46 resultados para learning tasks


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Many learning problems require handling high dimensional datasets with a relatively small number of instances. Learning algorithms are thus confronted with the curse of dimensionality, and need to address it in order to be effective. Examples of these types of data include the bag-of-words representation in text classification problems and gene expression data for tumor detection/classification. Usually, among the high number of features characterizing the instances, many may be irrelevant (or even detrimental) for the learning tasks. It is thus clear that there is a need for adequate techniques for feature representation, reduction, and selection, to improve both the classification accuracy and the memory requirements. In this paper, we propose combined unsupervised feature discretization and feature selection techniques, suitable for medium and high-dimensional datasets. The experimental results on several standard datasets, with both sparse and dense features, show the efficiency of the proposed techniques as well as improvements over previous related techniques.


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Develop a new model of Absorptive Capacity taking into account two variables namely Learning and knowledge to explain how companies transform information into knowledge


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Este estudo analisa o modo como se desenvolve a aprendizagem do conceito de volume nos alunos do 6º ano de escolaridade, no quadro de uma proposta pedagógica que dá ênfase a actividades que apelam à visualização e ao raciocínio espacial. O seu objectivo principal foi o de compreender as ideias que os alunos do 6.º ano têm sobre volume e perceber como se desenvolvem quando são envolvidos numa experiência de ensino, tendo por base uma cadeia de tarefas que apelam à visualização e ao raciocínio espacial. O estudo seguiu uma metodologia de investigação qualitativa baseada em estudos de caso. A proposta pedagógica foi desenvolvida em quatro aulas; três de noventa minutos e uma de quarenta e cinco minutos, durante os 2º e 3º períodos do ano lectivo de 2009/2010. A recolha de dados envolveu a realização de gravações áudio, em ambiente de sala de aula, dos alunos que constituíram os estudos de caso, registo de observações do desempenho dos alunos e os documentos produzidos por estes. Os resultados mostram que, ao longo da proposta pedagógica, os alunos adquiriram estratégias de contagem que lhes permitiram criar estruturas, para compreender a organização dos paralelepípedos e desenvolver o conceito de volume. iii ABSTRACT This study examines how 6th graders’ students develop the concept of volume in a learning experience context which emphasizes the visualization and spatial reasoning. The main objective of this study is to understand the ideas of 6th grade students about volume and see how they develop them when they are involved in a learning experience, based on a sequence of tasks that call for visualization and spatial reasoning. The study followed a qualitative research methodology based on case studies. The learning experience was developed in four classes, three ninety minutes period and one forty-five minutes, during the 2nd and 3rd terms of the school year 2009/2010. Data collection involved the use of audio recordings in the classroom environment, recording observations of student performance and the documents produced by them. The results showed that, over the learning experience, students acquired counting strategies that allowed them to create structures for understanding the organization of cubes arrays and develop the concept of volume.


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This paper is an elaboration of the DECA algorithm [1] to blindly unmix hyperspectral data. The underlying mixing model is linear, meaning that each pixel is a linear mixture of the endmembers signatures weighted by the correspondent abundance fractions. The proposed method, as DECA, is tailored to highly mixed mixtures in which the geometric based approaches fail to identify the simplex of minimum volume enclosing the observed spectral vectors. We resort then to a statitistical framework, where the abundance fractions are modeled as mixtures of Dirichlet densities, thus enforcing the constraints on abundance fractions imposed by the acquisition process, namely non-negativity and constant sum. With respect to DECA, we introduce two improvements: 1) the number of Dirichlet modes are inferred based on the minimum description length (MDL) principle; 2) The generalized expectation maximization (GEM) algorithm we adopt to infer the model parameters is improved by using alternating minimization and augmented Lagrangian methods to compute the mixing matrix. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is illustrated with simulated and read data.


