Hyperspectral imaging can be used for object detection and for discriminating between different objects based on their spectral characteristics. One of the main problems of hyperspectral data analysis is the presence of mixed pixels, due to the low spatial resolution of such images. This means that several spectrally pure signatures (endmembers) are combined into the same mixed pixel. Linear spectral unmixing follows an unsupervised approach which aims at inferring pure spectral signatures and their material fractions at each pixel of the scene. The huge data volumes acquired by such sensors put stringent requirements on processing and unmixing methods. This paper proposes an efficient implementation of a unsupervised linear unmixing method on GPUs using CUDA. The method finds the smallest simplex by solving a sequence of nonsmooth convex subproblems using variable splitting to obtain a constraint formulation, and then applying an augmented Lagrangian technique. The parallel implementation of SISAL presented in this work exploits the GPU architecture at low level, using shared memory and coalesced accesses to memory. The results herein presented indicate that the GPU implementation can significantly accelerate the method's execution over big datasets while maintaining the methods accuracy.
Hyperspectral imaging sensors provide image data containing both spectral and spatial information from the Earth surface. The huge data volumes produced by these sensors put stringent requirements on communications, storage, and processing. This paper presents a method, termed hyperspectral signal subspace identification by minimum error (HySime), that infer the signal subspace and determines its dimensionality without any prior knowledge. The identification of this subspace enables a correct dimensionality reduction yielding gains in algorithm performance and complexity and in data storage. HySime method is unsupervised and fully-automatic, i.e., it does not depend on any tuning parameters. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated using simulated data based on U.S.G.S. laboratory spectra and real hyperspectral data collected by the AVIRIS sensor over Cuprite, Nevada.