for their effects on Af, including testing involving their biofilms. We show that the described inhibition of Af is related to the source and phenotype of the Pa isolate. Pa cells inhibited the growth and formation of Af biofilm from conidia, with CF isolates more inhibitory than non-CF isolates, and non-mucoid CF isolates most inhibitory. Inhibition did not require live Pa contact, as culture filtrates were also inhibitory, and again non-mucoid>mucoid CF>non-CF. Preformed Af biofilm was more resistant to Pa, and inhibition that occurred could be reproduced with filtrates. Inhibition of Af biofilm appears also dependent on bacterial growth conditions; filtrates from Pa grown as biofilm were more inhibitory than from Pa grown planktonically. The differences in Pa shown from these different sources are consistent with the extensive evolutionary Pa changes that have been described in association with chronic residence in CF airways, and may reflect adaptive changes to life in a polymicrobial environment.
The activity of growing living bacteria was investigated using real-time and in situ rheology-in stationary and oscillatory shear. Two different strains of the human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus-strain COL and its isogenic cell wall autolysis mutant, RUSAL9-were considered in this work. For low bacteria density, strain COL forms small clusters, while the mutant, presenting deficient cell separation, forms irregular larger aggregates. In the early stages of growth, when subjected to a stationary shear, the viscosity of the cultures of both strains increases with the population of cells. As the bacteria reach the exponential phase of growth, the viscosity of the cultures of the two strains follows different and rich behaviors, with no counterpart in the optical density or in the population's colony-forming units measurements. While the viscosity of strain COL culture keeps increasing during the exponential phase and returns close to its initial value for the late phase of growth, where the population stabilizes, the viscosity of the mutant strain culture decreases steeply, still in the exponential phase, remains constant for some time, and increases again, reaching a constant plateau at a maximum value for the late phase of growth. These complex viscoelastic behaviors, which were observed to be shear-stress-dependent, are a consequence of two coupled effects: the cell density continuous increase and its changing interacting properties. The viscous and elastic moduli of strain COL culture, obtained with oscillatory shear, exhibit power-law behaviors whose exponents are dependent on the bacteria growth stage. The viscous and elastic moduli of the mutant culture have complex behaviors, emerging from the different relaxation times that are associated with the large molecules of the medium and the self-organized structures of bacteria. Nevertheless, these behaviors reflect the bacteria growth stage.
The conditions for [pd(mnt)(2)]he growth of [pd(mnt)(2)]Perylene) [pd(mnt)(2)] [Pd(mnt) [pd(mnt)(2)]] crystals either by chemical oxidation and electrochemical routes are [pd(mnt)(2)]escribed. The electrocrystallisation is limited by close [pd(mnt)(2)]roximity of [pd(mnt)(2)]he oxidation [pd(mnt)(2)]otentials of [pd(mnt)(2)]he [pd(mnt)(2)]erylene [pd(mnt)(2)]onor and [Pd(mnt) [pd(mnt)(2)]] - anion, and [pd(mnt)(2)]epending on [pd(mnt)(2)]he experimental conditions [pd(mnt)(2)]ifferent [pd(mnt)(2)]orphologies can be obtained. [pd(mnt)(2)]Per) [pd(mnt)(2)] [Pd(mnt) [pd(mnt)(2)]] crystals obtained by elecrocrystallisation were found [pd(mnt)(2)]o be [pd(mnt)(2)]ainly of [pd(mnt)(2)]he β-polymorph with [pd(mnt)(2)]roperties comparable [pd(mnt)(2)]o [pd(mnt)(2)]he Cu, Ni and Pt analogues [pd(mnt)(2)]reviously [pd(mnt)(2)]escribed at variance with [pd(mnt)(2)]hose obtained by chemical oxidation which are [pd(mnt)(2)]ainly of [pd(mnt)(2)]he α-polymorph.
This paper refers to the assessment on site by semi-destructive testing (SDT) methods of the consolidation efficiency of a conservation process developed by Henriques (2011) for structural and non-structural pine wood elements in service. This study was applied on scots pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) degraded by fungi after treatment with a biocidal product followed by consolidation with a polymeric product. This solution avoids substitutions of wood moderately degraded by fungi, improving its physical and mechanical characteristics. The consolidation efficiency was assessed on site by methods of drill resistance and penetration resistance. The SDT methods used showed good sensitivity to the conservation process and could evaluate their effectiveness. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper is about a design of an urban area Darrieus VAWT, having self-start ability due to an innovative profile design named EN0005, avoiding the need of extra components or external electricity feed-in. An approach is presented to study the ability of a blade profile to offer self-start ability. Methodologies applied for the blade body and for profile development are reported. Field tests and main conclusions are presented to persuade for the arrangement of this design. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Master Thesis to obtain the Master degree in Chemical Engineering - Branch Chemical Processes
Population dynamics have been attracting interest since many years. Among the considered models, the Richards’ equations remain one of the most popular to describe biological growth processes. On the other hand, Allee effect is currently a major focus of ecological research, which occurs when positive density dependence dominates at low densities. In this chapter, we propose the dynamical study of classes of functions based on Richards’ models describing the existence or not of Allee effect. We investigate bifurcation structures in generalized Richards’ functions and we look for the conditions in the (β, r) parameter plane for the existence of a weak Allee effect region. We show that the existence of this region is related with the existence of a dovetail structure. When the Allee limit varies, the weak Allee effect region disappears when the dovetail structure also disappears. Consequently, we deduce the transition from the weak Allee effect to no Allee effect to this family of functions. To support our analysis, we present fold and flip bifurcation curves and numerical simulations of several bifurcation diagrams.
In this paper, motivated by the interest and relevance of the study of tumor growth models, a central point of our investigation is the study of the chaotic dynamics and the bifurcation structure of Weibull-Gompertz-Fréchet's functions: a class of continuousdefined one-dimensional maps. Using symbolic dynamics techniques and iteration theory, we established that depending on the properties of this class of functions in a neighborhood of a bifurcation point PBB, in a two-dimensional parameter space, there exists an order regarding how the infinite number of periodic orbits are born: the Sharkovsky ordering. Consequently, the corresponding symbolic sequences follow the usual unimodal kneading sequences in the topological ordered tree. We verified that under some sufficient conditions, Weibull-Gompertz-Fréchet's functions have a particular bifurcation structure: a big bang bifurcation point PBB. This fractal bifurcations structure is of the so-called "box-within-a-box" type, associated to a boxe ω1, where an infinite number of bifurcation curves issues from. This analysis is done making use of fold and flip bifurcation curves and symbolic dynamics techniques. The present paper is an original contribution in the framework of the big bang bifurcation analysis for continuous maps.
This work concerns dynamics and bifurcations properties of a new class of continuous-defined one-dimensional maps: Tsoularis-Wallace's functions. This family of functions naturally incorporates a major focus of ecological research: the Allee effect. We provide a necessary condition for the occurrence of this phenomenon of extinction. To establish this result we introduce the notions of Allee's functions, Allee's effect region and Allee's bifurcation curve. Another central point of our investigation is the study of bifurcation structures for this class of functions, in a three-dimensional parameter space. We verified that under some sufficient conditions, Tsoularis-Wallace's functions have particular bifurcation structures: the big bang and the double big bang bifurcations of the so-called "box-within-a-box" type. The double big bang bifurcations are related to the existence of flip codimension-2 points. Moreover, it is verified that these bifurcation cascades converge to different big bang bifurcation curves, where for the corresponding parameter values are associated distinct kinds of boxes. This work contributes to clarify the big bang bifurcation analysis for continuous maps and understand their relationship with explosion birth and extinction phenomena.