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Wyner - Ziv (WZ) video coding is a particular case of distributed video coding (DVC), the recent video coding paradigm based on the Slepian - Wolf and Wyner - Ziv theorems which exploits the source temporal correlation at the decoder and not at the encoder as in predictive video coding. Although some progress has been made in the last years, WZ video coding is still far from the compression performance of predictive video coding, especially for high and complex motion contents. The WZ video codec adopted in this study is based on a transform domain WZ video coding architecture with feedback channel-driven rate control, whose modules have been improved with some recent coding tools. This study proposes a novel motion learning approach to successively improve the rate-distortion (RD) performance of the WZ video codec as the decoding proceeds, making use of the already decoded transform bands to improve the decoding process for the remaining transform bands. The results obtained reveal gains up to 2.3 dB in the RD curves against the performance for the same codec without the proposed motion learning approach for high motion sequences and long group of pictures (GOP) sizes.


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A organização automática de mensagens de correio electrónico é um desafio actual na área da aprendizagem automática. O número excessivo de mensagens afecta cada vez mais utilizadores, especialmente os que usam o correio electrónico como ferramenta de comunicação e trabalho. Esta tese aborda o problema da organização automática de mensagens de correio electrónico propondo uma solução que tem como objectivo a etiquetagem automática de mensagens. A etiquetagem automática é feita com recurso às pastas de correio electrónico anteriormente criadas pelos utilizadores, tratando-as como etiquetas, e à sugestão de múltiplas etiquetas para cada mensagem (top-N). São estudadas várias técnicas de aprendizagem e os vários campos que compõe uma mensagem de correio electrónico são analisados de forma a determinar a sua adequação como elementos de classificação. O foco deste trabalho recai sobre os campos textuais (o assunto e o corpo das mensagens), estudando-se diferentes formas de representação, selecção de características e algoritmos de classificação. É ainda efectuada a avaliação dos campos de participantes através de algoritmos de classificação que os representam usando o modelo vectorial ou como um grafo. Os vários campos são combinados para classificação utilizando a técnica de combinação de classificadores Votação por Maioria. Os testes são efectuados com um subconjunto de mensagens de correio electrónico da Enron e um conjunto de dados privados disponibilizados pelo Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC). Estes conjuntos são analisados de forma a perceber as características dos dados. A avaliação do sistema é realizada através da percentagem de acerto dos classificadores. Os resultados obtidos apresentam melhorias significativas em comparação com os trabalhos relacionados.


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Reinforcement Learning is an area of Machine Learning that deals with how an agent should take actions in an environment such as to maximize the notion of accumulated reward. This type of learning is inspired by the way humans learn and has led to the creation of various algorithms for reinforcement learning. These algorithms focus on the way in which an agent’s behaviour can be improved, assuming independence as to their surroundings. The current work studies the application of reinforcement learning methods to solve the inverted pendulum problem. The importance of the variability of the environment (factors that are external to the agent) on the execution of reinforcement learning agents is studied by using a model that seeks to obtain equilibrium (stability) through dynamism – a Cart-Pole system or inverted pendulum. We sought to improve the behaviour of the autonomous agents by changing the information passed to them, while maintaining the agent’s internal parameters constant (learning rate, discount factors, decay rate, etc.), instead of the classical approach of tuning the agent’s internal parameters. The influence of changes on the state set and the action set on an agent’s capability to solve the Cart-pole problem was studied. We have studied typical behaviour of reinforcement learning agents applied to the classic BOXES model and a new form of characterizing the environment was proposed using the notion of convergence towards a reference value. We demonstrate the gain in performance of this new method applied to a Q-Learning agent.


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Projeto de intervênção apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Didática da Língua Portuguesa em 1º e 2º Ciclos do Ensino Básico


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As teachers, we are challenged everyday to solve pedagogical problems and we have to fight for our students’ attention in a media rich world. I will talk about how we use ICT in Initial Teacher Training and give you some insight on what we are doing. The most important benefit of using ICT in education is that it makes us reflect on our practice. There is no doubt that our classrooms need to be updated, but we need to be critical about every peace of hardware, software or service that we bring into them. It is not only because our budgets are short, but also because e‐learning is primarily about learning, not technology. Therefore, we need to have the knowledge and skills required to act in different situations, and choose the best tool for the job. Not all subjects are suitable for e‐learning, nor do all students have the skills to organize themselves their own study times. Also not all teachers want to spend time programming or learning about instructional design and metadata. The promised land of easy use of authoring tools (e.g. eXe and Reload) that will lead to all teachers become Learning Objects authors and share these LO in Repositories, all this failed, like previously HyperCard, Toolbook and others. We need to know a little bit of many different technologies so we can mobilize this knowledge when a situation requires it: integrate e‐learning technologies in the classroom, not a flipped classroom, just simple tools. Lecture capture, mobile phones and smartphones, pocket size camcorders, VoIP, VLE, live video broadcast, screen sharing, free services for collaborative work, save, share and sync your files. Do not feel stressed to use everything, every time. Just because we have a whiteboard does not mean we have to make it the centre of the classroom. Start from where you are, with your preferred subject and the tools you master. Them go slowly and try some new tool in a non‐formal situation and with just one or two students. And you don’t need to be alone: subscribe a mailing list and share your thoughts with other teachers in a dedicated forum, even better if both are part of a community of practice, and share resources. We did that for music teachers and it was a success, in two years arriving at 1.000 members. Just do it.


