34 resultados para liquid-liquid microextraction
An experimental and theoretical study of the electro-rheological effects observed in the nematic phase of 4-n-heptyl-4'-cyanobiphenyl has been conducted. This liquid crystal appears to be a model system, in which the observed rheological behaviour can be interpreted by the Leslie-Ericksen continuum theory for low molecular weight liquid crystals. Flow curves are illustrated at different temperatures and under the influence of an external electric field ranging from 0 to 3 kV mm-1, applied perpendicular to the direction of flow. Also presented is the apparent viscosity as a function of temperature, over similar values of electric field, obtained at different shear rates. A master flow curve has been constructed for each temperature by dividing the shear rate by the square of the electric field and multiplying by the square of a reference value of electric field. In a log-log plot, two Newtonian plateaux are found to appear at low and high shear rates, connected by a shear-thinning region. We have applied the Leslie-Ericksen continuum theory, in which the director alignment angle is a function of the electric field and the flow field boundary conditions are neglected, to determine viscoelastic parameters and the dielectric anisotropy.
We characterize the elastic contribution to the surface free energy of a nematic liquid crystal in the presence of a sawtooth substrate. Our findings are based on numerical minimization of the Landau-de Gennes model and analytical calculations on the Frank-Oseen theory. The nucleation of disclination lines (characterized by non-half-integer winding numbers) in the wedges and apexes of the substrate induces a leading order proportional to q ln q to the elastic contribution to the surface free-energy density, with q being the wave number associated with the substrate periodicity.
n a recent paper we reported an experimental study of two N-alkylimidazolium salts. These ionic compounds exhibit liquid crystalline behaviour with melting points above 50 degrees C in bulk. However, if they are sheared, a (possibly non-equilibrium) lamellar phase forms at room temperature. Upon shearing a thin film of the material between microscope slides, textures were observed that are strikingly similar to liquid (wet) foams. The images obtained from polarising optical microscopy (POM) were found to share many of the known quantitative properties of a two-dimensional foam coarsening process. Here we report an experimental study of this foam using a shearing system coupled with POM. The structure and evolution of the foam are investigated through the image analysis of time sequences of micrographs obtained for well-controlled sets of physical parameters (sample thickness, shear rate and temperature). In particular, we find that there is a threshold shear rate below which no foam can form. Above this threshold, a steady-state foam pattern is obtained where the mean cell area generally decreases with increasing shear rate. Furthermore, the steady-state internal cell angles and distribution of the cell number of sides deviate from their equilibrium (i.e. zero-shear) values.
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no âmbito de um projecto europeu intitulado: “Operational demonstration of innovative and sustainable nitrate elimination in stainless steel pickling by higher power biological denitrification technique” Projecto RESP-CT-2007-00047, tendo em vista o desenvolvimento de membranas para o tratamento de efluente resultante da decapagem do aço inox. Numa fase inicial foram desenvolvidas membranas compostas assimétricas pelo método de polimerização interfacial. Estas membranas foram produzidas utilizando uma membrana comercial de suporte em polietersulfona e os filmes selectivos de poliamiada foram formados por reacção entre 1,3,5-tri(clorocarboni)benzeno (TMC) e várias dinaminas: piperazina (PIP), N-(2-aminoetil)-piperazina (EAP), 1,4-bis(3-aminopropil)-piperazina (DAPP), 6-metil-1,3,5 triazina-2,4 diamina (MTC), Isoforodiamina (IPD) e Dietilenetriamina (DET). A elaboração de membranas de TFC (thin film composite) tinha como objectivo a retenção de sais do efluente resultante da decapagem do aço inox. No entanto, chegou-se a conclusão de que o principal problema do efluente não era a retenção dos sais, mas sim a retenção da matéria orgânica. Assim, já não era necessa´ria a produção de membranas compostas, mas apenas uma membrana suporte simples de microfiltração. Numa segunda fase procedeu-se a preparação da membrana suporte pelo método da inversão de fase, tendo-se testado vários tipos de polímeros: PVC (polyvinyl chloride), PEI (Polyetherimide) e um polímero termoplástico geral. A membrana seleccionada foi a de PEI, com base na sua permeabilidade à água destilada e ao efluente resultante das águas residuais da decapagem do aço inox. Todas as membranas elaboradas durante a realização deste trabalho foram testadas na célula de Berghof a uma pressão de 4bar e com agitação. O principal prâmetro estudado foi a permeabilidade da membrana.
