30 resultados para Pointwise Convergence
Sticky information monetary models have been used in the macroeconomic literature to explain some of the observed features regarding inflation dynamics. In this paper, we explore the consequences of relaxing the rational expectations assumption usually taken in this type of model; in particular, by considering expectations formed through adaptive learning, it is possible to arrive to results other than the trivial convergence to a fixed point long-term equilibrium. The results involve the possibility of endogenous cyclical motion (periodic and a-periodic), which emerges essentially in scenarios of hyperinflation. In low inflation settings, the introduction of learning implies a less severe impact of monetary shocks that, nevertheless, tend to last for additional time periods relative to the pure perfect foresight setup.
This study aimed to determine and evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of visual screening tests for detecting vision loss in elderly. This study is defined as study of diagnostic performance. The diagnostic accuracy of 5 visual tests -near convergence point, near accommodation point, stereopsis, contrast sensibility and amsler grid—was evaluated by means of the ROC method (receiver operating characteristics curves), sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood ratios (LR+/LR−). Visual acuity was used as the reference standard. A sample of 44 elderly aged 76.7 years (±9.32), who were institutionalized, was collected. The curves of contrast sensitivity and stereopsis are the most accurate (area under the curves were 0.814−p = 0.001, C.I.95%[0.653;0.975]— and 0.713−p = 0.027, C.I.95%[0,540;0,887], respectively). The scores with the best diagnostic validity for the stereopsis test were 0.605 (sensitivity 0.87, specificity 0.54; LR+ 1.89, LR−0.24) and 0.610 (sensitivity 0.81, specificity 0.54; LR+1.75, LR−0.36). The scores with higher diagnostic validity for the contrast sensibility test were 0.530 (sensitivity 0.94, specificity 0.69; LR+ 3.04, LR−0.09). The contrast sensitivity and stereopsis test's proved to be clinically useful in detecting vision loss in the elderly.
Vários estudos demonstraram que os doentes com insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (ICC) têm um compromisso da qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde (QVRS), tendo esta, nos últimos anos, vindo a tornar-se um endpoint primário quando se analisa o impacto do tratamento de situações crónicas como a ICC. Objectivos: Avaliar as propriedades psicométricas da versão portuguesa de um novo instrumento específico para medir a QVRS na ICC em doentes hospitalizados: o Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ). População e Métodos: O KCCQ foi aplicado a uma amostra consecutiva de 193 doentes internados por ICC. Destes, 105 repetiram esta avaliação 3 meses após admissão hospitalar, não havendo eventos ocorridos durante este período de tempo. A idade era 64,4± 12,4 anos (entre 21 e 88), com 72,5% a pertencer ao sexo masculino, sendo a ICC de etiologia isquémica em 42%. Resultados: Esta versão do KCCQ foi sujeita a validação estatística semelhante à americana com a avaliação da fidelidade e validade. A fidelidade foi avaliada pela consistência interna dos domínios e dos somatórios, apresentando valores Alpha de Cronbach idênticos nos vários domínios e somatórios ( =0,50 a =0,94). A validade foi analisada pela convergência, pela sensibilidade às diferenças entre grupos e pela sensibilidade à alteração da condição clínica. Avaliou-se a validade convergente de todos os domínios relacionados com funcionalidade, pela relação verificada entre estes e uma medida de funcionalidade, a classificação da New York Heart Association (NYHA), tendo-se verificado correlações significativas (p<0,01), como medida para avaliar a funcionalidade em doentes com ICC. Efectuou-se uma análise de variância entre o domínio limitação física, os somatórios e as classes da NYHA, tendo-se encontrado diferenças estatisticamente significativas (F=23,4; F=36,4; F=37,4; p=0,0001), na capacidade de descriminação da gravidade da condição clínica. Foi realizada uma segunda avaliação em 105 doentes na consulta do 3º mês após a intervenção clínica, tendo-se observado alterações significativas nas médias dos domínios avaliados entre o internamento e a consulta (diferenças de 14,9 a 30,6 numa escala de 0-100), indicando que os domínios avaliados são sensíveis à mudança da condição clínica. A correlação interdimensões