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Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão de Serviços de Saúde.


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Conferência anual da ISME


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O objetivo desta investigação é compreender como é que alunos do 3.º ano de escolaridade desenvolvem o conceito de área com ênfase em conhecimentos sobre figuras e propriedades geométricas. Para melhor objetivar o estudo, formulei três questões que orientaram a investigação. Pretendo (1) compreender como é que os alunos mobilizam conhecimentos sobre as propriedades das figuras geométricas no estudo da área de uma figura plana? A que estratégias recorrem? Que dificuldades sentem? (2) que compreensão é que os alunos têm sobre o processo de medição? e (3) que ideias e/ou experiências são relevantes no desenvolvimento do conceito de área? Este é um estudo que se insere no paradigma interpretativo e que segue uma abordagem qualitativa, pelo que não visa generalização de resultados, mas uma descrição compreensiva dos processos vivenciados, tendo em conta os contextos pessoais e sociais. Optei por realizar dois Estudos de Caso. Os dados foram recolhidos através de fontes diversificadas, donde se destacam a observação participante e a análise de registos audiovisuais e escritos dos alunos. A análise dos dados teve por referência categorias criadas com base em contributos da literatura de referência. As conclusões desta investigação centram-se numa análise acerca das estratégias a que os alunos em estudo tendencialmente mais recorrem, visando também algumas das suas dificuldades mais relevantes e sobre as quais importa refletir. Destaca-se que ambos os alunos foram capazes de recorrer a raciocínios baseados e não baseados na medida, embora seja evidente uma tendência para raciocínios baseados na medida. É igualmente importante referir que os dois alunos revelaram um bom conhecimento acerca do processo de medição, mesmo quando ele implicava a definição de uma unidade de medida adequada e/ou mudança de unidade. É dado, também, destaque às experiências matemáticas que devem ser proporcionadas aos alunos no sentido do desenvolvimento de um conhecimento amplo e flexível do conceito de área. - Abstract The purpose of this investigation is to understand the development of 3rd year students’ concept of area based on their knowledge of geometrical properties and figures. As means to orientate the present study, the following investigation questions were formulated: 1) how do students use their knowledge about geometrical properties in order to understand geometrical shape’s areas? Which strategies do they use? What do they struggle with? (2) What is their understanding about measurement? And (3) what are the most relevant mathematical reasonings and classroom tasks in the development of the concept of area? This is a study that follows a qualitative approach: it does not intend to be a generalization, but a fully comprehensive description of the witnessed learning processes, bearing in mind the social and personal contexts. As such, two study-cases were developed. The data were collected through various sources, such as direct observation and analysis of audiovisual records or written worksheets. The scrutiny of the generated data was undertaken following criteria based on the literature of reference. The conclusions of this investigation are centered on the most used strategies as well as the students’ difficulties upon which it is important to discuss. It was noticed that the two students were able to use both measurement and non measurement thinking – although, preferably, they tend to use the first one. On the other hand, it is equally demonstrated that the two students have shown good acquaintance about measurement, even if obliged to the establishment of a suitable unit of measurement and/or change of units. At last, it is also referred which mathematical classroom tasks are important to develop a sustained and comprehensive concept of area.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.


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Projeto de Intervenção apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialidade Educação Especial


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Paper presented at the Conference “The Reflective Conservatoire – 2nd International Conference: Building Connections”. Guildhall School of Music and Drama and Barbican Conference Centre, London. 28 February – 3 March 2009