17 resultados para 132-809
Introdução - O presente trabalho de investigação tem como objectivo identificar o processo adoptado pelos técnicos de radiologia no desempenho das suas tarefas específicas da triagem ortopédica do referido hospital de Lisboa. Metodologia - Os dados foram recolhidos junto de um grupo de técnicos de radiologia da urgência de um Hospital na região de Lisboa, por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas a 11 indivíduos e analisados através da técnica da análise de conteúdo, utilizando como referencial os princípios bioéticos da autonomia dos profissionais. Resultados - No processo de análise, emergiram três categorias no atendimento da triagem ortopédica aos doentes: a realização do exame; a avaliação da triagem realizada pelos técnicos de radiologia; o papel dos técnicos de radiologia na triagem ortopédica. Conclusões - Este estudo permitiu concluir que o técnico de radiologia tem capacidade técnica de decisão na escolha das incidências radiológicas mais adequadas ao estado clínico do paciente, no contexto da triagem radiológica. O estudo revela a necessidade de formação nesta área especifica.
Fluorescent protein microscopy imaging is nowadays one of the most important tools in biomedical research. However, the resulting images present a low signal to noise ratio and a time intensity decay due to the photobleaching effect. This phenomenon is a consequence of the decreasing on the radiation emission efficiency of the tagging protein. This occurs because the fluorophore permanently loses its ability to fluoresce, due to photochemical reactions induced by the incident light. The Poisson multiplicative noise that corrupts these images, in addition with its quality degradation due to photobleaching, make long time biological observation processes very difficult. In this paper a denoising algorithm for Poisson data, where the photobleaching effect is explicitly taken into account, is described. The algorithm is designed in a Bayesian framework where the data fidelity term models the Poisson noise generation process as well as the exponential intensity decay caused by the photobleaching. The prior term is conceived with Gibbs priors and log-Euclidean potential functions, suitable to cope with the positivity constrained nature of the parameters to be estimated. Monte Carlo tests with synthetic data are presented to characterize the performance of the algorithm. One example with real data is included to illustrate its application.
We calculate the equilibrium thermodynamic properties, percolation threshold, and cluster distribution functions for a model of associating colloids, which consists of hard spherical particles having on their surfaces three short-ranged attractive sites (sticky spots) of two different types, A and B. The thermodynamic properties are calculated using Wertheim's perturbation theory of associating fluids. This also allows us to find the onset of self-assembly, which can be quantified by the maxima of the specific heat at constant volume. The percolation threshold is derived, under the no-loop assumption, for the correlated bond model: In all cases it is two percolated phases that become identical at a critical point, when one exists. Finally, the cluster size distributions are calculated by mapping the model onto an effective model, characterized by a-state-dependent-functionality (f) over bar and unique bonding probability (p) over bar. The mapping is based on the asymptotic limit of the cluster distributions functions of the generic model and the effective parameters are defined through the requirement that the equilibrium cluster distributions of the true and effective models have the same number-averaged and weight-averaged sizes at all densities and temperatures. We also study the model numerically in the case where BB interactions are missing. In this limit, AB bonds either provide branching between A-chains (Y-junctions) if epsilon(AB)/epsilon(AA) is small, or drive the formation of a hyperbranched polymer if epsilon(AB)/epsilon(AA) is large. We find that the theoretical predictions describe quite accurately the numerical data, especially in the region where Y-junctions are present. There is fairly good agreement between theoretical and numerical results both for the thermodynamic (number of bonds and phase coexistence) and the connectivity properties of the model (cluster size distributions and percolation locus).
We use the first and second laws of thermodynamics to analyze the behavior of an ideal jet engine. Simple analytical expressions for the thermal efficiency, the overall efficiency, and the reduced thrust are derived. We show that the thermal efficiency depends only on the compression ratio r and on the velocity of the aircraft. The other two performance measures depend also on the ratio of the temperature at the turbine to the inlet temperature in the engine, T-3/T-i. An analysis of these expressions shows that it is not possible to choose an optimal set of values of r and T-3/T-i that maximize both the overall efficiency and thrust. We study how irreversibilities in the compressor and the turbine decrease the overall efficiency of jet engines and show that this effect is more pronounced for smaller T-3/T-i.