da qualidade de vida que compõe este instrumento é moderada, sugerindo dimensões independentes, apoiando a sua estrutura multifactorial e a adequabilidade desta medida para a sua avaliação. Conclusão: O KCCQ é um instrumento válido, sensível à mudança e específico para medir a QVRS numa população portuguesa com miocardiopatia dilatada e ICC. ABSTRACT - Several studies have shown that patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) have a compromised health-related quality of life (HRQL), and this, in recent years, has become a primary endpoint when considering the impact of treatment of chronic conditions such as CHF. Objectives: To evaluate the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of a new specific instrument to measure HRQL in patients hospitalized for CHF: the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ). Methods: The KCCQ was applied to a sample of 193 consecutive patients hospitalized for CHF. Of these, 105 repeated the assessment 3 months after admission, with no events during this period. Mean age was 64.4±12.4 years (21-88), and 72.5% were 72.5% male. CHF was of ischemic etiology in 42% of cases. Results: This version of the KCCQ was subjected to statistical validation, with assessment of reliability and validity, similar to the American version. Reliability was assessed by the internal consistency of the domains and summary scores, which showed similar values of Cronbach alpha (0.50-0.94). Validity was assessed by convergence, sensitivity to differences between groups and sensitivity to changes in clinical condition. We evaluated the convergent validity of all domains related to functionality, through the relationship between them and a measure of functionality, the New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification. Significant correlations were found (p<0.01) for this measure of functionality in patients with CHF. Analysis of variance between the physical limitation domain, the summary scores and NYHA class was performed and statistically significant differences were found (F=23.4; F=36.4; F=37.4, p=0.0001) in the ability to discriminate severity of clinical condition. A second evaluation was performed on 105 patients at the 3-month follow-up outpatient appointment, and significant changes were observed in the mean scores of the domains assessed between hospital admission and the clinic appointment (differences from 14.9 to 30.6 on a scale of 0-100), indicating that the domains assessed are sensitive to changes in clinical condition. The correlation between dimensions of quality of life in the KCCQ is moderate, suggesting that the dimensions are independent, supporting the multifactorial nature of HRQL and the suitability of this measure for its evaluation. Conclusion: The KCCQ is a valid instrument, sensitive to change and a specific measure of HRQL in a population with dilated cardiomyopathy and CHF.
HENRE II (Higher Education Network for Radiography in Europe)
Reinforcement Learning is an area of Machine Learning that deals with how an agent should take actions in an environment such as to maximize the notion of accumulated reward. This type of learning is inspired by the way humans learn and has led to the creation of various algorithms for reinforcement learning. These algorithms focus on the way in which an agent’s behaviour can be improved, assuming independence as to their surroundings. The current work studies the application of reinforcement learning methods to solve the inverted pendulum problem. The importance of the variability of the environment (factors that are external to the agent) on the execution of reinforcement learning agents is studied by using a model that seeks to obtain equilibrium (stability) through dynamism – a Cart-Pole system or inverted pendulum. We sought to improve the behaviour of the autonomous agents by changing the information passed to them, while maintaining the agent’s internal parameters constant (learning rate, discount factors, decay rate, etc.), instead of the classical approach of tuning the agent’s internal parameters. The influence of changes on the state set and the action set on an agent’s capability to solve the Cart-pole problem was studied. We have studied typical behaviour of reinforcement learning agents applied to the classic BOXES model and a new form of characterizing the environment was proposed using the notion of convergence towards a reference value. We demonstrate the gain in performance of this new method applied to a Q-Learning agent.
