8 resultados para learning control

em ReCiL - Repositório Científico Lusófona - Grupo Lusófona, Portugal


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La ira se ha relacionado con atribuciones externas en distintos modelos atribucionales, sin embargo, desde los planteamientos de la teoría del “locus de control” (Rotter, 1966) la respuesta emocional de ira no ha sido objeto de estudio con la frecuencia que sería deseable (aunque sí la conducta agresiva). El presente trabajo explora las relaciones del locus de control externo con la emoción de ira, así como con la expresión y control de la misma. Para ello se utilizó una muestra de 177 estudiantes universitarios (27 hombres y 150 mujeres) a los que se evaluó mediante los instrumentos siguientes: Escala de Rotter (Rotter, 1966, versión española de Pérez García, 1984); el Inventario de Expresión de Ira Estado/Rasgo -STAXI-de Spielberger (1988, 1991), versión española de Spielberger, Miguel-Tobal, Cano-Vindel y Casado, 1992); y el Inventario de Control, Defensa y Expresión de Emociones -CDE-(Cano Vindel y Miguel Tobal, 1996). Se realizó un análisis correlacional entre las distintas escalas de los instrumentos y diferencias de medias para dos grupos extremos (altos y bajos) en locus de control (equiparados en la variable sexo). Nuestros resultados muestran una relación positiva y significativa entre el locus de control externo y la respuesta emocional de ira, así como una tendencia a expresar externamente la ira y a controlarla menos en sujetos con atribuciones de causalidad externas. Conocer los procesos atribucionales asociados a la ira y a su afrontamiento permitirá una intervención más eficaz sobre la misma.


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Given the heterogeneity of effect sizes within the population for any treatment, identifying moderators of outcomes is critical [1]. In weight management programs, there is a high individual variability in terms of weight loss and an overall modest success [2]. Some people will adopt and sustain attitudes and behaviors associated with weight loss, while others won’t [3]. To predict weight loss outcome just from the subject’s baseline information would be very valuable [4,5]. It would allow to: - Better match between treatments and individuals - Identify the participants with less probability of success (or potential dropouts) in a given treatment and direct them to alternative therapies - Target limited resources to those most likely to succeed - Increase cost-effectiveness and improve success rates of the programs Few studies have been dedicated to describe baseline predictors of treatment success. The Healthy Weight for Life (USA) study is one of the few. Its findings are now being cross-validated in Portuguese samples. This paper describes these cross-cultural comparisons.


