17 resultados para molecular mechanics


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Introdução – A lipofilia é uma das propriedades físico-químicas que mais influencia a capacidade de uma molécula se movimentar através de compartimentos biológicos. O coeficiente de partição octanol/água (log P) permite, assim, obter uma estimativa da absorção dos fármacos no organismo. A existência de métodos indirectos para um cálculo rápido do log P pode revelar-se de grande importância na análise de listas de compostos com potencial acção farmacológica, reduzindo-as àqueles que se prevêem ter um melhor comportamento biológico. Objectivos – O propósito deste estudo é dar a conhecer um método cromatográfico de RP-HPLC desenvolvido para a determinação indirecta da lipofilia molecular e avaliar a performance de vários programas de cálculo computacional desse mesmo parâmetro. Metodologias – Seleccionaram-se 25 compostos químicos, avaliou-se o log P de cada um deles por RP-HPLC e confrontaram-se os resultados obtidos com os de sete programas computacionais. Resultados – O método RP-HPLC testado demonstrou ser vantajoso em comparação com o convencional shake flask. O programa de cálculo indirecto que proporcionou resultados mais próximos dos experimentais foi o ALOGPS© 2.1. Conclusões – A escolha ideal para a determinação da lipofilia de compostos cujo log P estimado esteja entre 0 e 6 é, sobretudo no que diz respeito à rapidez e simplicidade do processo, o método experimental indirecto RP-HPLC. Quanto aos métodos computacionais concluiu-se que nenhum dos programas, incluindo o ALOGPS© 2.1, demonstrou ser eficaz na avaliação de isómeros pelo que, para estes compostos, será sempre necessário recorrer ao método shake flask ou RP-HPLC.


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Neste trabalho são descritas as sínteses de novos copolímeros do tipo p-fenileno-etinileno (PPE’s) contendo unidades de calix[4]areno com potencial aplicação em electrónica molecular. A preparação destes copolímeros envolveu a síntese e caracterização de duas unidades monoméricas distintas. O 1,4-bis-25-(oximetil) - 26,26,28-tripropoxi-2,5-di-iodo-benzeno-p-terc-butilcalix[4]areno e diferentes 1,4-di-etinil-2,5-bis(alcoxi)benzenos. Os materiais sintesidados foram analisados e caracterizados por espectroscopia de infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR), ressonância magnética nuclear de protão e de carbono (1H e 13C RMN), análise elementar (AE) e cromatografia de permeação em gel (GPC). Com o objectivo de estudar as suas propriedades espectroscópicas recorreu-se a técnicas de absorção de estado fundamental e luminescência de estado estacionário. O estudo das propriedades quirópticas do CALIX-p-PPE-C5q demonstrou que a homoquiralidade presente nas cadeias laterais de um dos componentes do copolímero é transferida para a cadeia principal do polímero conjugado, originando um polímero quiral. A realização de estudos electroquímicos por voltametria cíclica permitiu identificar nos diferentes polímeros processos oxidativos a potenciais semelhantes; o processo redutivo apenas foi observado no CALIX-p-PPE-C6. Os polímeros sintetizados foram posteriormente testados em duas aplicações de electrónica molecular. Num dos casos, a sua capacidade de funcionar com sensores químicos na detecção de explosivos nitroaromáticos foi avaliada usando técnicas de fotoluminescência enquanto a sua utilização como filmes emissivos em diodos emissores de luz foi avaliada por estudos de electroluminescência.


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Objetivos – Com este estudo pretendeu-se i) avaliar o contributo da aplicação da sequência de difusão na caracterização das lesões mamárias malignas; ii) considerar se a sequência de difusão deve incorporar o protocolo standard em RM mamária e iii) correlacionar os resultados dos valores de coeficiente aparente de difusão (ADC) e os resultados histológicos. Metodologia – A amostra incluiu 18 pacientes do sexo feminino, com idades compreendidas entre 38 e 71 anos, que apresentavam lesões mamárias malignas confirmadas histologicamente. Foi adicionado ao protocolo de RM mamária a sequência de difusão, de modo a calcular os valores de ADC das lesões observadas. Resultados – Verificou-se que a range de valores de ADC para lesões malignas em ROI’s calculados no centro da lesão apresentavam uma média e desvio-padrão de (0,89 ± 0,14x10-3mm2/s). O método da utilização dos valores de ADC na caracterização de lesões mamárias malignas demonstrou uma sensibilidade de 100%. Conclusões – Neste estudo, com uma sensibilidade de 100%, a ponderação em difusão demonstrou ser uma técnica vantajosa na caracterização de lesões mamárias malignas pelo que se sugere a sua introdução no protocolo standard da RM mamária. ABSTRACT - Aims – The aim of this study was i) to evaluate the potential of the DWI sequence in the characterization of malignant breast lesions; ii) to verify if this sequence should incorporate the breast MRI protocol and iii) to correlate the apparent diffusion coefficients (ADC) values and histological results. Methodology – The sample includes 18 female patients between the ages of 38 and 71 years, who presented with malignant breast lesion confirmed by histology. The DWI sequence was added to the MRI standard protocol to calculate the ADC values. Results – In the results obtained we observed that the range of the ADC values calculated in the center of the malignant lesions, showed a mean and standard deviation of 0.89 ± 0.14 x10-3 mm2 / s. This method of using the ADC values for the detection of malignant lesions showed a sensitivity of 100%. Conclusion – The DWI technique proved to be a useful method in the characterization of malignant breast lesions, as it showed a sensitivity of 100%, so we suggest its inclusion in the Breast MR standard protocol.


