3 resultados para model substances
em ReCiL - Repositório Científico Lusófona - Grupo Lusófona, Portugal
Os Homens e os animais diferem grandemente nas suas respostas às infecções virais. Os vírus podem induzir, em alguns, sintomas ligeiros, enquanto que em outros podem provocar patologias graves mesmo mortais. Acumulam-se evidências que o património genético é um dos factores primordiais a condicionar e contribuir para a complexidade das interações vírus-hospedeiro. A identificação de genes com papel na resposta à infecção viral tornouse pois o tema de investigação de muitos laboratórios, com o objectivo de elucidar os processos fisiopatológicos que regem e determinam esse tipo de resposta. Neste artigo de revisão pretende-se ilustrar como o modelo murino têm sido utilizado para a identificação de genes de resistência viral, e como estes podem funcionar como base para a descoberta de genes homólogos em outras espécies. na elucidação dos mecanismos de resistência, e em novos componentes da reunir todos os genes de resistência viral descobertos em murganhos.
The industry of ergogenic supplements is increasing rapidly (Cole et al., 2003). Supplements may constitute an important aid for some vigourous exercise routines, but they may also be used as a hypothetical mean to achieve increases in muscular mass. This supposed effect of suplements can lead to its use by individuals who have high levels of drive for muscularity, a condition that is known to be associated with muscular dismorphy (or as it has been called recently vigorexia, Pope et al., 1997). Another psychological factor which can influence supplement consumption is exercise dependence, a borderline problem, as most studies present a prevalence of less than 10% in regular exercisers (Palmeira & Matos, 2006). Symptoms like tolerance or continuity could lead to the use of ergogenic aids to maintain the exercise levels. Also of interest for the understanding of the use of suplements are exercise frequency, volume and intensity, which could explain the ratesof consumption on a more physicological level.
This study develops a theoretical model that explains the effectiveness of the balanced scorecard approach by means of a system dynamics and feedback learning perspective. Presumably, the balanced scorecard leads to a better understanding of context, allowing managers to externalize and improve their mental models. We present a set of hypotheses about the influence of the balanced scorecard approach on mental models and performance. A test based on a simulation experiment that uses a system dynamics model is performed. The experiment included three types of parameters: financial indicators; balanced scorecard indicators; and balanced scorecard indicators with the aid of a strategy map review. Two out of the three hypotheses were confirmed. It was concluded that a strategy map review positively influences mental model similarity, and mental model similarity positively influences performance.