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RESUMO: O trabalho docente exige dedicação em sala de aula e fora dela, pois o professor vê-se na missão de educador, formador de opiniões e de futuros profissionais no mercado de trabalho. Uma das patologias que pode ocorrer devido ao estresse gerado pela docência é o desenvolvimento de Desordens Temporomandibulares, que acarretará cefaleias, dores musculares na região cervical e facial e alterações posturais. Tivemos a pretensão de conduzir nossas reflexões sobre o estresse do docente para procurar responder às nossas inquietações. Para isso, formulamos o seguinte questionamento: qual a incidência e a relação entre o estresse e o desenvolvimento de Desordens Temporomandibulares no docente de nível superior? O objetivo geral desta investigação foi descrever e analisar a relação entre o estresse e a incidência de Desordem Temporomandibular (DTM) em docentes de nível superior da cidade de Palmas – Tocantins – Brasil. Para contemplar o objetivo geral, buscamos verificar a presença ou não de estresse e os principais sintomas de estresse nos docentes de Ensino Superior, identificando a fase do estresse em que os professores se encontravam e verificar a presença ou não de DTM e seus graus. Procuramos, ainda, avaliar a relação entre sexo e presença de estresse, estado civil e presença de estresse, o tempo de docência e a presença de estresse e a relação entre a carga horária em sala de aula e a carga horária total de trabalho e a presença de estresse, entre sexo e presença de DTM, estado civil e presença de DTM, o tempo de docência e a presença de DTM e a relação entre a carga horária em sala de aula e carga horária total de trabalho e a presença de DTM. A metodologia utilizada, para a realização deste trabalho, foi de caráter exploratório e descritivo com uma abordagem quantitativa dos dados obtidos. A pesquisa caracterizou-se num estudo de campo, fundamentada em um instrumento denominado “Inventário de Sintomas de Stress Lipp – ISSL” da autora Marilda Lipp (2005), versão para adulto, ao qual acrescentamos dados sociodemográficos (estado civil, tempo de docência, carga horária de sala de aula e de trabalho total). Recorremos, ainda, ao Questionário Índice de Helkimo para identificar a ocorrência de DTMs. A coleta dos dados foi realizada a partir de uma amostra de duzentos e trinta e três (233) docentes de Ensino Superior, com idade entre 23 e 74 anos. Com base na análise realizada, os resultados revelaram que a presença de sintomas de estresse se encontra em 106 (45,49%) docentes, com predomínio da fase de resistência. Verificamos que 127 (54,5%) docentes não apresentam estresse. A sintomatologia predominante são sintomas psicológicos. Vimos que o tempo de docência e a jornada de trabalho não contribuem como um valor preditivo da presença de estresse, bem como o estado civil, e verificamos que o sexo feminino apresentou mais sintomas de estresse. Ao analisarmos a presença ou não de DTM, vimos que os docentes apresentam sintomas de DTM em sua maioria, encontrada em 187 docentes (80,25%), com predomínio do grau de DTM leve. Vimos que o tempo de docência e a jornada de trabalho não contribuem como um valor significativo para a presença de DTM, mas que o sexo feminino apresentou mais sintomas de DTM, bem como os casados. Buscando responder ao problema norteador desta 6 investigação, vimos que, mesmo nos docentes sem presença de estresse, havia sintomas de DTM. Esses dados indicam que a profissão docente pode causar sobrecargas e gerar a DTM. Diante dessa amostra de docentes pesquisados, concluímos que os dados aqui apresentados sugerem uma ampliação do estudo. Considerando a relevância do papel desempenhado pelos docentes das Instituições de Ensino Superior na formação dos acadêmicos e em sua efetiva transformação em futuros profissionais, nossa contribuição para o conhecimento do processo de estresse e os graus de DTM na atividade docente proporcionará oportunidade aos profissionais das diversas áreas do conhecimento e, principalmente, aos docentes para despertarem para a elaboração de programas de combate, controle e prevenção do estresse e do desenvolvimento de DTMs, resultando, dessa forma, na conquista de uma vida mais saudável, tanto na área física quanto na área psicológica. ABSTRACT: Abstract The teacher’s job requires dedication in and out of the classroom for a teacher is in a education mission, he/she is an opinion maker and responsible for future professionals in the market. One of the pathologies that may take place due to the stress caused by this job is the Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) that will trigger cephaleas, muscle pain in the cervical and facial area and posture changes. The purpose of this paper is to conduct reflections about teachers’ stress trying to answer the following question: What is the incidence rate and correlation between stress and the occurrence of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (DTM) in teachers of institutions of higher learning in the city of Palmas – Tocantis – Brazil. To fulfill the general purpose we tried to verify the presence or not of stress and the principal symptoms in teachers in universities and colleges, identifying the levels of stress that they were, and verifying the presence or not of TMD and its levels. We tried to evaluate the correlation between gender and the occurrence of stress, marital status and the presence of stress, career time and the presence of stress, and time working in classroom and the total time of work and the presence of stress. The methodology used to perform this was an exploratory and descriptive study with a quantitative approach of the data gathered. The research was characterized by a field study, fundamented by a tool called “Lipp Stress Symptom Inventory – ISSL” from the author Marilda Lipp (2005), adult version, which we also added social-demographic data (marital status, time teaching, hours working in the classroom, and total time of work). We also used the Helkimo Index Questionnaire to identify the occurrence of TMD’s. The data was collected from a sample of two hundred three (233) teachers of universities and colleges between 23 to 74 years of age. Based on the analysis performed, the results showed the presence of stress among 106 (45.49%) of the teachers, with the predominance of the resistance level. We observed that some 127 teachers (54.5%) did not show stress. The predominant symptomology were psychological ones. We observed that time of experience and the schedule do not influence as a predictive value for the stress presence, neither does the marital status and we also observed that the female gender showed more stress symptoms. When we analyzed the presence or not of TMD, we observed that most of the teachers showed symptoms of TMD, some 187 teachers (80.25%), with the predominance of first level TMD. We observed that the time as teacher and the schedule do not influence with an important value for the TMD presence, however the feminine gender as well as married teachers showed more symptoms of TMD. Trying to answer the most important issue of this study, we saw that even without the occurrence of stress the TMD was present showing that the profession can cause overwork and consequently TMD. With this sample of teachers studied we conclude that the found data suggest a wider research. Considering the role performed by teachers of universities and colleges in the development of students and future professionals, our contribution for the understanding of the stress development and TMD levels in the teaching activity will enable the opportunity for professionals of different areas of knowledge, and 8 principally for teachers, to awaken to the need to develop programs to fight, control, and prevent stress and the development of TMD, therefore resulting in a healthier life, both a physical as well as a psychological one.