O cinema português não tem junto do público nacional o mesmo apelo de outros tempos. Hoje a oferta é maior e o cinema norte-americano parece ter invadido as salas de cinema portuguesas. Hoje o cinema português está mais dependente do financiamento público, a ida às salas de cinema para ver produções nacionais é parca quando comparada com afluência para ver filmes de outros países e a produção nacional nem sempre passa nas salas nacionais. Sob este cenário, o trabalho aqui apresentado pretende responder ao que parece ser uma necessidade de desenvolvimento e de crescimento do sector usando como ferramenta as relações públicas. Este trabalho consiste, assim, numa aplicação prática das técnicas de relações públicas para construir uma estratégia de comunicação que, por um lado, promova o cinema português e que, por outro, fortaleça o sector.
Apesar da importância reconhecida da dispensa de medicamentos em unidose a nível hospitalar, em determinadas situações as apresentações comerciais disponíveis não oferecem alternativa à terapêutica desejada. Deste modo, surge por parte dos Serviços Farmacêuticos Hospitalares a necessidade de proceder à manipulação de alguns medicamentos. Uma dessas situações prende-se com a necessidade de fraccionamento de algumas formas orais sólidas. Todavia, embora o fraccionamento de comprimidos seja uma prática frequente, não só para obter doses não comercializadas como também para permitir titular o regime posológico ou facilitar a deglutição, este nem sempre é recomendável. Um dos problemas associados ao fraccionamento de comprimidos prende-se com as perdas com possam ocorrer durante o processo, levando a que a dosagem efectivamente dispensada não seja coincidente com a efectivamente esperada. Segundo a Farmacopeia Portuguesa (FP VIII), em comprimidos com massa até 80 mg, após pesagem de 20 unidades e determinação do seu peso médio, não mais de 2 unidades podem afastar-se 10% do peso médio e nenhuma unidade se pode afastar mais de 20%. Assim sendo, tal condição assume particular importância quando se procede ao fraccionamento de medicamentos contendo fármacos com margem terapêutica estreita. Um desses casos associa-se à varfarina. Usada como anticoagulante oral, a varfarina é comercializada em comprimidos com uma dosagem de 5 mg. A sua dose inicial em adultos é habitualmente de 10 mg diários durante dois dias, sendo a dose de manutenção dependente do tempo de protrombina. Deste modo, a dose de manutenção pode alcançar dosagens não comercializadas, tais como 1,25 mg e 2,5 mg. No Centro Hospitalar de São João, EPE, o fraccionamento de comprimidos de varfarina 5 mg tem constituído uma prática frequente, com cerca de 132 unidades fraccionadas a 2,5 mg e 20 unidades fraccionadas a 1,25 mg, durante o ano de 2010. Todavia, a falta de estudos publicados que comprovem a segurança da uniformidade de massa após o fraccionamento deste medicamento colocam ainda algumas questões. Este trabalho pretende assim avaliar a uniformidade das fracções obtidas após fraccionamento dos comprimidos de varfarina, com o intuito de conhecer se estes se encontram dentro dos parâmetros estabelecidos pela FP VIII.
Demand for power is growing every day, mainly due to emerging economies in countries such as China, Russia, India, and Brazil. During the last 50 years steam pressure and temperature in power plants have been continuously raised to improve thermal efficiency. Recent efforts to improve efficiency leads to the development of a new generation of heat recovery steam generator, where the Benson once-through technology is applied to improve the thermal efficiency. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the mechanical behavior of a high pressure superheater manifold by applying finite element modeling and a finite element analysis with the objective of analyzing stress propagation, leading to the study of damage mechanism, e.g., uniaxial fatigue, uniaxial creep for life prediction. The objective of this paper is also to analyze the mechanical properties of the new high temperature resistant materials in the market such as 2Cr Bainitic steels (T/P23 and T/P24) and also the 9-12Cr Martensitic steels (T/P91, T/P92, E911, and P/T122). For this study the design rules for construction of power boilers to define the geometry of the HPSH manifold were applied.
A large area colour imager optically addressed is presented. The colour imager consists of a thin wide band gap p-i-n a-SiC:H filtering element deposited on the top of a thick large area a-SiC:H(-p)/a-Si:H(-i)/a-SiC:H(-n) image sensor, which reveals itself an intrinsic colour filter. In order to tune the external applied voltage for full colour discrimination the photocurrent generated by a modulated red light is measured under different optical and electrical bias. Results reveal that the integrated device behaves itself as an imager and a filter giving information not only on the position where the optical image is absorbed but also on it wavelength and intensity. The amplitude and sign of the image signals are electrically tuneable. In a wide range of incident fluxes and under reverse bias, the red and blue image signals are opposite in sign and the green signal is suppressed allowing blue and red colour recognition. The green information is obtained under forward bias, where the blue signal goes down to zero and the red and green remain constant. Combining the information obtained at this two applied voltages a RGB colour image picture can be acquired without the need of the usual colour filters or pixel architecture. A numerical simulation supports the colour filter analysis.
