3 resultados para willingness to change job

em ReCiL - Repositório Científico Lusófona - Grupo Lusófona, Portugal


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Improving the treatment of obesity remains a critical challenge. Several health behaviour change models, often based on a social-cognitive framework, have been used to design weight management interventions (Baranowski et al., 2003). However, most interventions have only produced modest weight reductions (Wadden et al., 2002) and socialcognitive variables have shown limited power to predict weight outcomes (Palmeira et al., 2007). Other predictors, and possibl alte nati e e planatory models, are needed to better understand the mechanisms by which weight loss and other obesity treatment-outcomes are brought about (Baranowski, 2006). Self-esteem is one of these possible mechanisms, because is commonly reported to change during the treatment, although these changes are not necessarily associated with weight loss (Blaine et al., 2007; Maciejewski et al., 2005). This possibility should be more evident if the program integrates regular exercise, as it promotes improvements in subjective well-being (Biddle & Mutrie, 2001), with possible influences on long-term behavioral adherence (e.g. diet, exercise). Following the reciprocal effects model tenets (Marsh & Craven, 2006), we expect that the influences between changes in weight, selfesteem and exercise to be reciprocal and might present one of the mechanisms by which obesity treatments can be improved.


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RESUMO: Nos últimos trinta anos, em Portugal, ocorreram processos de democratização política e de modernização da sociedade e das instituições, tendo como impulso as vontades nacionais e as mudanças ocorridas no Mundo em globalização, lideradas, no campo da educação, por agentes como a OCDE ou o Banco Mundial, e pela integração de Portugal na União Europeia. À implementação da(s) reforma(s), correspondeu uma mudança de paradigma educativo e organizacional, a criação de uma escola para todos, a emergência de novos alunos e de novos mandatos à Escola, a contingência de novas respostas educativas. Tais reformas constituiram instrumentos de mudança das organizações escolares e do sistema educativo, mas também do que significa ser professor, reformulando o desempenho e a “performatividade” docente (Ball, 2002), induzindo uma nova “identidade social” (Bernstein, 1996 e Dubar, 2006), produzindo novos modos de “fabricação da alma dos professores” (Foucault, 1996). Neste sentido, a autora procurou analisar, numa perspectiva crítica, as representações de professores do Ensino Básico, sobre os mecanismos de (re)configuração das suas identidades/perfis profissionais, recorrendo a uma investigação qualitativa descritiva, que privilegia a análise de conteúdo dos seus discursos sobre o tema, recolhidos segundo a técnica focus group. O estudo indiciou que os alunos são factor de realização, de risco e de mudança do perfil docente, actuando como uma quinta dimensão da (re)construção identitária dos Professores, a par da formação, do associativismo, do Estado e do Mercado, constituindo factor importante a ter em conta nos estudos sobre identidade docente. ABSTRACT: In the past thirty years, in Portugal, radical changes on politics and policies have been occurring, to achive the society and its institutions democratization and modernization, led by national wills and the changes occured in the World, stimulated, in the Education area, by global agencies like OECD, or the World Bank, and the integration of Portugal in the European Union. These reforms are connected to a new educational and organizational paradigm, the creation of a school for all, the emergence of new pupils, new demands to School and teachers, the imperative of new pedagogical solutions for educational problems, and are not only changing instruments in schools and in the educational system, but are also a powerful way to change “what to be a teacher” means, to re-formulate the teaching performance and “performativity” (Ball, 2002), to recompose his/her “social identity” (Bernstein, 1996; Dubar, 2006), or, in Michel Foucault (1996) words, to produce “new ways to manufacture teachers soul”. In this sense, the author intended to analyze, on a critical perspective, the representations of portuguese teachers of basic education (K12), on the mechanisms of (re)configuration of their professional identities/profiles, appealing to a qualitative descriptive research, which privileges the analysis of content of their speeches on the subject, collected according to the focus group technique, what, in its development, was brought near a circle of culture (in the sense of Paulo Freire‟s pedagogy). At least, pupils are the most important references and motivation to teachers changes, reflecting professional satisfaction and well done, but also risk, acting like a fifth dimension of teachers identity (re)construction, together with training, associative involvement, State and Market, and they must be considered on teatching identity studies.


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RESUMO: O objectivo deste estudo é identificar o índice da insatisfação corporal e as influências dos meios de comunicação nas atitudes da mulher face á mudança da aparência, controlo do peso e Obesidade. Pretende-se com este estudo caracterizar e relacionar o índice de insatisfação corporal e a influência exercida pelos meios de comunicação social, fazendo um estudo com base nas diferenças entre dois grupos, numa amostra de 118 participantes do sexo feminino. A amostra de conveniência é composta por 59 mulheres diagnosticadas com obesidade mórbida grau III e grau IV, acompanhada no Serviço de Obesidade do Hospital de Santa Maria e numa amostra de 59 mulheres sem o diagnóstico de obesidade mórbida, com idades compreendidas entre os 19 e os 72 anos. O Protocolo de avaliação foi constituído por um questionário com recolhas dos dados demográficos e métodos utilizados pela mulher para o controlo do peso e duas escalas Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire 3 e Body Shape Questionnaire. Verificou-se uma elevada insatisfação corporal e influências dos meios de comunicação no grupo clínico. Foi verificado ainda que a faixa etária das mulheres entre os 26 aos 39 anos são as que mais sofrem influências dos meios de comunicação face as atitudes para mudar a aparência. ABSTRACT: The objective of this study is to identify the index of body dissatisfaction and the influences of media on women's attitudes will change the face looks. It is intended to characterize the study and associate the index of body dissatisfaction and the influences exerted by the media, control and obesity. Doing a study based on the differences between two groups, a sample of 118 participants were female, the non-random sample consisted by 59 women diagnosed with morbid obesity level III and Grade IV, monitored in the Office of Obesity, Hospital de Santa Maria and a random sample of 59 women without a diagnosis of morbid obesity aged between 19 and 72 years. The Protocol of evaluation was made of a questionnaire with collections of demographic data and methods used by women for weight control and two scales Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire 3 and Body Shape Questionnaire. There was high body dissatisfaction and influences of the media in the clinical group. It was also verified that the age group of women among the 26 to 39 years who are suffering most are the influences of the media to change attitudes towards the dark.