A mat of electrospun cellulose fibers are deposed on transparent conductive oxide covered glass, and two such plates enclose a nematic liquid crystal. Thus two new types of Cellulose based Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal devices, based on hydroxypropylcellulose and Cellulose Acetate and the nematic liquid crystal E7 have been obtained. The current-voltage characteristics indicates ionic type conduction. Heating-cooling cycles have been applied on the samples and the activation energies have been determined. Simultaneously with the thermo-stimulated currents, the optical transmission dependence on the d.c. electric field and temperature was registered. ON-OFF switching times have been determined for different control voltages. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Captopril, an inhibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), is used to treat medical conditions like hypertension and heart failure, and it is usually administered in tablet form for adults. Since this dosage form is not recommended for infants and children up to 6 years, hospital pharmacies have to prepare liquid formulations for oral administration of captopril. Traditionally, concentration of captopril used in the formulations is 1mg/ml. The problem is that captopril is prone to oxidation, and its stability in solution is affected by pH, concentration of captopril, the presence of oxygen or metal ions. The influence of different formulation ingredients on the properties of physical and chemical stability of captopril in liquid preparations has been evaluated. Main of the study: to evaluate the stability of captopril for 30 days when formulated in a 1 mg/ml suspension adjuvanted with citric acid.
Close to sinusoidal substrates, simple fluids may undergo a filling transition, in which the fluid passes from a dry to a filled state, where the interface remains unbent but bound to the substrate. Increasing the surface field, the interface unbinds and a wetting transition occurs. We show that this double-transition sequence may be strongly modified in the case of ordered fluids, such as nematic liquid crystals. Depending on the preferred orientation of the nematic molecules at the structured substrate and at the isotropic-nematic interface, the filling transition may not exist, and the fluid passes directly from a dry to a complete-wet state, with the interface far from the substrate. More interestingly, in other situations, the complete wetting transition may be prevented, and the fluid passes from a dry to a filled state, and remains in this configuration, with the interface always attached to the substrate, even for very large surface fields. Both transitions are observed only for a same substrate in a narrow range of amplitudes.
Liquid crystals in confined geometries exhibit numerous complex structures often including topological defects that are controlled by the nematic elasticity, chirality and surface anchoring. In this work, we study the structures of cholesteric droplets pierced by cellulose fibres with planar anchoring at droplet and fibre surfaces. By varying the temperature we demonstrate the role of twisting power and droplet diameter on the equilibrium structures. The observed structures are complemented by detailed numerical simulations of possible director fields decorated by defects. Three distinct structures, a bipolar and two ring configurations, are identified experimentally and numerically. Designing cholesteric liquid crystal microdroplets on thin long threads opens new routes to produce fibre waveguides decorated with complex microresonators.
The salient feature of liquid crystal elastomers and networks is strong coupling between orientational order and mechanical strain. Orientational order can be changed by a wide variety of stimuli, including the presence of moisture. Changes in the orientation of constituents give rise to stresses and strains, which result in changes in sample shape. We have utilized this effect to build soft cellulose-based motor driven by humidity. The motor consists of a circular loop of cellulose film, which passes over two wheels. When humid air is present near one of the wheels on one side of the film, with drier air elsewhere, rotation of the wheels results. As the wheels rotate, the humid film dries. The motor runs so long as the difference in humidity is maintained. Our cellulose liquid crystal motor thus extracts mechanical work from a difference in humidity.
