24 resultados para Ahl-Waris, Eva


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Marked regional variations in myocardial activity that are not related to myocardial perfusion defects.Verify the influence of CT-AC inMPI results in patients with BMI between 30 and 35 and higher than 30 for male and female population.


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Brain dopamine transporters imaging by Single Photon Emission Tomography (SPECT) with 123I-FP-CIT has become an important tool in the diagnosis and evaluation of parkinsonian syndromes, since this radiopharmaceutical exhibits high affinity for membrane transporters responsible for cellular reabsorption of dopamine on the striatum. However, Ordered Subset Expectation Maximization (OSEM) is the method recommended in the literature for imaging reconstruction. Filtered Back Projection (FBP) is still used due to its fast processing, even if it presents some disadvantages. The aim of this work is to investigate the influence of reconstruction parameters for FBP in semiquantification of Brain Studies with 123I-FPCIT compared with those obtained with OSEM recommended reconstruction.


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Myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) is used on a daily basis to access coronary blood flow in patients that are suspected or have known Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). A Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) or and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan are used to access regional blood flow quantification either at rest or stress, the imaging acquisition is connected to an Electrocardiogram (ECG) and it is able to determine and quantify other myocardial parameters like myocardial wall thickness and wall motion. PET is not used so broadly due to its high procedure cost, the proximity with cyclotron, where are produced the majority of radiopharmaceuticals used in PET, due to their shor thalf-life. This work is intended to carry out a review of the tests relating to radiopharmaceuticals that are used in clinical practice in SPECT or PET for assessment of myocardial perfusion, also focusing very promising radiopharmaceuticals that are under investigation or in clinical trials with great potential for conventional nuclear medicine or PET, proceeding to a comparative analysis of both techniques and respective radiopharmaceuticals used.


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The acquisition of a Myocardial Perfusion image (MPI) is of great importance for the diagnosis of the coronary artery disease, since it allows to evaluate which areas of the heart aren’t being properly perfused, in rest and stress situations. This exam is greatly influenced by photon attenuation which creates image artifacts and affects quantification. The acquisition of a Computerized Tomography (CT) image makes it possible to get an atomic images which can be used to perform high-quality attenuation corrections of the radiopharmaceutical distribution, in the MPI image. Studies show that by using hybrid imaging to perform diagnosis of the coronary artery disease, there is an increase on the specificity when evaluating the perfusion of the right coronary artery (RCA). Using an iterative algorithm with a resolution recovery software for the reconstruction, which balances the image quality, the administered activity and the scanning time, we aim to evaluate the influence of attenuation correction on the MPI image and the outcome in perfusion quantification and imaging quality.


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The DatScanTM and its Semiquantification (SQ) can provide advantages in the diagnosis of Parkinsonian Syndromes (PS). To improve the SQ is recommended the creation of adapted database (DB) with reference values for the Nuclear Medicine Departments. Previously to this work was created a adapted database (DBRV) to Nuclear Medicine Department's protocol and population of Infanta Cristina's Hospital located in Badajoz, for patients between the ages of 60 and 75, and reference values of the SQ were calculated. Aim: To evaluate the discrimination capacity of a department's adapted DB reference's values of healthy controls for DatScanTM.


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Semi quantification (SQ) in DaTScan® studies is broadly used in clinic daily basis, however there is a suspicious about its discriminative capability, and concordance with the diagnostic classification performed by the physician. Aim: Evaluate the discriminate capability of an adapted database and reference's values of healthy controls for the Dopamine Transporters (DAT) with 123I–FP-IT named DBRV adapted to Nuclear Medicine Department's protocol and population of Infanta Cristina's Hospital, and its concordance with the physician classification.


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Semiquantificação (SQ) nos exames de O DaTScanTM pode apresentar vantagens no diagnóstico de Síndromes Parkinsonianos (SP), especialmente quando os valores utilizados para referência da SQ são adaptados ao serviço em causa. Objetivo do estudo - Criação e validação de bases de dados e valores de referência (VR) adaptados na SQ para diagnóstico de SP recorrendo ao de DaTScanTM, adaptados para o Hospital Infanta Cristina em Badajoz.


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A imagem de transportadores cerebrais da dopamina com recurso à tomografia por emissão de fotão único com 123I-FP-CIT tornou-se uma ferramenta importante no diagnóstico e avaliação de síndromes parkinsonianos. Embora o algoritmo de reconstrução de imagem Ordered Subset Expectation Maximization (OSEM) seja o método mais recomendado na literatura para reconstrução da imagem, o Filtered Back Projection (FBP) é ainda usado devido à sua rapidez. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar a influência dos parâmetros de reconstrução para FBP na semiquantificação em estudos cerebrais com 123I-FPCIT em comparação com os obtidos com a reconstrução recomendada por OSEM.


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Relatório de Estágio submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Artes Performativas - especialização em Interpretação.