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The organotin(IV) compounds [Me2Sn(L)(2)] (1), [Et(2)sn(L)(2)] (2), [(Bu2Sn)-Bu-n(L)(2)] (3), [(n)Oct(2)Sn(L)(2)] (4), [Ph2Sn(L)(2)] (5), and [PhOSnL](6) (6) have been synthesized from the reactions of 1-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-cyclopentanecarboxylic acid (HL) with the corresponding diorganotin(IV) oxide or dichloride. They were characterized by IR and multinuclear NMR spectroscopies, elemental analysis, cyclic voltammetry, and, for 2, 3, 4 and 6, single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. While 1-5 are mononuclear diorganotin (IV) compounds, the X-ray diffraction of 6 discloses a hexameric drumlike structure with a prismatic Sn6O6 core. All these complexes undergo irreversible reductions and were screened for their in vitro antitumor activities toward HL-60, BGC-823, Bel-7402, and KB human cancer cell lines. Within the mononuclear compounds, the most active ones (3, 5) are easiest to reduce (least cathodic reduction potentials), while the least active ones (1, 4) are the most difficult to reduce. Structural rearrangements (i.e., Sn-O bond cleavages and trans-to-cis isomerization) induced by reduction, which eventually can favor the bioactivity, are disclosed by theoretical/electrochemical studies.


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The formation of amyloid structures is a neuropathological feature that characterizes several neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer´s and Parkinson´s disease. Up to now, the definitive diagnosis of these diseases can only be accomplished by immunostaining of post mortem brain tissues with dyes such Thioflavin T and congo red. Aiming at early in vivo diagnosis of Alzheimer´s disease (AD), several amyloid-avid radioprobes have been developed for b-amyloid imaging by positron emission tomography (PET) and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). The aim of this paper is to present a perspective of the available amyloid imaging agents, special those that have been selected for clinical trials and are at the different stages of the US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) approval.


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Epidemiological studies showed increased prevalence of respiratory symptoms and adverse changes in pulmonary function parameters in poultry workers, corroborating the increased exposure to risk factors, such as fungal load and their metabolites. This study aimed to determine the occupational exposure threat due to fungal contamination caused by the toxigenic isolates belonging to the complex of the species of Aspergillus flavus and also isolates fromAspergillus fumigatus species complex. The study was carried out in seven Portuguese poultries, using cultural and molecularmethodologies. For conventional/cultural methods, air, surfaces, and litter samples were collected by impaction method using the Millipore Air Sampler. For the molecular analysis, air samples were collected by impinger method using the Coriolis μ air sampler. After DNA extraction, samples were analyzed by real-time PCR using specific primers and probes for toxigenic strains of the Aspergillus flavus complex and for detection of isolates from Aspergillus fumigatus complex. Through conventional methods, and among the Aspergillus genus, different prevalences were detected regarding the presence of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus fumigatus species complexes, namely: 74.5 versus 1.0% in the air samples, 24.0 versus 16.0% in the surfaces, 0 versus 32.6% in new litter, and 9.9 versus 15.9%in used litter. Through molecular biology, we were able to detect the presence of aflatoxigenic strains in pavilions in which Aspergillus flavus did not grow in culture. Aspergillus fumigatus was only found in one indoor air sample by conventional methods. Using molecular methodologies, however, Aspergillus fumigatus complex was detected in seven indoor samples from three different poultry units. The characterization of fungal contamination caused by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus fumigatus raises the concern of occupational threat not only due to the detected fungal load but also because of the toxigenic potential of these species.


