55 resultados para Wind generator


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In this paper, two wind turbines equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) and respectively with a two-level or a multilevel converter are simulated in order to access the malfunction transient performance. Three different drive train mass models, respectively, one, two and three mass models, are considered in order to model the bending flexibility of the blades. Moreover, a fractional-order control strategy is studied comparatively to a classical integer-order control strategy. Computer simulations are carried out, and conclusions about the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the electric current injected into the electric grid are in favor of the fractional-order control strategy.


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A transient analysis for two full-power converter wind turbines equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator is studied in this article, taking into consideration, as a new contribution to earlier studies, a pitch control malfunction. The two full-power converters considered are, respectively, a two-level and a multi-level converter. Moreover, a novel control strategy based on fractional-order controllers for wind turbines is studied. Simulation results are presented; conclusions are in favor of the novel control strategy, improving the quality of the energy injected into the electric grid.


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Power converters play a vital role in the integration of wind power into the electrical grid. Variable-speed wind turbine generator systems have a considerable interest of application for grid connection at constant frequency. In this paper, comprehensive simulation studies are carried out with three power converter topologies: matrix, two-level and multilevel. A fractional-order control strategy is studied for the variable-speed operation of wind turbine generator systems. The studies are in order to compare power converter topologies and control strategies. The studies reveal that the multilevel converter and the proposed fractional-order control strategy enable an improvement in the power quality, in comparison with the other power converters using a classical integer-order control strategy. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper is on an onshore variable speed wind turbine with doubly fed induction generator and under supervisory control. The control architecture is equipped with an event-based supervisor for the supervision level and fuzzy proportional integral or discrete adaptive linear quadratic as proposed controllers for the execution level. The supervisory control assesses the operational state of the variable speed wind turbine and sends the state to the execution level. Controllers operation are in the full load region to extract energy at full power from the wind while ensuring safety conditions required to inject the energy into the electric grid. A comparison between the simulations of the proposed controllers with the inclusion of the supervisory control on the variable speed wind turbine benchmark model is presented to assess advantages of these controls. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).


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This paper presents new integrated model for variable-speed wind energy conversion systems, considering a more accurate dynamic of the wind turbine, rotor, generator, power converter and filter. Pulse width modulation by space vector modulation associated with sliding mode is used for controlling the power converters. Also, power factor control is introduced at the output of the power converters. Comprehensive performance simulation studies are carried out with matrix, two-level and multilevel power converter topologies in order to adequately assert the system performance. Conclusions are duly drawn.


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This paper presents a new integrated model for the simulation of wind energy systems. The proposed model is more realistic and accurate, considering a variable-speed wind turbine, two-mass rotor, permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG), different power converter topologies, and filters. Additionally, a new control strategy is proposed for the variable-speed operation of wind turbines with PMSG/full-power converter topology, based on fractional-order controllers. Comprehensive simulation studies are carried out with matrix and multilevel power converter topologies, in order to adequately assert the system performance in what regards the quality of the energy injected into the electric grid. Finally, conclusions are duly drawn.


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This paper proposes the use of a Modular Marx Multilevel Converter, as a solution for energy integration between an offshore Wind Farm and the power grid network. The Marx modular multilevel converter is based on the Marx generator, and solves two typical problems in this type of multilevel topologies: modularity and dc capacitor voltage balancing. This paper details the strategy for dc capacitor voltage equalization. The dynamic models of the converter and power grid are presented in order to design the converter ac output voltages and the dc capacitor voltage controller. The average current control is presented and used for power flow control, harmonics and reactive power compensation. Simulation results are presented in order to show the effectiveness of the proposed (MC)-C-3 topology.


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This paper is on variable-speed wind turbines with permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). Three different drive train mass models and three different topologies for the power-electronic converters are considered. The three different topologies considered are respectively a matrix, a two-level and a multilevel converter. A novel control strategy, based on fractional-order controllers, is proposed for the wind turbines. Simulation results are presented to illustrate the behaviour of the wind turbines during a converter control malfunction, considering the fractional-order controllers. Finally, conclusions are duly drawn. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A new integrated mathematical model for the simulation of offshore wind energy conversion system performance is presented in this paper. The mathematical model considers an offshore variable-speed turbine in deep water equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator using full-power two-level converter, converting the energy of a variable frequency source in injected energy into the electric network with constant frequency, through a high voltage DC transmission submarine cable. The mathematical model for the drive train is a concentrate two mass model which incorporates the dynamic for the structure and tower due to the need to emulate the effects of the moving surface. Controller strategy considered is a proportional integral one. Also, pulse width modulation using space vector modulation supplemented with sliding mode is used for trigger the transistor of the converter. Finally, a case study is presented to access the system performance. © 2014 IEEE.