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RESUMO: A utilização adequada das TIC no ensino da Matemática, nos dias de hoje é considerada por alguns como justificada e inevitável, esperando que a sua utilização melhore o ensino e a aprendizagem da Matemática. Nesta investigação, pretende-se testar o Software Winplot), no ensino e aprendizagem do gráfico da função quadrática com alunos do 10ºano, da Escola do segundo ciclo do Ensino Secundário nº9099, de modo a verificar se melhora o ensino e na aprendizagem desta temática.Para a nossa investigação Seleccionámos dois grupos de alunos do 10º ano que funcionaram como grupo de controlo e grupo experimental; depois de ambos os grupos terem realizado dois pré-testes, o grupo experimental realizou as aprendizagens no laboratório de informática com auxílio do Software Winplot, ao longo de 8 semanas, durante o 2º trimestre do ano lectivo de 2009/2010. O grupo de controlo realizou as aprendizagens, ao mesmo tempo que o grupo experimental, na sala normal de aulas sem auxílio do Software Winplot.Ao compararmos os dois grupos, o teste T de pares para amostras independentes, mostra-nos que estatisticamente não há diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos, porque os níveis de significância são maiores que p=0,05, desta feita podemos dizer que o grupo experimental, não obteve melhores resultados que o grupo de controlo, logo o Software Winplot não resultou o efeito desejado nas aprendizagens com alunos da 10ºano da Escola do segundo ciclo do ensino Secundário nº9099, sita no município de Viana (Luanda/Angola). ABSTRACT:The appropriate use of ICTs in teaching mathematics, today is considered by somo to be justified and inevitable, hoping that their use will improve the teaching and learning of mathematics.In this investigation, we intend to test the Software Winplot, teaching and learning of the graph of quadratic functions with students of grade 10, attending the second cycle of secondary School nº9099 in order to verify that improves teaching and learning of this subject.For our research selected two groups of students in 10th grade who acted as the controlo group and experimental group, after both group had undergone two pre-test, the experimental group performed the learning in the computer lab with the aid of Software Winplot, over 8 weeks during the second quarter of the academic year 2009/2010. Thr control gropu performed the learning, while the experimental group, in rregular class room without help of the Software Winplot.Comparing the two groups, the t test for independent samples pairs, shows us that there is no statistically significant differences between the two groups, because the significance levels are greater than p=0,05, this time we can say that experimental group, not yielded better results than the control group, so the Software did not result the desired effect on the learning with students from 10th grade of the School of the second cycle of Secondary nº9099, located in Viana (Luanda/Angola).


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The ability to foresee how behaviour of a system arises from the interaction of its components over time - i.e. its dynamic complexity – is seen an important ability to take effective decisions in our turbulent world. Dynamic complexity emerges frequently from interrelated simple structures, such as stocks and flows, feedbacks and delays (Forrester, 1961). Common sense assumes an intuitive understanding of their dynamic behaviour. However, recent researches have pointed to a persistent and systematic error in people understanding of those building blocks of complex systems. This paper describes an empirical study concerning the native ability to understand systems thinking concepts. Two different groups - one, academic, the other, professional – submitted to four tasks, proposed by Sweeney and Sterman (2000) and Sterman (2002). The results confirm a poor intuitive understanding of the basic systems concepts, even when subjects have background in mathematics and sciences.


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This study aims to be a contribution to a theoretical model that explains the effectiveness of the learning and decision-making processes by means of a feedback and mental models perspective. With appropriate mental models, managers should be able to improve their capacity to deal with dynamically complex contexts, in order to achieve long-term success. We present a set of hypotheses about the influence of feedback information and systems thinking facilitation on mental models and management performance. We explore, under controlled conditions, the role of mental models in terms of structure and behaviour. A test based on a simulation experiment with a system dynamics model was performed. Three out of the four hypotheses were confirmed. Causal diagramming positively influences mental model structure similarity, mental model structure similarity positively influences mental model behaviour similarity, and mental model behaviour similarity positively influences the quality of the decision.


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The ability to foresee how behaviour of a system arises from the interaction of its components over time - i.e. its dynamic complexity – is seen an important ability to take effective decisions in our turbulent world. Dynamic complexity emerges frequently from interrelated simple structures, such as stocks and flows, feedbacks and delays (Forrester, 1961). Common sense assumes an intuitive understanding of their dynamic behaviour. However, recent researches have pointed to a persistent and systematic error in people understanding of those building blocks of complex systems. This paper describes an empirical study concerning the native ability to understand systems thinking concepts. Two different groups - one, academic, the other, professional – submitted to four tasks, proposed by Sweeney and Sterman (2000) and Sterman (2002). The results confirm a poor intuitive understanding of the basic systems concepts, even when subjects have background in mathematics and sciences.


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This study aims to be a contribution to a theoretical model that explains the effectiveness of the learning and decision-making processes by means of a feedback and mental models perspective. With appropriate mental models, managers should be able to improve their capacity to deal with dynamically complex contexts, in order to achieve long-term success. We present a set of hypotheses about the influence of feedback information and systems thinking facilitation on mental models and management performance. We explore, under controlled conditions, the role of mental models in terms of structure and behaviour. A test based on a simulation experiment with a system dynamics model was performed. Three out of the four hypotheses were confirmed. Causal diagramming positively influences mental model structure similarity, mental model structure similarity positively influences mental model behaviour similarity, and mental model behaviour similarity positively influences the quality of the decision