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This project was developed to fully assess the indoor air quality in archives and libraries from a fungal flora point of view. It uses classical methodologies such as traditional culture media – for the viable fungi – and modern molecular biology protocols, especially relevant to assess the non-viable fraction of the biological contaminants. Denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) has emerged as an alternative to denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and has already been applied to the study of a few bacterial communities. We propose the application of DHPLC to the study of fungal colonization on paper-based archive materials. This technology allows for the identification of each component of a mixture of fungi based on their genetic variation. In a highly complex mixture of microbial DNA this method can be used simply to study the population dynamics, and it also allows for sample fraction collection, which can, in many cases, be immediately sequenced, circumventing the need for cloning. Some examples of the methodological application are shown. Also applied is fragment length analysis for the study of mixed Candida samples. Both of these methods can later be applied in various fields, such as clinical and sand sample analysis. So far, the environmental analyses have been extremely useful to determine potentially pathogenic/toxinogenic fungi such as Stachybotrys sp., Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus, and Fusarium sp. This work will hopefully lead to more accurate evaluation of environmental conditions for both human health and the preservation of documents.


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Besnoitia besnoiti is an apicomplexan parasite responsible for bovine besnoitiosis, a disease with a high prevalence in tropical and subtropical regions and re-emerging in Europe. Despite the great economical losses associated with besnoitiosis, this disease has been underestimated and poorly studied, and neither an effective therapy nor an efficacious vaccine is available. Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) is an essential enzyme for the acquisition of the correct three-dimensional structure of proteins. Current evidence suggests that in Neosporacaninum and Toxoplasmagondii, which are closely related to B. besnoiti, PDI play an important role in host cell invasion, is a relevant target for the host immune response, and represents a promising drug target and/or vaccine candidate. In this work, we present the nucleotide sequence of the B. besnoiti PDI gene. BbPDI belongs to the thioredoxin-like superfamily (cluster 00388) and is included in the PDI_a family (cluster defined cd02961) and the PDI_a_PDI_a'_c subfamily (cd02995). A 3D theoretical model was built by comparative homology using Swiss-Model server, using as a template the crystallographic deduced model of Tapasin-ERp57 (PDB code 3F8U chain C). Analysis of the phylogenetic tree for PDI within the phylum apicomplexa reinforces the close relationship among B. besnoiti, N. caninum and T. gondii. When subjected to a PDI-assay based on the polymerisation of reduced insulin, recombinant BbPDI expressed in E. coli exhibited enzymatic activity, which was inhibited by bacitracin. Antiserum directed against recombinant BbPDI reacted with PDI in Western blots and by immunofluorescence with B. besnoiti tachyzoites and bradyzoites.


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The handling of waste and compost that occurs frequently in composting plants (compost turning, shredding, and screening) has been shown to be responsible for the release of dust and air borne microorganisms and their compounds in the air. Thermophilic fungi, such as A. fumigatus, have been reported and this kind of contamination in composting facilities has been associated with increased respiratory symptoms among compost workers. This study intended to characterize fungal contamination in a totally indoor composting plant located in Portugal. Besides conventional methods, molecular biology was also applied to overcome eventual limitations.


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Clinical and environmental samples from Portugal were screened for the presence of Aspergillus and the distributions of the species complexes were determined in order to understand how their distributions differ based on their source. Fifty-seven Aspergillus isolates from clinical samples were collected from 10 health institutions. Six species complexes were detected by internal transcribed spacer sequencing; Fumigati, Flavi, and Nigri were found most frequently (50.9%, 21.0%, and 15.8%, respectively). β-tubulin and calmodulin sequencing resulted in seven cryptic species (A. awamorii, A. brasiliensis, A. fructus, A. lentulus, A. sydowii, A. tubingensis, Emericella echinulata) being identified among the 57 isolates. Thirty-nine isolates of Aspergillus were recovered from beach sand and poultry farms, 31 from swine farms, and 80 from hospital environments, for a total 189 isolates. Eleven species complexes were found in these 189 isolates, and those belonging to the Versicolores species complex were found most frequently (23.8%). There was a significant association between the different environmental sources and distribution of the species complexes; the hospital environment had greater variability of species complexes than other environmental locations. A high prevalence of cryptic species within the Circumdati complex was detected in several environments; from the isolates analyzed, at least four cryptic species were identified, most of them growing at 37ºC. Because Aspergillus species complexes have different susceptibilities to antifungals, knowing the species-complex epidemiology for each setting, as well as the identification of cryptic species among the collected clinical isolates, is important. This may allow preventive and corrective measures to be taken, which may result in decreased exposure to those organisms and a better prognosis.