A metodologia de projeto constitui a temática central de seis dos textos incluídos neste número do CIED. Tratando-se de contributos diversos, é possível encontrar algumas linhas de organização a partir da sua abordagem:
The purpose of this paper is to analyse how educational policies about school violence are reinterpreted and implemented at school level and if this process contributes to a more pluralistic and democratic school. A research carried out in 3 clusters of schools showed that the diversity of understandings and strategies to face school violence, higher within the territories than between them, was associated to the school board's agendas and the legitimacy of the different actors to interpret and act within the national policies framework. There was a high consistency between violence management strategies and the ways schools faced social and cultural diversity. Those who favour more inclusive strategies to deal with violence tend to provide higher educational opportunities in schools, inversely, those who favour repressive strategies are more likely to support educational and social selective strategies, with less educational offer; less participation of teachers, students and parents in violence regulation.
The human eukaryotic release factor 3a (eRF3a), encoded by the G1 to S phase transition 1 gene (GSPT1; alias eRF3a), is upregulated in various human cancers. GSPT1 contains a GGCn polymorphism in exon 1, encoding a polyglycine expansion in the N-terminal of the protein. The longer allele, GGC12, was previously shown to be associated to cancer. The GGC12 allele was present in 2.2% of colorectal cancer patients but was absent in Crohn disease patients and in the control group. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that the GGC12 allele was present at up to 10-fold higher transcription levels than the GGC10 allele (P < 0.001). No GSPT1 amplifications were detected, and there was no correlation between the length of the alleles and methylation levels of the CpG sites inside the GGC expansion. Using flow cytometry, we compared the levels of apoptosis and proliferation rates between cell lines with different genotypes, but detected no significant differences. Finally, we used a cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay to evaluate the frequency of micronuclei in the same cell lines. Cell lines with the longer alleles had higher frequencies of micronuclei in binucleated cells, which is probably a result of defects in mitotic spindle formation. Altogether, these findings indicate that GSPT1 should be considered a potential proto-oncogene.
Conferência: IEEE 24th International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP)- Jun 05-07, 2013
Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Ramo de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão de Serviços de Saúde
São vários os autores que referem a importância do desenvolvimento do pensamento algébrico desde os anos iniciais, nomeadamente desde o pré-escolar. Para Threlfall(1999), o estudo dos padrões constitui um veículo privilegiado para o fazer. Neste artigo, apresentam-se algumas das tarefas que foram propostas a um grupo de crianças de 4 anos, centradas em padrões de repetição, num contexto de exploração da literatura infantil, tendo surgido na sequência das histórias «A lagartinha comilona» e «A casa da Mosca Fosca». Todas as tarefas foram iniciadas sempre com a leitura da história respetiva, em grande grupo. As tarefas foram realizadas no âmbito da tese de mestrado da primeira autora (Serra, 2014), educadora das crianças, sendo que os nomes das crianças aqui referidos são fictícios, de modo a garantir o seu anonimato.
Purpose: To assess image quality using PGMI (perfect, good, moderate, inadequate) scale in digital mammography examinations acquired in DR systems. Identify the main failures and propose corrective actions. Evaluate the most typical breast density. Methods and Materials: Clinical image quality criteria were evaluated considering mammograms acquired in 13 DR systems and classified according to PGMI scale using the criteria described in European Commission guidelines for radiographers. The breast density was assessed according to ACR recommendations. The data were collected on the acquisition system monitor to reproduce the daily practice of the radiographer. Results: The image quality criteria were evaluated in 3044 images. The criteria were fully achieved in 41% of the images that were classified as P (perfect), 31 % of the images were classified as M (moderate), 20% G (good) and 9% I (inadequate). The main cause of inadequate image quality was absence of all breast tissue in the image, skin folders in the pectoral muscle and in the infra-mammary angle. The higher number of failures occurred in MLO projections (809 out of 1022). The most represented (36%) breast type was type 2 (25-50% glandular tissue). Conclusion: Incorrect radiographic technique was frequently detected suggesting potential training needs and poor communication between the team members (radiographer and radiologists). Further correlations are necessary to identify the main causes for the failures, namely specific education and training in digital mammography and workload.