Chromia (Cr2O3) has been extensively explored for the purpose of developing widespread industrial applications, owing to the convergence of a variety of mechanical, physical and chemical properties in one single oxide material. Various methods have been used for large area synthesis of Cr2O3 films. However, for selective area growth and growth on thermally sensitive materials, laser-assisted chemical vapour deposition (LCVD) can be applied advantageously. Here we report on the growth of single layers of pure Cr2O3 onto sapphire substrates at room temperature by low pressure photolytic LCVD, using UV laser radiation and Cr(CO)(6) as chromium precursor. The feasibility of the LCVD technique to access selective area deposition of chromia thin films is demonstrated. Best results were obtained for a laser fluence of 120 mJ cm(-2) and a partial pressure ratio of O-2 to Cr(CO)(6) of 1.0. Samples grown with these experimental parameters are polycrystalline and their microstructure is characterised by a high density of particles whose size follows a lognormal distribution. Deposition rates of 0.1 nm s(-1) and mean particle sizes of 1.85 mu m were measured for these films. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Insuficiência de convergência e atenção visual: estudo exploratório em estudantes do ensino superior
RESUMO: Introdução – A insuficiência de convergência (IC) pode desencadear alterações da atenção visual. Pretende-se investigar se existem alterações na atenção visual em estudantes do ensino superior com IC. Metodologia – Estudo quantitativo, comparativo e correlacional. Participaram 44 estudantes com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 24 anos. Formaram-se dois grupos, um com Visão Binocular Normal (VBN) e outro com IC. O grupo com IC incluiu os indivíduos que apresentaram alterações no ponto próximo de convergência (PPC) e/ou na convergência para perto (C’). Para avaliar a atenção visual utilizou-se o teste de cancelamento de sinos. Resultados – O grupo com VBN foi composto por 32 indivíduos (23 do género feminino) e o grupo com IC por 12 indivíduos (11 do género feminino). No teste de atenção visual verificou-se que o número médio de sinos identificados foi de 34,6 para o grupo com VBN e de 34,3 no grupo com IC. O tempo médio de realização do teste foi de 167,9s e de 198,3s para os grupos de VBN e IC, respetivamente. Observou-se uma correlação moderada positiva entre o PPC e o tempo médio de realização do teste (r≈0,63) e uma correlação fraca positiva entre o número médio de sinos identificados e a C’ (r≈0,16). Por outro lado, a correlação entre o PPC e o número médio de sinos identificados (r≈-0,48) foi fraca negativa e entre a C’ e o tempo médio (r≈-0,05) foi ínfima negativa. Discussão/Conclusões – O grupo com VBN apresenta um número médio de sinos identificados superior ao grupo com IC. Verifica-se ainda que o grupo com IC demorou mais tempo na realização do teste, comparativamente com o grupo com VBN. Estes resultados apontam para uma possível relação entre a IC e a diminuição da atenção visual.
The Gulf of Cadiz, as part of the Azores-Gibraltar plate boundary, is recognized as a potential source of big earthquakes and tsunamis that may affect the bordering countries, as occurred on 1 November 1755. Preparing for the future, Portugal is establishing a national tsunami warning system in which the threat caused by any large-magnitude earthquake in the area is estimated from a comprehensive database of scenarios. In this paper we summarize the knowledge about the active tectonics in the Gulf of Cadiz and integrate the available seismological information in order to propose the generation model of destructive tsunamis to be applied in tsunami warnings. The fault model derived is then used to estimate the recurrence of large earthquakes using the fault slip rates obtained by Cunha et al. (2012) from thin-sheet neotectonic modelling. Finally we evaluate the consistency of seismicity rates derived from historical and instrumental catalogues with the convergence rates between Eurasia and Nubia given by plate kinematic models.
This paper describes an implementation of a long distance echo canceller, operating on full-duplex with hands-free and in real-time with a single Digital Signal Processor (DSP). The proposed solution is based on short length adaptive filters centered on the positions of the most significant echoes, which are tracked by time delay estimators, for which we use a new approach. To deal with double talking situations a speech detector is employed. The floating-point DSP TMS320C6713 from Texas Instruments is used with software written in C++, with compiler optimizations for fast execution. The resulting algorithm enables long distance echo cancellation with low computational requirements, suited for embbeded systems. It reaches greater echo return loss enhancement and shows faster convergence speed when compared to the conventional approach. The experimental results approach the CCITT G.165 recommendation levels.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.
Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.
Mestrado em Contabilidade
Finding the structure of a confined liquid crystal is a difficult task since both the density and order parameter profiles are nonuniform. Starting from a microscopic model and density-functional theory, one has to either (i) solve a nonlinear, integral Euler-Lagrange equation, or (ii) perform a direct multidimensional free energy minimization. The traditional implementations of both approaches are computationally expensive and plagued with convergence problems. Here, as an alternative, we introduce an unsupervised variant of the multilayer perceptron (MLP) artificial neural network for minimizing the free energy of a fluid of hard nonspherical particles confined between planar substrates of variable penetrability. We then test our algorithm by comparing its results for the structure (density-orientation profiles) and equilibrium free energy with those obtained by standard iterative solution of the Euler-Lagrange equations and with Monte Carlo simulation results. Very good agreement is found and the MLP method proves competitively fast, flexible, and refinable. Furthermore, it can be readily generalized to the richer experimental patterned-substrate geometries that are now experimentally realizable but very problematic to conventional theoretical treatments.
Conferência: 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial-Electronics-Society (IECON) - NOV 10-14, 2013
Conferência - 16th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC)- Jun 24-27, 2013