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A Formalina 10% Tamponada (FNT 10%) é considerada o fixador de eleição nos Laboratórios de Anatomia Patológica. Contudo, a exposição a esta substância acarreta riscos para a saúde dos técnicos. A International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classificou-a como cancerígeno humano e estudos relevam uma correlação positiva entre a exposição a formaldeído e o desenvolvimento de leucemia e leucemia mielóide. Torna-se relevante alterar o processo de fixação substituindo a FNT 10% por outros fixadores melhorando estas questões. Como tal, desenvolveram-se fixadores à base de outros compostos químicos que não formaldeído, como o Fixador Molecular Universal (UMFIX) que tem como base metanol e polietilenoglicol e que é usualmente utilizado com um processador rápido de micro-ondas. Pretende-se comparar as diferenças entre a fixação por FNT 10% e a fixação por UMFIX, em tecido hepático processado em processador rápido de micro-ondas, para as colorações de Hematoxilina-Eosina (H&E), Tricrómio de Gomori, Reticulina e PAS, através da qualidade final das lâminas testadas. A coloração de H&E foi a única que apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os dois fixadores (p=0,032; α<0,05; Mann-Whitney). O UMFIX apresenta-se como um substituto da FNT 10% para o processamento rápido em micro-ondas, pois além de apresentar lâminas com uma qualidade final semelhante ou superior às da FNT 10%, ultrapassa os riscos referidos.


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Background - Aspergillus respiratory infection is a common complication in cystic fibrosis (CF) and is associated with loss of pulmonary function and allergic disease. Methods - Fifty-three Aspergillus isolates recovered from CF patients were identified to species by Internal Transcribed Spacer Region (ITS), β-tubulin, and calmodulin sequencing. Results - Three species complexes (Terrei, Nigri, and Fumigati) were found. Identification to species level gave a single Aspergillus terreus sensu stricto, one Aspergillus niger sensu stricto and 51 Aspergillus fumigatus sensu stricto isolates. No cryptic species were found. Conclusions - To our knowledge, this is the first prospective study of Aspergillus species in CF using molecular methods. The paucity of non-A. fumigatus and of cryptic species of A. fumigatus suggests a special association of A. fumigatus sensu stricto with CF airways, indicating it likely displays unique characteristics making it suitable for chronic residence in that milieu. These findings could refine an epidemiologic and therapeutic approach geared to this pathogen.


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Portugal has been the world leader in the cork sector in terms of exports, employing ten thousands of workers. In this working activity, the permanent contact with cork may lead to the exposure to fungi, raising concerns as potential occupational hazards in cork industry. The application of molecular tools is crucial in this setting, since fungal species with faster growth rates may hide other species with clinical relevance, such as species belonging to P. glabrum and A. fumigatus complexes. A study was developed aiming at assessing fungal contamination due to Aspergillus fumigatus complex and Penicillium glabrum complex by molecular methods in three cork industries in the outskirt of Lisbon city.


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This study was developed with the purpose to investigate the effect of polysaccharide/plasticiser concentration on the microstructure and molecular dynamics of polymeric film systems, using transmission electron microscope imaging (TEM) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques. Experiments were carried out in chitosan/glycerol films prepared with solutions of different composition. The films obtained after drying and equilibration were characterised in terms of composition, thickness and water activity. Results show that glycerol quantities used in film forming solutions were responsible for films composition; while polymer/total plasticiser ratio in the solution determined the thickness (and thus structure) of the films. These results were confirmed by TEM. NMR allowed understanding the films molecular rearrangement. Two different behaviours for the two components analysed, water and glycerol were observed: the first is predominantly moving free in the matrix, while glycerol is mainly bounded to the chitosan chain. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cellulose and its derivatives, such as hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) have been studied for a long time but they are still not well understood particularly in liquid crystalline solutions. These systems can be at the origin of networks with properties similar to liquid crystalline (LC) elastomers. The films produced from LC solutions can be manipulated by the action of moisture allowing for instance the development of a soft motor (Geng et al., 2013) driven by humidity. Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC), which combine cellulose properties with the specific characteristics of nanoscale materials, have been mainly studied for their potential as a reinforcing agent. Suspensions of CNC can also self-order originating a liquid-crystalline chiral nematic phases. Considering the liquid crystalline features that both LC-HPC and CNC can acquire, we prepared LC-HPC/CNC solutions with different CNC contents (1,2 and 5 wt.%). The effect of the CNC into the LC-HPC matrix was determined by coupling rheology and NMR spectroscopy - Rheo-NMR a technique tailored to analyse orientational order in sheared systems. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.