This work reports a recently developed electro-optical (EO) device that can potentially be used as a light shutter or a privacy window. By using nanocrystalline cellulose rods, we were able to improve some of the most relevant parameters characterising the EO behaviour. A brief description of the proposed working mechanism for these devices is presented, and numerical simulations based on this mechanism of both the optical transmission and the cells' electrical capacitance are compared with the obtained results, validating the underlying working model considered.
Water-based cellulose cholesteric liquid crystalline phases at rest can undergo structural changes induced by shear flow. This reflects on the deuterium spectra recorded when the system is investigated by rheo-nuclear magnetic resonance (rheo-NMR) techniques. In this work, the model system hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC)+water is revisited using rheo-NMR to clarify unsettled points regarding its behavior under shear and in relaxation. The NMR spectra allow the identification of five different stable ordering states, within shear and relaxation, which are well integrated in a mesoscopic picture of the system's structural evolution under shear and relaxation. This picture emerging from the large body of studies available for this system by other experimental techniques, accounts well for the NMR data and is in good agreement with the three distinct regions of steady shear flow recognized for some lyotropic LC polymers. Shear rates in between 0.1 and 1.0 s(-1) where investigated using a Taylor-Couette flow and deuterated water was used as solvent for the deuterium NMR (DNMR) analysis.
We have generalized earlier work on anchoring of nematic liquid crystals by Sullivan, and Sluckin and Poniewierski, in order to study transitions which may occur in binary mixtures of nematic liquid crystals as a function of composition. Microscopic expressions have been obtained for the anchoring energy of (i) a liquid crystal in contact with a solid aligning surface; (ii) a liquid crystal in contact with an immiscible isotropic medium; (iii) a liquid crystal mixture in contact with a solid aligning surface. For (iii), possible phase diagrams of anchoring angle versus dopant concentration have been calculated using a simple liquid crystal model. These exhibit some interesting features including re-entrant conical anchoring, for what are believed to be realistic values of the molecular parameters. A way of relaxing the most drastic approximation implicit in the above approach is also briefly discussed.
Helically twisted fibers can be produced by electrospinning liquid-crystalline cellulose solutions. Fiber topographies are studied by atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (see figure) and polarized optical microscopy. The fibers have a nearly universal pitch-to-diameter ratio and comprise both right- and left-handed helices.
We present a study of the effects of nanoconfinement on a system of hard Gaussian overlap particles interacting with planar substrates through the hard-needle-wall potential, extending earlier work by two of us [D. J. Cleaver and P. I. C. Teixeira, Chem. Phys. Lett. 338, 1 (2001)]. Here, we consider the case of hybrid films, where one of the substrates induces strongly homeotropic anchoring, while the other favors either weakly homeotropic or planar anchoring. These systems are investigated using both Monte Carlo simulation and density-functional theory, the latter implemented at the level of Onsager's second-virial approximation with Parsons-Lee rescaling. The orientational structure is found to change either continuously or discontinuously depending on substrate separation, in agreement with earlier predictions by others. The theory is seen to perform well in spite of its simplicity, predicting the positional and orientational structure seen in simulations even for small particle elongations.
The phase behaviour of a number of N-alkylimidazolium salts was studied using polarizing optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction. Two of these compounds exhibit lamellar mesophases at temperatures above 50 degrees C. In these systems, the liquid crystalline behaviour may be induced at room temperature by shear. Sheared films of these materials, observed between crossed polarisers, have a morphology that is typical of (wet) liquid foams: they partition into dark domains separated by brighter (birefringent) walls, which are approximately arcs of circle and meet at "Plateau borders" with three or more sides. Where walls meet three at a time, they do so at approximately 120 degrees angles. These patterns coarsen with time and both T1 and T2 processes have been observed, as in foams. The time evolution of domains is also consistent with von Neumann's law. We conjecture that the bright walls are regions of high concentration of defects produced by shear, and that the system is dominated by the interfacial tension between these walls and the uniform domains. The control of self-organised monodomains, as observed in these systems, is expected to play an important role in potential applications.