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This paper deals with the computing simulation of the impact on permanent magnet synchronous generator wind turbines due to fifth harmonic content and grid voltage decrease. Power converter topologies considered in the simulations are the two-level and the three-level ones. The three-level converters are limited by unbalance voltages in the DC-link capacitors. In order to lessen this limitation, a new control strategy for the selection of the output voltage vectors is proposed. Controller strategies considered in the simulation are respectively based on proportional integral and fractional-order controllers. Finally, a comparison between the results of the simulations with the two controller strategies is presented in order to show the main advantage of the proposed strategy. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper is on offshore wind energy conversion systems installed on the deep water and equipped with back-to-back neutral point clamped full-power converter, permanent magnet synchronous generator with an AC link. The model for the drive train is a five-mass model which incorporates the dynamic of the structure and the tower in order to emulate the effect of the moving surface. A three-level converter and a four-level converter are the two options with a fractional-order control strategy considered to equip the conversion system. Simulation studies are carried out to assess the quality of the energy injected into the electric grid. Finally, conclusions are presented. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new integrated mathematical model for the simulation of offshore wind energy conversion system performance is presented in this paper. The mathematical model considers an offshore variable-speed turbine in deep water equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator using full-power two-level converter, converting the energy of a variable frequency source in injected energy into the electric network with constant frequency, through a high voltage DC transmission submarine cable. The mathematical model for the drive train is a concentrate two mass model which incorporates the dynamic for the structure and tower due to the need to emulate the effects of the moving surface. Controller strategy considered is a proportional integral one. Also, pulse width modulation using space vector modulation supplemented with sliding mode is used for trigger the transistor of the converter. Finally, a case study is presented to access the system performance. © 2014 IEEE.


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This paper deals with a hierarchical structure composed by an event-based supervisor in a higher level and two distinct proportional integral (PI) controllers in a lower level. The controllers are applied to a variable speed wind energy conversion system with doubly-fed induction generator, namely, the fuzzy PI control and the fractional-order PI control. The event-based supervisor analyses the operation state of the wind energy conversion system among four possible operational states: park, start-up, generating or brake and sends the operation state to the controllers in the lower level. In start-up state, the controllers only act on electric torque while pitch angle is equal to zero. In generating state, the controllers must act on the pitch angle of the blades in order to maintain the electric power around the nominal value, thus ensuring that the safety conditions required for integration in the electric grid are met. Comparisons between fuzzy PI and fractional-order PI pitch controllers applied to a wind turbine benchmark model are given and simulation results by Matlab/Simulink are shown. From the results regarding the closed loop point of view, fuzzy PI controller allows a smoother response at the expense of larger number of variations of the pitch angle, implying frequent switches between operational states. On the other hand fractional-order PI controller allows an oscillatory response with less control effort, reducing switches between operational states. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper is on a simulation for offshore wind systems in deep water under cloud scope. The system is equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator and a full-power three-level converter, converting the electric energy at variable frequency in one at constant frequency. The control strategies for the three-level are based on proportional integral controllers. The electric energy is injected through a HVDC transmission submarine cable into the grid. The drive train is modeled by a three-mass model taking into account the resistant stiffness torque, structure and tower in the deep water due to the moving surface elevation. Conclusions are taken on the influence of the moving surface on the energy conversion. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2015.


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The intensive use of semiconductor devices enabled the development of a repetitive high-voltage pulse-generator topology from the dc voltage-multiplier (VM) concept. The proposed circuit is based on an odd VM-type circuit, where a number of dc capacitors share a common connection with different voltage ratings in each one, and the output voltage comes from a single capacitor. Standard VM rectifier and coupling diodes are used for charging the energy-storing capacitors, from an ac power supply, and two additional on/off semiconductors in each stage, to switch from the typical charging VM mode to a pulse mode with the dc energy-storing capacitors connected in series with the load. Results from a 2-kV experimental prototype with three stages, delivering a 10-mu s pulse with a 5-kHz repetition rate into a resistive load, are discussed. Additionally, the proposed circuit is compared against the solid-state Marx generator topology for the same peak input and output voltages.